Arena Blockhunt Datapack Ffa Games Gungame Has Hideandseek Knockbackffa Minigames Paintball Pigwars Server Skywars Spleef Tntrun Trapking Ttt Vanilla

Vanilla Minigames [DE|EN]

Version 1.15.2!

Aktuell gibt es auf diesem Server 12 Spielmodi, alle wurden selbst mit Datenpaketen programmiert! Es werden keine Plugins verwendet!
Alle (aktuellen) Spielmodi, Ideen werden gerne gesehen und umgesetzt:
– Block Hunt
– GunGame
– Knockback
– Mini-Bedwars (BW-Training)
– Pigwars (ähnlich wie Bedwars, nur statt Betten Schweine)
– Skywars 2vs1 & 4×2
– Paintball
– TNT-Run
– Spleef
– Trapking
– Mobarena
– MLG Training

Alles, was möglich ist, wird auf Englisch übersetzt (mithilfe von /trigger Language im Spiel auswählbar).
– Ticket-System ingame
– Fliegen & Nick für YouTuber (kann auf dem Discord beantragt werden)
– Spiele beobachten
– Events

This server consists only of data packs, (almost) everything is self coded! Our gamemodes:
– GunGame
– Knockback
– Pigwars (a kind of Bedwars)
– Mini-Bedwars (Stickfight/Stickjump)
– Block Hunt
– Skywars 2vs1 & 4×2
– Paintball
– TNT-Run
– Spleef
– Trapking
– Mobarena
– MLG Training

Default language is german, but you can use /trigger Language ingame to see more english ^^


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Admin Allowed Auction Build Claim Color Crazy Creative Eco End Essentials Event Family Friendly Grief Griefprevention Job Jobs Map Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mypet New Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Ranks Server Servers Staff Survival Title Vanilla Vault

Chugs and Beagles

Server IP:
:apple: by thebaum64 This is a simple 1.15.2 survival server.
It was established in memory of 2 dogs, as well as to help cope with anxiety. :)

Grief Prevention
Crazy Auction House
Player Vault
PVP Toggle
Sleep Plugin

This server is mainly for family oriented players, parents, children, passionate builders and nature lovers, who simply want a quiet survival server without the noise of ranks, staff or pay2win.
Everyone will have equal access to commands, including /nick & color use, as well as many other commands. If you become a trusted player, you can take a break from survival and work on creative projects or terraforming if this is something you are passionate about.

The server was established on the 6th of March 2020. The map is brand new, with simple notice boards at spawn and roughly 200×200 admin claim around spawn. Players may be allowed to build in the admin claim if they prove they can be trusted. The map border is currently set to 10k, but this will be expanded as and if needed.

If this server sounds appealing to you, please come check it out. Anyone is welcome, as long as they keep the server family friendly.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Claim Claiming Class Classic Community Craft Discord Donor End Experience Friends Inecraft Item Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Multiplayer New Noop Open Play Player Plot Rol Semivanilla Server Servers Shop Shops Simple Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Trading Traditional Vanilla Website World

Woodencraft Survival Multiplayer – A simple, community oriented survival server with trading shops!

Some people don’t want to play a server loaded with features that takes forever to figure out — some want the traditional Minecraft experience with their friends.

Welcome to Woodencraft Survival Multiplayer! As a community oriented server, we welcome you to our classic survival experience with a few added features such as land claiming and player controlled trading shops!

We now have also added a donor world! Our many generous donors get a flat world to unleash their creativity in a non-plot, open world system.

