9.2 Action Actions Active Ass Class Craft Fac Fact Faction Factions Greif Greifing Lmao Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Pvp Raft Raid Raiding Survival Multiplayer

OdessyCraft PvP

Factions, mcmmo, Raiding, greifing and more!

Active Ass Class Craft Erver Frog Fun Inecraft Jus Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft People Play Raft Server Survival Multiplayer


Its just a fun server to play on for all types of people.

1v1 Active Bar Bars Block Casino Class Community Craft End Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Friendly Game Games Kit Kitpvp Maze Mcmmo Mmo Parkour Pvp Raid Raiding Reset Scale Server Sky Skyblock Spleef Staff Survival Team Tnt World


Here at QubeCraft we focus on offering the ultimate faction experience available, whilst providing a friendly community, an effective staff team and a variety of mini-games.

We’ve recently had a full scale reset which saw the introduction of TNT block damage. The main features our server has to offer consists of Raiding, SkyBlock, Survival, Casino, mcMMO, ObbyDestroyer, DropZones, 1v1 KitPvP, Spleef, WorldBorder (200k x 200k), Maze, HealthBars, Parkour.

Server IP:

Admin Ban Build Builds Class Donate Donator Eco End Forums Games Grief Griefing Hack Help King Lit Lore Minigame Minigames Mod Moderator Open Pets Plot Pvp Rank Ranks Server Staff Super Survive War Weapons Website World Youtube

The Nest

Welcome to The Nest. A server that you will spend your time happily. Survive the night and fight against other enemies. Build weapons and tools and become the ultimate warrior. Minigames galore.

– (Advertiser) | Simply Post Via YouTube
– (Helper) | Must be liked by staff, they report problems on the forums.
[Must have advertiser first]
– (Moderator) | Keep the server in line. You know the rest. [Must have helper first]
– (SuperMod) | This is a more respected moderator with more perms. [Must have Moderator for two months]
– (Admin) | This is the big boy of ranks, he takes care of the server, as if a owner would.
– (Designer) | Show your worthy builds at plot me or in the main world.
– (Architect) | If you make excellent builds as a Designer then you will promoted to this rank.

[Donator Ranks]
– VIP $10
– SuperVIP $20
– UltraVIP $30
– Hero $45
– Elite $60
– Omega $80
– Legend $100
– Daedra $125
– GOD $150
May be lowered soon.

Donate for pets to follow you around, but they cant be killed. Unlimited use, 1 at a time. You can ride them or have them as hats.

– No PvP log
– No Cursing
– No Griefing
– No Spamming
– No Racism
– No BanEvading
– No X-Ray
– No Hacked Clients
– Dont advertise
– No Abusing
– No asking for admin (from PMC)
– No Camping



Active Age Allowed Base Build Cat Class Community Craft Fun Hey Ill Inecraft Join King Kingdom Kingdoms Lit Looking Make Mine Minecraft Mod Need New Play Player Players Politics Pro Pvp Sever Star Start Survival Multiplayer Whitelist Whitelisted


We are looking for some members to build up our new community. We promote the playerbase to make its own decisions regarding politics or moderation, and we even have a court system. PVP is allowed, but it’s discouraged without provocation. We have several kingdoms if new players want to join one, or they could start their own. Most of all we just like to play together and have fun. You will need to be whitelisted ( before joining

Age Atlauncher Ban Claim Claiming Class Crack Craft Download End Erver Extra Inecraft Item Items Laim Make Mine Minecraft Ming Mod Mods Noop Old Open Play Please Raid Ram Server Ssd Style Survival Multiplayer This Time Uptime Welcome

BWMinecraft Crackpack



Welcome to BWMinecraft.
Our Crackpack server is running all addons that you can choose to install. We also have no banned items so you can play the way Crackpack was intended.

The server runs on “The Golden Shovel” claiming system, so the more you play, the more you can claim.
Make sure you do claim so you dont get raided.

Server Specs –
Intel Xeon E5-1650 v2
64GB Ram
2x 120 GB SSDs

Average TPS – 20.00*
Average Uptime – 99.8
(as of 16/3/15)


Ace Active Ats Best Build Building Call Class Creative Dedi Edit End Enjoy Erver Everything Free Freedom Friends Hats Infinite Join Money Pie Pro Road Server Simp Space Stand Stands Survival Multiplayer Vote Votes World Worldedit

Pacific State 2

“The best road to progress is freedom’s road” – JFK

There is no statement that stands more true to our server’s ideology. We don’t want you to feel like you’re restricted. We’ve given you everything, for nothing. And all we want you to do – is to enjoy yourself, and build something for everyone. You could call us selfless, but thats not true. We want something too. Not your money, not your votes, but simply – you.

