Economy Government Governments Hardcore Hardened Lifesteal Modified Murder Pve Pvp Refreshed Survival Titles Unwhitelisted Zoo

The Land of Narzoo

The Land of Narzoo
Community vanilla server with plugins for added difficulty such as modified/hardened Ai, light grief prevention and a few other plugins to make the game feel refreshed and difficult.
Players can protect their builds but every time you die you will lose a heart (Unless another is crafted) PVP is enabled and the rules are as follows: Theft and murder is allowed in Narzoo, Players are encouraged to fortify to protect their builds. Griefing in Narzoo is NOT allowed! NO OTHER RULES! Apon depletion of all hearts, you shall be banned and all claimed lands will become unclaimed.
Players are encouraged to create the most powerful towns/governments of the server, either compete as one or fight for victory! (Players can also earn ranks/titles and potential staff)

Join now unwhitelisted ip:

Advancedenchantments Comunity Discord Economysurvival Griefprevention Hardcore Hordes Lifestealsmp Needstaff Onelife Onelifesmp Ops Pve Economy Smp Smptweaks Smpvp Survival Unwhitelisted Vampire Vampirism Voicechat

The Land of Narzoo Hardcore SMP 24/7 (PUBLIC)

The Land of Narzoo

Community vanilla server with plugins for added difficulty such as modified/hardened Ai, light grief prevention and a few other plugins to make the game feel refreshed and difficult.
Players can protect their builds but every time you die you will lose a heart (Unless another is crafted) PVP is enabled and the rules are as follows: Theft and murder is allowed in Narzoo, Players are encouraged to fortify to protect their builds. Griefing in Narzoo is NOT allowed! NO OTHER RULES! Apon depletion of all hearts, you shall be banned and all claimed lands will become unclaimed.

Players are encouraged to create the most powerful towns/governments of the server, either compete as one or fight for victory! (Players can also earn ranks/titles and potential staff)

(HELLSTORMS: Every 6-8 in game days mob hordes storm the server, mobs become 8x harder in full generated gear and drop 50% more XP, players are encouraged to take shelter when this happens, even with end game gear)

Some plugins include:
-Simple Voice Chat (Mod Recommended)
-Junior Lifesteal
-SMP Tweaks
-Grief Prevention
-Added Generated Structures
-Weekly Hordes
-Advanced Enchantments
-Anti Cheats
-Better Boats
-Action Bar health

You probably wont survive

Join now unwhitelisted ip:


Boat Boats Difficulty Duel Economie Hardened Hardermobs Horde Hordes Modified Refreshed Survival Unwhitelisted Vampire Zoo

The Land of Narzoo SMP (Hardcore PVE/PVP) 24/7

The Land of Narzoo

Community vanilla server with plugins for added difficulty such as modified/hardened Ai, light grief prevention and a few other plugins to make the game feel refreshed and difficult.
Work together to create PVE towns and economies or PVP your way through.

Some plugins include:
-Grief Prevention
-Weekly Hordes
-Anti Cheats
-Better Boats

You probably wont survive

Join now unwhitelisted ip:

Community Custom Origins Deep Dark Fabric Ledger Lore Modded Modpack Origins Scrap Skyscraper Smp Survival Terralith Unwhitelisted

Unnamed Origins SMP

Heya! Are you looking for a 1.19 Fabric server that cares about player opinions, has active staff that doesn’t cheat, and accepts custom origins? Is that too specific? No? Then why not try the Unnamed Origins SMP!

To be whitelisted on the server, join the discord and apply.
The discord is mandatory, and leaving the discord means getting unwhitelisted.

A whitelisted, fabric 1.19 Origins server
Some of our most noteworthy features include:

This server is launching today at 4 PM EST!!! Join quick!

🙋‍♂️ -Community Votes!
Not only can you be there for the opening, but you can vote on the date and time that works best for you! You can also vote on the size of the world! Anything on our server can be put up for a community vote with just a suggestion!

📝 -This is a whitelisted server!
We have applications, but they’re short and easy, and they’re only there to ensure griefers or other bad people don’t get in!

:diamond:-Anti-theft measures!
We have a block logger, Ledger, so if something of yours gets stolen, we have a surefire way to punish whoever did it!

