Based Bee Block Class Craft Eco Economy Emo Grief Guard Hard Help Ill Item Items Kill King Kit Kits Mcmmo Minecraftserver Mmo New Perks Plugin Plugins Pro Protection Safe Server Shop Skills Survival Title Update Updated World Worldguard

MashCraft Survival

MashCraft Survival!

Welcome, MashCraft is a brand new server as of early 2020. I have been working hard to fit and adjust appropriate plugins to fit a survival eco based world. so far we have a main server shop, with mostly all prices adjusted so it can’t be taken advantage of. I have WorldGuard for grief protection and to keep your precious items safe!. a few starter kits to help you get started on your journey, Mcmmo is included with all the skills and extra perks. This server information will be updated as i add/remove/change anything within the server.

Ban Boss Build Building Claim Claiming Clan Clans Custom Eco Economy Elves Enchantments Force Fun Good Hiring Interesting Job Jobs Kingdom Kingdoms Lore Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Play Player Pvp Quest Quests Rol Server Servers Staff Survival Title Town Unique

BUCKETRY MINECRAFT ★ 1.15.x ★ Land Claiming ★ Survival ★ McMMO ★ Jobs ★ Quests ★ Custom Enchantments


About Us

We are a server that focuses on what’s enjoyable in Minecraft. While at its core, it is a no-holds-barred PVP server with emphasis on building clans and overpowering your enemy, it also retains what Minecraft should be on the outside, with unique and interesting terrain, massive caves to explore, and a magnitude of monsters to fight. Bucketry Minecraft is not just a PVP server, it’s also about survival and creation.

The Server Objective

The objective of the server is the concept of players having fun through PvP, acting as either individuals or a combined force through the town system. It is the staff interacting with players, it is kingdoms trying to conquer the land of other kingdoms, it is roaming bandits taking what they want by force. It is a world where the players themselves play the biggest role.

No Nonsense

We who run the show are players much like yourself. We’ve played those servers. We’ve fought those people. It was all in good fun until the cruel realization came that PvP and creativity could not coexist. At our server, we believe that the core aspect of Minecraft can remain intact while you bash in the face of your enemy. Magnificent skyscrapers and fields bathed in blood, together in sweet harmony.

What’s the Catch?

Only that you obey the rules and respect the staff, everything else is up to you. Want to be a wandering nomad, killing any you come across? Go for it. Interested in being the kingpin of the server, dominating the economy and hiring other players as mercenaries to do your dirty work for you? You’re the boss. Maybe you just want to lead the top nation on the server, make the most jaw-dropping town. Make it happen. Of course, perhaps you just want to make the most incredible structures the world of Minecraft has ever seen? If you want it, make it so – be weary of the PvPers out for blood, though. The choice is yours, the only limit is your imagination.

Anarchy Best Block Class Custom Economy Element Features Fun Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Hardcorepvp Hcfactions Hcpvp Ill Item Items Kill Lol Play Player Players Playing Pro Pvp Raid Raiding Rol Role Rules Server Survival Title Top Unique Weapons

LOLPVP (1.7.x – 1.15.x)

LOLPVP features a unique style of PVP that includes custom weapons, items, and armor sets. The top tier items require a lot of skill to earn which adds a role playing element to the server. All of these things add a very fun tier system and you have to work your way up to prove you are the best! There are no rules against lying to other players, raiding other players, or backstabbing other players.

Chill Crates Creative Discord Donations Economy Economysurvival Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Fun Griefprevention Hiring Hiringstaff Keepinv Keepinventory Kits Landclaim Mcmmo Network Nophantoms Playershops Pve Pve Economy Pveeconomy Ranks Rankups Relaxed Shops Skyblock Staffneeded Staffwanted Survival Towny

[1.15.2] Ryland Economy Survival (Hiring) [Ranks] [Jobs] [Custom Items/Bosses] [PremiumMcMMO]

Hello and welcome!

24/7 Dedicated VPS
Intel i7-6700K
32gb Ram

Welcome to the latest iteration of Sts’s Ryland. We have an exciting 1.15 world ready to be explored!

The server will have 99.9 uptime forever, so if you’re looking to dedicate
yourself to a small, but growing community, this is your chance!

