115server 115survival Chestprotection Claim Claimblocks Claiming Claimland Claims Claimshovel Claimsurvival Corona Coronavirus Crates Customenchantments Customenchants Economy Elitemobs Fun Goldenshovel Griefprevention Keepinventory Keepitemsondeath Kits Landclaim Landclaiming Landclaims Mcmmo Minigames Money Playervaults Pvp Pvping Roleplay Shop Smp Survival Survivalpvp Survivalserver Whitelist Whitelisted

Green Gem [Survival][Land Claim][McMMO][Custom Enchantments][Quests][NEW STUFF]


Over 300 New Enchantments!

Are you stuck inside during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic?

Are you afraid you might run out of toilet paper? Well, we have TONS! (And it’s edible)

Do you want a fun Minecraft server to play on with your friends during this stressful time?

Are you and your friends looking for a survival server where you can hang out and build in peace?

Search no more! We are the server for you!

We offer Land Claim, Keep Inventory, Teleport Commands, Safe Storage, Locked Chests, McMMO with RPG Skills and Stat Level Leaderboards, Economy with Shops, OVER 200 CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS!!!, Quests, Crates and Keys, New Foods with Special Effects and Custom Items with Attribute Modifications, New Fishing and Mining Experiences with New Fish and New Gems and Ores, and an Expanding Universe Created Straight From The Brain of the Server’s Owner.

So what are you waiting for?
We’ll be waiting ;D

ip = GreenGem.MC.GG

Ass Block Class Com Commands Discord Economy Ect Elo Erver Fate Ffa Fun Google Help Ill Insta People Plugin Plugins Pve Economy Rvival Server Shop Shops Simp Simply Smp Surviva Survival Survivalserver Sus Ter Title

A survival server with some plugins installed. In order to add suspense, I will not be letting people know what the exact commands are besides /discord. To figure it out, simply google the plugin after doing /help

Coreprotect Dynmap Elitemobs Essentials Essentialsx Griefprevention Griefprotection Mcmmo Mythicdrops Mythicmobs Randomteleport Randomteleports Randomtp Silkspawners Silktouchspawners Smp Smpve Survival


Plugins so far:
  • Grief Prevention (for claims)
  • EssentialsX (for /tpaccept, /spawn, /sethome, etc.)
  • CoreProtect (to log blocks/allows me to rollback)
  • TimedFly (do /fly using in-server currency)
  • ProCosmetics (do /minis, /particles, /music, /emotes, etc.)
  • Random Teleport (do /rtp to randomly teleport)
  • Dynmap (type /map in-game)
  • Silk Touch Spawners (get spawners silk touch)
  • mcMMO (level up skills to do cool things)
  • Auction House (do /ah to open it)
  • Cave Biomes (cool custom caves)
  • Not laggy:

    Ryzen 2700X @ 4.5GHz, SSDs, 1Gbps network

    keepInventory = true

    Active Amazing Antigrief Awesome Best Build Chill Class Community Craft Creative Economy Inecraft King Laidback Map Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minigames Modified Nice Online Play Pvp Quest Roads Rules Server Smp Survival Title Town Towns Website Wns

    Z Server SMP

    General Info

    Online since May, 14, 2011.

    Z Server SMP is a Minecraft server that strives to be the best of the best. You can build where ever you like while following the rules. We have towns to build in to have a close active community. We are a amazing server with a nice community and awesome looking map. If you have any other questions ask.

    All the useful info is on the website.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Ass Base Based Block Class Com Community Craft Ect Erver Exp Experience Fit Ill Inecraft Live Mall Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Selection Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Server Small Smp Survival Title Vanilla Welcome


    Welcome to CraftVerse!

    We are a small, community based server that hopes to deliver the finest minecraft experience possible. We have a small but useful selection of plugins. We aim to keep the spirit of vanilla minecraft, with the benefits of a close multiplayer community.

