Thanks to Br00rsan for the image
No donations, no children as moderators, no bullshit (OK… Some bullshit). Join this server if you think that the people who come on asking for a promotion to moderator should be kicked without question. Join this server if you like playing minecraft, but are willing to play it with a few modifications and mechanics added through plugins. Join this server if you want lenient rules that are based more on common sense than strict guidelines.
Command Signs
Players will not have access to /home. I want players to have to build roads and transport to get home, or risk the chance they dont spawn at their beds. The only real warp command that will remain accessible is /spawn.
The only players that can cheat will be those that I place a large amount of trust in. People I know in real life, people who have been on the server for years, and so on. Nobody is going to be getting stacks of diamonds because I like them, but I do occasionally like to fill your inventory with cobble when you complain about needing some.
There will be very few. Use /help to know what you can use at any time, because it will change as I update permissions and keep track of how the server is doing.
Mods are picked based on who you are and how mature you are. Asking for mod will disqualify you from becoming a mod.
You may complain about any mod or mayor actions in the forums.
The rules of the server are simple. If you are mature and act in a decent way. No hacks, no x-ray, no cheating, no murdering (PVP is enabled), no griefing, no spamming, etc.
If not, we will ban you and dance happily on your sign-dirt grave.
The Server uptime below is inaccurate. It was down for about half a year recently, when I went off to college and my internet got unreliable
(currently, as I am posting this, it says offline. This is not true, and it has just been updated to the new IP/has failed to renew the status)
” (Link: