Action Active Class Combat Core Event Events Fac Faction Factions Features Free Greif Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Infinite Infinity Item Lag Ops Play Player Players Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Server Shop Shops Slots Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams

InfiniteMC Factions Raiding 1.7.2

☆Your journey begins here☆

Welcome all Hardcore players! InfiniteMC is the server for you. We are a hardcore pvp/raid/greif server. Always 24/7, Lag free, and 60 slots.


✔CombatTag [Prevents players from combat logging]

170 8.2 Ass Class Com Erver Follow Game Games Mini Minigame Minigames Network Noop Open Port Server Style Support Two Work


MedosiaNetwork. Het netwerk voor jou. We zijn een server met goede support, leuke mensen, Leuke minigames en nog veel meer.


Action Actions Active Admin Admins Allowed Ass Class Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Good Has Ill Join Mcp Mod Mods New Play Player Players Raft Server Soon


A new factions server that will soon have more players allowed! The server has good admins, mods and players! You could be the next to join in the fun!

Action Ass Box Build Building Class End Erp Erver Fac Faction Follow Mcp Noop Open Ring Server Spring Style Survival Multiplayer


Spring in het avontuur op deze server. Maak met je vrienden een geweldige grote Faction en word de aller grootste Faction van de hele server.


1vs1 Active Arena Ass Bar Class Craft Creatif Dcraft Eam Eat Ect Jeux Mini Mob Moba Mobarena Play Rad Raft Speak Survival Multiplayer Tdm Tea Team Teams Teamspeak


♦ Infecté ♦ MobArena ♦ 1vs1 ♦ TDM ♦ Parcours ♦ TheWalls ♦ Creatif ♦ Mini-Jeux ♦ Grades ♦ TeamSpeak3 ♦ ♦

Action Actions Ass Best Class Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Gmc Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Mining Noop Open Pvp Raft Raid Raiding Ram Server Style Ter Terra



Factions and pvp and raiding server

best server in minecraft since 2010


Bed Block Class Craft Custom Dank Die Discord Ect Emo Erver Game Gamemode Gamemodes Games Host Inecraft Link Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Mod Noop Open Play Plugin Plugins Pro Red Server Staff Staffteam Tea Team Title

Wodeh Netwerk

Wie zijn wij?

Wij zijn Wodeh Netwerk, een redelijk nieuwe minecraft server die voornamelijk minigames hosten.
Wij proberen als team te denken aan meer gamemodes en originele ideeën voor de toekomst.

Wat wij aanbieden

-Een actief staffteam
-Custom plugins
-(Bijna elke dag) Weerwolven & Wie Is De Mol
-Een gezellige server



Server IP

Tot slot

Bedankt voor het lezen van dit bericht.
Hopelijk zien wij jullie snel op onze server.

M.V.G. Het Wodeh Netwerk Team

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Airships Battle Build Class Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy End Experience Explore Fac Faction Factions Fight Floating Friends Hack Island Islands Join King Land Lands Lore Mcmmo Rol Server Ships Sky Skylands Staff Survival Team Unique Void


Looking for a server that is so unique, it is like no other?
Build your very own airship and explore the vast skylands, alone or with friends.
Build your reputation with a big ship and strike fear into your enemies.
Team up with friends or join a powerful faction.
Be a fearless rogue, lurking in the depths of the void,
Or a majestic and powerful faction leader.
Fight in intense battles for control over floating islands and ships.
The skylands is out there… waiting for you to leave your mark.
Fully custom airships, that you build entirely
Experienced staff team
Zero-tolerance for hacked clients

Action Ass Class Craft Die Donate Donator Eat End Erver Extra Fac Faction Follow Free Game Geld Kit Kits Nen Nks Noop Open Permanent Raft Ran Rank Ranks Ree Server Style Ten World


Welkom op CreatureCraft. Wij zijn een gezellige faction server. Met free ranks die je kan kopen met ingame geld daarbij hebben we zitten vette kits. Verder kan je een donator rank kopen voor weinig geld voor vele extras. En je houd je rank permanent. Verder hebben wij ook nog een faction world waar je kan bouwen met je vrienden.


Active Arena Ass Claim Claims Class Craft Creative Eat Economy Erver Fun Gold Great Inecraft Laim Make Mesa Mine Minecraft Mob Mob Arena Old Origin Original Port Pvp Raft Rat Server Survival World

Kraft Original Grated Parmesan Cheese

A great server with a creative world using the golden shovel to make claims, with a mob arena, and a pvp world including claims. Great fun!

32gb Art Ass Awesome Build Cat Class Com Community Dedi Dedicated Elo Enjin Erver Eso Follow Game Has Help Join Lag Loaded Lol Map Mmu Noop Ommunity Open Please Raid Ram Reloaded Server Style Survival Multiplayer


Please help us build our community on our awesome server. Map is not raided and reloaded. Its 24/7 open and has 32GB dedicated ram with no lags. Please join our server and be a part of our community.


Ace Active Beta Car Class Com Die Dio Dioses Eco Ect Element Emo End Event Evento Eventos Hard Ios Lava Map Mini Minijuegos Mod Nether Npc Ores Pack Persona Personal Pet Plugin Plugins Rpg Rvival Survival Survival Multiplayer Texturas

La Isla de Vanaheim


“Durante la guerra entre los 5 dioses de Betania, fue descubierta la traición del actual Dios caído. Los 4 dioses restantes, Haiko, Nimue, Toth y Cernunnos, hicieron un pacto y crearon un nuevo mundo, Lusitania, en el que pudiesen convivir en armonía. Recuperaron la única porción de la tierra de Betania que sobrevivió a la destrucción. Ese fragmento fue bautizado como “La Isla de Vanaheim” y ahora es un símbolo de compañerismo y solidaridad.”

La Isla de Vanaheim es un servidor joven pero que intenta ser innovador con respecto a lo que ofrecen otros servidores con más recorrido. Basándose en un modo de juego Survival en nivel Hard se han introducido una serie de elementos y plugins que le dan un toque RPG de fantasía. Divinidades, templos, personajes (NPC), tiendas, minijuegos, eventos aleatorios y muchos más añadidos para hacer la experiencia lo más inmersiva posible son las señas de identidad de La Isla de Vanaheim. Para ello, disponemos además de un pack de texturas personalizado.

En La Isla de Vanaheim nos gusta conocer a los usuarios y se valora por encima de todo la buena convivencia y el respeto a los demás. Nuestras normas se basan en este principio además de la conservación del mundo de Lusitania. Para una mayor libertad de acción existe un mapa de Recursos , el Nether y el End. Más información en la página de normas de nuestra web.

Active Best Build Builds Children Class Craft Earth Eco Economy Event Game Games Going Great History Hype Inecraft King Mature Mine Minecraft Mini Games Need New Peace Play Prison Race Rol Roleplay Server Ships Story Super Survival Survive World

Notchs Ark

On Minecraft, you nearly always wake up inside a world and proceed to do a variety of different game play in that world. It could be creating new builds, exploring new caves, getting out of a prison, fighting or even just surviving. But what would you do if that world was destroyed? Could you find the power within yourself to survive out in space, where you’re walking space is limited and you have to rely on others to achieve your goal of simply surviving and flourishing? If you answered “Yes”, than play on our server!

Earth, having gone through many years of prosperity and peace, was hit by the Sun prematurely going SuperNova under very suspicious circumstances. Years prior to this event, Humanity had grown into a space-faring race with a number of colonies. Many of these were lost in the blast and only 2 were deemed outside of the reach of the SuperNova. All was not lost on that apocalyptic day however, as a number of ships managed to escape the blast to form a flotilla encapsulating the only remaining StarBase that the Minecraft Space Fleet had outside of the blast radius. This station was then renamed “Notch’s Ark” after the creator of HyperDrive, Markus “Notch” Persson.

Current Situation
Many years have passed and the Flotilla has grown along with the number of Humans. No longer is there a need for Child-Care as all children are grown up in maturation chambers. You are one of these children and you will embark on a journey to get your name etched into the History Books like the greats of the past.

Will you become the best in a particular field? Will you be unmatched in the Holographic Games? Will you captain a Starship? Or even become one of the next leading Admirals of the MSF? It is all down to you to decide !