So, logon and enjoy our masterpiece – Pacific State 2. WorldEdit, infinite building space, and friends await.

Join us.

1v1 Balance Ban Bans Block Cannons Class Eco Econ Economy Event Events Fac Faction Factions Ftop Game Istop Join King Kit Kitpvp Koth Mechanics New Non Noop Open Play Prison Pvp Raid Reset Sellwands Sky Skyblock Super Tnt Top Wands


We have Skyblock, Factions and Prison. Come join today via

See you soon.

– Completely Revamped.
– Bans Reset


– Rebalanced Game Mechanics

– KitPVP, KoTH’s & 1V1

– Schematica

– TNT Knockback & Damage Disabled

– Sellwands & Super-Creepers

– Chunk Busters, and much more.


Ace Action Active Ark Ass Class Com Conomy Craft Design Eco Econ Econom Economy Event Fac Faction Factions Game Games Gang Gangs Has Mini Minigame Minigames New Park Parkour Play Player Pvp Race Red Sign Survival Video Youtube


Factions / economy

NEW Video
New sounds /moo. /ghast
Player Event Required
Come and design your own race,pvp,parkour
Loads more stuff added everyday

Active Cannon Class Craft Elves End Enjin Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Games Great Hunger Games Join Kit Maze Mazes Money New Non Parkour Play Player Players Prizes Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Special Spleef Staff Survival Multiplayer War Website


We are a great friendly server that has tons of things to do! Pvp, parkour, spleef, shops, Hunger Games, special ranks, Factions, and even Mazes. Each of these things reward you with prizes that you can use or sell for money. We have great staff and players that would love to have new players. So please come join and have a look around. Decide for yourselves.

Arena Arenas Beta City Class Craft Creative Desert Dragon Enjin Fac Faction Factions Home Homes Ill Inecraft Item Items Join Lag Map Mine Minecraft Mob New Noop Open Pvp Redstone Server Servers Staff Survival Tale Tpa Trade World


Een leuke survival,creative en factions server met mooie steden en aardige staff. bezoek bijvoorbeeld eens de steden:
– New Nailport
– Desert village
– GreenVille
– Mojove-Khali
– steel point fortress
– mein dorf
– NailCity:
Ook zijn er parcoursen gemaakt voor de echte parcours liefhebbers en Elke Vrijdag(op aanvraag) is er een dragon fight voor degenen die wel van een gevecht houden.

In de survival world zijn twee pvp arenas, en een mob arena. maar als je echt wil vechten is het aan te raden om naar factions te gaan.

Door ons handels systeem kan je makkelijk handelen, Koop bijvoorbeeld wat diamanten in de trade outpost en verkoop wat redstone om zo de hoogste balance te krijgen. Je kan zelfs mensen betalen, Nooit meer het gevaar van items die door een ander opgepakt kunnen worden maar gewoon een simpel command uitvoeren, Zo makkelijk is het.

nu ook met quake-craft vijf gekke maps waar je de andere spelers neer moet knallen met je railgun(how).
wie als eerst 25 punten heeft wint.(tijdelijk offline)

als je nog niet bent overgehaald join dan gewoon en zie hoe leuk het is 🙂

– Gratis gebied bescherming…
– Homes zetten(om terug te tpen etc.)
– Een /back command om terug te gaan naar het punt waar je dood bent gegaan
– Tpa command (teleporteer naar een andere speler)
– en nog veel meer

voor meer informatie ga naar:


Abilities Active Anti Awesome Class Classes Combat Community Craft Dedicated Donator Eco Econ Economy Factions Game Head Inecraft Kill Lit Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Online Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Server Servers Sign Skills Small Unique World


24/7 online 99% uptime since January 2013. Minecraft 1.9.2

• No overpowered donator classes
• A carefully balanced server economy
• Completely rebalanced mcMMO, no more overpowered skills or abilities
• Obsidian destroyer, no more impenetrable obsidian blocks
• Excellent anti cheating and glitch plugins
• Awesome community 🙂
• Hosted on one of the fastest available dedicated servers capable for a single standalone Minecraft server.
• World Border to promote a more centralized experience

Completely designed around the idea of everyone and everything being carefully balanced for player-versus-player. We’ve gone ahead to remove overpowered features like the combat mcMMO skills, overpowered donators, and other smaller things like god apples and nerfing strength potions. We encourage you to check out the unique gameplay that this server has to offer!

Active Better Boss Car Casual Children Class Com Cool Craft Dio Enjin Erver Fun Game Good Host Inecraft Interesting Mine Minecraft Money Need People Play Real Server Servers Survival Multiplayer This Version Website Who

Arctic Craft

Why I run this server:

I love Minecraft. All I want is to be able to play the game i like with people who are Fun, Cool, and interesting. That’s it. I just want a casual play server to hang out with good people and not have to deal with the idiots.