🗻 -Breathtaking terrain generation!
We use the Terralith 2.0 terrain generation datapack for exciting and unique terrain! We have everything from enhanced deep dark caves to skyscraper-like mountains to volcanoes! We’re also preloading the world to minimize lag!

:orb: -Custom Origins are welcome!
We accept most custom origins, as long as they aren’t overpowered, as we’re striving to keep the playing experience as balanced as possible for everyone!

:fallenAngel: -Community-Driven Lore/RP
We have lore channels to set up and create RP scenarios! There’s also no main or definitive storyline, as everything is up to you! Lore events will, however, be held from time to time!

💻 -Self-hosted and reliable!
Our server runs on a dedicated machine that is up 24/7! We also have a fun modpack that you can even suggest mods for!

Join our discord to apply!
We promise you’ll have a fun time!

Boats Community Districts Duplication Economy Hermitcraftlikeserver Optifine Ranch Ranching Shade Survival Trades Unwhitelisted Vanillasurvival Voxel



A brand new vanilla server, looking for its pioneer members!

We’re looking to create a community, Hermitcraft inspired world and land of opprtunity!

Were looking for regular players, dreamer, builders and even better if your a youtuber or streamer!

We’re starting things off in the Mesa Badlands, aiming to create a huge commercial and municipal district, all the while branching off on our own to build bases, industrial districts and expand the world.

We do have some rules as follows:

1) No griefing, hacking, stealing or malicious activities
2) Harassment and bullying of ANY kind is not tolerated
3) No PVP unless consensual or part of an organised event
4) Farms that create lag will result in you being asked to dismantle them
5) Once a player has claimed a base, you must respect their property
boundaries and not build anything in a close proximity
6) ALL players must be respectful, kind and courteous
7) ALL players must contribute to the economy
8) Coarse language is permitted in the in-game chat and on discord channels, provided it does not breach any of the above rules
9) Any applicants under the age of 16 will be denied
10) ALL players who are absent from server for more than 21 days will be unwhitelisted


“PillagerCraft and its members respect players regardless of their age, sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious and cultural views and political beliefs. Age is not a topic to be discussed online in any forum, way, shape or form”

Below are the APPROVED modifications for players:
– Optifine/Shaders
-Badlion Client
-Radar/Minimap/Coordinate mods
– Voxelmap
-Ore Highlighter
-Shulkerbox Tooltip



We also have some wicked datapcks installed, including:
– Double Shulker Shells
– Multiplayer Sleep
– Anti-Ghast Grief
– Player Head Drops
– More Mob Heads
– Kill Empty Boats
– Wandering Trades

If you sound interested, join us on discord! :

Barrels Bone Conquest Dwarves Firstdawn Merchant Noble Roleplay Roleplaying Runecraft Settlements Traditional Tripp Unwhitelisted Warriors

☀️First Dawn Project☀️ – New RolePlay Server

First Dawn Project

About us

Hello! We hope you liked our trailer! Some of you may have seen some of our builds on PMC, some of you kind and amazing players may have also gave them a diamond, or even a favourite; and to you we say, you are awesome! Your diamonds has inspired us to keep going this far. The recommended resource pack for this server is Conquest_ as some builds heavily utilise the connective textures and biome specific texture changes, without it you would be losing out the most immersive and enjoyable experience. Our server safely supports Minecraft versions from 1.13 up to 1.15.2. For all rules, information and to meet our team, please join the discord.

We’ve been working collectively on a RolePlay Project for over a year now. With lots of huge builds to use for roleplaying in or even living in, from cities to a monastery. We now feel like we need to build our community and open to the public for people to enjoy the map and experience, however please remember we are still new, and we have many things we want to improve, change or redesign going forward. There may be bugs we have missed, but please just tell us so we can prevent it from ruining the experience.

Our Aim has been to create a roleplay server with an immersive and enjoyable experience, and as a result we have invested slightly too heavily in RPG features, such as races, challenging custom monsters and bosses, as well as discover-able regions, none of which is a bad thing, however it is a roleplay server.

You will roleplay the point of view of a peasant escaping to the land as a second hope at life. Your backstory is your own, a former king, merchant, soldier or even humble farmer, now reduced to the life of peasantry. This will come with the hardships of surviving in a overwhelmingly challenging country, laced with magical creatures, hostile animals and beautifully dangerous terrain.

