Active Amazing Animal Ass Awesome Back Cat Class Com Command Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Eat Erver Eso Great Hard Hard Survival Join Ommunity Pvp Rvival Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff War


A Hard Survival Pvp Server, With great staff, awesome community and a 24/7 dedicated server. with the amazing /back command. we look forward to seeing you here, and joining the community.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Arenas Ass Bar Build Class Com Community End Erver Friend Friends Fun Hide Hide and Seek Hot King Looking Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Mob Moba Mobarena New Ommunity Plugin Plugins Riends Seek Server Style Town


New server looking to build and grow with a community of friends. Lots of arenas for hide and seek, mobarena, mcmmo, and other fun plugins.


Active Ass Bee Class Com Craft Day Join Lin Mad Man Nline Online Owner Pig Raft Survival Multiplayer Tak Today Tom


We are and we have been online for about 1 year come and join today


Join Now IP:

Ace Animal Build Car Claim Clan Class Create Different Earth End Explore Fac Faction Factions Has Island Join Land Lit Lore Need Nether Network New Noop Old Open Planet Play Playing Red Space Town Towny Universal World

The Universal Network


Action Actions Active Art Ass Class Com Donate Elder Erp Erver Fac Faction Factions God Item Items Mean Play Power Pvp Raid Raiding Red Server Star Start Survival Multiplayer This


This is a god OP server with factions and raiding, this means that you start with Over-Powered items and can donate for even more over-powered items.

Active Anti Build Challenge Challenges Chat Class Dragon End Epic Friendly Good Grief Griefing Hack Item Items Kit Map Mod Moderator Moderators New Play Player Players Plugin Pvp Rank Reset Rules Server Special Staff Stealing Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla World

Fubar Vanilla

Welcome to Fubar! A new and growing server with friendly staff – moderators are regular survival players too. Full on PVP, griefing, stealing! (Don’t expect respect for it tho!). Rank up VIP by gathering a few vanilla items from across the world and get access to /kit commands, access to the VIP lounge and more. Complete our special challenges to rank up further to LOYALIST for extra /kit plus special items. Get your name on the board of fame by killing the ender dragon – regular resets occur. Make your mark with an epic build, play the good guy and be revered over the map or be the villain and despised by all – the choice is yours on FUBAR. Rules: No hacked clients, no spamming chat. Anti Xray plugin is installed.

Ass Blue Class Com Community Core Coreprotect Craft Deathchest Dom Eat Ect Follow Galaxy Great Grief Home Inecraft King Kingdom List Mine Minecraft Mmu Non Noop Ommunity Open Pro Protect Public Raft Republic Secure Style Super Whitelist

Galaxy Republicraft

Home of BlueKodas Mighty Kingdom and with a great community too. Non-whitelist and CoreProtect enabled, Galaxy Republicraft is super secure with no grief worries.


Active Ass Blo Block Ciudad Ciudades Class Com Erver Esp Guerra Ran Rvival Server Servers Servidor Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer

RAS SkyBlock

El mejor servidor de Skyblock de habla hispana. Tambien contamos con un servidor de Ciudades en Guerra y otro servidor de Survival.
Que estas esperando!!

24h Active Admin Admins Air Ass Cat Class Com Community Craft Dedi Dedicated End Erver Friend Friendly Help Helpful Host Join Mmu Ommunity Play Pve Pvp Raft Riendly Roleplay Server Survival Vanilla


Server IP:
Come and join our friendly active community. We host a 24h dedicated server with helpful Admins.

Action Anarchy Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Anti Chat Cheat Class Com Combat Craft Essentials Fac Faction Factionchat Factions Heat Host Inecraft Long Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nocheat Noop Obsidian Open Plugin Plugins Simp Simple Spawn Spawner Spawners Style Vis World Worldborder Xray

MineCraft Total Anarchy


Notable Plugins:
– Factions (along with FactionChat.)
– mcMMO
– Obsidian Destroyer
– CombatTag
– SimpleSpawners
– Essentials
– WorldBorder
– NoCheatPlus
– Anti-Xray


Acid Active Age Ball Base Bid Bros Clan Clans Class Craft Dcraft Erver Event Eventos Fullpvp Inecraft Ios Mine Minecraft Ores Paintball Play Player Players Pvp Region Server Simp Simple Slots Staff Sub Survival Multiplayer Usa Vip Vips Void


Nome do servidor: VOIDCRAFT FULLPVP
Site do server:
Forum do server:
Post do server no MCBR: http://www.minecraft…napaintballvip/
Slots do server: Tem capacidade para ate 200 players porem deixei como 100 pra otimizar o server
Media de players on: Manha 50 tarde 90 a 100
Staff: Sempre presente das 9 da manha até as 24 horas sempre tem diretores on!
Eventos: Sim, varios de 3 em 3 horas baterias de eventos como corrida da morte, subida da morte, frog, evento pvp, x1, labirinto, e gladiador todos sabados!
sistema de VIP: SIm com vips nao apelativos e com otimas vantagens
REGION: Sim contamos com 2 cidades, uma para membros e outra para VIP onde podem construir casas, lojas e base de clans.
CLAN: Sim usamos o simpleclans para gerenciar isso.

