Adventure Anarchy Best Block Class Craft Create Discord End Environment Experiment Good Great Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Noop Open Planetminecraft Play Player Players Popular Quest React Rules Server Social Socialexperiment Title Update Updates Who Xander Youtube Youtuber

No Rules No Questions 2

Hello Everyone!

I am Xander, a Minecraft Youtuber who runs Minecraft server social experiments. In the past, I have created an experiment called “No Rules No Questions” which is my most popular video to date. The experiment was to see how players would react in a no-rules environment (anarchy). Currently, “NRNQ 2” has launched and many people have logged on to start their own anarchy adventure. The experiment started on May 11, 2020, and is set to end on May 22, 2020. I have made a discord server with over 50 people who have joined previous experiments in the past. This is where you can get future updates and IP addresses for experiments. I have some big plans and some great ideas in the future, so don’t miss out on them!

I wish everyone a good day and the best of luck if you decide to join NRNQ 2!

Discord: <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="
” rel=”nofollow” target=”_blank”>

No Rules No Questions (First one):

Create Creative Facs Facsd Factions Fun Minecraft Pvp Server Servers Shop Skyblock Staff Survival Towny Youtube Youtubers


About Us:
Kingdom Craft has many different options when you first join. You could choose from Classic Factions, Skyblock which has custom islands, custom enchants and much more, or you could choose Survival which has custom jobs, McMMo, custom weather plugin, we also have a brand new mode that’s called Towny Creative which combines two things people love Creative and Towny!



Factions – ClassicTNT, Factions Top, McMMo, GUIShop, CustomTNTCannons

Creative – Towny, Rewards, Crates, Quests

Skyblock, CustomIslands, Crates, Pets, IslandFly, TokenShop, Mines, Farms

Survival – Jobs, Backpacks, CustomWeather, Market, Auctions



Factions – *FTOP* 1st place: $200 , 2nd Place Free Rank, 3rd place Free Ranked Kit

Creative – *BEST TOWN* 1st place: $20 PayPal, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit

SkyBlock – *ISLAND TOP* 1st Place: $50 PayPal + 500,000 in-game cash, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit + 200,000 in-game caash, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit + 100,000 in-game cash

Survival – *MOST TIME PLAYED* 1st Place: $25 PayPal, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit

*each prize is given quarterly*




<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Anti Build Building Class Craft Currency Developed Discord Eco Economy Edit End Fac Game Griefprevention Inecraft Map Mine Minecraft Mod New Old Open Play Pve Pve Economy Pvp Rol Server Shop Sign Special Standard Store Survival Title Trees Unique Vanilla Website

HaroldStudios – InstantStructures Survival GameMode

HaroldStudios InstantStructures Survival GameMode

We’ve developed a new type of feature for the standard survival gamemode called instantstructures!

Gone is the time of spending too many hours for decorating the wildlife, building a house, planting trees and waiting for them to grow. Now, you can purchase powerful rods that unleash the power to place a structure anywhere on the map!

We add new structures frequently to our in game shop for more variety and have special featured ones to buy with a unique credits currency.

It’s a new spin on the survival gamemode with a massive gameplay change to vanilla Minecraft. You can now construct bridges instantly, fortresses instantly to aid you in pvp and or manufacture articulate ponds for your new house design.

Check it out at


Discord: Type /discord in game

Anti Antigrief Community Creative Dedicated Friendly Grief Hungergames Mature Minigames Non Pvp Semi Survival Vanilla Wintercrest

❅ WINTERCREST ❅ [Survival] [Semi Vanilla] [Anti Grief] [Minigames] [No PvP]

IM FELL English SCIM FELL English SC IM FELL English SC.

IM FELL English SC IM FELL English SCIM FELL English SC

We strive to provide the best community atmosphere possible, with our thriving chat and frequent server events!

What makes us different from other servers?
For one, we are strictly against pay-to-play. ALL donor perks such as fly, speed, nick are available to all players to purchase with in game money.

We understand how much time and effort you put into your builds and how devastating it can be to lose them. Rest assured, with our anti-grief plugins any grief or raiding will be undone and PvP is disabled! Alongside that, chests are automatically protected on placement.

IM FELL English SC

IM FELL English SC

IM FELL English SC, IM FELL English SC, IM FELL English SC, IM FELL English SC IM FELL English SC, IM FELL English SC
Other ranks;

IM FELL English SC

Here at IM FELL English SCIM FELL English SC we ensure our staff members know exactly what they are doing, and have knowledgeable experience of our server. You will rank up in accordance to your helpfulness and general vibe towards your fellow players. We know that all of our staff are fair, consistent, friendly and responsible at all times.

You can ask any staff member for help anytime. IM FELL English SCIM FELL English SC does not tolerate any form of staff abuse or ignorance towards players. That said, items are not spawned in and all of our staff (Including admins) play in survival.

