Auction Bungeecord Combat Crates Creative Custom Discord Enchants Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Grief Hack Hacking Irl Keys Lore Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Network New Open Play Player Plots Quest Quests Raid Raiding Rol Server Servers Story Survival Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist

► VengefulMC Network 1.13.2 – 1.15.2 ◄ Factions – Whitelist Survival – More Coming Soon!


We are a fairly new network with the goal of making sure players have a fun, enjoyable, and lag-free experience.

No hacking or cheating of any kind on our servers.


Factions (raidable)
– Quests
– Old combat system (1.8)
– Custom Enchants
– Crates and Keys
– mcMMO
– Auction House
– Creative Plots
And much more player content on the way!

Vanilla (whitelist only)
– Easy application process on our Discord
– Grief Protection
– Player controlled lore and story
– Server suggestions poll (on Discord)

We hope to see you soon!

Abilities Active Build Building Claim Community Coop Create Dedicated Discord Eco Elves End Familia Friendly Good Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Minecraft New Nogriefing Normal Open Play Pve Redstone Server Skills Staff Survival Title Towny Townysurvival Tweaks Vanilla War Website Welcoming Whitelist Youtube


Welcome to TriumviSnap!

TriumvSnap is branch of Triumvirate minecraft server, heavily Based on youtube show called Hermitcraft, running on minecraft snapshots. Our server was created for people who like building, expressing themselves and making a lot of new friends.

We offer:

– the server on newest version of minecraft

– friendly and active community, with that characteristic hermitcraft vibe

– quality of life datapacks, from website

– wasteland world, getting more and more destroyed, the closer you get to 0,0 of the size over 20k x 20k blocks (spawn is outside of that, in normal 1.16 terrain)

– stable 20 TPS

– friendly and active staff, always ready to solve your issues

To join the server, you’ll first need to join our Discord (link below) and introduce yourself to the rest of players. After that, if you meet all of the requirements listed in Disclaimer below, you’ll most likely be accepted as the member of our community, and added to the whitelist

Disclaimer: There are three requirements you have to meet if you want to join our community:
1. Be an active and dedicated player. If you want to join, play for hour and leave forever – this is not a place for you
2. You need to know what hermitcraft is (if you are watching it/ have watched in past, it’s even better)
3. As of now we are pointing towards getting players, who have outstanding building abilities (When you join the discord, prepare to show us some of your creations). If we consider your skills as good enough, you’ll become our member. As of now, we are not letting any more players that are into redstone, since we have too many of them

We know that these requirements (especially the last one) can make us look as not welcoming, and hostile community but don’t worry. As soon as you’ll join, you’ll realise that we are in fact bunch of friendly and dedicated players ^^

Our Discord

If you are friendly, cooperative player, familiar with Hermitcraft series, consider joining us! We guarantee you’ll not regret it!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ae2 Appliedenergistics Buycraft Discord Enderio Extrautilities Faction Pvp Factions Factionserver Factionspvp Ic2 Modded Pamsharvestcraft Pvp Pvpsurvival Survival Tech Technic Technology Thermalexpansion Votifier

Galactic Traverse[Modded][Technic][Factions][1.7.10][Kits][PvP]

Up 24/7
No Lag
Few Banned Items

Modpack Link:

* Industrial Craft 2
* Ender IO
* Malisis Doors
* Warp Drive
* Matter Overdrive
* Applied Energistics 2
* ICBM Classic
* NuclearCraft
* Cooking For Blockheads And much more!

* Essentials
* Factions
* RandomTP
* Global Market
* Clear Lagg

Block Class Core Coreprotect Eco Econ Econom Economy Essentials Event Fun Grief Griefing Join Keepinv Keepinventory King Mcmmo Milky Mmo No Griefing Please Plugin Plugins Prevention Pro Protect Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranking Red Server Survival Title

Milky’s Survival

Milky’s Survival Server

milk, it is a server with no griefing, no pvp, no raiding

ingredient: economy, grief prevention, essentials, mcmmo, coreprotect, keepinventory, ranking up, other plugins

contain milk

please come join the fun server


Achievements Auction Community Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Economy Enchantments End Event Events Friendly Grief Job Jobs Mature Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob New Open Perks Play Pvp Quest Quests Raiding Ranks Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Survival Vanilla Vote Website

Mistylands Survival

Welcome to MistyLands
EST. 2010
Mistylands started back in alpha 2010 and has grown now to become the mature and friendly server that we are today.

