100 Anarchie Anarchy Anti Ass Auto Blo Block Cheat Class Com Command Dio Eat Ect Erver Heat Latin List Nouveau Nut Paw Premium Pvp Red Server Serveur Sign Spawn Staff Sur Tes Title Tpa Tpaccept Vanilla

REG – 1.15.2 100% Anarchie, PVP

[- Sur REG, pas de staff, pas de règles, pas d’anti-cheat, pas de limites. -]
Nouveau serveur créé le 06.06.2020.

Sur ce serveur, on fait ce qu’on veut, sans limite, sans restrictions.

Les seules commandes disponibles pour les joueurs sont
/tpa /tpaccept /tpdeny /tptoggle

REG est le diminutif latin de Regredior qui signifie aller en arrière, revenir. En gros regrésser.

Adventure Adventures Bedrock Bedwars Build Building Community Custom Discord Eco Economy End Fun Hard Java Kitpvp Mcmmo Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mmo Play Playershops Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Quest Server Shops Slimefun Spleef Staff Story Tech Towny Vanilla Wars Website

SORBMC Vanilla Hub

Looking for something new? Are you a fan of modpacks? Maybe a doctor who fan? Feel free to join SorbMC!

Check us out on our Website and join our Discord!

IP: (:25565)

Feel free to join us with any Java client from 1.10 to 1.15.2 or using Bedrock. Using older clients might result in some weirdness with using newer items since our servers are running on 1.15.2.

SorbMC has been a medium sized server for almost a decade, offering both vanilla, custom and modded minecraft experiences to our player base. Over the years we’ve grown into a laid back community where everyone can feel at home.

Over the last few months we’ve been rebuilding our Minecraft servers from the ground up to form a new chapter in our history: the SorbMC Hub. The Hub aims to bring all of Sorb’s features to one easily accessible network of servers.


## Our Network

Being a Hub, we are able to add many seperate servers to one place! These are some of our servers, some of which being developed as I’m typing this:

SorbMC Vilous

SorbMC Vilous is a custom server based around Slimefun (modded minecraft in vanilla) and TARDIS (a Dr. Who plugin). Slimefun gives Vilous a modpack experience without having to install even a single mod OR sacrificing any performance. TARDIS adds a whole bunch of features straight from Dr. Who, with the main feature of course being a personal TARDIS (its bigger on the inside!). Besides these plugins Vilous also features Towny, MCMMO, playershops and a dynamic economy, but also an enthousiastic community of Dr Who fans!

SorbMC Minigames (Soon to be finished!)

Technically not one server but rather many minigames servers all connected to our hub. A few of our minigames are Hungergames, KitPVP, Bedwars, Prison, Spleef, Blockparty and more!

SorbMC Tekxit (Soon to be finished!)

Tekxit is a mix of Tekkit Classic and Hexxit, combining the tech side of Tekkit with the adventure side of Hexxit. Expect many new features & adventures all ready for you to play on our server.

More to be announced soon!

Of course more features can be added, simply send our staff a message on our discord and we’ll discuss what we can do 😉


##Server Specs

We’ve recently been expanding our hardware to offer the best player experience to as many players as we can. For those who are interested, here are the specs of our servers:

Server 1

  • Intel Xeon E3-1245V2
  • 32 GB DDR3
  • 2x200GB SSD’s
  • 100/100Mbps connection
  • Hosted in Beuharnois, Canada
  • Server 2

  • Intel Xeon E3-1246V3
  • 32 GB DDR3
  • 2x512GB NVMe SSD’s
  • 1000/1000Mbps connection
  • Hosted in Falkenstein, Germany
  • ***

    As mentioned before we value input from all our members and staff, if you have any suggestions, questions, remarks, feedback, anything please let us know! Feel free to message me (Dutchy#3552) or any of our other staff on Discord.

    I hope to see you soon!

    Admin Admins Anarchy Build Craft Discord Free Going Grief Griefing Hack History Lore Map Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator New Online Open Play Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raiding Reddit Reset Server Servers Story Survival Title Vanilla Vote Who World


    Minechasm is a Minecraft server focused on as few rules as possible, where you can do whatever you like in-game. Play free of moderators and admins, use hacked clients, build, grief, explore, play the game to its fullest. We hope to serve as an alternative anarchy experience for those who are tired of other servers or wish to start a fresh, brand new one.

    There are literally no plugins that interfere with the game experience. You won’t even have announcements telling you to vote or whatever. It’s just you and the world.