Does this sound promising to you? Join our Discord at



The technology setting is late medieval with a fantasy mix, although we took liberties of allowing cannons on ships as it just made them look more menacing. This means that overall we do not allow for gunpowder in our roleplay, however there are other options such as magic, (Currently we use the RuneCraft plugin to allow for craftable magic). We have tried our best to reflect this era in our builds, we would respectfully request that you do the same.

The worlds is a heavily magically tuned world, therefore allows for fantasy playable races. Each comes with its own buffs and debuffs to your in-game roleplaying experience. For example the Dwarves, are known as mighty drinkers, therefore after a hard days labour in the mines, what better way to celebrate their hard-work than with a barrel of ale. To represent this they offer a range of effects to allow for a heavily inebriated night time experience. (Luckily though they don’t have hangovers!).

The list of current playable races and brief descriptions are as follows:

– Humans – Once the alpha-predator of the world, till they realised how large the world really is. This is your standard human, potential to learn magic, although very unlikely to possess it. They breed like rabbits, and can be found just about anywhere that is hospitable. Known for their vast cities, settlements and towering structures.

– Elves – Fast, nimble and taller than your average Human. Roughly up to 2m in height. Often known for intellect, however they have an annoying habit of being overly condescending. They are creatures at nature and can often be found in civilisations in the forest.
Elves, much like Humans, are entirely different depending on the region they inhabit. For instance some would happily live in grand structures with nature, whereas others would settle for lesser more au naturale conditions.

– Dwarves – Fierce, small, angry creatures, with muscles the size of trees, and stomachs comparable to the size of the barrels of meed they consume. Despite their size they are a exceedingly proud, warrior race. Some say its because of their height, that they are so envious of others, it fills them with spite. These creatures are mountainous dwellers.
Simple, sturdy, but renowned for their expertise with metallurgy. They are the most industrious of creatures, known for stripping mountains barren for resources, and creating impenetrable fortresses. Dwarves thoroughly enjoy a party and drink, therefore are commonly found in taverns at night generally being merry.

– Blight – These are creatures twisted by corruption and dark magic itself. They live and breathe chaos, often found around areas of mass chaos or tragedy. Although not the bringers of destruction themselves, they are drawn to these places like moths to light. As if it’s the oxygen that fills their lungs.
Blights alignment is always a mix between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil. This race is less of an individual species and closer to corrupted beings and creatures, from goblins to wolves that are tainted to the core.

– Undead – These creatures range from all races individually to combine into one as a whole. Traditionally referred to and acknowledged as Human or Elven Skeletons. Notable members of this race are the Dark Overlord, who transcended into the afterlife after becoming a Elder Lich; although this is not possible for normal Undead (or players).
They are known for being resilient creatures who usually serve those of great power or stumble with no real goal, due to their lack of passion and emotion. Although conscious, the very same magic that courses through their bodies to grant them life, restrain them from pleasure, joy, sadness or any other emotions. These are usually True Neutral to Neutral Evil, lashing out at those living in an attempt to feel something again.

We’re proud to finally be sharing the lore that we will be using for the server. This will be regularly updated in one of our Discord channels, with more updates to the storyline as the server progresses and events transpire. We are actively working on our own Wiki too, which is where we write in-depth lore about all our cities, towns, races and even characters. Although currently the wiki is a little bit behind as we are a very small team who have been focusing our efforts elsewhere.

“The sixth century has dawned upon Varkhest. The Emperor of Indarus, the empire that rules over the known world, has made preparations to expand the horizon of his lands. Conquest and exploration, diplomacy and war, and good and evil will take root in the outskirts and beyond, either creating chaos or bringing a golden age. Perhaps this will be a futile attempt, as the Dark Overlord, who has threatened the Indaran Empire, has also been creating evil schemes to either prevent the Indaran Empire’s expansion… or to destroy the empire as a whole.

You are but a normal person. One of the Peasantry. Perhaps just for now. You, among others, will create your own adventure, free from the bounds of the Indaran Empire’s homeland. You will take the laws into your own hands, but must stay civil nevertheless. And perhaps, you may create your own town. Your own city. Your own empire.

But you could end the threat, or bolster its resolves. You could make way for the colonists, or bar them from their newfound lands. You could be a hero of Indarus, or a villain who will serve the Dark Overlord. What will you be? What will you carve your legacy as in Varkhest?