We have a multitude of premium plugins that have been fully
updated and configured to give you the smoothest 1.15. experience possible:
Mcmmo, ranks, playershops, jobs, land protection, kits, silkspawners, keepinventory and more.

Our server is home to a small community of respectful players that have played on the Ryland server
over the years. Joining our discord via the in-game-command /discord will be an integral part keeping
you updated and informed on the workings of the server, as well as announcements and community.

We are an economy based server, utilizing jobs, resource selling, player
shops, and farming in order to make money and achieve higher ranks,
which in turn unlock more commands and permissions.

We have the premium, lands protection system to prevent grief and theft.

As far as help, I am definitely looking
for mature, active players to help with things like building, shop and
economics logistics, moderating, administration, plugin support, and

If you excel at any of these things please feel free message me on
discord AFTER you have built a house and ranked up to at least rank

Hope to see you there!

No griefing active claimed towns, hacking, x-raying, stealing,
harrassing, spamming, disrespecting staff or other players, or ban evading

Creative Customenchantments Customfishing Economy Envoys Familyfriendly Jobs Kits Lootchest Mcmmo Minigames Ranks Rewards Shop Silkspawners Survival

Minecraft 4 Nerds

== First and foremost welcome to M4N! ==

Who are we?

Minecraft 4 Nerds is a network that accommodates a community of different play styles, whether you think you got what it takes to survive the wilderness or test your crafting skills in creative mode with our relaxed permissions allowing for minimal restrictions to fully unleash crafters of all age’s imagination in the world of Minecraft.

Server Mechanics overview:

  • We have the heads database installed which gives you access to 20k+ custom entities used for decorating your builds.
  • Custom enchants which add new funky ways to kill creepers & dig big holes.
  • Enhanced fishing that allows you to catch a vast array of different fish while competing against others in tournaments to win rewards or in casual mode to sell for cash towards your next rank up!
  • We try to keep the majority of the interactions with the server inside of fancy GUI’s or command signs because who likes commands.The server does have a general shop setup to assist players but we also offer the same shop functionality out to all players to create their own.
  • A friendly team of staff dedicated to assisting players if anything goes wrong and to oversee the smooth running of the server.

    Other services:

  • Our website link: where you will be able to see our live map
  • Meet the family on our discord server:
  • Server IP:

    We look forward to seeing you in-game.

    Arena Ark Auction Auctionhouse Block Class Crate Crates Dynmap Eco Econ Econom Economy Game House Hub Job Jobs Map Money New Park Parkour Play Player Prize Prizes Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shop Survival Title Town Towny World


    Towny Survival 1.15.2
    Brand new Server!
    Parkour with Prizes.
    HUB world, Towny World, PVP Arena.
    Crates, Economy, Jobs, Server Shop and Player run AuctionHouse.
    Buy Ranks with In-Game Money!

    Achievements Boss Bosses Challenge Community Custom Death Eco Economy End Events Friendly Fun Good Grief Home Job Jobs Marriage Mature Mcmmo Mmo Mob New Parkour Pets Play Pve Economy Ranks Server Shop Shops Skills Staff Store Survival Town Towny Unique

    PGMC.NET – Survival and Towny – Holiday events – Custom Achievements – Parkour!

    PrestigiousMC is a unique MMO Towny and survival server with one of the friendliest communitys you’ll ever meet!We have a lot to offer, Have a look below:

    – Towny OR Survival:
    You can either join a town or wander off into the survival world and setup a home somewhere!If you don’t feel like being adventurous then you can claim a plot outside of spawn.

    – Self-serve protection and anti-grief:
    You are given a Protection block when you join, this can be used to claim land which prevents other players placing/destroying inside the area.For extra measure, you can lock your signs, doors and chests by placing a sign on them.If you forget to protect your land and do get griefed, Keep calm and open a support ticket, One of our friendly and trained staff members will fix everything!

    – Custom mobs and bosses:
    Take on a new challenge with our 10 unique mobs and 4 new bosses for you to kill.Each boss has unique drops such as Speed boost gear, shield that grants bonus health, Collectable pets and chat tags!

    – Keep items on death:
    You will no longer lose your hours worth of mining by falling in lava or losing your items from a sneaky creeper. You keep all of your items on death.