    The Minechasm map is a default world going to 30 millions blocks out. It is presently only a few days old and about 20 MB in size, and will never be reset. What will it look like in a month? A year? Come online and be the very first to shape its history!


    Version: 1.13.2


    Subreddit: /r/Minechasm

    116server Apply Block Cat Chat Class Community Create Discord Experience Fun Going Good Grief Griefing Has Ill Map No Griefing Noop Open Owner Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Quest Server Survival Title Toxic Update Vanilla Whitelist

    MCBR Vanilla


    MCBR Vanilla server is a private vanilla server open to applications for relatively experienced players to have a good time playing together in a tight knit community. There is no griefing and no toxic players, all just good vibes.

    Map Created – 10/06/2020

    The server has no plugins but when the official 1.16 update is out there will be chat plugins but it is going to stay a vanilla server overall.

    Any questions, apply on discord and talk to the owner.

    Ass Astro Astrocraft Auto Blo Block Class Com Craft Custom Ect Enhanced Erver Exp Experience Free Ill Mall Mcp Minecraft Nam Play Playing Pro Raft Ree Server Small Sus Title Tom Vanilla Welcome


    Welcome to AstroCraft.

    Our goal is to sustain a free, vanilla-enhanced, playing experience for our customers!

    Check out our small server!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Abilities Amazing Auction Capture Community Craft Creative Creativeplots End Faction Factions Forge Friends Home Homes Leveling Mcmmo Mmo Mod Modpack Need New Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Player Plugin Plugins Rpg Server Servers Smp Survival Title Tpa Vanilla War World

    Penguin Craft SMP/McMMO

    A new community with various servers, such as Vanilla 1.15.2 survival journey. with top-notch hosting software. all servers have essential plugins that render your gameplay to the max with Pixelmon Reforged modpack and in the progress of adding another mod pack within a few days. we also have a great amp 1.15.2 backward compatible survival world that has a great community which captures everyones attention by having amazing plugins such as the gift of marrying in-game players to basic commands such as tpa, homes and wild teleport and by having auction allows you to sell items and gain money to buy better more advanced items in your journey. Solo not for you? You can join friends with a group plugin allowing you to join your friends and alliances if needs be. And in the making of adding many more plugins and cool features to the server which include skill leveling up on abilities in-game, please hop on and join out amazing server at, looking forward to seeing you there! 😀

    116server Class Craft CTF Datapacks Dedicated Fair Haven Head Heads Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlikeserver Irl Join King Lit Map Mature Mission Mob Multiplayer New Open Play Player Players Quest Reset Server Simple Small Smp Sub Survival Title Tweaks Vanilla Whitelist Who

    CobbleSMP [Vanilla] {1.16 PRE-2} {Whitelist} {SMP} {HermitCraft Inspired} {18+ Members Only} (SEASON TWO)


    Hey there, welcome to CobbleSMP! Cobblestone SMP, is a fairly new server. This server is season based, meaning after 4-5 months we will reset the map and the season will change to season 3 (I will say this once, we haven’t figured out the exact date the season will last! I just gave an example) our server as a whole decides when we feel like we’ve done all we can on the server. We will let you decide the date. Anyways, we are currently looking for mature 18+ members, which are respectful to all players and which are dedicated and won’t just leave after a week. We provide a data pack which is not a big change to the server (its just small little tweaks), as we want the server to be pretty vanilla. It includes, player heads, multiplayer sleep, more mob heads, double shulker shells, and plenty more.

    Applying To Join CobbleSMP
    To apply for Cobblestone SMP you must complete a quick simple form asking some questions on you and your intentions within the server, once completed the form we will get in touch with you within the next 24 hours of submission.

    Apply Here :

    Auction Base Based Block Class Cloud Crate Cratekeys Economy Economyoff End Erver Fight Friends House Join Keys Mcpvp Ops Play Player Players Pvp Rank Ranks Rps Server Shop Shops Snow Title Vanilla War Warp Warps

    Snowcloud [1.8 – 1.15.2]

    Snowcloud PVP

    Welcome to Snowcloud!

    Snowcloud is a PVP based server where you can fight your friends, players, and more!

    We have warps, shops, auction house, ranks, crate keys, and more!

    We hope that you consider joining!

    Bees Community Communitydriven Craft Esssentials Friendlycommunity Friendlymembers Hermitcraft Paperspigot Shops Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist Whitelisted Wild Wilderness

    Bee Time

    Bee Time is a friendly, growing vanilla community using no cheated items or abilities such as flight, teleportation (to a certain extent /spawn /home /wild) or claims. We do have plugins to protect our players and deal with those who dare do bother. We try our best to involve our whole community and create something truly unique. We are looking for more dedicated friendly survival players to join us.