Alidom, the region in Varkhest where you’ll be calling your new home for a while, however, this was not your choice. Your homeland has been usurped by sinister force, the best warriors of your kingdom were only merely able to hold off the invaders so that artisans and nobles such as yourself could escape. You’ve abandoned everything you hold dear, so that you may live to see another day. Putting forth the same amount of back-breaking labour that you endured to get to your previous quality of life seems futile, and an unrealistic possibility, given your current situation.”

Getting Whitelisted

Currently for a very short duration, the server remains unwhitelisted to build up a community and allow players to explore; this will soon change. Want to be permanently whitelisted? Here’s how:
In the comments below please leave a comment with this information.
– Your MC Username
– Your RolePlay Character Name
– Your Characters Race (You will be asked to select a race upon first login)

Although it is not mandatory, we heavily advise players to invest some time in character backstory and creation. Such as finding images to reflect your characters appearance, and details about them. There will be guidelines in our discord and a channel for you to post this in. With your permission, we would also be willing to help you improve your character or expand their backstory and create them their very own character biography page on our wiki.

Also on a final note please join our discord. We’re trying our hardest to create a loving and friendly community of people that we can enjoy our time and have fun with. Plus since we don’t have a website, its the platform of choice we use instead of a forums. Due to this we respectfully have to state we will not be allowing anyone under the age of 14 to join our community, as this violates discords Terms of Service; and since it is our backbone, we have to respect the platforms TOS.

Best Minecraft Economy Griefing Interesting Mcmmo North Pve Rage Rive Sounds Survival Unwhitelisted Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted


Welcome to the North-Craft network, where we strive to bring you the best Minecraft community around. We achieve this by having all of our servers whitelisted, having an amazing staff team, and by running No-Griefing / No-PvP friendly servers.

We have been up and running since 2012, and have recently become a network with the following servers:
Survival (whitelisted)
– Skyblock (unwhitelisted)
– Creative (unwhitelisted)
– Prison (Coming Soon)

We average around 20 players online at peak per day. Our long term goal is to have 4-5 active servers while still maintaining a good community. If this sounds interesting to you, come check it out.


Anarchy Anti Cheat Difficulty Grief Griefing Hard Nocheat Nostaff Nowhitelist Public Pvp Smp Spigot Staff Survival Unstaffed Unwhitelisted Vanila Vanilla Vanillasurvival Vannila Xray


VanillaEvolved features unaltered Minecraft gameplay. If you prefer servers with structuring plugins such as Essentials, Factions, Towny, GriefPrevention, and ChestShop, VE is likely not the server for you.

Join VE’s Discord server to chat while you play!

Help VE stay alive by supporting us!
100% of the money received will go towards server-related costs.
Paypal Donation | BuyCraft

Minecraft isn’t what it used to be. Massive minigame server networks dominate the top server lists. Factions has seemingly become part of Minecraft for many. Even if you can manage to find a server that offers survival mode without all the frills, it’s not unlikely that the fun will be ruined by cheaters, the server will lag or crash, or staff will abuse their power. If you just want to play Minecraft as it was intended to be played, you’ve come to the right place.


  • Hard difficulty
  • No whitelist
  • Server runs on PaperSpigot for maximum performance without changing most vanilla game mechanics
  • Revamped private messaging system with replying and group messaging capabilities
  • Anti x-ray feature foils x-ray hackers by hiding unexposed ore until players reach it
  • NoCheat+ blocks nearly every cheat in the book without interfering with normal gameplay
  • Configured and managed by a server owner with over 5 years of experience
  • Minimal number of added commands, just no-strings-attached vanilla SMP
  • The Very Simple Rules:

  • Treat others with the same respect you would want for yourself. This includes but is not limited to not repeatedly and frequently griefing the same player(s) and not targeting offensive language at other players. If you don’t respect yourself very much, at least give others a base level of respect.
  • Don’t bother trying to cheat, it won’t work.
  • Don’t deliberately cause lag or downtime.
  • Don’t advertise other Minecraft servers, in public chat or through private message.
  • Hall of Fame
    These players have completed every advancement.
    1.12: LeDesperado, Bricstr2, Nstqne, LiaTheAlt, eddyboihai, noaipom, NavyDoctorDoom, Earl_Lemongrab, Vdiggers
    1.15: BruhMom3ntDotjpg

    If you see anyone breaking these rules or have any problems or suggestions, don’t hesitate to send me a message. If you enjoy the server, please vote for us and click that little diamond in the top-left corner of the page. Or if you’re feeling really generous, donate? 🙂

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Survival Multiplayer

    Ironcraft Austria

    A good server with nice players.
    No whitelist.
    Forum on:
    You have to read the rules to be unlocked.
    Trailer on:
    iron forever!

