1.12 Everything Forward Kywars Mall Non Pat Prem Premium Pvp Ring Skywars Super Survival Versions


It’s a Small Non-Premium Network
Recently opened

We have a Survival Super Chetado 1.12 with pvp 1.8 and compatible with all versions of minecraft

We are preparing everything to open a Skywars and other modalities
We look forward to your support

IP: CrowtyCraft

Amity Atapacks Calm Coreprotect Datapack Datapacks Death Chest Griefers Modifications Pve Qol Survival Tweak Tweaks Vanilla


CalmityCraft started a few weeks ago as some friends just playing a survival server together, but we’d like for more people to join us and create! We are looking for mature and active players to come join us and build/interact with other members of the server.

We are mostly vanilla, aside from some Vanilla Tweaks datapacks and QOL changes, such as death chests so your items don’t despawn or are stolen and CoreProtect for finding griefers and reversing damage. You can find a full list of modifications in our Discord server.


Anti Bran Brand Enjoy Help Mcserver New New Smp Opé Ran See Smp Survival Vote World


Help Vote For Our Brand New SMP world Hope You enjoy We Will see you out there……………………………………………….

4gb Anarchy Aust Australia Detail Details Difficult Difficulty Paper Pig Shit Spigot Survival Sydney Tail


AMS (AKA Adrian’s Minecraft Server) is an Anarchy and a Semi-Vanilla server which you can do what ever you want. I sometimes play and do some stuff.

Server Details:
Start Date: 25/07/2020
Rules: NONE!
Location: Sydney, Australia
Difficulty: Normal
Server Type: Paper Spigot 1.12.2

The Server might be down, mostly it would be bug fixes and new plugins. I am running a shitty server which dedicates 4Gb of ram for the server.

Come say Hi and challenge yourself or do whatever.

580 Hank Hanks Mall Mcmmo Peak People Poppy Poppycraft Pvp Spanish Speak Survival Thanks Toxic


Anarchy Bedwars Creative Factions Hacker Hacking Life Mini Games Skywars Spleef Survival Survival Games Tnt Tntrun Traditional


Is a minigames server that has many minigames including creative, survival traditional and remade, tntrun, spleef, bedwars, skywars, and many others (hacking is allowed in hacker factions as well)

Admins Bmc Build Emc Friendly Funny Host Lin Nline Oda Online Pvp Survival Today Vanilla


BMCS. Come and play today, Friendly staff funny admins. This is a build/2b2/pvp/vanilla server so come and play today. this server is online now! It is version 1.16.2 and is online 24/7

Ace Based Bat Battle Battle Royal Battle Royale Fast Fort Fortnite Nite Pvp Royale Skri Skript Stand


HellowBR is a fast paced last man standing Fortnite based battle royale server and it is 90% Skript.

Bored Creative Curse Cursed Cursed Meme Cursed Memes Meme Memes NSFW Ored Quarantine Sfw Texture Texture Pack Ville

Grelkville City Server

Just looking for people who wanna build and add to our city

Texture pack is in our discord:
(NSFW btw lots of cursed memes)

Started to cure boredom at the start of quarantine

Apex Ava Avatar Bend Bending Buy Capital Ita Pit Rol Role Role Play Roleplay Store Use


This server is a role play server about avatar we have plugins so you can do bending you can go to the store and buy the avatar bending so you can use all bending’s.

4fun Come Economy Fun Gami Gaming Gaming4fun Kitpvp Ming Mini Games Parkour Play Skyblock Survival Welcome


Welcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4funWelcome to Gaming4fun

Anarchy Anarchy Server Fin Hardcore Ita Join Les Live Mincraft Pvp Rule Rules Survival Vanilla Vita


Anarchy server for Finns !!!!!!
lively here there are no rules so join now !!!!!

Beta Bug Days Economy Forum Forums Fou Idea Ideas Parkour Please Prison Skyblock Store Survival


ValorousMC Network is Brand New Server. We Offer Fun for days, Custom Plugins And Tons of Unique Ideas Only Found On Our Server. We Hope you enjoy the server.
The Server Is In Beta, So Any Bugs Please Report On The Forums!

IP –
Website –
Store – Coming Soon!

Factions Kitpvp Mana Manage Menu Mini Games Playerserver Playerservers Pvp Raiding Roleplay Rserver Settings Skywars Slots


PlayerServers Network

here you can create your own free server with an easy-to-use menu to manage plugins and server settings.
We offer the best playerserver service out there with the free plan of having 15 player slots!

