Admin Class Com Cool Core Craft Create Die Ect Enjoy Erver Game Good Hard Hardcore Has Ill Inecraft Join Kill Killing Mine Minecraft Mini Mod Nen Pro Project Rank Ranks Server Servers Souls Survival Multiplayer Time Top Unique

MineNex – Gripper server Minecraft PE server Minecraft

Server DescriptionMINE NEX – A unique server for griffing!
The project has an adequate and responsive administration.
Servers are created exclusively for a pleasant pastime!
›The most important thing is to enjoy the game, hardcore mode!
Also on the server there are cool goodies: souls for killing,
skill ranks, top gripper system, LvL system.
It’s all on one server – MINE NEX, join in!

Active Ass Aus Best Class Detail Die Eam End Erver Fanta Fantasy Forum German Ken Land Lands Mod Nen Pvp Run Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tail Tea Team Ten Ter Tes

Adrundaal | German

Hallo Fremder! Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Zuhause,
begibst du dich nun in die Welt von Adrundaal.
Unsere Welt Thayren bestreitest du im Survival-Modus als Bürger einer
von vier hochdetailierten, im Fantasy-Mitterlalterstil gehaltenen Userstädten.
Zu entdecken gibt es liebevoll gestaltete Landschaften, geheime Orte
und einen riesigen Kontinent, der laufend vom Serverteam
weiter ausgebaut und verschönert wird.

Lies dir unsere “Ersten Schritte” durch und bewirb dich bei uns im Forum.

Action Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Art Ass Ats Border Chest Class Com Conomy Earth Eco Econ Econom Economy Fac Faction Factions Mcmmo Mmo Nen Network New Ops Play Player Pro Pvp Rank Ranks Shop Shops Stats Style Two Vip World

New Earth Network

* Economy
* PvP Arena
* Factions
* VIP ranks
* Chest Shop
* WBorder
* Health and World stats
* Player shops

IP: :26056

Active Admin Admins Adventure Awesome Bukkit Claim Craft Create Custom Dungeons Economy English Event Grief Kit Lore Map Mine Minecraft Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Raid Roleplay Server Staff Survival Tale Tales Town Trade Unique World Youtube

Tales Of Dertinia

What makes Tales of Dertinia so great you might ask yourself?
An active and helpful player base that work closely with us Admins to maintain this awesome server. A custom world, Custom bukkit plugins written by us with 18+ staff. An open world allowing you to claim and create your own town or empire.

Tales Of Dertinia is a adventure dungeon server which means they’re instanced dungeons that players explore and raid to get loot and unique trade in items, we also have grief prevention and a clean up crew to avoid grief and clutter (30days offline period)

Primary Language ENGLISH
Dynamic Map:

Ace Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Auction Bed Bedrock Bounties Class Com Dumb Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Noob Opfactions Place Play Player Players Ports Rts Safe Server Staff Style Support Welcome

★FancyFactions ★

Here at FancyFactions you wont be treated as a noob or a dumbass all players
are welcome. We are not searching staff yet. Server supports 1.8x
Place bounties
Destroy Bedrock and obby nothing is all safe
And more.


Classic Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Pvp Roleplay Rpg Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

GORODOK 1.15.2 Minecraft Server

Classic Survival. The server has a pvp arena and an arena of mobs, dungeons in a dark forest with evokers, ilusors, vexes and windows. In addition to the Admin Shop, there are Arrow shops with effects and Enchantment Books and Potions, Market. There are 2 fascinating parkour quests.
You can survive in the worlds of World, in Nether and in the world of End. For players, a clan can be created that can be bought. During battles with mobs and players, heads can fall out to collect and confirm their victories. It is possible to create your own flags (banners) with various drawings. To earn bucks, you can get 3 jobs and get resources in the mine. Ordinary players can put 3 points at home. Money also drops when killing mobs. In Adminshop, new blocks, a trident and a tortoise helmet, a black rose, tables for occupations of residents, a honey block, and a honeycomb are sold. Bee nests spawn when trees grow. Players can sell their resources in the market. For beautiful pictures, there is also a separate store. Also on the server there is a system of skills (improvement of skills). A random (rtp) teleport helps the player to find a place in the worlds of survival to build his house. In the built house you can sit on carpets or chairs :), relax, arrange furniture. In the mine you can collect rare blocks that are practically not represented in the world. Wedding and label your gender. Get yourself a favorite pet, create banners (flags) using the plugin. Use the Market to sell your unnecessary items. Complete quest parkour and get rewarded items at discount prices. We invite you to play on our server, come. Server Version 1.15.2

Active Ass Basic Cheat Cheating Class Craft Eat Erver Has Heat Inecraft List Mall Mine Minecraft Non Pretty Pve Pvp Raft Rvival Server Small Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff Vanilla Whitelist

Rut Minecraft

small, pretty basic survival server with a strong emphasis on no cheating and non-invasive staffing. and no whitelist.