    114server Admin Anarchy Ban Community Coop Craft Create Creative Discord Environment Event Grief Hack Hard Map Mine Minecraft Mod New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Reset Rey Semianarchy Server Smp Spawn Survival Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival War

    A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.2} {Semi-anarchy} {No Cheating}

  • Hello gamers. Thank you for taking the time to consider A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door. I consider the server a lawless server because there is only 1 rule, No cheating. My goal as someone hosting a server is to create an environment where people can enjoy all the mechanics of vanilla minecraft, both pvp and pve.
  • What really makes minecraft shine is when people work together and it is all the more impressive when people decide to work together on a lawless server. While I encourage cooperation, I also enjoy some chaos and that is why there is only 1 rule.
  • Please note, there are minimal plugins on this server (to prevent lag during tps drops). And there is minimal intervention by admins. Everything built in the game is built in survival mode, creative mode is not permitted.
  • Most people login to server and immediately die, over and over, then they rage quit. Be warned the server is set to hard mode and because there is very little lag the monsters will make your life difficult. I have constructed several mini bases around the spawn area (spawn radius is set to 1000) to help new players, but because this is anarchy it is a constant battle to keep these bases stocked with supplies.
  • Some people asked me, why the server has the name it does. Well, when I first started the server, a zombie pigman broke my door.
  • Other things of note, the map will never be reset and the seed will never be given out.
  • Discord:

    Running: 1.15.2

    Location: Montreal, Canada

    Difficulty: Hard

    Clarification on no cheating. No cheating means using any client or code to give you an advantage or “hack” the game. Duping is a grey area because it’s using an ingame mechanic or exploit to give you a benefit in the game. Since duping is almost impossible to reliably police we will not be banning people for duping, but it is frowned upon by the community. What this means is most of our players look very negatively upon it and will be less likely to work with you if you are a known duper and may be more likely to target you for griefs or pvp.

    Admin Best Build Building Bukkit City Community Custom Eco Economy End Forums Friendly Good Grief Hub Lore Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobarena Network New Open Perks Play Pvp Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Smp Staff Story Survival Town Website Youtube

    Runic Paradise

    Posted Image


    Runic Paradise is an old Minecraft SMP community which was dormant for a while – but we’re back! We have a good group of folks who have followed us all along and we’re happy to take on newcomers to expand our community.

    The server is open for anyone to join, but new folks will need to be promoted after going through our quick tutorial.

    Watch our new trailer:

    Posted Image

    Visit our website at

    What we offer:

  • Mob Arena!
  • McMMO!
  • Friendly staff who have admin’d and mod’d a SMP server before
  • Zero tolerance for griefing
  • Custom web-based tools to keep griefers out and find them if they do sneak in
  • Lockable chests & doors for all players
  • A global interface-based shop
  • Player-run chest shops
  • Protections to keep your buildings (but not you…) safe from explosions, fire spread, endermen, etc
  • A starting spawn town to explore
  • A starting city to settle into, sell from, etc
  • Several hubs spread around the map, connected via a convenient teleportation network so you can build in the environment you like best
  • A ranks system that lets you gain perks (and maybe responsibilities) as you grow with our community (or donate toward server costs)
  • So stop reading… and start playing! Anyone can login to the game server @ — but you need to post an introduction on our forums and agree to our rules before we promote you (so you can build!).

    Visit our website at
    Additional NotesSurvival server with long history is back in action! MCMMO, MobArena, PvpArena, Shops, economy, bukkit, worldguard, grief protection, experienced staff, teleportation network… and more! 🙂

    Antigrief Arena Arenas Claims Dynmap Elitemobs Enjin Epicworldgenerator Essentials Essentialsx Free Fresh Fun Griefprevention Griefprotection Hard Home Landclaim Minecraft Mpet New Pets Pve Pvp Semi Semivanilla Server Sethome Sethomes Sleepplugin Smp Smps Steeltoncom Steeltonmc Survival Svanilla Updated Vanilla Vote Voterewards

    [HARD]Semi Vanilla Survival Server SteeltonMC

    SteeltonMC- Simply, Minecraft:

    Welcome to Steelton MC!

    This is our all-in-one reference page. Here you will find all the information you need to understand our server as a new player.

    Short summary

    Steelton is a hard, semi-vanilla survival server. PVP, raiding, and griefing are allowed. However, players are also given the ability to create land claims in order to protect their builds and items PVP is disabled in all claimed areas. Our vision is to create a server that provides an enjoyable experience by bringing Minecraft back to its roots – friendly players and a small devoted staff team.

    General information

    The server is, first and foremost, a survival server, and most of the plugins we use are chosen with the survival player in mind.

    The server’s difficulty is set to hard. This means that you will find lots of mobs and death by starvation is possible. Plan accordingly!

    The server is Semi-vanilla. This means that you can expect an experience somewhat similar to vanilla Minecraft. However, certain plugins are used to create a richer player experience and make server management easier for the staff team.

    There are a number of rules, which we enforce to ensure a safe, fair, and fun environment for everyone. For more information, please check the Rules section, and/or type /rules in game.

