Abilities Active Awesome Build Community Currency Dedicated Dynmap End Fly Forums Fun Lwc Map Mature Mcmmo Minecraft Mines Mmo Mod Need New Play Player Plugin Plugins Rey Rpg Server Shop Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Voting Website Who


Welcome to Outbreak!

We are a new 24/7 dedicated survival server, looking for players to join our awesome community! We are a grey-list server, so please Sign Up on our website with your *Minecraft Username* to be instantly added to our grey-list! We chose a great selection of plugins that will enhance your game experience, NOT slow your game down. We have mature staff who are helpful and attentive, as well as easy going. Come join us at


LWC: Want to lock your chests and doors? OutBreak offers LWC free to our players so you don’t have to worry about your items being stolen!

McMMo: This plugin adds a RPG element to the game. You gain levels as you play, and receive bonuses as you level up such as double-drops, rare drops, and better abilities! This plugin also allows you to repair your tools and armour just by placing an iron block! You never have to make multiple tools again!

Towns: The game is more fun when you build with friends! We only offer land protection to towns, so you can either recruit residents to help you build one, or join an existing town instead!

iConomy: This plugin adds currency to the game, which allows you to buy and sell items with other players, or you can make your very own shop! Need some more cash? We have lots of other ways for you to make money on our server such as voting for OutBreak on Minestatus, and signing up on our forums!

Dynmap: Never get lost again! We have a virtual map of our world and it’s players.

Affordable Membership Packages! Get Flymod, Super Pickaxe, Falsebook, and more!

Active Admin Amazing Autorank Build Class Community Crates Eco Enjin Fair Fun Great Irl Item Job Jobs Join Mcmmo Mmo Open Perks Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Quest Rank Reset Rewards Server Spawn Survival Unique Vote Voting War Who

The Black Disc

Here at The Black Disc we offer a server very close to regular survival, where players have to run and gather things to progress, like a true survivalist, but whilst still having fun perks to liven it up as well. We have plugins such as mcMMO, Jobs and Autorank to add to the server to give you something to work and strive for as you play. Whether you’re aiming to get the top Autorank, or maybe striving for that number 1 spot on the mcMMO scoreboard, The Black Disc could be the perfect server for you. We also offer a server with no resets, which makes this a great place for any player who wishes to build some amazing things without worrying about them just getting deleted.

Voting for us can get you a reward every 2 votes, with rewards ranging from the rare rewards containing beacons or spawn eggs to an inventory of wool or clay. There are almost 400 different rewards which you’re eligible for every time you’ve voted twice, with some unique items to our server as well. Weve also JUST added CratesPlus to our server, giving further depth for Rank rewards and Voting.

With a very active Owner and Admin, be sure to expect any questions or problems to be answered and fixed fairly quickly.
So join us and become an essential part of our growing community by joining The Black Disc today.


Active Anti Ats Build Building Class Craft Custom Drug Drugs Economy Fac Faction Farm Game Government Grief Houses Mod Pets Play Player Players Pve Pvp Raiding Rewards Survival Timber Tnt Town Towns Towny Unique Voting War Wns Zombies


Covid-19 Virus – Infected Foods that can cause Covid-19: raw meats, rotten flesh, and spider eyes – Zombies all carry the Corona Virus and have a chance at infecting you
**Unique Survival Gamemode *Civs* – Civs is like towny + faction
Civs allows players to build towns that require houses, farms, defenses, or whatever you want. Players can build structures that can do just about anything. If you can imagine it, then you can construct a building that can do it.140 Structures to build, Can be a resident in 5 towns at once – Government types that influence town
*Civs uses a custom GUI – Use /cv to get started or rightclick on your civs book ingame
* Other Features
Players get reward for playtime, daily, and voting rewards.
Drugs, Pets, Timber!, Anti Creeper grief, and anti Wither grief (TNT STILL WORKS)