Mistylands is a Community focused survival server where you can play with Keep Inventory Enabled or Disabled and Griefing/Raiding is strictly prohibited.

The economy is community driven, with a variety of ways to earn money. You can join jobs, set up shops or list items on the auction house. There are also Quests to complete and over 400 Custom Achievements for you to unlock and earn multiple rewards such as economy, items and custom Tags!

To enhance the gameplay, we offer special abilities with McMMO, all with a custom config that will make the most dedicated of players shine bright. We also have over 100 custom enchantments plus a brand new pvp arena for you all to get stuck in to.

We have a whole new set of Voter ranks where players can rank up and gain access to a whole bunch of extra perks commands and other rewards.

We also offer multiple voter rewards, toggleable pvp, custom mobs, Events, Grief Protection. Server shops and a whole lot more.

We have much more to offer in game so we hope to see you soon!
We are looking for new players to join our friendly community, so come along and say hi!

Server IP:

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

110x 111x 112x 18x 19x Ars Ass Auto Blo Block Class Club Com Discord Ect Erver Fun King Nam Prison Pvp Server Ter Title Tps Twitter




<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

115server 115survival Achievements Allowed Bedrock Boss Build Claiming Community Custom Death Discord End Events Forums Good Grief Hard Java Medieval Minecraft Mob Multiplayer Nether Online Paper Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Semivanilla Server Smp Staff Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist

🍺The Tavern 🍺 Whitelisted| 18+| 1.15.2 Semi Vanilla|Survival|Hard|Discord|Datapacks|400+ Achievements

Welcome to The Tavern, a whitelisted age 18+ JAVA Minecraft Server.

What does The Tavern Bring to you?

  • 18+ members, A lot of us are 20+.
  • A Whitelisted server experience. No loss of all your hard work from random people.
  • * A long term map and community.

  • No map resets, unless necessary.
  • We will update to the latest game versions as they release.
  • Newbies are welcomed, new to Minecraft or a veteran, We’re here to help answer any of your questions about the game.
  • We try to have server events, themed spawn around holidays.
  • We use discord, voice chat is optional.
  • A Semi-Vanilla Experience

  • We run on spigot/paper. Mostly staff-related plugins for server management. We keep it as simple as possible.
  • We mostly use data packs, such as multiplayer sleep, and double shulker shells. ( full list below)
  • The map started as of September 11th, 2018. With a good variety of biomes, and lots of space!
  • We’re still growing our community, The majority of members are users we’ve gotten through forums who then invited all their friends to the server. 2-10 users online throughout the day.
  • A 100% survival built spawn and nether hub. The spawn theme is Medieval, but of course, if you choose to build anything out in the world, you can build it in anything theme you’d like.
  • What are we looking for?

  • Politeness and consideration of others.
  • Enjoys chatting and working with others. We love working together and overall just friendliness.
  • See something, say something. Communicate with our community.
  • Rules of The Tavern

    – You represent the community, act accordingly.

    – The required age is 18+

    – Swearing is allowed. Targeted comments and harassment of any kind are not.

    – Porn/R rated images are not allowed in discord or in-game.

    – Political and Controversial Discussions should be kept to a minimum or in DM’s

    – Don’t spam chat or voice except for our spam channel.

    – Use bot commands in the bot channel.

    – Advertising without permission is not allowed. Exception your arts & crafts in art channel. e.g don’t private message everyone a link to join another discord server.

    Vanilla Minecraft Server Rules

    – No cheating, stealing, griefing, glitching or exploitation of any kind

    – Don’t lag the server.

    – Afk farms, fishing are allowed within reason.

    – No farms on top/above the bedrock in the nether. Don’t glitch or break bedrock.

    – Don’t completely destroy wilderness terrain. (unless it’s your claimed area).

    – Flatten wilderness areas when mass collecting blocks.

    – Repair damage done to public/wilderness areas. E.g you made a creeper blow up at spawn by accident.

    – Do not build within 300 blocks of players/spawn. Unless permission is granted or the player has the neighbors wanted role in discord.
    – Do not mine under/at spawn.

    – Have a proper location for killing wither boss. Do not use the end portal or kill near spawn locations e.g the nether hub.