IM FELL English SC IM FELL English SC IM FELL English SC IM FELL English SC


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1152server Adultstaff Ages Allages Community Crates Custom Discord Donations Economy Economysurvival Events Friendly Helpful Landclaim Lootcrates Lottery Multiverse Pets Petshop Playershops Pve Pve Economy Pvp Quests Ranks Ranksystem Rankup Safe Safezone Sethome Shopkeepers Spigot Staff Voterewards

Diddscraft 1.15.2💰Jobs, MCMMO💰, Voting, PvE🧟‍♂️, Survival,💰Economy, Land Claim, Player Markets,👍All Ages👍

Diddscraft Server IP:

We have a wide range of plugins for you to make your survival experience much more enjoyable from the normal vanilla.

✮ Lottery

✮ Quests

✮ Land Claim

✮ Pets

✮ Custom Ranks

✮ Jobs Reborn


✮ Great Economy System

✮ Player Shops

✮ PvP Arena

✮ Loot Crates

✮ Custom Mob Drops

There is so much more to come for Diddscraft so why not join the journey with us as the server grows! We’ll see you there!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Adventure Class Community Competitive Craft Crates Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy Enchants End Event Events Friendly Help Mcmmo Mod New Play Player Players Premium Pvp Rewards Rpg Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Title Top Vault Vaults Vote War Who


The server has a lot of different things to offer, our main game mode is survival 1.15.2 but it has a lot of custom features. The Ultimate goal for HuabaCraft is to make a community filled with creative and competitive players who can excel towards the top. The server is very new-user friendly as we have a bunch of people willing to help start your adventure!
We can offer you:
– Custom enchants
– Shops
– Premium features
– Vaults
– Vote rewards
– Crates
– Adventuring
-Active Community and Staff
-Player-Based Economy
-Custom Events
– And Much More!

Auction Beta Class Craft Custom Dedicated Discord Fac Faction Factions Fun Head Help Join Kit Kitpvp Land Latest Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Network Open Play Professional Protection Pvp Server Survival Team Title Town Towny Trade Update Veinminer

The Moko Development Realm!

Welcome to our network page!

Moko Development is a realm that refers to the quality of conviviality on the server, professional server game modes built up, a project with passion behind it and many more things that will be added in the future. We are still in beta version with full steam ahead to maximize gaming fun.

What we offer as a base is:

Survival server with mcMMO Overhaul, Auction House, Trade, Land protection, custom help system, Veinminer and many more fun additions will be added in the future.

Factions: in development.

Towny: in development.

KitPvP: in development.

Will there be another gamemode server than just this? Yes, we are busy brainstorming for other gamemodes. There will also be custom additions for the server, but that’s still a secret.

We hope to see you back on the Moko Development Minecraft Realm Server.

Yours sincerely,

[Manager] Moko


We would like to invite you to join our discord server for the latest updates / progress of our network.

Areas Ars Ass Base Based Block Cell Cells Class Com Conomy Cru Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Enjoy Erver Guard Guards Hank Lag Play Plot Plots Prison Pvp Secret Server Thanks Time Title Uptime Welcome

Nova Prison

Welcome to most cruel, harsh Prison around..

Guards, plots, cells, yard. We have it all. Here at Nova Prison, you’ll enjoy a economy based Prison with Guards, PvPers, and a ton of secret areas which you can find all around the Prison.

We guarntee no lag, and 99.9% uptime!

Thanks for reading!

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Craft Ect Erver Imple Inecraft Land Lin Mine Minecraft Minecraft Survival Nam Nline Online Play Raft Rvival Server Simp Simple Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Title

A simple minecraft survival server. The IP is

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Abilities Apocalypse Boss Bosses Challenge Community Cosmetics Craft Custom Dayz Dungeons Dwo Economy End Games Hard Kitpvp Map Maze Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mines Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Mod Network Play Player Popular Pvp Quest Quests Server Survival Survive Thirst Unique

The GamesLabs Network

Server IP –

The GamesLabs network was once a popular Minecraft network. After a year of hardwork we are finally bringing it back to life!
The network contains A LOT of unique features such as custom sounds, UIs, cosmetics, challenges, a season pass, …. and of course games!

We have over 50 different mini-games playable on a game board or in our party mode.

We also have three major games, here is a list of our games with a brief deion of each:
Minescape. One of our most popular games. Minescape is a game inspired by Runescape. It contains more than 20 kills, quests, mobs, sounds, a grand exchange, custom items and runescape map!
Apocalypse. This game is a mix between DayZ and Zelda Breath Of The Wild. The goal is to try to survive as long as possible on an hostile island. Thirst, hunger, temperature, weather, sounds, weapons, armors, bosses and dungeons are key gameplay elements.
Battle Of The Heroes. This is a crossplay of our different games. It is a hero based pvp games. Select a hero and fight using abilities in an epic arena!
Mix-Up, Bit-Trip, Ghost-Run and Quiddcraft are old minigames that we used to have on our network. We revamped them to match with the quality of our current work!
Our goal is to bring a very unique experience to all our players. We want our players to be amazed by every bit they see. We are doing weekly updates and are constantly listening to our community for improvements.
Our network has features that you have never seen on any server before. Custom ambient sounds, unique UIs, a high render distance up to 32 chunks, unique cosmetics….
You can join our network by using the following ip:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!