Age Ass Box Class Com Craft Custom Customize Customized End Erp Erver Family Friend Friendly FTB Full Fun Loaded Noop Open Plugin Plugins Riendly Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tom Welcome


Welcome to the CraftBox Page.

CraftBox is a family-friendly survival server. Full of customized plugins and loaded with fun.


8.2 Action Active Ass Bran Brand Class Craft Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Gun Join Lmao New Pvp Raft Ran Server Survival Multiplayer

Zuma | Faction PVP

ZumaCraft is a brand new Faction PVP server that’s gunno be around for a while so why not join us? 🙂

Allowed Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Class Community Custom Diamond Donation End Fac Faction Factions Free Friendly Great Grief Griefing Join Mcmmo Mmo Mob Nation Open Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Unique Vote Voting War Warp Warps Website

Phantom PvP

Hey guys. Just thought id let you know about my server
Lets get started..
Phantom PvP is a unique PvP server with many features.
The server IP is: Mc.PhantomPvP.Net
Some of the features are:
– You are allowed to do /SetWarp (Thousands of people have already set warps)
– Great friendly community. See for yourself on our website.
– Website: Http://Phantompvp.Net
– Perfect balance of plugins.
– Factions
– Mcmmo
– Raiding
– Griefing
– Custom Mob arena
– You can vote for for 5 Diamonds 50 Exp Bottles and $100 in game cash per vote.
– More info on voting at:
– Cheap donation ranks (Nothing over $50)
– And much more. Just join to find out

Those are just some of the many features included on Phantom PvP.
We are open to all suggestions to the server and would love your feedback.
Thanks for reading all of this. Hope you join the server. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Have a great day.


Active Class Community Creative Dutch Economy End Family Free Friendly Game Games Great Grief Haven Head Join Lag Mine Mines Mini Games Minigame Minigames Nether Non Pvp Riendly Ring Secure Server Servers Star Survival Teleport Town Towny World


MineSecure is one of the #1 Dutch servers (formerly called AdSecure)

It’s a no lag server focusing on survival, with a great community.

Head into a teleported and start exploring. We have a Creative world, a Survival/Towny world (including the nether and end) and some Minigames aswell

Non-pvp, Grief-free and Family friendly!

If you haven’t already, join now (use 1.8.x)!

Action Active Art Ass Awesome Bee Class Com Core Ect Erver Grief Grief Protected Gun Hard Hardcore Mcserver Multi Multiverse New Old Play Player Players Pro Protect Protected Pvp Rvival Server Super Survival Survival Multiplayer This Time World

Zic’s Server

This is an awesome server with awesome players. This server is a multiverse server with a regular Survival (grief protected with golden shovel), a Super Hardcore World and a PVP Gun World. New things are been added all the time. Come be apart of the action.

Ace Active Admin Admins Amazing Bee Best Capture Class Craft CTF Diamond Diamonds Flag Free Game Games Has Join King Lag Mad Need Paintball Rank Ranks Server Servers Sign Spleef Sub Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Youtube


Hey guys are you looking for a server that has Paintball, Spleef, Survival Games, Ctf[Capture the flag], Free diamonds Kind admins cheap ranks NO LAG 24/7 server? then you have come to the right place! this is the best of the best servers to ever join we have got everything u need and lots of amazing activatys for U! and yes im talking to U! join this server now and the way u think about server well never bee the same again! u want more info on all of our ranks and others? then sign up in my web and see the forams and even cheak my youtube! comadyallthetime AND SUB TO ME AND FREE OUTO GIVE AWAY AND ALSO! IF I HIT 1k SUBS FREE MC GIFT CODE GIVEAWAY!!! SUB TO ME 😀 😀 :D!

Allowed Ark Ass Best Class Com Download Dutch Eng English Enjoy Erver Game Games Mod Mods Mon Need Needed New Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmonmod Poke Server Shark Staff Style Taff Version


Best Pixelmon server. Gameshark is allowed
Download your mods here:
Version : 3.5.1 – 1.7.10
I Hope u enjoy your stay.
*Staff Needed*
*New Server*


1.15 Active Ass Bar Chb Class Craft Diamond Diamonds Erver Ill Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Mon Raft Server Slots Survival Multiplayer


Herzlich Willkommen, auf unserer Server Vorstellung

Unser Server “Diamonds” hat (momentan) 10 Slots und ist 24/7 erreichbar.


Action Ass Base Class Com Community Current Detail Die Erver Fac Faction Factions Help Ill King Land Lin Looking Mall Obsidian One Play Player Players Raid Red Ring Server Sky Small Staff Style Tail Time Unique

Relentless Factions 1.9.4+

Relentles Factions is a small Factions with one goal. Not to be the typical factions Server.
We dont want 100 players scouring the land for a base to raid. We dont want bases with layers upon layers of obsidian.
We want to keep reasonably small but still be quite busy at the same time. The unique factor of Relentless is the community and we hope you are willing to help us grow.

We are currently looking for staff contact me on fred2s3 (skype) for more details.



Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Biggest mc Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!