Active Ats Balance Block Chest Class Coded Cool Custom Eco Econ Economy Fun Gadgets Gui Island Item Items Join Land Lit Mine Npc Pet Pets Plugin Pve Quest Quests Server Shop Sky Skyblock Survival Survival Games Survive Vanilla Voting

Reno Skyblock

skyblock server where you can get a island with little items and try and survive we have shop,npc,chests etc come and join and have fun
custom Ore Generators
Custom Coded Skyblock plugin
Custom Automine Block Hoppers
Custom Shop Gui
A balance Economy
Some Fun Gadgets,Pets,Hats And More
Voting For Some Cool Items ECT
So Come Along And Make Number One On The Scoreboard

Ass Class Com Community Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy End Friendly Job Jobs Join Leplay Map Maps Mystery Ops Pet Pets Play Pvp Reward Rewards Riendly Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Shop Shops Style Super Survival Voting War


Survival/Roleplay/PVPMaps/Jobs/Economy/Rewards/Voting/MysteryGifts/Pets/Shops/And Many More… Come and join our friendly community…


Awesome Community Cracked Custom Dedicated End Faction Factions Friendly Hard Hardcore Hub Mature Minecraft Mines Need Network Open Perks Play Plugin Plugins Pve Rank Ranks Rewards Server Servers Sky Skyblock Smp Staff Unique Vote Voting War Website Who

VeridianCraft | Cracked | 24/7

Please vote for rewards if you enjoy the VeridianCraft server.
NOTE: Please dont use the port in the IP – it is not needed, and is only required by Minestatus.

VeridianCraft – 24/7 HUB – Hardcore Factions – PvE SMP – Skyblock – 32GB dedicated server

VeridianCraft has recently revamped its awesome Minecraft experience bringing now a multiple server hub where you can play multiple different game styles on the same server. We run our own custom plugins which arent available to other servers, with unique experiences with an friendly and helpful community which you can play against or form teams and alliances with. We have great donator ranks which give you extra perks and benefits for life, along with free voting rewards for supporting us and helping us grow. We have strict rules which keep the community a great place, and we have over 99% uptime so you dont have to worry about not being able to play. We run on our own machines so you never have to worry about lagging on a computer of any spec, and have professional and mature staff who will be able to help you any time of the day.

Machine Specification:
Intel Xeon E3-1245v3
32GB DDR3 ECC @1333MHz
Intel 320 SSD 120GB (x2)
100GB/s network (upload/download)

You can visit our website @
Play on VeridianCraft @


Action Actions Active Ass Base Based Class Day Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Imple Join Midnight Network Night Play Pvp Server Shop Simp Simple Survival This Today Two Voting Work


This is a factions based server with a voting system, a shop and many more features! If you want a simple factions server than join today!

Anarchy Build Crates Create Creative Custom Discord Dynmap Earth Economy End Faction Factions Good Jobs Mob Nether Normal Paper Pay Peaceful Play Playershops Plots Plugin Prison Pvp Quest Ranks Rewards Server Spawners Store Survival Towny Unique Voting Wars Website