    – Good Economy with player shops:
    Choose a job and earn money from doing tasks or earn money by setting up your own store!

    – Chat Tags/Titles
    Earn unique tags by reaching max level on jobs, Killing bosses, Buy with in-game money and taking part in annual events, there is over 75 different chat tags to be collected!

    – McMMO:
    Level up skills to gain extra powers or Become #1 on skills leaderboard. Your total level appears below your name so you can show off your skills.

    – Earn and upgrade your own Tiered gear/weapons:
    Killing Mobs in the spawn Mobarena, custom mobs and bosses around the world may drop tokens, These tokens are used to buy powerful gear and weapons. There are 3 tiers of gear/weapons to progress through.

    This gear has a unique feature called Sockets which can be filled using Socket gems. Socket gems are found randomly when killing monsters and come in 5 levels with level 5 being extremely rare.
    – Very friendly community:

    We strongly believe that the community is the heart of a server, Our community members come first and we will make sure everybody feels like they are part of it!We have built up a strong community over the past 2 years and we’re always looking for mature and friendly players to join us!Be warned that if you break rules, scam, grief or bully other people.. You will be quickly punished, We don’t allow somebody to ruin other peoples playing experience.Although this sounds serious, We’re definitely not a boring bunch.. We’re very lively and bonkers! 😛

    Server IP: PGMC.NET

    Base Based Block Claim Class Discord Dynmap Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Join King Lag Laim Land Landclaim Long Looking Map Noop Old Open Rvival Semivanilla Server Stable Survival Time Title Town Towny Uptime Website Welcome

    Nistirio MC | 1.15.2 | Survival | Towny

    Hello there

    Welcome to Nistirio MC, a survival server that is in here for the long run.
    You can claim land using Towny. We have a very stable economy that is based on gold ingots.

    Join us if you are looking for NO LAG and a 100 percent uptime!

    Server IP:

    Active Anarchy Build Claims Clan Community Create Custom Discord Eco Economy Enchants End Event Events Familia Grief Hub Infernal Kit Kitpvp Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Open Paintball Play Player Pve Pvp Server Servers Staff Survival Thirst Title Tntrun Vault


    [CraftSnow] (1.15.2)

    In a time where most servers consist of hubs containing a countless cluster of servers, Craftsnow offers the core survival many players are looking for, with a slight lower threshold than your typical anarchy-servers.

    Craftsnow is intended to offer the familiar Minecraft survival experience. We accept pvp on every way, time and location outside spawn limits and offer Grief Protection for players who want to protect their property from external damage whether they are mobs or players.
    Whether you want to become a masterful builder group, a neutral tribe or a bloodthirsty pack of player hunting wolfpack, our community welcomes you. Craftsnow offers these players a chance to create a clan to which you hold the power to invite whoever you choose, be it a friend or a complete stranger.

    Craftsnow hosts a variety of events suited for all players. Most common events are drop parties, mazes, dungeon crawlers, mystery crate hunting or alike. Additionally, Staff is always interested to hear suggestions of the possible future events.

    Alongside the classic survival, CraftSnow has OP-Survival with custom enchants, Infernal Mobs, KitPvP, Paintball, TnTRun.

    Craftsnow is waiting for your arrival.


    Block Class Com Community Conomy Crack Cracked Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect End Erver Friendly Friends Join Mcmmo Mmo Network Philippines Play Premium Riendly Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Title Two Version

    MasterCraft Network

    -=MasterCraft Network=-
    Cracked / Premium
    Version 1.15.2
    Skyblock 1.15.2
    Survival 1.15.2
    Friendly Staffs
    and more!
    Join now and play with your friends!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Lifesteal Survival


    Welcome to the Martub Republic! This is where you can experience lots of adventures. You can work here, create a company, create, build, mine, and do things (which we do not recommend, court cases are an everyday occurrence here). It's RealLife combined with survival, so 2x more fun!!!


    💎 ChillZone

    Apply Here

    ChillZone is a newly releasing With Semi-Van server. We're dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience, with small additions that help enhance the multiplayer aspect. We value the community aspect greatly, on ChillZone all players have a say as to what goes on, what gets added, and so on.