Our Website
Our Discord

Active Arena Auction Block Build Buildbattle Cat Class Creative Creativeplots Custom Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Fun Game Games Ill King Mini Games Mob Mod Nice Parkour Play Plot Plots Realm Semi Semivanilla Server Small Survival Title Vanilla World

Cat Realms

Greetings and welcome to Cat Realms!
We are a small yet friendly server with looking for both active and nice people to play with!1.-We have Semi-vanilla survival mode, with a nice economy, auction house, and /sell hand command available.
2.-We have as well a Creative world, using the regular yet efficient PlotSquared system.
3.-And last but not least, we have some mini games available! such as a custom mob arena, build battle, and a small but fun parkour for you to have fun!!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Admin Admins Class Craft Currency Diamond Discord Eco Econ Economy End Game Greif Greifing Hack Hacking Head Heads Inecraft Item Items King Mine Minecraft Mob New Play Player Reddit Semi Server Shop Survival Title Top Trade Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted

Sikatika Economy

Sikatika Economy is a semi-vanilla survival minecraft server in the end game phase of the game. It has a shopping district where you can buy items and set up a new shop. The currency of the server is diamonds. We also have some datapcks like wandering trader micro blocks, player heads, and more mob heads. We also have active admins to stop greifing and hacking. Once you have played for a few days we will invite you to our discord. To get whitelisted contact OxygenBreather#7302 on discord, or GamboySanderson on reddit.

Build Builds Community Cool Craft Dedicated End Essentials Fair Farm Friendly Fun Help Join King Map Mine Minecraft Mob Multiplayer New Open Pay Play Player Rank Ranks Redstone Rewards Server Smp Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Vanilla War Worldedit Worldguard

Stoneburner Gaming SMP

Featuring a brand new survival map focused more on enjoying the vanilla aspects of the game, Stoneburner Gaming’s SMP server and it’s affiliated community are celebrating 10 consecutive years of community driven minecraft gameplay!

Our Survival Multiplayer server focuses on a heavily community driven experience. Community members have real input into the changes we implement, and the direction we take in the near and far future.

Our server has a fair set of rules that are in place to protect you, the player, and should in no way affect your ability to have fun. Our team of staff members have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and are always friendly and willing to help new players.

In terms of ranks, we have a system that rewards player creativity and ingenuity. You can advance through the player ranks by creating cool builds, redstone contraptions, mob farms etc.

We do not feature any paid rank or reward systems, as we are privately funded, and believe rewards should be based on effort, creativity and merit over paying for advantages

Should you wish to join us, we would be more than happy to welcome you with open arms. We’e looking for fun and dedicated members to join our server and expand our community. Come and say hello c:

Allowed Anarchy Anarchysurvival Claim Claims Discord End Environment Fun Grief Griefing Head Heads Home Homes Map Minecraft New Norules Open Play Player Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Ranks Reset Safe Server Small Survival Title Unique Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay War 1.15.2

Anarchy Survival is a Minecraft server that promises its players RAW untouched vanilla gameplay with PvP, a neverending world, and no rules. The world is 62 GB large at this moment with no claims. Griefing, raiding, and PvP is allowed.

With focus laid mainly on ensuring that gameplay is totally raw while maintaining a small touch of uniqueness to differentiate the server from others, it is safe to say each and every player has their own experience and perception of AS.

Ontop of vanilla Minecraft, a few features we’ve added to make this server unique are:

  • Player heads (Heads will drop from your enemies! Whenever you kill another player, you have a 50% chance to receive their skull.)
  • Free progressive ranks (Entirely cosmetical and only functions as a way of separating veterans from newcomers.)
  • No sethomes, warps, or tpas (All forms of travel are completely vanilla. This makes the world feel much bigger and gets players more immersed in the environment.)
  • The map will never reset (As of writing this, our map is 8 months old and the goal is to never reset it as long as the server lasts!)
  • IP:


    Active Allowed Anarchy Build Building Claim Community Create Creative Discord End Force Friendly Grief Hack Hacking Hard Hermitcraft Lore Minecraft New Normal Open Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Small Smp Staff Store Survival Town Trans Unique Vanilla Youtube

    The Vanilla Touch | Vanilla SMP


    Hello, PlanetMinecraft users.

    Our Philosophy

    We aim to provide a stable, 24/7 server that upholds the values of vanilla while preserving the hard work put in by those who decide to participate. Created with the values in mind and the motivation provided from those who servers falsely advertised vanilla but rather had folders filled to the brim with plugins. We believe in providing the classic Minecraft SMP experience as the game was intended to be played, meaning no gameplay-modifying plugins, no creative mode usage by any staff whatsoever, and no world resets.

