Active Ass Class Dio Eam Economy Erver Factions Free Gaming Join Kitpvp Ming Network New Please Prison Ree Run Server Speak Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Two Work

Insidious Gaming Network OP Prison

We are a new OP Prison server, run by the Insidious Gaming Network, please feel free to join our teamspeak at

Age Ass Auto Build Builds Class Country Countrys Dom Erver Follow Game Greif King Kingdom List Mine Nen Noop Nut One Open Pure Rage Ran Rvival Server Serverlist Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tom Tps World

PureHDGame Server

Op de PHDG Countrys Server is het gewoon survival maar dan met een vleugje kingdom. Greifen MAG. Je moet een Country-Naam verzinnen. Vragen voor een rang heeft geen nut, dat is automatisch NEE. Doneer voor de server:


Active Anarchy Ass Class Com Defense Eat Erver Feature Features Game Games Legion Mini Pvp Rvival Server Servers Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tower

Legion Servers

Legion Servers features various game types such as PvP mini-games, tower defense, and anarchy survival. Come check us out – IP:

Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Blo Block Class Cmi Com Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Great Mcm Mcmmo Mine Ming Mmo Nation Nen New Noop Open Plugin Plugins Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Soon Style Surviv Surviva Survival

Mine Nation

Mine Nation Survival Server is a great new server with plugins like Factions and many more.

(Skyblock and mcMMO coming soon)


Active Ass Aus Aust Australia Australian Cat Class Com Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Emc Erver Inecraft Mcserver Mine Minecraft Mmu Ommunity Play Raft Server Survival Multiplayer


Dedicated Australian Minecraft Community

1.18 Ass Class Craft Erver Exciting Fun Inecraft Join Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server One Raft Server Style Theory

The Theory

The Theory is a fun an exciting minecraft server for anyone to join.


Active Admin Ban Bukkit Class Craft Dynmap Eco Econ Economy End Essentials Friends Fun Game Grief Hack Hype Kit Land Map Mine Minecraft Mod Multiverse Play Playing Plugin Plugins Protection Pve Pvp Server Sky Survival Survival Multiplayer Town War World


server type: Bukkit
Game mode: survival
Interactions: PVP, PVE
grief: NO!!!!
Protection system: yes

Ancient Gates: Gets you around the world faster!
Nocheatplus: so those pesky hackers are kept in line
Log Block: get grieved? someone steal your stuff? tell an admin and they can fix it and ban the offender
Dynmap: wonder where everyone is? or how far it is to a town? or just where the heck you are? go to to see lots of lovely maps and find your friends
multiverse: cause 3 worlds just wasn’t enough!
essentials: cause its essential
residence: protect your land and lots of fun stuff!
hyperconomy: the smart economy that changes prices due to economic demand
other plugins: lots of other plugins to make your playing experience better

Active Ass Class Dutch Erver Host King Lmao Looking New Run Server Smp Staff Sts Survival Multiplayer Taff


DutchHosts SMP-24/7.
-Dutchhosts is a new server it runs 24/7!!!!!!

Active Ass Build Class Craft Die Economy End Erver Extra Free Freebuild Fun Gens Has Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nen Nur One Pie Plugin Plugins Pve Ree Run Server Site Survival Swe Ter Ultimate Version Website Zen

Ultimate Minecraft


Schön, dass du zu unserem kleinen Server gefunden hast!

Ultimate Minecraft ist ein gemütlicher kleiner Freebuild-Server für Jederman, der bereits seit 2010 existiert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Servern, setzen wir nicht auf möglichst viele und eindrucksvolle Plugins. Wir wollen das eigentliche, ursprüngliche Minecraftgefühl, in das wir uns vor Jahren verliebt haben, bewahren und nur durch ein paar kleine Extras ein wenig aufpeppen. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass wir so vergleichsweise schnell auf neue Spielversionen umsteigen können.

Nach kurzer Registrierung, die bei uns zwingend erforderlich ist, kannst du sofort loslegen und dir auch selber ein Grundstück sichern. Auf unserer Website, findest du zu allem genaue Anleitungen.

Action Ass Block Class Craft Creative End Erver Fac Faction Factions Fantastic Friendly Game Games Help Ill Lin Mini Minigame Minigames Nline One Online Plot Plots Riendly Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Staff Style Survival Survivalgame Survivalgames

Shadow Craft

Shadow Craft is a fantastic server, with factions survival, creative plots, survivalgames, skyblock, many minigames, and more. We have a friendly staff, and there will always be someone online to help you.


Active Ass Class Com Erver Everyone Lmao One Pvp Raid Raiding Server Star Survival Multiplayer Welcome


PvP and Raiding server It is an Norwegian Server but everyone is welcome here. 🙂

Active Arena Ats Balance Build Cats Chestshop Class Community Creative Ddos Event Fac Faction Factions Fair Fun Game Games Hack Ill Lit Mob Mobarena Nation New Nya Prison Protection Release Server Servers Shop Sky Skyblock Survival Top Unique

Airblockz Survival

Our community comes with 2 different games, to ensure you have quality fun!