World Conquest – Towny on Earth

[ World Conquest ] 18000×12000 blocks map copy of Planet Earth. Find a Live Feed map of the world using /map. A Unique Towny experience that is highly customizable. Build Towns, make Nations and take part in weekly WORLD WARS or Dont. Chose to stay peaceful, make firends, build houses, farms and an economy in your own town! Welcome to World Conquest. Jobs, Crates, Free Ranks, Economy and more!!Updates:2019-09-07:Conquest Coins can now be earned by selling items at /warp market.New shop added! Use /warp shop to access it!ConquestMarket has arrived! Use you Conquest Coins at /warp conquestmarket to purchase crazy kits!Check out the Minersdream kit. The Redstone Kit, the builder kit and more!Crates are now working as intended, recieve keys by playing, voting and buy them for conquest coins.Outposts are now available, anti-bot plugin setup, upgraded server for improved stability and ranks are now fully setupWorld Conquest Update 2.1.0- The Feature Update -LEADERBOARDS HAVE ARRIVED!- You can now follow player progress at /warp leaderboards!- The top players/nations/towns of each leaderboard will receive luxurious rewards at the end of EACH month!- Compete against your peers and claim the prizes!- If you have suggestions for additional leaderboards, DM Xiztence on Discord or make a forum post.Iron Elevators – Simple elevators for your Builds!- Place iron blocks in a vertical line. Max 14 blocks apart- Go up a floor by jumping on the block, down by crouching.Store your XP in a bottle and sell it!- Use /xpbottle to see how much XP you currently have.- Use /xpbottle amount, e.g /xpbottle 100, to turn your XP into a bottle.Conquest Coins Revamped:- Old Conquest Coins enchanted ones are no longer useable. Please exchange them by going to /warp exchange- Get Conquest Coins by selling farming items at /warp market- Use Conquest Coins to buy special items at /warp market- Use Conquest Coins to buy special kits using /conquestkitsMore updates coming tomorrow!World Conquest Update 2.2.0- The Gameplay Update -Today I am adding spawners to the shop, new shop prices, playertime and more! Check it out!Spawnershop has arrived!!Use /warp spawners or /warp spawnershop to teleport to the spawnershop.- Purchase spawners by right-clicking signs!- Sell mobdrops at /warp shop for in-game cash!- Trade mobdrops for Conquest Coins at /warp market!- You are also able to pick up spawners using a Silk Touch pickaxe!- More to come!SECRET SPAWNER: Squid spawners can be occasionally found in /vote premium Crates! These are EXTREMELY VALUEABLE! Good luck!Playertime- Use /playtime to check your playtime on the server!Leaderboards Update- Most residents leaderboard has been removed due to bugs.- Added playtime leaderboards Monthly playtimeMinor Changes- /t spawn now works properly in Spawn.- Lapis sell price has been nerfed.- Cactus sugarcane have been nerfed.- Melon pumpkin have been buffed.- Mob drops now sell for a higher price to make spawners more attractive.- Mob drops are now tradeable for Conquest Coins at /warp market.- Crate odds have been tweaked. Kits are now more rare, and Squid Spawner added to vote crate.- Various server performance optimizations.Whats next?I have several more features planned including but not limited to:- Mob arena- Pvp arena- More options for Conquest Coins such as the ability to purchase additional town blocks, more kits, custom commands such as fly within town borders.- Additional tweaking of prices- Blaze Spawners are now findable in the nether. Please use this with caution as they are no only 10,000 at /warp spawnershop. Prices in shop have also been lowered to balance the economy./Fly is now purchasable using /conquestmarket toggles fly/nv is now purchasable using /conquestmarket toggles nightvision/kit goldenblade is now purchasable using /conquestmarket Looting 5 Gold Sword/kit Squidspawnerr is now purchaseable using /conquestmarket 1x Squid SpawnerTwo Exclusive in-game name tags now available at /warp crates! Use mythical keys!Plots have now been added and will be activated shortly!Playershops have now been added!Economy has been entirely revamped! 500 increase in prices and inflation.Today I am implementing two massive new features! Read more down below!Plot worldPlayer plots has arrived!! Use /warp plots or /warp plotworld to get started!- Claim a plot in the plot world!- Invite friends to your plot!- Build shops in your plots!- Bring items from Conquest world to build with!- /Kit builder price lowered for those who want to get started fast!- Use /plotstutorial for a quick tutorial on how to claim your plot and commands!PlayershopsThis. This is exciting. Lets see what you can do.- Players can now create shops by placing down a chest, and punching it with the item they wish to sell!- Shops are able to sell Enchanted Items, Conquest Coins, Keys and more! Everything is sellable!- For a quick text tutorial on how to setup your shop use /playershops in-game!Its up to you to decide the economy. Good luck! Player Warps Coming tomorrowI am working on implementing the ability to purchase WARPS.Perfect for those who wish to open their own shop in the plotsworld.- Purchase a custom warp with Conquest Coins!Minor changes:Two new exclusive tags in the Mythical Crate!Price tweaking in /warp shop.World Wars coming tomorrow!!WORLD WAR BEGINS FRIDAY 20:00 CEST and will end on SUNDAY 20:00 CEST.During war Nations fight each other. Towns without a nation are not included. Nations can also pay a daily Neutrality cost of 250 In-game cash to avoid taking part in the war /nation toggle neutral. Use /towny war hud to open a scoreboard which details points and properties of the townblock you are standing in. Use /towny war participants to see all participants in the war.How to play: While war is in effect, each competing town has a health points property attached to it. Normal townblocks have an HP of 60 while Home Blocks have 120 points. A townblock loses HP by enemy-nation residents standing within the townblock. When a townblock has lost all HP and fallen the town which the attacker belongs to gains one townblock and points to their War Score.When players are killed in a town where they are considered to be enemies in the war, they may be sent to the towns Jail. If the jail plot is attacked and has its HP reduced to 0, any prisoners-of-war imprisoned there will be let free in a jailbreak.NOTE:Only townblocks on the edge of the wilderness can be attacked first.During this FIRST WORLD WAR the following blocks will be editable in warzones: TNT, Fences, Ladders, Doors and fire.TNT will destroy blocks, however the blocks will regenerate after a period of time has passed. Storage containers are safe from TNT – This means blocks such as chests, shulkerboxes, droppers, hoppers etc.Points in war given for the following: A enemy killed: 2A townblock stolen: 1A town knocked out of the war: 10 A nation knocked out of the war: 100WAR ENDS AFTER 24 HOURS!When a war has ended you can read more about the results on our website at Gamemode will also release soon!Latest news:Factions mode now has Crates, Auction House and more! Check it out!New Dynmap on Factions with custom colors for your factions!Mobs will now stack when spawned by spawners!You can now withdraw money to paper notes using /withdraw!BeastCore Added! Crop Mob Hoppers are now available in /kits!You can now stack spawners for easy mob spawners!Mob Arena added!