    The Community

    One of the key things setting The Vanilla Touch apart from other survival servers is the active, friendly, and tight-knit community, as well as the unique etiquette, playstyle, and culture of our members. Each and every build on the server was made legitimately by fellow players, entirely in survival mode. If you’re a fan of SMP YouTube series such as Hermitcraft or Mindcrack, you may be interested in The Vanilla Touch.

    Only a small fraction of the world has been explored, so there is plenty of land for you to claim as your own. Feel free to join one of the few settlements that already exist, go solo, or even build an entirely new town of your own! The possibilities are infinitely vast on The Vanilla Touch.


    The Vanilla Touch is a greylist server, so you must apply via discord after taking a look around the world. Please do so by joining the Vanilla Touch Discord server linked below. Please mention your in-game username and leave a short explanation of why you are interested and what you have to bring to the server.

    Or, feel free to apply via this post.



    Why are you interested in joining?:

    How will you benefit the server?:


    Discord is our main use of communication when in and out of game, all announcements are posted there as well as general discussion for future projects. We also have hangout channels for when you’re mining or working on something and of course a music bot to just sit back and relax. (

    When you are approved for greylist, you may join the server on version 1.15.2 using the IP:


    Please keep in mind that The Vanilla Touch is not an anarchy server. While we aim to keep in line with our vanilla Minecraft philosophy as much as possible, we have a set of rules put in place to ensure that players do not infringe upon others’ right to enjoy the game. These are enforced by active moderators, and they are easy to follow:

  • Do not mess with other players’ projects.
  • No griefing or stealing of others items.
  • No disrespect or hates speech of any kind, although swearing is allowed.
  • No hacking, cheating, or any third party scripts of any kind.
  • No PVP unless both players give consent.
  • Duping or major glitches not disclosed are not tolerated.
  • There is a single plugin installed on the server, CoreProtect. This plugin does not interfere or intrude on normal play in any circumstance. Its purpose is to ensure that transactions are logged, griefed buildings are restored to their former glory, and those responsible are held accountable for their actions.


    We fully intend on updating the server as Minecraft progresses, we are ready to update the map to 1.16 and are excited for future updates!

    Adventure Adventures Boss Bosses Build Building Citizens Citizens2 Community Contests Economy Economychestshop Events Fantasy Fantasyrp Friendly Fun Good Lore Npcs Plugin Plugins Quest Questing Quests Questsystem Roleplay Roleplaying Semivanilla Staff Stories Story Storyline Survival Survive Vanilla

    StoryCraft: Precipice – A Server With a Story

    A tightly wrapped pea-coat. A popped collar. A hat pulled low. Fumbling for keys as the rain pelts leather back. Left- right- breast- rear! As deftly closed as it was opened, the door swings silently shut. Hat, Coat, Keys, Quiet. Only the pitter, pitter, pitter, pat out of doors and footsteps. One, two, three steps down. The familiar smell of dust and age-old pages. A nook by the high window and cushions abound. Waking soon gives way to sleep at the hands of a good book. Dreaming. Fields of hay and mushrooms. Cottages with stout chimneys. Forests, rivers, and… awake again. No… Not wake. This is not the corner host to so many long days and late nights. Pat, pat, pat… skitter. Pillows and rain has given way to meticulously hewn stones
    and stale air.

    “Awake at last.” A mere whisper amplified so many scores by church walls. Deafening.

    Whiskers like hay. A nose akin to caps from so many stews before. Homely and stout, smoking a cigar like a stovepipe. Forest green eyes sparkling as lively as a bubbling brook.

    “Welcome finally, traveler, to Fel’Arthia!”

    Hello! You’ve just arrived here at our little server, so let me show you what makes StoryCraft great.