    PVP, raiding, and griefing are all allowed.

    Players are encouraged to protect their builds and items from raiding and griefing by claiming them using our claims system.

    Client-side modification exceptions:

    Modifications that are cosmetic and/or do not give you an unfair advantage over other players (Optifine, minimaps, etc.) are allowed. In general, it’s better to be safe than sorry – if you are unsure, ask the Staff!

    Guidelines and etiquette:

  • Keep in mind that our server has a very diverse playerbase, with players of all ages from many parts of the world represented. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of your personal relationship with them.
  • Welcoming new players to the server is a great way to make new friends and contribute to the growth of our community! Greeting new players is not a requirement, but refrain from acting in a way that actively discourages them from playing on the server. Avoid immaturity.
  • Staff members will occasionally ask for feedback and input from members of the community – we use your feedback to make the server a better place! Don’t hesitate to contact us if needed.
  • Ban appeals:

    If you believe you have been banned by mistake, please refer to the Ban Appeal section of the forum.

    Ranking up:

    Use /warp promotion – you will be ranked up automatically. This will enable PvP.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Build Chill Creative Custom Eco Economy Enchants Events Faction Factions Fly Freedom Grind Kitpvp Kits Lore Mcmmo Minecraft Minigame Minigames Network Perks Pets Play Popular Prison Pvp Ranks Roleplay Server Skyblock Smp Spawner Store Survival Unique Vanilla Youtube Youtuber


    Server IP – Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

    Welcome to Skycade!

    Unlike most networks we aim to maintain a completely free to play and play to win environment, meaning none of the things we sell on the store give players an advantage over others. All players get access to cool permissions like /echest, fly on factions and more!
    Ranks and other store items consist of mainly cosmetic perks like pets, suffixes, and trails.

    We currently have 6 game modes:

    Skyblock 1.12 – Skyblock is our most popular game mode with custom events and a ton of starting islands to choose from, experience the classic Skyblock atmosphere with more to do!
    Factions 1.8 – A custom f top, lots of events and a great economy with custom spawner drops you and your faction will have plenty to do! Factions is focused on PotPvP with limited Gapples OP Factions is for all the Gapple PvPers!
    SMP 1.12 – Its like single player, but with more people! Explore, build and chill with lots of other players in this non competitive vanilla Minecraft focused gamemode.
    KitPvP 1.8 – Our KitPvP is custom and unique to Skycade, choose from 50 different kits with unique abilities and battle your way to the top of the leaderboards.
    Prisons 1.12 – Enjoy Prisons like you never have before, with a full customised server packed with minigames and custom enchants to help you enjoy on your grind for freedom!
    Creative 1.12 – Unleash your inner creativity and show off your builds to the entire network!

    Owned by YouTuber JackSucksAtLife you can be sure hes often about causing mischief!

    Join now at

    115server Building Community Fun Home Mature New Noclaims Pve Pvp Raiding Semivanilla Small Smallserver Smp Staff Survival Tpa Vanilla Vanillaish

    Simply Vanilla – 1.15.2

    Welcome to Simply Vanilla!

    Simply Vanilla is focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay, though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins. Playing with friends is easy with basic teleport commands and a /sethome make the vanilla experience more favorable. We pride ourselves on our tight-knit, kind community and are super welcoming! We have a mature player base with older players, (usually 17+) though anyone is encouraged to join. We try our best to do monthly events as well with some awesome prizes. Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!
    Also, check out our website for more information:

    1. No cheats of any kind allowed
    2. Major griefing is not allowed
    3. Respect fellow players and staff
    4. No spam or advertisement
    5. No revolting content
    6. No ban or mute evasion
    7. No excessive swearing / offensive language
    8. AFK Farming/grinding is not allowed
    9. No public grinders are allowed, only private
    10. No toxic players
    For more detail about our rules, check out

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Automatic Config Crafting Decent Economy Farm Farms Landclaming Medieval Moderator Moderators Pve Pve Economy Skin Survival

    Medieval Voltage


    We are a brand-new community-based Player vs. Environment server striving to offer a more classic feel to the game of Minecraft. In Minecraft’s later times, we have seen how most servers focus solely on competing with the same minigames, and hub-type configurations which everyone has come to know. There used to be a time when servers were much simpler, and offered more of a community-based platform, rather than a hub/minigame based one. MedievalVoltage is happy to offer that more old-fashioned type of server environment again, where everyone focuses on playing the game, crafts, farms, and trade items.