    Factions Pvp Raiding

    Lenoxcraft Survival

    Join lenoxcraft and have fun in our special made server.Here all players can fight and create a faction to make a team.With this faction
    (team)you can fight together and create alliances or enemies :D.Plus with an awesome economy you can become wealthy buy being smart :D.

    Survival Multiplayer

    RushTea MineCraft

    Rushtea Minecraft (RTMC) is a survival server. We use only a few plugins so you can play the game as it was made to be played! The server is maintained and monitored by an international team of admins and moderators, so you can play without having to worry about thieves and griefers.

    Server information
    RTMC runs CraftBukkit, along with administrative plugins to prevent, roll back and punish griefing. The Lift plugin allows you to create elevators without elaborate redstone circuitry. Since this is a survival server, you need to gather all the materials you need to build awesome things.

    The server has a website and forum at where the community gathers to have a good time and find information on the game. We have a dynamic map that shows a live top down view of what’s going on ingame. A VIP shop allows donators to buy items, warps, names and titles.

    Grief protection
    We use several plugins to swiftly deal with griefers. Changes made to the world are logged in a database, so damage done can easily be repaired. The very active and helpful moderator team ensures you will have a good time.

    Permissions and build rights
    New users are required to register through our website before they can start mining and building. We use an automated script so you can start having fun in under a minute!

    Mini Games Prison Pve Roleplay Survival

    ECB Network

    ==ECB Network==
    Here at ECB we have the highest of standards for our servers. We currently have a Prison server, custom COD Zombies server, Survival server, Skyblock server, and an Alpha RPG Server!

    Sadly, we no longer have Heist. Sorry everyone!

    Creative Factions Hardcore Survival

    The Brothercraft Network

    Welcome to Brothercraft, the network of community-based minecraft servers!

    Ever played on a massive minecraft server with hundreds of people yet still felt alone?
    In most of the mega-servers today, there isn’t really any room for a sense of community since there are too many people. Though here at Brothercraft, we focus on the community aspect of the game: meeting new people, exploring around with friends, or even up to crazy antics – it’s all about the community.

    We have the following types of servers joined in a hub:


    Anarchy Survival

    NoCrystal Anarchy

    NoCrystal is an anarchy server with end crystals disabled and 1.8 pvp. The crafting dupe is currently the only dupe.

    Economy Mcmmo Pve Survival Vanilla

    SilverMoon Survival

    JAVA IP:

    SilverMoon is a survival minecraft server offering a wide range of possibilities to enhance your Minecraft experience on 1.20.1. The server offers a friendly community.

    For the greater comfort and enhanced experience the server offers land claiming to protect against griefing/raiding by other players, allowing you to really build something special and show off your building skills to the world.

    You are all welcome to join!

    Cross-Play Pvp Survival



    JAVA IP:
    PUERTO: 25616

    I have realized a SMP, we have auction house, shop, bounties, homes. rtp, ranks, crates.. and is java & bedrock and 24/7 IP JAVA: IP BEDROCK: PORT: 25616

    Pvp Survival

    United Heroes Craft

    This is a Legend Of Korra/Avatar The Last Air Bender Themed server. We have Survival PVP, Pro-Bending, Faction, ECO, And Much more.


    Claims Mcmmo Semivanilla Survival


    Experience the best survival gameplay on our community driven server. We want a fun environment where aggression and griefing are forbidden, providing a safe and enjoyable experience with land claiming for all players.

    Join a vibrant player-driven economy where you can earn money by selling resources, opening shops, or buying items from other players.

    Level up through in-game progression using the economy and mcMMO, and make friends that enhance your gameplay experience.

    Improve your gameplay with special mcMMO abilities. These unique features provide new mechanics and options to enrich your gameplay.

    Discover more on our server. Join us and be a part of our community!

