Welcome to YSGSMP!
YSGSMP makes use of a few new plugins, some of them making a comeback from Starcraft!
PowerRanks is returning from Starcraft! This plugin is for decorative and informative purposes, helping you know who’s Staff and who’s a Member, so there’s no point in saying you’re a staff if you are trying to cause trouble
TreeFeller makes cutting trees easier (if you have an axe, that is!). How? Allow me to explain: You have an axe in hand, and you chop the bottom block of a tree, because why not. Boom, all the logs are instantly broken! That’s what TreeFeller does: Automatically chops any logs above the one you broke, as long as you’re using an axe
WhosAFK is a simple plugin. It sends a message in Chat when someone hasn’t moved for over a minute, letting people know that they’re AFK. As soon as they start moving again, another message is sent
SavageDeathChest alleviates a lot of the stress from dying, at least a bit. When you die, a chest is placed at your death location, with a sign on top with your username, containing your entire inventory. This chest will stay there until an hour has passed, it’s broken or someone loots it, making it less stressful if you died a while away from your spawnpoint, giving you time to get back to your stuff
SkinsRestorer is very useful if you’re on Bedrock. As Java clients won’t be able to see your normal skin, and you have a custom skin you want to show off, normally there’d be nothing you can do. However, with SkinsRestorer, any client can show their skin! All you need is an image URL from Imgur, or the Skindex, with your skin, and use /skin set in-game
Geyser and Floodgate need no introduction. Together, they allow Bedrock clients to connect to a Java server with no issues, other than skins (solved via SkinsRestorer)
The first, EssentialsX, can be fun if you know what you’re doing. The second one, however, is the one I want to focus on. Essentials Discord is an addon for EssentialsX, which, when set up properly, allows you to communicate with Discord members. Discord can read Minecraft chat, Minecraft can read Discord chat. Really nice, to be honest
Server Information
Paper 1.18.2, with Bedrock 1.18.12 support via Geyser and Floodgate
None, you can just join!
No, you must have a paid Java account or Bedrock client
24/7, unless updating files