Why I do not run this server:
Your money. Don’t need it.
Being the boss. Don’t really care.
Just to have a server. Don’t really need more work.
To babysit. I have my own children.
To be better than everyone else. Don’t care about other servers.
Server info


MC Version: 1.4.6


Active Admin Admins Ark Ass Class Dark End Erver Frendly Gaming Ice Lmao Ming Nice Retro Server Sky Survival Multiplayer Swe


Sweet server with a lot of nice admins. N00b frendly!

Active Best Class Craft Create Event Fair Fly Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Ill Inecraft Join King Lag Mine Minecraft Minimal Play Player Players Plugin Protection Rank Ranks Rps Rules Server Servers Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer War Warp Warps World

Carceon Survival

We try our best to prevent grief and eliminate xRay and hacking to make sure everyone can have a fair experience. Our staff is made up of only 12 people right now but we will hopefully be expanding soon. Players can create their own warps and players (Citizen rank) can warp between our two worlds with Multiworld. Players also create their own protections with Residence Plugin.
The server runs with 2 Quad-Core 2.5Ghz Intel Xenon Processors and 8GB of RAM, so hopefully there should be minimal lag.
Main Rules:
1. Respect Everyone
2. Griefing is Prohibited
3. Don’t Steal
4. No Abusive Language
5. No “I work for PlanetMinecraft” Crap
6. No Advertising Other Servers
7. No Hacking, Hacked Clients, Fly, or xRay
8. No Racism or Homophobic Behavior
9. No Asking for Ranks
10. Have Fun.
I know that’s a lot of rules but I hope you all enjoy your time if you decided to join!
Thanks for taking the time to read through all of that! I hope to see you on the server!

Active Admin Admins Apply Ass Best Class Com Craft Different Ect Exp Experience Gaming Has Help Helpful Kind Ming Mod Mode Moderator Nks Raft Ran Rank Ranks Rat Sit Site Survival Multiplayer Website



Has the best connection you’ll find with the most helpful and kind admins, we offer a variety of options to enhance your gaming experience on DojoCraft including donating for different ranks or earning your rank by applying to be a moderator on our website!

There is so much more to DojoCraft than can be explained but why dont you come on and have a look…

Action Active Ages Arena Arenas Class Eco Econ Econom Economy Enjoy Enjoyable Fac Faction Factions Game Games Happy Ice Ming Mini Mining Mob New Nice Play Player Players Pvp Rvival Server Spleef Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Welcoming


Hello welcome to miningdownunder a server with welcoming players and enjoyable games. We are a pvp, economy, survival server. With factions, spleef, mob arena, pvp arenas and many more. We are welcome to all ages and love to see new players.with our well trained staff and nice and happy players. [well most of them]

Age Ass Ations Build Civ Civilization Civilizations Civs Class Com Content Craft Create Day Erver Historic Historical Home Horde Host Inecraft Join Leplay Mage Mine Minecraft Nation Noop Open Play Recrafted Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer Thor

Recrafted Civilizations


Recrafted Civilizations is a historical roleplay server. The server is set in the year 1500.


Create, Build or Join a nation.

Join today.


Active Ban Best Build Class Create Creative Experience Game Games Head Host Huge Item Items Limited Limits Old Persona Personal Play Player Players Pro Pvp Raid Rvival Server Servers Survival Survival Multiplayer Unique Unlimited Wild Wilderness World

The Final Game

to a world full of surprises. A PVP survival/creative/Games server, where there are no limits on what you can do.
Feeling bold and wanna live in the wilderness? Go ahead and create your own personal band of raiders! Rather build something huge with unlimited items?
You can do all that here. We’re one of the unique servers, we believe in providing the best possible experience for all kinds of players!

Allowed Awesome Ban Build Bukkit Community Cracked Craft Free Grief Griefing Job Jobs Kit Map Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Open Play Player Premium Pvp Pvping Server Shop Shops Small Staff Survival Town Towns Website Who Wilderness Wns


Exodus-Craft is a suvival based server with towns and shops running. Free to build anywhere over the map, and PvP allowed in the wilderness. No Griefing & x-rayering, and we try to keep it basic and fair. We have a small and mature staff working at all times. Currently were growing a lot so why not come take a look. For people who help us out by donating there are awesome benifits. Premium or Cracked, it doesnt matter. Youre welcome with us.

Survival – Towns – Mcmmo – Mcjobs – 27/7 Uptime – PvP

Server Address:
Facebook Page: Craftbukkit: 1.7.2

(Note: PvP has its limits. Constantly PvPing someone or too much PvP isnt allowed & can lead to consequences. This just because we believe to much PvP causes unrest, disturbance among the community members & also leads to new players leaving.)


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!