    We've existed as a community for around 4 years now, starting out with a similar server, inspired by Hermitcraft

    Quick Links

    Our Values

    Community – In ChillZone all players get a say in what happens, all suggestions and feedback are taken seriously. We're transparent with all decisions made, asking the community for their input and giving our reasoning for everything.

    Welcoming – We're committed to creating a diverse environment where all players can feel welcomed, included and accepted. We welcome everyone, from people who are more interested in Redstone, Farming to Builders or people more focused on Community, such as setting up towns.

    Stability – We use top of the line, dedicated hardware to ensure your experience is stable. The owner is an experienced sys admin, managing multiple nodes across the network.

    Updates – We release frequent updates, keeping the experience fresh. We're also committed to updating to the latest version of Minecraft as soon as possible.

    Some of Our Features

    We have a simple, user friendly claims

    Vanilla Tweaksincluding Armor Stands, Mob Heads, Double Shulker Shells, etc.

    Discord Linkingyou can talk to your friends ingame from our Discord server!


    Player Shopsincluding a central shopping district. We do have an economy plugin, however our economy is based around the value of a diamond. The economy is completely player controlled.

    Friendly, experienced and helpful staffwho respect players and use their permissions fairly.

    Our Rules

    We try to be fairly relaxed, as we aim to build a mature community where staff don't need to parent players. However, obviously any exploiting, griefing, stealing & any sort of abuse to other players will not be accepted. We're a safe place for all, and anyone who doesn't share that interest won't be tolerated.

    That was a lot of words, however to summarise we're a great community looking for some new members! We're committed to creating a great player experience, from frequent seasonal events, to our high performing dedicated server with great uptime. If we've hopefully captured your attention in this post – Apply Today! Our application process isn't very complex, we just have a couple simple questions to weed out any unserious players 🙂

    Pvp Survival Vanilla

    Nicky Boi

    No rules enjoy do /server to join a server via the hub griffing is allowed and no factions plugins and just join and have fun server is up 24/7 – 365 please let me know direct if there is any issues with connection or non loading chunks. 🙂 server is running on 1.19.3

    Cross-Play Parkour Survival

    Pumkine junior high

    this is and smp server so u all have to follow the rules and play with a wonder family of player
    Check rules in discord

    Factions Mcmmo Pve Pvp Survival


    MikeyTheVillain’s Stream Server. (Bedrock players can join as well!).

    This is a server for all ages. We have kingdoms! If you’re up for a war. Come on and join!


    Duality SMP

    Duality SMP is a survival multiplayer server that is mostly vanilla with a few quality of life plug-ins; small and friendly community; group events / teamwork; shopping district, etc. We are community-run — major decisions, plugins/datapacks, updates, events, and server software are decided/voted on together. Admins have the same rank and voice as other Duality members.

    We will be on 1.20.4 for Season 5, with some experimental features added like the Bundle and Auto crafter (similar setup to Hermitcraft.)

    In order to cultivate the best community we can, we collect and screen applications for new Dwellers, then decide together who to add to the whitelist for the next season.

    We are entering our 5th season soon and will be performing a world-reset on July 1st, 2024 – on a fresh world – we'd love for you to join!

    Apply here:

    Discord: Please feel free to join and introduce yourself!

    If you want to jump in and play right nowwe have a temporary, freshly-generated public server available for anyone to join. Primary IP: You will have to join the discord and whitelist yourself in order to play on the temporary public server. (This is to keep out IP scanners, bots, and griefers). There are no other requirements, though.

    Pvp Survival Survival Games


    Hello!! Welcome to the MastercraftLM Page

    Here you can vote for the server!!







    Sharkcicle Junior High


    Our community has been going since December 2021. We do not have any plans to reset the world at all. We want to keep going as long as possible! We encourage our players to focus on long term projects that will last for years!

    We are looking forward to having you join us! Come play!

    We encourage players to play how THEY want to play. At their own pace, on their own or in groups, and having as much fun as possible! We are always working hard to create more entertainment and events for players to engage in! We also are very proud of our community members hosting their own events and communities within the server. You are as important as everyone else to us!


    [1] – No griefing builds / landscapes.

