Backups Exception Flat Hardcore Mid Middle Middle School Minecraft Vanilla Schoo Seed Survival Terra Terrain Vanilla Weekly

Zeltix Middle School

Zeltix is an online Minecraft vanilla SMP server with only a few non-vanilla features. It aims to be as vanilla as possible, with only a few exceptions to make player experience more efficient. The server uses a custom flat terrain seed that offers great building locations. World backups are weekly. Play for free at


2021 2022 Abusing Accounts Economy Exception Mcmmo Misc Nowhere Offensive Parkour Prison Pvp Roleplay Vanilla

Auccuatt Prison Server

Auccuatt Prison Server is a brand new upcoming classic prison server made by a 10-year-experienced Minecraft veteran going by the username of Auccuatt. The server is planned to launch in late 2021/early 2022, the server at first is nowhere near complete, but you can help test areas and try to rank up faster than other people! There is no way to escape the prison unless you jump in the void (the prison is built on top of a sky-only world so good luck trying to go anywhere out of the prison), that being said, feel free to test the server in any way shape or form. The server is also cracked so having a Minecraft account is NOT required!


This is not meant to be an anarchy server, any form of advertising, cheating, griefing the prison, abusing plugins, having multiple accounts, hacking, offensive swearing, lying/disrespecting the admins, asking for staff, or any form of misconduct will get you permanently IP banned, no exceptions.

Economy Exception Let's Mcmmo Method Mini Games Parkour Proper Property Pve Pvp Spell Spells Stories Survival

Neverending Story

Endless story

– We focus primarily on quality gaming together with friends, family and at the same time on the safety of players, property and the entire server for a satisfied community.

– There’s a classic Survival, with an almost endless map. There is a fully developed economy, which is complemented by several special methods for earning rewards. The whole game mechanics of the game itself is changed to several different levels of skills of all kinds. There are monsters adapted to this with the same difficulty than in the original game. There are your own spells ready, which everyone is very happy to try. There is a lot of fun ready that will never get bored and the main magic of the whole server you have to know yourself: 3

– The server was created for players who love this game and want to play well, at the same time, according to many years of experience regarding the whole game, it adds a special touch. That’s why I decided to do something exceptional and balanced, where each player will find what he adores on Minecraft.

– Life stories take place every day, let’s share them together on a story that doesn’t end and create as great a community as possible … there is peace and quiet.

Alpha Economy Exception Factions Feed Glitch Kitpvp Mission Missions Permissions Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Testing


Welcome to 4KHubCentral!

Currently : We are in Beta Testing on all, if not most of our servers. The one exception is our 4KFactions Server which is in Alpha Testing. This is the server that we hope to release to the public and gain a small community so we can receive feedback on any bugs, glitches, or permissions!

As a side note, we ARE looking for staff members to join the team! There is much about the server that is unfinished as we mentioned earlier, it is only in beta testing.

If you are not interest in Factions, that is alright! We currently have KitPvP available as well if that spiked any interest?

We hope you enjoy your time on 4KHubCentral!

-4K Dev Team

Cities Developed Discord Exception Free In Survival Kings Merchant Peace Peaceful Peacefull Rp Minecraft Rp Server Survival Vanilla

ArionRP server Minecraft

Welcome to our server! We are always glad to new players! ArionRP – Vanilla RP Minecraft server. Here you can participate in a lamp RP, create your own city, become a king and go to war against other kings, or peacefully work in a mine, at a sawmill or on a farm. You can become a merchant and trade with different cities or rob people in the Wildlands or in a dark alley of the city. You can choose the role you like. To get to the server you need to submit an application in our discord server, hurry up while applications are free! All participants in our project play in survival mode. The only exception is the administration using the observer mode. The server has a well-developed system of cities, you can both create your own city and settle in an existing one. The target audience of our project is people aged 15 to 25 years who know exactly what they want to achieve on the server and can guarantee their adequacy.

Abilities Competition Creativity Domina Economy Exception Exploring Incredible Ocean Pvp Structure Structures Survival Towny Vanilla


OceanSMP is an exceptional, multiplayer Minecraft Survival Server with the goal of creating high quality and enjoyable experiences for ALL players whether you enjoy building, PVP, or exploring! Players can create grief-free towns to express their creativity and build impressive structures. BUT Towns and Nations can also go to war with one another, allowing players who enjoy PVP to show off their skills and dominate the competition for sweet rewards!

– We also have a variety of incredible plugins that offer tons of Unique Skills, Abilities, Custom Enchants, and SO MUCH MORE!
– Very Friendly community and active Mod Team.
– OceanSMP is 24/7 allowing you and your friends to play anytime!

So what are you waiting for? Adventure awaits!