    We have a small whitelist application which all of our players have to fill. This application tries to prevent griefers, hackers, trolls from joining but also gives us a small introduction about the player.

    Please apply in our discord:

    Action Admin Admins Apply Better Big Block Build Builder Builders Cat Class Com Construction Cool Craft Erver Event Events Fac Faction Fun Lol Mine Ming Owner Play Playing Rvival Server Ship Star Start Survival Title Vanilla World

    Yeet Craft


    yeet-craft is a survival/faction world with loads of cool events and fun for everyone it is currently under construction but you can start playing it it is getting better everyday and a big event is coming out.

    Ownership: Big1by_Wolf

    Captain_Builder: Name forgotten lol

    Builders: we are currently trying to get builders so get on the server and comunicate to apply for builder

    Admin:we are currently trying to get Admins so get on the server and comunicate to apply for Admin

    Design Eee Evolved Feed Flash Fun Infinity Luna Lunar Modpack Modpacks Peace Peaceful Rmc Sea

    LunarMC | Infinity Evolved |

    Arent you tired of searching for a peaceful small community? One where everyone gets along as we delve deep into the world of modpacks? Well… Neeed I say more? Come to LMC.

    LunarMC is designed to be an easy-going, fun, and time-consuming experience. Our main idea is to give our players a refreshing flashback of the old modpack days.

    Focused around you, the player, we take in feedback to improve the overall experience players have within the LunarMC community.


    9.2 Apply Call Create Enjin Hank Head Legacy Magi Magic Magica Magical Survival Multiplayer Tak Website

    Magical Legacy Servers

    Thank you to taking a look at my server. my name is DJHoss i have created this server to a people looking for a friendly community. This is a semi_vanilla server and plan of expanding from there.
    As of right now i will be looking to staff head on over to the website to apply.


    Adventure Artic Capture Chaos Command Commands Destroy Domina Fun How To Plugins Private Survival Vanilla Venture

    Minechaos Vanilla Survival Server! Minecraft server

    Vanilla server without unnecessary plugins and commands. We have clans! Adventure awaits you! Play with your friends for fun or capture, kill, dominate, or you can join a clan or create your own and build a clan base and defend the honor of the clan and destroy, or you can capture other clans.



    Disco Donation Host Ist Lag Mai Mcp Mcpe Nation Ost Rat Sco Strat Survival Multiplayer Wit # 2 Minecraft server

    95% discount on donation !! No lags !!! The main thing without registration! And you can vulture!

    1.12 1.12.2 Bee Best Fun Grief Head King Long Look Looking Need Ten Tim Time

    ⭐ RIVAL GRIEF ⭐ Best Neck Server | 1.12.2 – 1.16 Minecraft server

    Have you been looking for a server for a long time that will tighten your head? Then Rival Grief is exactly what you need .http: //

    1.12 1.12.2 Bee Best Grief Head King Long Look Looking Need Survival Multiplayer Ten Tim Time

    ⭐ RIVAL GRIEF ⭐ Best Neck Server | 1.12.2 – 1.16 Minecraft server

    Have you been looking for a server for a long time that will tighten your head? Then Rival Grief is exactly what you need.

    1.16 1.16.4 1.16.4 Minecraft 1.8 Add Added Fab Gam Game Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Survival Multiplayer

    FabGame 1.8-1.16.4 Minecraft server

    The owner of the “FabGame 1.8-1.16.4” server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

    Adt Bad Block Minecraft Co-op Dtr End Ends Friend Friends Riends Skyblock Survive Trip Vive Wit

    BadTrip SkyBlock Minecraft server

    SkyBlock server! On the server, you can survive with your friends in co-op!

    List Opinion Pes Pin Play Player Players Rase Ten Terra Vanilla Vanilla Server Wip Wipe Wit

    TerraSev Minecraft server

    Vanilla server without wipes!

    We listen to all the opinions of the players. Write to VK!

    Bored Emotions Extra Huge Infinite License Modern Mountain Ored Survival Swe Table Vanilla Wip Wipe

    Vanilla Craft. Minecraft server

    Vanilla Craft is a vanilla server that is in a hurry to give you the opportunity to plunge into an updated mountain of emotions and adventure. We invite you to appreciate the world in the style of modern and extravagant vanilla survival and with the complete absence of all kinds of wipes for players with a license.