  • Survival: Even with all the ranks and forum, at its heart StoryCraft is really just a refreshingly simple semi-vanilla survival server.
  • Community: Our most attractive feature and the reason why many of us have been here for several years.
  • Quests: Here we have quests given out by NPCs ranging from building your first house to becoming an affluent merchant.
  • Ranks: 8 achievable player ranks, each with new perks to keep the content coming after you feel like you’ve beaten the game.
  • Monthly contests: Every month we host a new player contest for rank points, so come on and show us what you’ve got!
  • Active and friendly staff: We don’t interview or hire new players for staff here. All of our staff are just old players who fell in love with the server and wanted to give something back to the community. That’s right, even me!
  • Story: Last, and most importantly, story! What would we be without it? We have a lot of lore and history to be uncovered through future events and quests, but the most important tale of all may just be yours, so
  • Come visit our website at,
    Discord at, or
    join us in-game at!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Admin Admins Claim Claiming Class Cool Discord Experience Explore Free Freedom Fresh Game Ill Join King Land Land Claim Lore Nice Noop Open Original Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Rules Semivanilla Server Simple Smp Survival Survive Title Tripp Vanilla Who World

    Simple SMP

    We originally started in 2015 and have recently returned in 2020; if you are looking for a fresh start, you’ve just found it. Join our Discord!

    We’re a simple survival server with the aim to provide a smooth, seamless experience.

    We want to keep things as close to the vanilla survival experience as possible; there are no world borders, so you can explore as much as you want; there is no land claiming, so the whole world can be yours for the taking.

    We want you to have the freedom to survive however you wish. No silly rules and overzealous, power-tripping admins. As long as you’re cool, we’re cool.

    We want the server to run as smoothly as possible, we use very few plugins and have optimized the server for perfect performance without making any changes to gameplay.

    Nice and simple.

    Pvp Survival


    Servidor Network Minecraft 1.8 – 1.16.1

    Survival 1.16.1
    Skyblock 1.16.1
    PracticePVP and much more..

    Remember to visit us and enjoy a great experience, thank you very much with all my heart.

    Adventuremaps Creative Customplugins Familyfriendly Kitpvp Minigames Skyblock Survival


    Family-friendly Bukkit Minecraft server with awesome custom-made games, and towns. Our environment is a friendly respectful one so everyone can have fun. We offer Suvival, Creative, Skyblock, and many custom Minigames and Adventure games.

    Kitpvp Mini Games Pvp


    The PvP server Minecraft.
    Minecraft version 1.8-1.8.9

    WARNING! This server is License.


    Give free rank on this server, vote:

    Kitpvp Mini Games


    Welcome to ElytraPvP, action-packed pvp in the air! This is a unique form of pvp using elytras! The only safe place to land are the two planes in the corner of the pvp arena. Touching the ground will kill you. There are currently 11 kits to chose from, each with there own advantages and disadvantages. Each is suited towards a different play style, to ensure everyone has an enjoyable time. Coins gained from killing others can be used towards cosmetics such as hats and kill messages to help you stand out from the rest. Make sure you are using the correct version, our server only supports 1.11.2 or higher.

    Creative Economy Roleplay Survival


    Do you want to play on the Russian homeless survival maps Hades and Demaster? So this server is for you!

    Survive, develop, work, earn money – you can do all this and much more on the AidCraft server!

    Log in right now via IP: Login version: 1.8-1.13.2

    And if you want to get access to cool teams, we recommend buying a donation on the website

    Anarchy Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla

    minecraft anarchy survival server with no rules, griefing and pvp is allowed. very similar to 2b2t and other related servers and has no queue and with a constant high TPS.


    Minecraft Crazy Craft 3

    The Crazy Craft 3.0 Mod Pack is crazier than ever! This modpack focuses around outdoing the perfection of Crazy Craft 2.0! We have some custom mods and custom configs made just for the mod pack! The craziness has only begun boys and girls. This is minecraft re-imagined with creepers ranging from 100-300 health. All normal mobs boofed beyond belief. Stronger modded bosses. Witchery bosses reach over 5,000 health! Your big bertha is just not enough in this mod pack! You think you ran this joint in Crazy Craft 2.0 think again. There are custom youtuber hats found all around. Custom modded drops from mobs. It does not end take part of this crazy adventure and get ready to admit defeat! Your faces will be melted.