Active Best Chill Claim Claiming Class Community Craft Create Creative Eco Econ Economy End Friendly King Land Land Claim Mod New Open Original Play Player Players Plot Plots Rps Server Shop Shops Simple Skyblock Survival Unique Voting War Warp Warps


ChillCraft is a new server that has recently been re-opened, originally founded in 2014. 

We are a friendly, laid-back community that wants to create the best experience for our players. We are always taking feedback from our members, and reward players for contributing. Playtime and voting will reward players for their dedication and contribution to the server. 

If you want to play on a server with a solid, improved Survival experience that still provides Creative Plots and many other game modes then this is the server for you! In Survival, we have land claiming, player warps, player shops, economy and all essential commands to keep the player experience as simple as possible 🙂

We only want to improve through your feedback and suggestions and will be constantly looking at unique ways to provide the best service 🙂 

Arena Arenas Build Class Cool Craft Diamond Donator Enjin Event Game Grief Griefprevention Help Houses Ill Inecraft Land Lands Lit Mine Minecraft Money Nice Open Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Rank Rewards Semi Server Staff Survival Vanilla Vote Voting War



This server is about Survival , its Semi-Vanilla that means that we try to keep as less plugins as possible to keep the vanilla Survival, we do have pvp and arenas.
For the moment we have enough staff but you can apply as staff , donators have higher chances of getting the staff rank because they put trust in the server by keeping it alive.
We hope you guys have nice ideas to build you houses.

Ofcourse we use plugins to protect our lands the plugin this server uses is GriefPrevention.
And we have a cool pet plugin for donators.

