You’ve played on a lot of servers. There’s no way of denying the countless hours and days and weeks and months of your lifespan that you have whiled away on fruity little setups, run by snotty twelve year olds with no moral compass and little else to speak of except their mommy’s credit card. You put in time and effort to painsatkingly collect materials, build a nice home for yourself, make something of the initially dreary and procedurally generated world that is Minecraft. And for what? All that effort and love and care to waste because some prepubescent, first-world, white collar brat decided that he’d much rather play Satan than God? Or because he discovered WorldEdit and wondered what //set tnt does? We at MagniPVP are tired of the never ending cycle of admin abuse and multiplayer Minecraft experiences that are unfaithful to the vision set by Notch all those years ago. (It’s been three years, guys. Three incredible years.)
MagniPVP isn’t your run-of-the-mill/i trololo guys let’s make another “vanilla” server to add to the countless multitudes that already flood our forums. MagniPVP guarantees no admin abuse or contact–ever.
In fact, we’re so dedicated to creating at least one little safe haven that we are disguised on the server at all times. You will never know we are on and you won’t even know our names. Our only job is to ensure a fair and enjoyable playing environment. We will use two commands to do this: /reload when it gets laggy, and /ban. Everything else is up to the players. We have carefully designed a custom blend of unintrusive plugins to enhance your experience while staying out of the mix entirely.
When you log on to MagniPVP, it’s your playground.