Allowed Ass Build Building Bukkit Class Com Craft Erver Grief Griefing Ill Inecraft Isa Kit Lab Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Noop Open Optional Pack Play Pvp Raid Raiding Red Resource Rvival Server Spawn Style Survival This Tumblr Vanilla


V3LD1N is currently a vanilla server until Bukkit is available for 1.8. It is a survival server with PvP disabled and griefing/raiding is not allowed. To leave spawn, press the button in the spawn building (you might spawn on the roof, this cant be fixed). The resource pack is optional and NOT required to play on the server.


Ability Anti Ass Atmosphere Claim Class Craft End Erver Friend Friendly Friends Grief Griefing Inecraft Laim Land Lit Make Mine Minecraft Open Play Riendly Riends Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tool Tools Who

Molton Minecraft 1.8 Survival

The server is open to all who want to play Minecraft in friendly atmosphere and make friends. The server uses anti griefing tools and the ability to claim land.


Active Amazing Anti Arena Best Class Cool Craft Disguise Eco End Fac Faction Factions Fair Going Great Guns Hard Hardcore Ill Irl Mcmmo Mmo Mob New Ortal Plugin Plugins Portal Portals Pvp Raid Raiding Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Multiplayer


Hi, i am The Owner of rebelcraft i want to tell you about the great features about our server. 🙂
our server is still in development and fairly new, but i think it can become big.

This is a Hardcore/factions/Raiding/PVP Server, don’t come on if your going to cry if you get raided.
because only the bravest,toughest,strongest and the best, become…Legends.

We have plugins like mcmmo,mob disguise and PVP GUNS!!!
but you have to be a donatator to get the best experiance with these amazing plugins

Our spawn is really cool with shops,portals,hotel,enchanting table, pvp arena and more to come!

Thanks For reading, and I hope to see you soon!!!

~BritishDude360 (Proud Owner Of RebalCraft)

9.2 Action Actions Ass Class Com Cpvp Fac Faction Factions Follow Lmao Noop Open Pvp Stuff Style Weeb


factions and alot of other stuff


Active Best Bukkit Community Cool Craft Creative Easy End Forums Free Friendly Help King Kit Lag Map Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Multiplayer Multiverse New Online Open Play Player Playing Protection Pvp Server Servers Smp Staff Survival Multiplayer Teamspeak Tech Website Welcoming World

KBGaming 24/7 Minecraft S

We are 24/7 Multiverse Minecraft
Server: Minecraft SMP/PvP/Creative 1.6.2 w/Bukkit
Are you looking for a new and fresh Minecraft multiplayer experience?
We understand, and we are here to help make your time on Minecraft more enjoyable!
— We have a 24/7 Teamspeak 3 Voice communications server so you don’t only play with people you can talk to them to! Staff is always willing to talk with you if necessary and solve any issues! (TeamSpeak 3 Server IP:
— We operate state-of-the-art server technologies to maintain up-time and a lag free experience.
— We feature an extremely friendly and welcoming staff. We have staff from all different timezone’s allowing us to make sure someone is 95% of the time online able to help!
— Our IP is always easy to remember! IP:
— Our website is:
From there access forums, LIVE map, discussions, and integrate yourself with the community!
— Server Owners: Sircoolkeen and Sir_Ledfoot99
— Owner’s Email: [email protected], [email protected]
— Please let us be your way of playing the best game in the world, Minecraft.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ask Best Class Com Disguise Ect Erver Essential Essentials Features Game Games Grief Griefing Gui Guis Head Heads Make Mcmmo Mmo Mod Play Player Playerheads Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Soon Style Time Trails Welcome

Masters of Disguise

Masters of Disguise

Welcome to Masters of Disguise.

We are a PvP, Griefing, all around mayhem server, with 1.8 mask until the official server comes out for 1.8. You can connect with 1.8 but not all features may be there.

WE have plugins like, Trails, Essentials, mcMMO, PlayerHeads, and much more to make sure you have the best time possible.

See you soon.


Active Arena Ark Call Chat Class Com Craft End Erver Friendly Friends Game Games Home Inecraft King Looking Mall Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Multi Park Parkour People Pvp Riendly Rvival Server Small Survival Survival Multiplayer Two World

GCW Survival Server

A small friendly server all about survival. Very friendly people and friends. Have multiple mini games including King of the Ladder, PVP arena and a Parkour Park, plus much more. Come on by if you are looking for a small minecraft server to call home.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Keralis Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!