2021 Contests Diplomacy Exception Famous History Middle Npcs Pvp Raids Ships Strategy Thoughts Tournaments Transform

Legends Of Middle Earth Minecraft server

1) Legends Of Middle Earth [TLOME] 2021

2) The Legends Of Middle Earth is a new project from a team of developers who want to translate the thoughts of players into reality …

But the most important thing for us is to show you how Minecraft can be transformed with the ideas that you bring!

You can’t go anywhere without entertainment, and therefore a large number of contests and various events are also part of our strategy.

The Legends Of Middle Earth is not new, this is a well-forgotten old. “It used to be better” to say so now, and we are no exception, and therefore, we decided to return the old and add a new one that is so convenient

================================================== =======================

– Explore and discover the vast world of Middle-earth

– conquer the seas on ships

– Fight for your faction

– Join a brotherhood or create your own

– Conquer territories and defend yours

– Practice diplomacy, trade with NPCs

– Create your coat of arms and your kingdom

– Conquer famous PvE raids

– Dominate PvP battles

– Participate in tournaments, battles of Middle-earth for a great reward

– Write yourself in history

Atmosphere Command Commands Days Dupe Dupes Exception Menu Pmc Problems Roble Rules Seven Tpa Vanilla

as # apmc Minecraft server

A private server close to vanilla, with a pleasant atmosphere and exceptionally adequate players. The server works around the clock, seven days a week. For bugs, dupes and other server problems, write to the owner in private messages, we will try to fix the problem as soon as possible. There is no donate on the server, as well as commands like / tpa, / home, spawn – the only clear difference from the vanilla server is the / ah command. In order to get on the server, read the rules and apply through the VK group menu.

Achievement Achievements Battles Bid Config Ddos Economy Exception Goofy Guard Loaded Plugins Pvp Region Regions

CrashCloud server Minecraft

[1] No um!

GM is strictly prohibited on the server. Issued only in extreme cases to staff.

[2] Cheap donation! Just to cover hosting costs 🙂

[3] Donate keeps balance! No GOD-mods, creatives, disbalanced whales with big enchantments! Exceptionally small changes in features for a more comfortable game.

[4] The server is designed from scratch. The assembly is ours, assembled and configured by the administrator 🙂

[5] Achievements! Complete tasks, get valuable prizes! It’s much more interesting to play

[6] Quests!

The server will host / pass frequent quests for donation.

[7] Interesting game! No goofy regions, World-Guard is completely forbidden for players. Added an auction where you can buy something.

[8] Economy!

The administration does not give resources / money to players, disrupting the economy.

[9] Fair battles!

There is a good anti-cheat on the server, besides, AntiRelog is installed! PVP promises to be exciting 🙂

[10] Nice staff! The server is almost 24/7 played by staff who will never refuse to help the player!

[11] Good hosting, DDOS protection for a stable game! Usually TPP does not go below 19.00.

[12] The server is not loaded with useless plugins that disrupt the server.

[13] Frequent updates! The server is being actively developed, the administration also takes into account the opinions and wishes of the players!

Allowed Anarchy Aus Everything Exception Hack Hacks Lag Life Lud Machine Machines Sin Survival Vanilla

127 Life

Some anarchy server, everything is allowed, including hacks, with the exception of lag causing machines. have fun!

Admins Ander Bat Current Dev Devs Fighting Freetoroam Official Plane Planet Planetminecraft Smp Survival Tool

RBX Devs

Welcome to the official RBX Devs Smp In Here we are developing the server to be the best in planetminecraft join now!


PLAYERS limit: 30

owner:mohammed albander

admins: albatool

discord: currently developing it!

Rules are in the server!

Fall Ifesteal Kplayz Kplayzgaming Life Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifestealsmp Minecraft Steal Sub Survival Ubs Youtube


Welcome to The DownFall SMP This is a LifeSteal Server created by KPlayzGaming and We hope you enjoy also Subscribe to KPlayzGaming’s YouTube

Bruh City Codes Complex Creative District Districts Hiring Metropolis Misa Mizuto Original Project Realistic Resource Pack

Mizuto-III Beta Server – NOW HIRING

Apply in this form:
Please download our resource pack before joining – Version 0.3
Our main page:
More information will be sent after application regarding specific building codes and server rules.

Current Districts and Suburbs

Central Island

Kamisato Island

119 Data Dbc Insta Kind Kyn Modpack Offline Pack Slime Slimefun Slimefunsmp Steal Survival Tall


Hi! I just made a new server, and I’m see if anybody would like to join it.

If you don’t know, Slimefun is a plugin that adds loads of items so that the server feels like a ModPack, without installing any mods!


Don’t steal

Be kind

Don’t grief

Be age appropriate

Don’t hack or use and kind of cheat.