    Anarchy Economy Factions Hardcore Mini Games Roleplay Vanilla

    The Citadel

    Version : 1.18.2 (for java and bedrock) (we always use the latest version)
    IP: Para java:
    For bedrock : Port : 50996
    (That’s right, this server can be played from both minecraft bedrock and java)
    The server does not use mods.
    This is a GTAV style roleplay server (Drog4s, weapons and you can even play chess).
    Currently the server has a base of few active players.
    Discord :
    Video de youtube :
    We hope you’ll join!

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Creative Custom English Minigames Plugins Prison Ranks Survival


    Survival | Cracked | Custom enchants | Prison | Mcmmo | Creative | Custom Plugins | vote rewards | Nice Community | Dutch /English |


    Toxicbuild is searching for players . We offer several gamemodes like survival / creative / minigames and much more . There are even custom enchantments, vote rewards, ranks and many more cool stuff to enjoy. We own a fully managed dedicated server and we have the right protections. We are currently growing so we need staff. if you are interested join our server .




    Kitpvp Pvp


    This is a very basic pvp server. Fight other players, and get better weapons by buying them from the shop! To earn money, you just half to simply wait. You can go AFK, and still make money! The arena players fight in, is an abandoned city. There are secret spots, and Sewers! There are 3 secret villagers hidden around the world with secret items you can buy! Good Luck!

    Creative Minigames Prison Survival

    Ultimate Epic Faction

    Welcome to Epic Faction, We are a community focused minecraft server who runs the server community first. What does that mean? It means one or two people do not call the shots on the server, we ask the entire community for input before any major decisons are made. We are in rapid launch mode and welcome as many suggestions as we can handle.

    We currently have an AWESOME survival, creative, prison and faction server (With dedicated and supportive admins) and are adding features and servers daily. We also have REAL 1.8 with bunnies.

    Coming soon, look forward to

    SkyGrid, SkyWars, Hunger Games, MiniGames, and (your suggestion here).

    Thanks for your support.

    ~samlander34 & JuddMC


    Custom Fun Plugins

    The Kurios

    Welcome to TheKurios. We aim to make the best environment for you to play in, we have more than 2 years of experience with running minecraft servers. We do our very best to make sure everybody can have a fun time while playing on our servers.

    Why choose us?

    We have a great anti-cheat system, to prevent hackers/cheaters that ruin all the fun.
    Almost all plugins on our server are custom, hand-crafted for our server.


    Bedwars Kitpvp Mini Games Pvp


    Discover the ultimate gaming experience at TeamHoly.NET! Join our growing community and enjoy exciting game modes, a friendly atmosphere, and a dedicated team. Whether you’re a Cracked player or a premium user, you’ll find the perfect place to embark on your Minecraft adventures with us. Join us now at TeamHoly.NET and become a part of our unique gaming world!

    Economy Factions Pve Pvp Survival Whitelist

    End of days | MC Server

    This is a modded 1.12.2 server named End of days.

    End of Days is a gripping Minecraft server set in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by nuclear warfare. Survive amidst relentless zombies. Scavenge for resources, forge alliances with fellow survivors, and construct fortified outposts. Beware of toxic radiation zones and mutated creatures. Will you defy the odds and rebuild society in this harrowing landscape?

    Roleplay Whitelist

    Stratusine Research Institution

    The Stratusine Research Institution is an up-and-coming modded Minecraft project.
    Take on the guise as a Research Patient and be used in terrifying, unique tests, or cause chaos and disrupt the Installment’s operations. Or, maybe join the Institution, and climb the ranks and join one of our many Departments.
    The choice is up to you in the wonder-filled journey, that is, Stratusine.
    (More information regarding SRI can be found on the Discord.)
    (You must be in the Discord to be whitelisted on the server!)



    Wither Storm Mod

    if it shows that its online in here then just still enter the IP in minecraft forge then u can see if its offline or online

    Version:1.19.4 45.1.0 (requires Forge + mod)

    Crates Survival

    Mineworld [1.15]


    Slimefun, Crates, And More..

    Originally released in January of 2020, we are bringing back MineWorld. We are a community based survival server looking to grow. We are constantly adding new features to enhance the playing experience. We are also very open to player suggestions on how we can improve the server. We hope to see you soon.


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!