    Your attention is given the opportunity to get the experience of being in single or collective survival with players who will always be happy to enjoy the joint game on the server.

    Your gaze will be given an infinitely huge area for imagination! The server was created for the most comfortable pastime of our players.

    The administration is ready to provide you with a vanilla server, and a server with all possible events, sweepstakes and goodies.

    If you are bored with various mods, or you want to try yourself in this wonderful game mode, then hurry to us!


    Add Added Ate Classic Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Private Server Minecraft Sin Sing Survival Wit

    Singularity – Classic survival with private server Minecraft

    The server owner “Singularity – Classic Survival with Private” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

    Bar Dio Fun God God Armor Lava Moderator Ores Plugins Pvp Shops Stores Tram Ubs Water

    KONOHA Minecraft || Clans || Stores || Things of God Minecraft Server

    ?? Minecraft server KANOHA ??

    >>> IP:

    >>> IP:

    >>> IP:

    Version 1.8 – 1.16+

    ? Can you craft god armor !?

    ? Is there a plugin for different substances?

    ? Cheap DONAT

    Clans, PVP, trampolines, shop, bar.

    Water and lava are ALLOWED!

    Stacks of mobs

    When online, 30 people will be selected as a moderator !!!

    Kind administration

    Come to us! It will be fun!

    10 VoteGet button code

    Average Balanced Bro Farming Halo Isa Leveling Login Max Navy Rps Shops Skills Tried Warps

    Cozy server AltCraft server Minecraft

    We are glad to see you on our project!

    Server features: skills, pets, a separate world for farming, daily login rewards, warps, auction, head shop and much more!

    We tried to do everything for the maximum comfort of the players.

    We do not have an imbalanced donation, friends of admins, wipes and many other things that can annoy the average player who wants to have a great time in their favorite game.

    Basic information when entering the server:
    Skill leveling description:

    Aco Combine Draco Industrial Magica Magical Nolog Nut Ored Survival Multiplayer Techno Technology Technomagic Trial Unknown

    VictoryCraft.Ru | DraconicTechnoMagic 5 Minecraft server

    TechnoMagic! A world where magic and high technology are combined! A world where confrontation reigns! Which side will you choose? Industrial mods will not let you get bored even for a minute, and magical ones will open a new unknown world of technological magic! What are you waiting for? Join us!

    End Fer Gen Gry Legend Legendary Nda Opé Open Opening Person Persona Personal Play Survival Multiplayer

    Opening the Legendary Gryfer Server EndMine Minecraft server

    The owner of the Open Legendary EndMine Gryfer Server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

    Ate Auto Cool Donate Emc Her Paw Pawn Rad Script Server Minecraft Spa Spawn Survival Multiplayer Trade

    sosicraft server minecraft

    cool server zhadi there is a spawn auto donate and etc.

    1.13 200 Anarchy Ander Compete Fun Minecraft Servers Minecraft Version Mpet Nline Performance Pet Pete Tir Wand

    NikCraft server Minecraft

    ? Tired of wandering around Minecraft servers? Do you want a variety of possibilities? Have fun, play with friends on the new anarchy minecraft server?

    ✅ IP:

    ✅ Minecraft version – 1.13.X

    ? Clean online, adequate and competent administration is waiting for you?

    Wish you a pleasant mood and a good NikCraft performance?

    Add Added Als Emc Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Quad Rad Squad Survival Survivals Trade

    Survival Squad l FOR ALL Minecraft server

    Survival Squad server owner hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

    Auto Cas Case Donate Donation Film Free Hack Nation Rad Sit Site Tps Trade Website

    FilMC. Free donation. Minecraft server

    FilMC. Free donate cases ——> / free / freecase / hack. Auto donation website ——>

    Aco Adult Adults Creator Creators Discord Download Draco Greg GregTech HiTech Minigames Skyblock Survival Survive

    ARAGO – MagicTech Minecraft server

    We are glad to see you at the ARAGO project, which consists of eight servers: MagicTech, DraconicTech, MagicRPG, GregTech, SkyBlock, HiTech, Minigames, Alveon. Here everyone will find their own world for survival, their own element. Logging in only once and starting to survive on one of the servers – you will not soon want to look for something new, because all the mods, and there are more than 100 of the latest build. The creators of “ARAGO” are adults, responsive, fair guys who will not only help you, but also play with you, supplement the worlds with quests and events …

    Launcher link:

    Discord server:

    We wish you a successful game and a good mood!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!