DIscord server

If the server is offline, turn it on using this:

Alathra Alathramc Custom Custommusic Discord Dynmap Economy Fantasy Geopolitical Geopolitics Insturments Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Music Noteblockapi Paper Political Politics Pvp Roleplay Rpg Shopkeepers Shops Spigot Team Towny War Worldborder Worldbuilding Worldmap

ALATHRA MC | World Building | RP | Survival

Alathra is a world building server with a mix of geopolitics and light roleplay, focused on creating an interesting history from the events and actions of players within the land of Alathra. We strive to form a friendly community built around a mutual love for Minecraft and story telling.

If you are looking for a server to build a town, start a religion, or just want to be a nomad and live in the forest, or even take over the world this is the server for you!

More Info can be found in our discord:



  • TOWNY — Start your own town and nation with your friends or join an existing one to make new ones. Towny allows players to claim protected areas of the map to safely build in, this is where you can participate in the world-building. You can make sprawling metropolises dedicated to worshiping your mysterious gods, or a nation built on wealth and trade. The limit to what you can create is up to your imagination.
  • MCMMO — MCMMO introduces skills and abilities into Minecraft enhancing the native mechanics whilst extending the gameplay in ways that feel natural. With over 13 skills to train, there are many different paths you can take to mold your experience. You can become the best swordsman in the land and lead nations to victory, or a strange nomad-alchemist who sells potions only they have the knowledge and skills to make.
  • CUSTOM GENERATION — The overworld was generated using custom terraforged generation. The goal of using this generation is to make playing and exploring Alathra a refreshing experience compared to vanilla. With our custom settings, we believed we reached a perfect balance of a “minecrafty” world with an enhanced experience (not just giant mountains/unbuildable terrain, cool landscapes are uniquely spread out). When exploring Alathra you can expect to see rivers that actually connect to oceans, beautiful mountain ranges, harsh deserts and many more upgrades to vanilla overworld generation. Alathra was also generated using custom caves! You can experience exploring the many different styles of caves within the world.
  • LORE WIKI — AlathraMC has its own wiki with the goal to document the lore and worldbuilding of the server. Create your own pages to document religions, towns and much more. Our hope is for the wiki page to continuously grow and become more filled out as time goes on.

  • Categories
    Auction House Death Hardcore Hardcore Pvp House Master Minecraft Hardcore Pvp Raiding Save Skull Tebex Tik Tiktok Tok


    We are a brand new Minecraft Hardcore server that wants you. But you must be one of the best to try and survive. When you die you have a 1-day death ban from the server. The best players rule over all as PVP, griefing, and raiding is allowed. We have an AUction house that you can access by doing /ah. We also have a quest master that you can get quests from for money.

    3.13 Active Bein Cherry Cherrycraft Ein Her Info Ked Lmao Ryc Survival Tab Vanilla Worked



    2b2t Anarchy Break Chests Default Homes Isa Law Lawless Nether Pvp Sable Survival Ush Zoo

    Cone Zone Anarchy

    THE CONE ZONE – Anarchy for babies

    Spawn Area has PvP and block breaking disabled – outside this area is absolutely lawless.

    Public ender chests are available at spawn to use.

    Default players have access to commands such as /back, /tpa, and are able to set up to 3 homes.

    We’re looking for some active players! We have a small community, and want some more action!

    It may be too kushy to be labeled as “anarchy” to minecraft purists, but it’s the cone zone, not 2b2t.

    Get in the zooone, cone zone.

    Allies Anarchy Ban Civ Civilization Create Fol Follow Roleplay Survival Tak Tea Team Teams Wise


    A civilization survival server! where you can create teams, start wars, form allies, take note there are rules you will have to follow otherwise this will result in a ban, consider joining!

    Bored Daily Estonia Freedom Launch Launcher Ored Para Prize Seven Survival Tla Tlauncher Umc Unch


    Welcome to AlgatouMC!
    Are you bored Do you have a lot of time? Then come play at AlgatouMC!
    We allow all Estonians to our server from the age of seven!
    > Active moderation
    > Friendly team
    > Small community
    > Fun plugins
    > Separate website
    > Daily prize
    > Freedom from bad people
    > TLauncher enabled

    What are you waiting for? Join today and get to know others!

    Aim Claim Claims Crate Crates District Job Jobs Laim Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Ops Rates Shops Survival


    DistrictCraft is a minecraft survival server with economy, shops, jobs, crates, claims, pvp, nice staff and good community. dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

    Armor Coins Hidden Hidden Secrets Meet Oins Purchase Secret Secrets Survival Survival Games Survive Teleport Vanilla Vip


    Welcome to Shiberrz, Join now!