    Mini Games Parkour Pvp Survival

    Nexly Network

    Nexly is a network that is home to remasters of many classic game modes. We focus on creating a top quality experience for our players with fun in mind.

    We offer:
    – Super Smash Blocks
    – The Walls


    Economy Pvp Survival Towny

    Cybermine runs a game server of the newly launched game Minecraft! The server started early in March 2011 and the cities have continued to grow ever since! On the server, there are three parts to visit and it is first and foremost the Survival part, where everything really happens. Then we have a MiniGames part and a PVP part, which you can read more about on the website.

    Roleplay Roleplayingserver

    The Most Secure Bunker

    This bunker has a bunch of sports courts, pools, automatic farms, minigames, a movie theater, and even a zoo!

    +Bunker Living and Traditional Living!

    Join Now!

    Survival Vanilla


    Santorini is a brand new server for people who love to play vanilla Minecraft.
    The server is located in France
    We encourage players of any kind to join the server.
    We will hold minigames in the server on a regular basis.

    Joining; To join the server you must, Join the Discord channel, That’s it! Well, no it’s not all, Once you’re in the discord channel you’ll have to file an application, If you fit the criteria, you’ll be added!

    Requirements; You must be able to speak English fluently, You must own a Minecraft account, You must own a Discord account, You must own a mic, You must be at least 16 years old, You must be a decent human being.

    Rules; No Griefing, No Hacking, No Exploits, No Stealing, Be mature.

    Economy Mcmmo Parkour Pve Skyblock

    Lavish Isles

    Lavish Isles is a feature-filled, high quality Skyblock server with Skills, Spawner Upgrades, Custom Robots, Generators, Events, Epic Crates, Amazing Builds and a Community Discord with areas for support and guidance. There’s endless information around spawn that’ll streamline your Skyblock adventure! Join now with MC.LAVISHISLES.ORG!



    VonDoomCraft Minecraft Server

    I am Zomb69, We are VonDoomCraft.
    This is our World and we are just getting Re-Started.
    VondAsyluM now Accepting Patients.
    VonDoomCraft is ReBorN!

    Join My Brand New Server VondAsyluM

    Are you ready for a new and thrilling Minecraft experience?

    VonDoomCraft VondAsyluM

    The Brand new Server created by Zomb69, the Master of Horror-Pop and Fun.

    But Don’t be Afraid, you’ll find a Friend in Zomb69!

    VonDoomCraft VondAsyluM is a safe and inclusive space for people with mental health issues, who can enjoy the game without any judgment or pressure.
    You’ll also have the opportunity to meet Zomb69 himself, the Creator of the server and Co-Creator of the Texture pack, VonDoomCraft.

    VonDoomCraft VondAsyluM is more than just a server, it’s a Horror-Pop adventure that you’ll never forget.

    We understand that everyone has their own Battles to fight. This server will whitelist anyone with existing mental health issues.
    If you’re struggling, Remember, you’re not alone.
    Zomb69 is your friend and is always there if you need to talk.
    I have had mental health issues for over 30 years and I Cope by Using Creation as an Outlet.
    Remember, these rules are in place to ensure a Safe and Enjoyable environment for everyone.
    Let’s Respect and look out for each other.

    Welcome to VondAsyluM!
    Hello, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts!

    This is a Haven for those of us who find Solace and Joy in Building, Creating, and Engaging in Heartfelt Conversations within the Minecraft Universe.
    For over 15 years, I’ve been managing my Mental Health through the power of Creation, and I believe that this approach can benefit many others as well.
    VondAsyluM is more than just a server, It’s a Safe Space for Everyone, Especially those Facing Mental Health Challenges.
    Here, we Respect each other, Learn from each other, and Grow Together.