    – Only spawn & market area has a specific build theme. Otherwise, build in any theme you want.
    – PvP must be agreed upon.

    – When claiming an ocean monument, stronghold, village, mansion or generated structures alike. Use our landclaim plugin to claim the area so people are aware its claimed and do not mine it out by accident. Or use indicators e.g signs, private signs in the area to let people know its claimed.


  • Mob grief is enabled (except ghast)
  • Fire spread is off
  • Inventory drops upon death
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • The map is 20k x 20k we will expand when needed during updates.
  • Data packs :

    HeadChanger,50% player sleep, TPA Datapack, Chest Locking, BAC Advancements, XP Bottling, Double Shulker Shells, Customizable Armorstands, More Mob Heads(hermit craft mob head data pack/decoration heads), Sethome Datapack, Timber Datapack (gold axes one-hit chop down trees)

    Discord Economy English Friendly Hard Mature Nogrief Noteleport Playershops Portals Pve Pvp Randomspawn Semivanilla Smallserver Smp Survival Vanilla

    Social Hangover 👽 | 18+ | Vanilla & Creative

    Social Hangover | 1.15.2 👽

    A refreshingly vanilla Minecraft experience,
    with no grief, micro-transactions or vote rewards.

    🔞 Active 18+ community

    Social Hangover is a laid-back community of adult players. Our few rules are fairly relaxed and you’re pretty much free to do as you please.

    🎨 NEW! Creative server

    Tired of plot creative servers? So are we! Create your own creative worlds to build to your heart’s delight. Building something on our survival server? Use our transfer tool to bring your builds over to creative in a snap. We’re super proud of what we’ve created so far and you’re going to love it!

    🍦 Vanilla with sprinkles

    Why change the recipe? We’re committed to serving up an authentic Minecraft experience. We’ve added a small sprinkle of enhancements to the vanilla Minecraft formula in the form of chest protection, random spawn points, player heads and armor stand editing. And we’re always looking for the perfect combination of toppings to make the damn sundae you’ve ever had!

    📺 Streamer friendly

    Founded with love by a couple of Twitch streamers. You and your community are more than welcome here.

    ❌ No land claiming

    Build wherever and whatever you want. Let your creativity flourish!

    ❌ No teleports or warps

    There is no /tp, /home or /spawn (we’re vanilla after all). Get around via an extensive ice highway network. There are plenty of places to visit!

    💰 Player-run economy

    No economy plugins! The economy is entirely managed by our community. Visit our shopping district at 0,0 in the overworld!

    🤗 More than a Minecraft server

    We’re extremely active on Discord. Come join our weekly party game and karaoke nights.

    🛸 We out here on Discord –

    Amazing Battle Block Build Builder Builders Building Builds Class Craft Discord Download End Experience Ill Inecraft King Level Lit Loot Mechanics Mine Minecraft Mod Noop Open Pay Play Real Realism Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Staff Team Title War

    Argentum Vivaldi: Imperii ad Cudendum

    Argentum Vivaldi: Imperii ad Cudendum is a 1.7.10 Lord of the Rings mod server with heavy Roleplay and Massive Battles. We offer a level of roleplay and realism that very few other servers of its type can match. With an experienced staff team, and amazing builders working on impressive builds. Argentum Vivaldi: Imperii ad Cudendum, is like no other Lord of the Rings mod server.

    We Offer:
    A Comprehensive War and Battle System

    A Build System with Buffs and the Ability to purchase premade buildings with coin and materials

    An Experienced staff team.

    Impressive Builds in the process of being made and exported to the server.
    No Lootboxes or Pay2Win mechanics.

    We hope that you will decide to give us a shot! Check us out on discord:

    Download the LOTR Mod here:

    Boss Claim Claiming Class Craft Custom Customenchants Customitems Discord Economysurvival End Event Family Friendly Fun Griefprotection Item Join King Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Nopvpsurvival Play Player Pvp Quest Rps Server Shop Shops Shopschestshop Survival Title War Warp Warps

    BP-Survival – [Custom Items] [Custom Boss Mobs] [Custom Items] [No PvP]

    Hello Player!

    Looking for a fun, eventful, family-friendly minecraft server? Well look no further! This server includes land claiming, player shops, quest, player warps, and more!

    If you want more information regarding BP-Survival just join our discord channel!

    Come have fun with us on the server join now!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!