    – – –
    Get some of Jeb_’s Merch, You could find a Jeb_ Coin…
    Use Jeb_ Coins to, Purchase Armor, Get a Teleport & Much More!
    So stay Tuned…
    – – –
    Find some Hidden Secrets around the Map!
    What are you waiting for, Join Shiberrz today for a FREE Vip Rank!

    …Why are you still Reading this? Go, go Join!

    2022 Automatic Banned Hardcore Heart Hearts Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Mana Manage Pretty Pvp Survival

    Bartol Middle School

    Welcome to the Bartol SMP, here we have 2 main servers, Hardcore and Lifesteal;
    On Lifesteal it’s simple, semi-anarchy, when you kill others you receive some of their hearts, and when they kill you they receive some of your hearts! If you loose all of your hearts then you automatically get banned for 2 days, after which you may re-join and start again (You do not loose hearts if you die to mobs, only players).
    On Hardcore, it’s pretty much the same as any hardcore world, the exact same amount of hearts, but there’s a twist! You also get banned for 10 hours , in which after you re-join and start again!

    If you wish to Join you can, it’s Free! To also view the rules visit the #Rules channel in our Discord linked on this page.

    The Owner Is Bartol#3110 .
    Cool Dude2016#2022 Manages This Server Page.

    Bettersleeping Chestshop Discord Dungeons Economy Essentials Friendlystaff Griefprevention High School New Smp Relax Relaxed Smp Survival Towny

    Felidae Junior High School 1.17.1

    Felidae SMP is a new SMP server with a lot of potential!

    We’re friendly, relaxed, and have a kind staff team dedicated to the server.
    Economy is active, rules are simple, and staff is responsive to issues.

    Dungeons are in the server to give players more to do and more plugins will be added periodically if suggested and approved!

    No whitelist, just fun!

    City Citylife Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Lifestealsmp Overworld Pvp Region Smp Survival Team Warrior

    City LifeSteal SMP

    Do you want a fun SMP server with a bit of a twist or difference?

    CityLifeSteal SMP is a typical Life Steal server where you start your adventure in a city that’s in the middle of the overworld. You can trade with players or purchase materials to aid you on your quest for survival. Once you’ve left the city region you’re on your own. Team with others or fight alone to become the ultimate warrior.

    Join our discord at

    Server has 100 player capacity!

    1.13 Arena Channel Deo Fight Hero Ideo Jump Kitpvp Mai Tak Tran Trans Video Videos is the heroptix server.
    The main game mode is kitpvp. Take a kit, jump into the arena, fight your enemies and become the best server player.

    There will also be many events, transcribed in videos on the heroptix channel.

    1.17.1 Cracké Cracked Crossplatform Défi Mcmmo Minecraft Java Nite Ports Prem Premium Pvp Roleplay Smp Survival


    A cool and fun Cross-Platform 1.17.1 Minecraft Java server that you should definitely check out! Currently supports Premium and Cracked. What are you waiting for? Join us now!

    Anarchy Awesome Creative Eso Java Minecraft Java Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Mini Games Play Minecraft Rock Roleplay Skyblock Survival Vanilla


    SZExKanavu , Is a Fun Community server for Minecraft Players,
    If you Play Minecraft Java, bedrock then it would be awesome that you join this server, so what are you waiting for?, JOIN NOW!

    Capital Cities Creative Economy Elite Ita Lite Mcmmo Mini Games Optional Parkour Pit Pure Survival Towny


    We are a server that invests in community. Before, we have all lived in a common city, but we have recently opened up for those who played for a while to create their own cities and it is optional if you want to live in the capital EliteCity or in one of our player-owned cities.

    In addition to our Towny world, we have a pure survival without a lot of plugins. We have a creative world for those who have reached rank 3 on the server. We also have various minigames and parkour so there is something to do for everyone.

    Crackshot Custom Customitems Custommobs Customplugins Economy Friendly Friendlystaff Gta Guns Jedicraft Looting New Pve Pvp Starwars

    Jedi Craft

    If you’ve never played JediCraft before, you’re in for a treat. JediCraft is a GTA-styled Star Wars gamemode where you can explore an open world, loot chests, and pvp using lightsabers, guns, grenades, and vehicles!

    We are aiming to make the highest quality Star Wars game mode yet. At JediCraft, you’ll find:

    ➥ 3D Models & Textures
    ➥ Custom Plugins
    ➥ Detailed, Large Map
    ➥ Lots of easter-eggs and quest locations

    This isn’t just any normal JediCraft, this game mode will have exciting new features such as:

    ➥ Variable rare chest spawning
    ➥ New recoverable item mechanics
    ➥ Lootable NPCs
    ➥ Player Shops
    ➥ And much more!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!