    Since we are new, we are also looking for a few Moderators to join our team. NOTE that we WILL expect a decent amount of play time before we would consider you for the role. If you join asking for staff, you are automatically disqualified from consideration.

    Thank you, and happy crafting!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    1.12 1.12.2 2.2 Add Added Button Cod Code Owner Red Ros Rose Survival Multiplayer Version Vote

    | Red-rose Server | Version 1.12.2 Minecraft server

    The owner of Red-rose Server Version 1.12.2 has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    2 VoteGet button code

    Day Dream Dreams Eam Everyone Interesting Man Minecraft Voting One Res Things Use Wait Waiting Yone

    Server of your dreams Minecraft server

    Server Description

    Go to the server, we are waiting for everyone, the server is ready to use. There are many interesting things on the server

    1 day ago

    Bon Dumb Dungeon Dungeons Fall Fit Forever Mcmmo Pay To Win Sounds Survival Towny Tree Trees Vanilla


    Project Cova is the coolest minecraft server you’ll ever play because of so many good features that will make you hate vanilla minecraft forever.

    * Trees FALL
    * Dungeons around the world!
    * MCmmo
    * Our end? completely CUSTOM
    * You can SEE What you craft (It’s cool come check it out)
    * NON PROFIT (we don’t need dumb pay to win!)
    * Cool quests and events to come! Lots of community building
    * Lots of new sounds
    * Daily bonuses!
    * Towny

    come join our server we hope you enjoy it 🙂

    1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.9 Case Fly Minecraft Marriages Quest Sit Site Top Version

    TOP SERVER Minecraft server

    Server Description✅IP ⚡
    ✅VERSION ⚡ 1.8-1.9-1.10-1.11-1.12-1.13-1.14-1.15
    ✅SITE ⚡ ⚡
    ✅VK ⚡ ⚡

    ✅ Write / quest for survival and get freecase

    Eula Follow Fort Great Mall Mean Mmu Nks Ran Rank Ranks Small Smallserver Smp Survival


    Wanna join a SMP with a great community? We might be small, but put effort into any thing you have in mind. Feel free to join us! We follow minecrafts EULA (means no p2w or ranks)

    1000 лвл 127 лвл Classic Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Naruto Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

    ✨ ❤️ LastMine ❤️ ✨ THE COOLEST SERVER IN THE WORLD ✨ Minecraft server

    Server Description

    ✑✑ Our Site for buying donation –

    ✒✒ Our IP –

    ✑✑ Our group in VK –


    ✏ Mini games

    -ʘ BedWars

    -ʘ SkyWars

    -ʘ MurderMystery

    -ʘ BuildBattle

    ✏ Game Currency – $

    ✏ Money for the spent time – $

    ✏ Clans

    ✏ Ranks, awards

    ✏ Cases with donation

    ✏ Random teleport

    ✏ Shop by Interface – / shop

    ✏ A beautiful spawn built with your own hands!

    ✏ Mob Arena – / warp mob

    ✏ And also a convenient menu – / menu

    ✏ Weddings

    ✏ Parkour

    ✏ Drugs


    ☑ High guarantees in buying donut

    ☑ Best Tech Support

    ☑ Low prices for Donat


    Admin Exp Expensive Good Lag Private Rad Rat Strat Survival Multiplayer Trade Unique Way Website Yes

    SnS RP Website – Minecraft server

    Server Description

    A private and unique server in its field, yes it is private, but the penetration is not so expensive and yes the server does not lag a good ping, we will always be glad to see the administration work 24-13

    1.16 1.16.4 1.16.4 Minecraft Account Add Added Has Hold Old Owner Ron Strong Stronghold Survival Multiplayer This

    Stronghold – Minecraft server 1.16.4 Minecraft server

    Server owner “Stronghold – Minecraft Server 1.16.4” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    1.16.4 Civ Civilization Country Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Roleplay Video Vod Wise

    Strevodek server Minecraft

    Server Description

    ⊰? ⊱ Hello player, we want to inform you that Strevodek is officially opening! Version – 1.16.4, ip: Some of its features are worth describing right away:

    ⊰ ✂ ⊱ What is the streak video theme? – You have come to the lands of the country strevodek, where civilization was just born, a world in which you can become anyone!

    ⊰? ⊱ There are unique plugins on the server, so if you come to enjoy the great gameplay, you can do it!