    [2] – No hacking / abusing glitches.

    [3] – Be respectful and kind to everyone (No stealing).

    [4] – Respect the boundaries of districts and other players.

    [5] – No racism, sexism, hate, etc.

    [6] – No PVP unless agreed upon by both parties.

    [7] – Use common sense.

    [8] – Be generous. Do not take more than you NEED from public farms, and public chests. Always give more than you take.

    Please apply by joining our discord at the link below.

    If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading the post and reading about our server. We look forward to working together with you to make our world into something beautiful!

    Posts will be sent and updated every Sunday at approximately 10:35AM EST.

    Economy Mcmmo Pve Pvp Towny

    Block Raiders

    Join our Minecraft server and experience the ultimate gaming adventure! With MCMMO and Towny plugins, you can level up your skills, build your own town, and interact with other players in a unique and exciting way. Engage in a variety of activities, from mining and crafting to PvP battles and more. With a friendly community and active staff, you’ll never run out of things to do. Join us now and start your journey!

    Economy Survival

    RJ SMP

    Fun SMP with economy and shop. 1.19.2. Greifing is allowed! Come Join. First ten people to join gets a free 1k. Will also be giving out free kits and gear. The Status May Say Offline But It is Online, if not join the discord.


    Team BaerCraft’s Community Servers

    Creators & Community

    BaerCraft, Trash Panda Craftand PokeASubs plus their official multiplayer servers.

    We host additional Minecraft servers, such as a rotational server that rotates community-voted modpacks every 3 months. So, in total, we usually run about 4 servers with even more to come in the future. Our community also talks about a lot of other games and a lot of other topics!

    Both developers are quite experienced and are active in development by always creating new, additional content for players. Our staff is knowledgeable, fast, and informative! Both within the Discord and game servers. We strive to provide the best help and support possible. We are always growing as creators by expanding what we offer to the community as well as everyone outside of it.

    Something we can assure members is that we are here to stay as long-term creators. One of our biggest goals is to provide everyone with unique and customized content in each of our projects. We also heavily focus on performance and improvements to ensure even people with the lowest-end PCs have a chance to play them.

    Short & Sweet Summaries of Our Main Projects


    There isn't only one way to play this modpack. You'll always be able to come back and never have the same experience as before. This pack does not only focus on one aspect of the game, as it's aimed to provide many optional things to do so that every type of player has a chance to enjoy it. Most aspects of the pack are completely optional to give players as much freedom to play as they like, but others are staged to help provide some form of gameplay guidance.

    Main categories of BaerCraft:

    • Adventure & Exploration
    • Creativity
    • Stages
    • Soft Expert

    Trash Panda Craft

    Have you ever wanted to rip your own fingernails out, but also chug your 6th Monster energy drink of the night just because you couldn’t get enough of a modpack? Well, Trash Panda Craft might be the perfect pack for you! This modpack adds spice to every corner, but in a pleasant way. It’s not so spicy that it just hurts, but rather has the perfect amount of spice and flavor so that it’s fun along the way.

    Main categories of Trash Panda Craft:

    • Adventure & Exploration
    • Magic
    • Stages & Quests
    • Soft Expert
    • Hardcore


    Economy Mini Games Pvp

    MagicCraft RPG

    Just a simple czech/slovak server working on version 1.19.3.
    CZ/SK server with a lot of plugins!
    I hope you enjoy it


    Gapple Ultra-Hardcore

    One life to live your best life. DoN'T DiE!
    Ultra-Hardcore mining for 247 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters.
    If you die… you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition.
    Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 215 weeks now.
    Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel.
    Minecraft multi-player server:
    Direct IP if you prefer
    Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it.
    Score: +1 per minute you stay alive, +1 per experience point you earn.
    Examples: killing a skeleton earns 3 points, and killing the dragon earns 12,000 points.
    You will start in the Spawn Ship until you are ready to enter the world.
    Hold a bone block to see the server's current top scoring players.
    Server Rules:
    Do we even need to mention play fair and friendly? That should be a given on every server.
    Do not use client-side mods that give unfair advantages.
    No hacking, xray resource packs, or hacked clients on our servers.
    Apocalypse DataPack:
    Players killed by a zombie will become a zombie.
    10% of skeletons get an enhancement.
    Bats bite, and can morph into an illusionist.
    Spiders can spin webs.
    Ox-Heads defend the pastures.
    The Litch kills everything he touches, so repel him and stay away.
    Herobrine is a veteran miner, and not to be trifled with.
    Medusa guards the Nether. One look at her and you turn to stone.
    Your Discord Invite:

    A great summary typed up by Tfin:
    This is UHC, but not the UHC you know! Read on to find out what's up here! I'll start with quotes from the MineCraft Wiki: Ultra Hardcore… the main difference being players cannot naturally regenerate health. Like regular Hardcore, players cannot respawn if they die. These are the important points. This is where we're coming from. This isn't one of those 30 minute speed UHCs, or even the collapsing border UHCs of later versions. GatKong created this MineCraft datapack in the spirit of that original UHC season, but made it more difficult with a few additions. On this server, this is how you'll be playing: There are no teams. Free-For-All is the order of business here. PvP is enabled, but you'll need to find other players if that's how you want to win. There's a whole world out there. No borders, shrinking or otherwise. Go see it! … There are a lot of customizations, So check out the tips and rules. Oh, and have fun!



    It is a survival server for Minecraft .1.9.3 where we can all enjoy a completely vanilla survival

    Heads Kits Lifesteal New Smp Survival

    Crutches Craft SMP 1.20.4

    Vanilla SMP with some unique plugins!
    Server is brand new and we are currently working on new features!
    Currently enabled: Heads, sethome, spawn, msg
    Coming soon: RTP, Voting, Crates, Mob Arena

    Anarchy Economy Kitpvp Pvp Raiding


    Looking for a new server to play? [1.19-1.20.4]

    Hey player, If your looking for a server the play,
    Then your in the right place! We are a randomkit server!
    So on death you get a randomized kit! This server contains:
    Active owner, free 2 play, and some custom items!
    What are you waiting for? Join us with the following ip below!


    Blithe SMP

    Blithe SMP is an active and engaging whitelisted community running on Minecraft 1.20.4 and we are recruiting for new members to join us!

    Why Blithe?

    We have a very active and engaging community of over 250 whitelisted members, regularly seeing 10-15 players active at one time. We are a community that prides itself on engagement and fun, hosting regularly server games and events for prizes. We are a server inspired by the popular Hermitcraft SMP, taking some of the fan favorite features from this and implementing them in new and exciting ways!

    We run on a super powerful server with 256GB ram, meaning that the server is always up 24/7 with minimal to no lag.

    We use a mod pack that is totally optional to improve your player experience, including things such as proximity chat and a minimap/hudmod. These are totally optional though, and do not affect core gameplay, which we try to keep as close to vanilla as possible, only adding some plugins and datapacks such as multiplayer sleep and customizable armor stands to improve the multiplayer experience!

    We also have a Creative server for everyone to freely use to plan and test builds and designs.

    How do I apply to join Blithe SMP?

    Great! We are glad you are interested in joining us! You can apply to join our whitelist and become a part of our community today by visiting our discord server

    Any Questions?

    Feel free to comment below or send a direct message to our account, we will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

    Some Server Rules

    -16+ server

    -No Greifing

    -No Hacking / Xray

    -No Hate speech

    You can find full rules here:

    Thank you for reading! Check out our fun Season four trailer! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Cross-Play Economy Lifesteal

    JV Network

    Welcome to JV Network This server is made for the people
    cracked/premium , java/pe edition to play together and get Hypixel
    Server Experience . And also we try to make this server more cooler we added
    so many mordel of armors etc.
    We hope you will realy enjoy !
    Join now and became our members

    Prison Skyblock Survival

    sharks hub

    shark’s hub a place for all gamers across the globe we can unite and become the largest gaming community in the history of gaming community’s.



    Viserion History
    The emergence of viserion came very spontaneously. Due to an illness it limited my life. Because of this I was looking for a passion that I could do from home. I always dreamed of a minecraft server and took the step. Viserion is a vision of my brain. How I see a survival server with custom elements. I still have a lot to learn and hope to give you as a player a nice experience. If you have any feedback I would love to hear it!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!