1: Skyblock (Unique compared to other servers, we have MobArena + Chestshop + etc. )

2: Factions. (Fair and balanced)

3: Survival (Fun and balanced.

4: Creative (Talk to the server and just build stuff like nyan cats :D)

5: Prison (Soon to be released.)


At Airblockz Survival, we try to give you nonstop, high-quality entertainment! Our server is perfected with top-notch server specs. We run off Intel Xeon E3 Proccessors, and each of our servers come with high RAM. We know you hate servers that are offline, but fear not! We have state of the art DDoS Protection, to prevent those nasty hackers. We try and make imagination reach its limits. Every week, we try to add an event, or just add a new feature to the server, so you will never get tired of the server! Come on in and enjoy the enjoyment!

Active Admin Base Based Class Create CTF Death Eco Econ Economy End Experience Friendly Friends Game Games Grid Head Join Long Maze Mini Games Money New Parkour Resource Resources Sell Server Shop Sky Spleef Survival Multiplayer Town Towny Wild


Welcome to First Night MC, an economy based Towny server!
We are not just Towny, we also have a few mini games! Come try out our DeathCube parkour maze or create a base in Sky Grid! If you and your friends want to try some group activities, try CTF or Spleef!

If not, head on over to the wild to collect resources and find an admin shop to sell your resources for money and start your very own town!!

Come join a town today for a long term, ultimate experience!
We are a very new and friendly server!!

Action Ass Block Class Craft Creative End Erver Fac Faction Factions Fantastic Friendly Game Games Help Ill Lin Mini Minigame Minigames Nline One Online Plot Plots Riendly Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Staff Style Survival Survivalgame Survivalgames

Shadow Craft

Shadow Craft is a fantastic server, with factions survival, creative plots, survivalgames, skyblock, many minigames, and more. We have a friendly staff, and there will always be someone online to help you.


Active Ass Class Com Community Current Eco Economy Erver Incredible Johnny Join Land Make Mon New Non Ommunity Pve Pvp Red Rvival Sand Server Servers Stand Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Towny Unique Usa Vanilla

Johnnywoof Servers

This is an incredible and new type of server. A server that is not generic or bland among thousands of others. With our community first, we strive to become unique and to make our server stand out like no other. Currently our main server is a Non-PVP (PvE) survival server.

Join the server, to see what a unique community we are.

1.7 260 Action Actions Ass Class Com Fac Fact Faction Factions Horde Host Lmao Style Survival Multiplayer Thor Welcome

EnergeticFactions OP 1.7.9.

Welcome to energeticfactions.


Achievements Active Adult City Claim Competitive Create Donation Eco Economy End Faction Factions Hard Home Homes Lore Nether Open Pay Perks Pirate Play Player Prison Pvp Raiding Ranks Server Shop Shops Spawn Staff Standard Title Unique Vault Website Wilderness

Too Stronkk Gaming

Welcome to Too Stronkk Gaming!
-Explore a vast open Factions wilderness!
-Kick back and relax in Pirate Cove (Our Spawn World)
-Competitive Factions play – TNT ENABLED
-Claim land for your faction anywhere you want, the Overworld, the Nether, or the End!
-You break the rules, you go to prison to serve hard time.
-Real, stable, player driven economy – Emerald Standard
-Server is managed by adults
-Unique Titles to be earned by completing staff created achievements
-Rent Homes, Shops and Storage Vaults within the City of Pirate’s Cove
-Ranks and Donation perks – NO PAY TO WIN
-Buy donation packages with in-game money!
-Win real $MONEY$ for completing certain achievements!

Active Admin Admins Anarchy Anything Ass Class Com Destruction Erver Grief Griefing Lin Meet Mod Mods Mon Owner Paw Raid Raiding Rat Server Spawn Staff Steal Stealing Survival Multiplayer Taff Tea Ter Toast


After 8 months of preparation, we have finally emerged. Our server is total grief, anarchy, and destruction. Outside of spawn, ANYTHING goes, griefing, raiding, and stealing.

Meet the staff!

Owners: spuddnik and socomtoaster
Admins: azdz111 and rex_is_goof1
Mods: Luis1750 and Monty33

Active Cat Class Com Dedi Dedicated Easy Ect Enjoy Erver Game Gameplay Gaming Gui Help Jump Mean Ming Network New Play Pro Project Server Simp Simple Staff Survival Multiplayer Tea Team This Time Two Unique Website World Worlds

╠ Project Epsilon ╣

——-»»» Project Epsilon Gaming Network «««——-

Server IP :
Server Website :

Why are we unique?
We have a jump-in-and-play system, where all commands are in a simple, easy to use GUI. This means you don’t have to learn new commands!
We also offer a wide variation of gameplay, with 6 unique worlds, and a dedicated staff team here to help you enjoy your time the most!

Action Actions Ars Ass Beta Blo Block Bukkit Class Com Edm End Fac Faction Factions Friend Friends Ill Kit Kywars Ming Mod Mode Pvp Riends Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Soon Style Vanilla War Wars

CrippledMuffins 1.7.9

Skywars (Coming Soon)
and much more to come.

We are in BETA MODE.
We are 24/7.
We are all FRIENDS.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Minecraft Java Edition. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!