Voting helps the server alot and you will get rewards for it 2 diamonds, 32 xp bottles and 1000 in-game money on each vote.
If there are any bugs/glitches report it to the staff-members.

See you on the server )


Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Discord Economy Plugins Shops Towny

Legacy SMP

`━─━━─━─━─≪ ≫─━─━─━━─━╮
◆ Legacy SMP
We are a Towny mock government server based on the British Parliament, overseeing the server. Our community primarily consists of members aged 16 and above. Having been active for about a year, weve recently embarked on a new season.
━─━━─━─━─≪ ≫─━─━─━━─━╯
╔════════════ ═
║ ➥ ► 27/7 Online Server
║ ➥ ► Active Towns
║ ➥ ► Server Economy
║ ➥ ► Frequent Events
║ ➥ ► AntiCheat/Anti-XRay
║ ➥ ► Auction House
║ ➥ ► Jobs Plugin
║ ➥ ► MCMMO Skills
║ ➥ ► Wars (Greifing optional)
║ ➥ ► Player Shops
║ ➥ ► Daily Vote Reward
║ ➥ ► Admin Shop
║ ➥ ► Active And Friendly Staff
║ ➥ ► Mock Government
║ ➥ ► Plugins: Towny, Dynmap, Graves,
║ ➥ ► Frequent Updates

║—==( 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨 𝙒𝙚 𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 )==—

║✓ Xbox
║✓ PS4
║✓ Mobile
║✓ PC/Computer
║✓ Nintendo Switch

║—==( Sever Information )==—
║Interested? Join our discord server.


Cross-Play Economy Survival Whitelist

Artemis Online

Server is still in development
Please make sure to join the invite link for discord for any further information

Discord Dungeons Survival


Welcome to Fate X Network, we have some unique Minecraft projects, which might interest you, adventurer.

Current projects:
Anime/RPG style survival. Grind experience, defeat bosses, level up, fight for land, complete dungeons, create own civilization and fight for it.

Follow us on social media:


Economy Pvp Survival Towny


Towny server with custom enchantments and the ability to customize your weapons and tools. Come and have fun at AmethystCraft!

AmethystCraft is a fantastic Minecraft server from Chile. Its a towny server with custom enchantments and the ability to customize your weapons and tools. Come and have hours of fun at AmethystCraft!

Cross-Play Pve Survival


+ Weekly boss.
+ Regularly update Events.
Join the survival!! Map vanilla 1.19

Creative Roleplay

Imaginears Club

Welcome to Imaginears Club, a place of dreams and magic were all of your wishes and dreams come true. We have recreated Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL in Minecraft with tons of working rides and attractions as well as shows.

Survival Vanilla Whitelist

McDollibee SMP

A nations and worldbuilding server. Survival server.

Pls join discord first! :)) Server is whitelisted.

–McDollibee SMP Discord–


毛玉线圈物语 NyaaCat

The Woolly Tales server is committed to providing a simple, reliable, and minimally restricted online Minecraft original survival game experience.

The Woolly Tales server is a public welfare, non-profit, original survival server. This server does not set permissions other than survival players and administrators, and will not ask for any personal privacy, money or items.

We do not have any charging items, please do not believe any three-dimensional transactions related to this server.
Administrators will not add administrative prefixes or suffixes to themselves. If necessary, please call the administrator in the group.
Please do not trust any information involving personal privacy and property. Please do not disclose it to anyone or enter your account password or payment information in any place that is not Mojang official or claims to be Mojang official.
New players will be given some game currency as gifts. Please do not believe malicious players' fraud or deception to purchase items of non-equivalent value at high prices or transfer money. Please keep a clear head and distinguish right from wrong.


Skyblock Towny


First in Turkey: SkyBlock with Lucky Block!
Games: Towny, Chance Block SkyBlock

IP :

You can enter with all versions between 1.16.5 and 1.19.2.