    ⊰? ⊱ To play on the server, you need to carefully study the rules of the server and the rules of the pp, because on our server the pp component is mandatory and without knowing the rules you can be punished by the moderators. (you can find the rules in the discord server)

    ⊰? ⊱ On our server, in order to establish a city, you need to write # applications for a city so that your city is considered an official city, otherwise your ,, settlement “cannot be called a city, but you can only call a village or a village / settlement

    Adventure Classes Ctm Dungeons Economy Guilds Mmorpg Notch Potions Puzzle Puzzles Pve Rpg Stories Survival


    Looking for challenge and excitement? To recapture that sense of adventure – the hunt for the dangerous and unknown?

    Join Monumenta – a free Minecraft-based action MMORPG in the spirit of “Complete the Monument”, particularly Ragecraft.

    If you’ve enjoyed other great (unaffiliated) CTM series like Super Hostile, Untold Stories, Vinyl Fantasy, or Uncharted Territory, Monumenta is right up your alley.
    Monumenta is unlike any other Minecraft MMO server – fight your way through dungeons, slay bosses, and complete quests mostly in survival mode, allowing you to place and break blocks as Notch intended.
    Monumenta offers 10+ square kilometers of custom-built terrain including expansive towns with quests to complete, respawning dungeons to conquer, and massive multi-hour instanced raid dungeons to test your skill and obtain exotic loot. Monumenta is a cooperative server, where you can play with friends (or solo) to tackle its many challenges.
    Monumenta has an expansive player class system (mage, warrior, etc.) and over 1000 custom items. Unlike most MMOs, there is no grinding to level up. Items and skill points are obtained by defeating dungeons and completing quests – and you can switch classes at any time and use your existing skill points in that new class. There are no tedious “MMO-style” skills like mining, etc. to level up by endless repetitive clicking.

    Some stats:

  • 17 unique raid dungeons, each providing hours of gameplay.
  • 170+ respawning mini-dungeons scattered across the 100% custom overworld terrain.
  • 90+ quests with story, puzzles, and unique rewards.
  • 7 player classes with over 100 unique abilities to choose from.
  •       Mage – Arcane and Elemental magic user. Strong AoE and crowd control abilities
          Warrior – Sword/Shield/Axe Master
          Scout – Mobility, Utility, and Archery
          Cleric – Healing, Buffing, and Undead-slaying
          Rogue – Evades and fades in to deal huge single-target damage
          Alchemist – Supports allies and debuffs enemies through potions gained through combat
          Warlock – Combines abilities and debuffs for massive burst AoE damage

  • Loads of side content: Cooperative boss battles, daily quests, races, parkour challenges, and more.
  • Easily 120+ hours of mainline playtime with weekly updates; many players have > 1000 hours of game time.
  • A friendly, mature community of experienced Minecraft players
  • Monumenta has remained live since Closed Beta in June 2017 and continues to grow. It is a community-driven project which is and always will be free to play.

    Join today at (Minecraft version 1.16.3)

    Discord (our main community hub):


    Optional resource pack, which adds custom textures for our unique items (requires Optifine):

    Wiki –

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Bed Wars Build battle Experiment Extraction Factories HiTech Industrial Lucky Blocks Method Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Technical

    HiTech – CubixWorld.Ru # 2 Minecraft server

    Server with industrial mods! Create your own technique in minecraft!
    A server on which you can build farms, factories, make the most complex automatic crafting, experiment with different methods of obtaining energy, then develop the extraction of liquid matter. Here are the most interesting technical mods that will not let you get bored!

    Applications Bosses Bov Coded Customcoded False Islands Menu Minecraft Server Network Minecraftserver Needstaff New Minecraft Server Simply Skyblock Staffwanted

    EternityRealm Custom Skyblock [1.9+] [STAFF WANTED] [CUSTOM CODED] [FRIENDLY COMMUNITY & STAFF]

    Welcome to EternityRealm!

    EternityRealm is a brand new Minecraft Server network which currently has Skyblock, but we are offering survival and factions soon!

    Our staff applications are open! To apply, simply join our discord and apply here: [b=false][/b]

    You can join on any version above 1.9 for skyblock, however Survival and Factions allow 1.8 and above to join.

    EternityRealm skyblock includes: Skills, Collections, 100+ Quests, 10+ free islands, custom crates, custom ranks, custom coded features, Skyblock Menu, Custom Bosses & Minibosses, as well as so much more!