Ace Action Actions Active Age Ass Ats Class Com Economy Erver Everyone Fac Faction Factions Hardcore Level Lit Ming Mob Mobs New One Pay Pet Pets Play Player Playing Pve Race Server Servers Stats Survival Top Website

Lithium Factions

The new age of servers is coming. No pay to win. A level playing field for everyone. Faction mobs, F top race, stats keeping website, player pets, and much much more.

Active Ass Awesome Bee Class Craft Creative Date Enjoy Erver Hank Ill King Kitpvp Live Looking Mini Games Mod Modern Network New Nks Parkour Reward Server Soon Staff Support Survival Games Thanks This Two Update Updated Vote Votes War

The BTCraft Network

This is the BTCraft Network, we have been recently updated with many new thing making this a modern server. Our staff have kept the server well and alive ready for you guys! We hope you enjoy and vote to keep supporting us! The reward for votes will be fixed soon.

Thanks for looking at the server,
– Awesome

Build Building Buildings Cash Cat Class Craft Dedicated Event Events Exciting Farm Hype Ill Inecraft Kill Large Mine Minecraft Mpet New Old Open Pay Pet Play Player Players Rewards Roleplay Scale Server Servers Skills Survival War Whitelist Who

HypeCloud – a private server Minecraft server

Server description [HypeCloud] – A set of private servers. Our private servers are dedicated to building beautiful and large-scale buildings, surviving in a pleasant atmosphere and conducting exciting events.
It is here that you can test your building and survival skills, make new acquaintances and compete with other players.
We regularly hold various events that will not let you get bored!
Also, our servers pay up to 3000 rubles for large-scale buildings, not counting the bases and farms.
Players who received cash rewards have already left their reviews with a photo.

The set is open. Rather, apply!

Active Allowed Donation Donations Environment Family Fly Free Fun Games Help Job Jobs Join King Mcmmo Mmo Mod Moderator Nations Need Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Server Staff Store Survival Survival Games Survivalgames Town Towny Tpa Votifier


Welcome to SurvivalSeasons!

SurvivalSeasons is a Player vs. Environment, Towny, SurvivalGames, McMMO and Jobs Server. We have been around January of 2013 but, we had to close due to lack of funds.

Our Staff Team is a Family and We are always looking for more to Come and Join our Family. So for the Players that want to Join the Staff they will be allowed to Apply via our Forum Application on the Moderator Applications section of the forum. We will be opening the Architect Side of the Applications after the First Month or when we feel like we need Architects.

We are always opened to Suggestions for Plugins, Permissions and Other Ideas we can use to Evolve the Server to be even better. You can Post your Suggestion in the Section for it.

Some of the Permissions like /tpahere and /fly can be bought via Donations which will be Available in the Store. Donations will help us keep the Server up.

Votifier is being worked on and we are looking for item ideas to do and so we can make it Multiple Choices and Chances. If you know how to do so please feel free to Private Message me here or Private Message one of the 3 Owners of the Server via the Forum – Lord Shen, Stargentian and AMDfan802.

We understand that there are still bugs to work out in the system and if you notice any bugs and can reproduce the bug please post a thread in the Bug Report section so that the Staff is able to fix them.

If you have Resource Packs that you wish to share with the rest of the server you can post them in our Resource Section

1v1 Awesome Boss Build Builds Craft Creative Currency Faction Factions Fun Hard Kit Kitpvp Kits Mature Mod Peace Peaceful Perks Play Player Plots Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Servers Simple Survive Unique Vote War Website Who Zombies


Factions (Optional PvP) | Creative | KitPvP | 1v1 | McInfected

CrypticCraft. Does the name excite you? No? Then youre missing out on the most fun you couldve had in the past hour. CrypticCraft offers four gamemodes, Factions, Creative, KitPvP, and McInfected. On Factions, you team up with other players to take down teams of other players by any means necessary. If killing and raiding isnt your style, theres a peaceful faction set up that you may join. On Creative, you set out with 50×50 plots in the simple effort to build awesomeness. Plots never expire, and in the case of a restart, you will be able to download your builds. In KitPvP, its a madhouse of killing. There are 6 unique kits from you to choose from, each one to suit a different style of PvP. If you feel a fellow player is being a jerk, you can invite them to a 1v1 match and show em whos boss. In McInfected, players are split up into teams of Humans and Zombies. The object of the game is for humans to survive, and zombies to infect the humans.
CrypticCraft also has a smashing website for players to come together . Sporting state-of-the-art forum software, this is the place to chat. Our ranks are very fair and EULA compliant (Because you know, servers are totally listening to it). As the server matures, wed like to make votes a currency for some perks on each server. For example, redeem 100 (big number but not that hard to get) votes for another plot.
So give CrypticCraft a try. You probably wont regret it.