Pve Survival


A chill community server running a custom 1.18.2 pack
Mod List is available here:
Mod pack is available in the discord



Welcome to MCBeeCraft
Welcome to MCBeeCraft
Welcome to MCBeeCraft
Welcome to MCBeeCraft
Welcome to MCBeeCraft
Welcome to MCBeeCraft
Welcome to MCBeeCraft

Factions Pve Pvp Survival

Joe Craft

Joe Craft is a small server open for those who are looking for some good fun, and we feature PVP tournaments and custom boss fights weekly to test your mettle. These boss fights are endgame content for people looking for bosses harder than the wither and the ender dragon. The PVP tournaments give out custom rewards that can give you that much more of an edge over opponents and bosses. Do you have what it takes? Come find out.

Economy Roleplay Whitelist

Traffic Trade


– Give yourself different jobs, such as farmer, construction worker, train driver, switchman and much more!
– Roleplay
– Play Minecraft Survival
– Whitelist active
– Forge 1.7.10

Economy Rules Survival Vanilla

Magic Tavern – Minecraft RPG-Vanilla server Minecraft server

Good day, players.

Magic Tavern is a server that combines elements of RPG and classic Minecraft.

To make it easier for you to understand, let's say in the language you are familiar with: New mobs, new equipment, quests, minor elements of the RPG genre (from Storekeeper and Auctioneer to Groups and Clans), a balanced economy – all this is in the universe of the Magic Tavern server.

Also, we haven't forgotten about survival! Four seasons with their own characteristics and a new unusual generation of the world of your inquisitive explorer!

On our server, as in all its web resources, the rules are mandatory and the administration carefully monitors their compliance, so no one will be left deprived or offended.

We do not sell privileges that have access to /gm 1 or /op, and therefore each player is only as developed as he or she puts in the effort.

And, accordingly, no one will block you for no reason, as players like to do on servers that sell administrator statuses and everything like that.

Our main goal is to achieve a comfortable game for every player, which we strive for very much and do not stop working on the server, and updates are released quite often.

We really hope that you will appreciate our work and will not pass by.

Thank you for taking the time to read this text, we are waiting for everyone on our server, we will be glad to see any of you.

Cross-Play Earth Economy Lifesteal Pvp Survival Vanilla

Middle School Asia

Our Server is 24/7 Online, You can play anytime!
Version 1.9 – 1.18.2
Discord Server

Economy Mcmmo Survival


esss server
full name:
Extremely Simple Survival Server
owner: chichungchen95

Economy Survival Survival Games

HyperCraft SMP

Version: 1.18.2

The HyperCraft SMP is Survival Multiplayer Server that has a small community so far! I’m on the server every day for at least 30 mins just hanging out

Economy: The Economy heavily relies on players trading with each other, money is used for trades between players as well as for buying certain items from the shop (WIP)

Lands: You can claim land from around the world, slowly trusting players to join you, create a nation, and make war against your enemies! The limit of land is 75 chunks! (WIP)

Quest: Working on a Quest system

Skills: (WIP)

Discord: Add GhvztWYD#3795

Site: Coming Soon

Cross-Play Survival


Minecraft Java:
Minecraft Bedrock: Port: 27105
Minecraft Other: Port: 27105)

More info here:

Mini Games Oneblock Survival Survival Games


Sri lankan first 1.18.2 Minecraft Sever is here.
If you are looking for a fun, eventful, friendly minecraft server look no further!

Our server have some populer player modes
-Balanced Economy
-Anti-griefing ( Claim )

Web – coming soon …
Teamspeak – coming soon …
Store – coming soon …
Discord –

Anarchy Lifesteal Pvp

Vail Lifesteal SMP

VAIL LIFESTEAL SMP (CRACKED, 7GB RAM, SERVER TPS 20, ALL THE ESSENTIAL PLUGINS YOU NEED) We have a cool community, nice spawn, new seasons occasionally, /shop, /tpa, /team, etc

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!