    What are you waiting for? Join for a unique experience like never before!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Bed Wars Build battle Factory Hide and Seek Industrial Lucky Blocks Magic Mods Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Technomagic Trial Vast

    TechnoMagic – CubixWorld.Ru # 1 Minecraft server

    Industrial and magic mods on one minecraft server!
    Can’t torn yourself between tech and magic servers? Do you want to explore the vastness of the game world in magic armor, having mechanical devices with you? Or maybe you want to build a huge factory with fully automated magic? Then this server is for you!

    Bed Wars Build battle Factory Hide and Seek Industrial Lucky Blocks Magic Mods Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena TNT Run

    Magic RPG – CubixWorld.Ru Minecraft server

    Industrial and magic mods on one minecraft server!
    Can’t torn yourself between tech and magic servers? Do you want to explore the vastness of the game world in magic armor, having mechanical devices with you? Or maybe you want to build a huge factory with fully automated magic? Then this server is for you!

    Empire Huge Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Pay Pay To Win Pire Ranks Regular Schoo School Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft Server Vanilla Win

    Old School Minecraft Survival Server – No Pay To Win – Huge Map

    Old School Survival Minecraft Server

    – No Ranks
    – Huge Map
    – Just Regular Survival
    – Build Your Empire!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Apprentice Chunks Crates Customenchants Economy Familia Landclaiming Leaderboards Lof Mcmmo Pmc Ranks Shop Survival Vanilla Like

    Oakheart Survival (1.16.4) | FREE RANK, USE CODE PMC

    Welcome to Oakheart! This is a server that gives players the opportunity to have a vanilla like survival experience. We focus on things that don’t change the gameplay too much but are more like an addition to it to make the server more interesting to play on, so if you want a server like that, then this is the server you’re looking for! The aim is to be community driven and therefor the whole community gets a say in what should and should not be added to the server.

    Custom Enchants
    We have a few custom enchants that feel and look vanilla like and is obtainable the same way you would normally obtain enchants.
    We’re open to suggestions if you find certain enchants should be changed or removed entirely.

    There is a possibility to create a land and claim chunks to prevent it from grief, but we also have a no grief policy on this server. This means that if you didn’t claim your stuff, people are still not allowed to grief your belongings.
    You can use the command `/lands help` to get started with lands.

    You can buy and sell items in `/shop`, here you can find lots of different ways to make coins and spend coins.
    The Economy is subject to change.

    We have 4 different crates, Old, Antique, Ancient and Mythical. You can warp/tp to the crates with `/warp crates` or find them upstairs in spawn. You get an **Old Crate Key** every time you vote for the server.
    You can do `/vote` for more information.

    If you’re not familiar with MCMMO, it’s a level system for different activities, such as mining, excavating and killing mobs. You can find more information about it by typing `/mcmmo`.

    Upstairs in spawn we have 3 different leaderboards that you can compete in, if you’re competitive.
    You can use `/warp HallOfFame` to get there easily.

    You can find the rules by using the command `/rules` in-game.

    Use code PMC at checkout for free Apprentice rank.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Customenchants Dianite Fate Ianite Magician Mcmmo Mianite Mianiteserver Purge Roleplay Secrets Semiop Slimefun Storyline Survival

    CrypticCraft Mianite

    CrypticCraft is a new semi-op survival roleplay server based on the popular series Mianite with our own unique twist!

    With tons of fun plugins such as slimefun, custom server based enchants, etc custom events, a constantly changing storyline,
    pvp events and many more unique experiences you are bound to have some fun!

    What god will you follow? Will you be evil like Dianite? Righteous like Mianite? Will you wish for balance and follow Ianite?
    Or maybe choose the path of the magician and create your own fate?
    Whatever you choose, you better be ready to fight.
    The Crypt has many secrets.. will you uncover them traveler?

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Awesome Bedwars Bungeecord Creative Eso Gio Legion Lobby Mode Myst Mystic People Skyblock Survival Towny

    Mystic Legions Is An Awesome Minecraft Server With Loads Of Game mode’s And People To Play With !

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    138 8.2 Crafting Dupe Hacks Land Claims No swearing NSFW Ores Professional Sfw Stores Swe Swearing Toxic

    Professional MC

    Join Professional MC. A server like no other.

    Here are it’s features:

    – No Swearing, NSFW, or toxicity or ban.
    – Land Claims
    – Whitelist possibly added in the future
    – Custom OP Crafting Coming
    – Dupe Coming
    – Possible Stores
    – Some Hacks

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!