Boat Citizens Coffe Coffee Criminal Economy Goth Jail Mcmmo Prison Pve Pvp Roleplay Stronghold Survival

Coffee Craft

Beginning in the horrific aftermath of war, you escape a ruinous jail in search of a new life. You have heard rumours that Gulgotha is the only stronghold which has not been destroyed. You find a small boat, set sail, and escape. All you can think about are the possibilities. Who will YOU be and how will you thrive?

Hey everyone. This server is a new project i’m working on. I’m using some well known plugins like mcmmo, faction, quests dungeons and modifying them myself to create a new server style. My goal is to have a server with no limitations on building. whether its a new home, a shop for players or a castle. Griefing is disabled but PVP is enabled. I also want it so you can play however you like. You can be a humble shop keeper, selling farming supplies, you can play as a criminal, killing everyone you see and taking there money. or as a hero, completing quests for citizens and killing mobs to protect them.the player-base is small at the moment. But we have around 13 active players. normally we have around 10 people on at 3:00 EST.So join the server, and play how you want to!

Auctions Black Land Claims Market Multiplay Multiplayer Playershop Playershops Pve Economy Terra Terrain Tier Tiers Village Villager


————————————————————–ReposeMC is a fun and easy to play Survival
Multiplayer server that offers an interesting and unique way to play!

Our Features Include:

– Ranks/Tiers

– Crates
– Land Claims
– Auctions and Black market
– PlayerShops
– Villager Shops
– Custom Terrain



Data Dynmap Gar Garry's Mod Kitpvp Paper Pig Plots Spigot Surival Survival Tekxit Underworld Vanilla Vis

UnderworldMC (1.8.8-1.16.1), KitPVP, Plots, Surival

This is our Spigot/Paper Server for version 1.8.8-1.16.1. We have KitPVP, Plots, Survival, and more to come! We do have DynMap running on the server so you can see where your friends are!

Visit for more information, and more game servers! (We also have a Garry’s Mod, and a Tekxit 3 LE server!

Access Ask Claims Fast Invite Mana Manage Management Plotssquared Resource Resources Square Trade Vehicle Vehicles

CanterMine is a 1.15 server based based around PlotsSquared a land management system, player can claim plots of land and start gathering resources to build. When a player claims a plot of land they are the only player allowed to build on the plot unless they invite others to help build, players can also deny access to there plots so other players cant access. Players can user the plots command to get a full list of commands they can use. CanterMine also has Vehicles to get around the plots faster and Jobs, Jobs allows you to join a trade and get rewarded for doing trade related tasks.

Art Awesome Community Customize Design Events Faction Pvp Foodcraft Friends Gifts Lagclear Prizes Pvp Pvparena Sparkles Suggestions Support Survival

Phoenix Modded Server!!

Hello Gamers! Welcome to Phoenix’s Server! A super server with a ton of modded content to keep the game invigorating and new! Express yourself! We do have certain rules but overall a fun community!!! Here are the Mods we use (Curse forge 16.2)

JOIN MY DISCORD and i will help you set up the server. Make sure to install EACH OF THESE MODS before joining the server!

Ever dreamed of opening a coffee shop?? server info for COFFEE MOD and here is the correct download link

How about all sorts of different lamps and shades and light sources??? is for the EXTENDED LIGHTS MOD! here is the download for this mod!
Minecraft Mod Review: EXTENDED LIGHTS! (Lamps, Candles & More!)

[Express yourself! Customize your artpieces with your OWN HAND DRAWN ART. Gift other players with your unique pieces, create an ART GALLERY!! here is the info/recipes for the JOY OF PAINTING mod! the link for this Mod can be found here
[​8:31 AM]

Bored of plain chests? info for the STORAGE DRAWES MOD!! along with the download link of course
Storage Drawers Mod Tutorial – Minecolonies #5

Dont want to place x amount of lamps? Need some invisible light to cover those big spaces? Dont want to make torches while you’re mining?
aaand the lighting wand! i am going to post info on how to build this soon!

create a bakery, a restaurant, have people coming to you for their food 🙂 Pam’s harvest 2
[​10:47 AM]
the download link is here [



Our discord is !!!!!

Basics Chat Crazy Creative Ender Essential Essentials Family Griefprevention Max Mc Server Mcmmo Multiverse Prevention Survival

The Basics – MC Server

The Basics server is a place where you can be you and play with your friends and family. This is a new server with a small community. We keep the server at a max 10 players to prevent crazy chat spam and lag.If you have a plugin that you would like added, you can ask Thunder and the community will vote.Plugins:EssentialsMultiverseMCMMOGriefPreventionThat’s It!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Skyblock Servers For Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!