    We Can Laugh, We Can Create, We Can Explore, We Can Cry, We Can Support.

    Vondoomcraft VondAsyluM

    Use of Resource Pack VonDoomCraft Recommended.
    Enhance your Gaming Experience and Fuel your Creativity.
    VondAsyluM offers more than just a Gaming Experience.
    It’s a Community where Everyone is Welcome, and Every Member is Valued no Matter What.
    By becoming a Member, you’ll get Special Benefits, But more Importantly, you’ll be part of a Supportive and Inclusive Community that Understands and Respects your Journey.

    Join me Online, and Let’s Build a World where our Minds can be Free and Thrive.

    Welcome to
    VonDoomCraft Minecraft Server
    Server Rules:
    *Respect Everyone: All players must treat each other with respect. Any form of disrespect will not be tolerated.
    *PvP is Allowed: Players are allowed to engage in player versus player combat. However, consent from both parties is encouraged to maintain a friendly environment.
    *No Griefing: Destroying, altering, or causing any form of damage to another player’s build without their consent is strictly prohibited.
    *Build Anywhere but No NSFW Builds: Players are free to build anywhere they like, as long as the builds are appropriate and safe for work. Any explicit or inappropriate builds will be removed.
    *Appropriate Usernames and Skins: All players must have appropriate usernames and Minecraft skins that are not offensive.
    *No Spamming: Repeatedly sending the same message or unnecessary messages is not allowed.
    *No Advertising: Promotion or advertisement of any kind without permission is not allowed.
    *No Mods/Hacks: Any form of cheating or hacking that provides an unfair advantage is not allowed.
    *No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items: Players should not ask for operator status, ranks, or items.

    Happy VonDoomCrafting!

    VonDoomCraft Minecraft Server

    Pvp Survival Towny


    Welcome to DBC Hyperverse! A Dragon Block C server based to become a hyper-fast, easy grind, PVP and Tournament centered server!
    Check out our website:
    Or, just join the server directly!
    Enjoy! Happy ‘Crafting!
    Mods required: JinRyuu’s Dragon Block C

    Economy Mcmmo Pve Survival

    Outcast Community

    This server will be upgraded when needed to ensure a lag-free experience. come join a well-established community and join in with crazy enchants, an economy, an Amazing 6k custom map with a mining world included. Become your own boss with the Auction house and make your way to riches but be careful! there are infernal monsters around the corner. Don’t be afraid to run!


    Outcast is a community that encourages gaming, socializing, listening and producing music and many other creative and social activities.

    Outcast hosts events regularly, most common are Movie night (Saturdays) and TV Shows, Everyone welcome.


    Economy Survival


    Mikecraft is a small survival town server on 1.18. It contains many cities and towns. We have a small but growing community with events and lots of fun! We also have player, npc and sign shops with a good economy system where players are rewarded for building mining battling and exploring. We have a dynmap for players to view the world.

    Creative Economy Factions Mcmmo Raiding


    Vote for this server ASAP to keep it alive! Pitforge is an RPG server with the Factions gamemode, created by PatP. It has been played on by Youtubers like Ssundee due to its unique raiding and base system. Players do not build their bases in the Wilderness, they build it in a specified plot. There is no claiming, and you can build a large base instantly. Recently, the population of the server has been declining as the Youtubers that have played on it quit the server. Let us hope it does not suffer the same fate as PatP’s other servers. Vote for this server ASAP to keep it alive!

    Hardcore Mini Games Pve Pvp Survival Games

    Addicted2 Network

    Anarchy Survival Vanilla

    Los Angeles MC Server

    Welcome to this server without any plugins. If you like this server and this server is OP! This server is alive and never EVER going to die! it will never SHUT DOWN! Do not forget to join this vanilla server! Ill be waiting for you to join! This server has no rules as well!

    Kitpvp Mini Games Pvp Skywars Survival


    Hello, I invite you to join our LatinGamers Network, we are a server with unique things!! very good attitude all users I invite you!! 🙂

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!