Action Actions Active Admin Admins Adventure Ass Class Dventure Eat Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Great Ice Live Mcserver Nice Pvp Raiding Server Survival Venture You

Thrown Alive

Great Factions server! Admins are nice! Let you adventure begin 😀

Ass Bcraft Chest Chests Chestshop Chestshops Claim Class Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Hestshop Home Homes Laim Land Limited Ops Play Pure Raft Rvival Shop Shops Sts Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Unlimited


Pure Survival, Economy, Chestshops, Unlimited Homes, Claim Your Own Land. + more


Ability Admin Age Bee Build Building Buildings Car Class Craft Dating Everything Fun Has Inecraft Isa Lit Mage Map Mine Minecraft Minecraft Survival Mini Ores Pvp Red Regeneration Region Regions Roleplay Rpg Rvival Server Store Survival Trans Wip World

SpiritWorld 1.8-1.15 Minecraft Server

Server description SpiritWorld is an honest and reliable survival, when the mine and the one you built do not disappear due to grippers, bugs or a sudden wipe. The server administration monitors its stability, and in case of rare malfunctions restores everything that was damaged. When updating the map, buildings are either transferred or regeneration is carried out that does not affect the regions. It has always been so.

Ability Active Adventure Amazing Backpack Backpacks Class Crate Crates Currency Custom Eco Enchantments End Fly Global Gods Huge Join Lit Mcmmo Premium Prison Pvp Real Realm Skyblock Special Staff Super Tags Tea Team Tokens Unique Venture

HadesRealms OP Prison

Welcome to HadesRealms Prison. Start your adventure with your favorite Greek Gods and Goddesses such as Zeus all the way to Hades himself. We feature superb crates, unique custom enchantments, Explosive bombs, Timed Multipliers, big backpacks with the ability to fly around our Prison whenever you like! We have a perfect Premium currency called Souls. With Souls, you can purchase huge benefits, such as Overpowered Pickaxes, Exquisite Enchantment Tokens, Super Crates, Global Multipliers and of course; Special tags. All put together with our amazing staff team. Are you ready to become a legend? Start your adventure today by joining HadesRealms.


Arcade Color Craft Creative Custom Eco End Enjin Environment Fun Games Hunger Games Hungergames Kit Kitpvp Kits Map Mine Minecraft Minigame Nether Paintball Parkour Play Player Plots Pve Pvp Redstone Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Tntrun War Wars Who World


▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Minecraft Server -═══════ι▬▬
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ TrickCraft -═══════ι▬▬
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 1.7 -═══════ι▬▬

★ Worlds

☞ Player against the environment
► Plots
► Plots
☞ Creative
☞ Player vs. player
► Materials
☞ Collect materials to decorate your construction
► Nether
☞ Underworld
☞ End of the world

★ Mini games

► QuakeCraft
☞ Shooting between players (Game 1-shot-kill)
► SkyWars
☞ Fight on a SkyBlock-style island, try to reach the chests
► TNTRun
☞ TNT disappears, inducing your fall
► ColorShuffle
☞ Go to the correct color, otherwise you will fall into the void
► HungerGames
☞ The Hunger Games, an epic PvP battle with custom items
► PropHunt (BlockHunt)
☞ A game from the “Hide n seek” series, you are a block according to the theme of the current arena, or one of your choice, you must hide from the other players who will look for you
► Arcade
Our Parkour, redstone maps, and more
► KitPvP
☞ Have fun fighting in a PvP battle with special kits
► Paintball
☞ Prepare to fight in a weapons minigame

☞ And much more. What are you waiting to enter? ☜
(っ ◕‿◕) esperamos We are waiting for you, we have two main IP (s) (without programs) which is → ←


Active Admin Adventure Avatar Bending Claim Class Craft Eco End Has Head Ice Ill Life Maybe Mine Minetopia Nice Non Online Owner Plugin Plugins Power Roleplay Server Staff Story Super Survival This Top Vampire Venture Website Werewolf


Welcome to Minetopia! This server has very kind staff and a nice bundle of plugins such as Super Naturals, Avatar; bending, and love life. So what are you waiting for? Adventure awaits you! Will you gain power and respect among staff to become an avatar, or a peasant with one inherited power? Will you become a werewolf, vampire, or angel? Will you be loved? Maybe even get married? Craft your story at Minetopia. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT OWNER OF SERVER. I AM HEAD ADMIN. I JUST POSTED THIS SERVER ON THIS WEBSITE. THE OWNER IS lmhansen!

2.11 8.2 Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Bukkit Class Com Creation Eat Event Family Grief Join Kit Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Prevention Pve Pvp Style


Bukkit, Mcmmo, PvE, PvP, Grief-Prevention, And Much More…. Come Join The Family Now… Join:


Admin Class Classic Craft Development Eco Econ Econom Economy End Free Free To Play Minecraft Game Has Ill Inecraft Make Mine Minecraft Minecraft Donate Minecraft Survival Mini Mod No Dupes Play Pvp Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Server Story Survival Talk Vis War Warp

StoryMine | Free cases / warp cases Minecraft server

Server description We have free donat cases: / warp cases
There are modes on the server: Survival [1.12.2]STALKER [НОВЫЙ], in development of RolePlay!
We recommend visiting our server, perhaps it will attract your attention and make you immerse yourself in the game Minecraft.
The server has an economy, optimized assembly and responsive administration.

We are waiting for everyone!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Servers For Friends. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!