Chest Claims Clans Economysurvival Events Ideas Jobs Lwc Mcmmo Minigames Playershops Protect Pvp Residence Survival

Corex 1.16.x [ Jobs, Claims, Shops, Survival ]

Corex is what we think a survival 1.16 server should be, always looking for ideas, open to discussion and a place for everyone to call home.

Join and experience this type of survival 🙂


– Residence
– LWC (Chest Protection)
– Jobs
– Clans
– Shops


Call Chest Core Economy Ideas Kitpvp Lwc Mcmmo Mini Games Playershop Playershops Protect Pvp Residence Survival

Corex Survival

Corex is what we think a survival 1.16 server should be, always looking for ideas, open to discussion and a place for everyone to call home.


– Residence
– LWC (Chest Protection)
– Jobs
– Clans
– Playershops


Crate Crates Economey Economy Exciting Loot Lootcrate Lootcrates Lud Mcmmo Playershop Playershops Protect Shops Survival


Survival economey server
We are a new server looking for a steady player base, we have plans to expand and add new and exciting features but we need your support!
Plugins include
Protecting your build

Antigreiftheft Antigrief Antigriefing Auctionhouse Blockball Buildbattle Chestshops Community Creativeplots Discord Donorranks Economy Grief Griefers Grieffree Griefingallowed Griefprevention Kitpvp Marriage Minigames Paintball Parkourcourse Petblocks Playershops Playervaults Pvp Quest Quests Raiding Ranks Regionprotection Shopkeepers Shops Skyblock Spleef Survival Survivalpvp Voterewards Votifier | [Semi-Vanilla][1.16.3][Survival][BuildBattle][Mini-Games][Economy][Pets][Marriage][Quests] | |

[Semi-Vanilla][1.16.3][Survival][BuildBattle][Skyblock][Quests][​BlockBall][Paintball][Spleef][PvP Arena][Economy][Pets][Marriage][Creative Build Contest] is a player-economy survival server operating on 1.16.3. We have multiple worlds to offer for most desired styles of game-play, such as GriefSurvival (PvP and Griefing allowed), AntiGriefSurvival (PvP allowed/no griefing), FriendlySurvival (no PvP, no griefing), and Skyblock.

In addition to survival worlds, we currently run three styles of mini-games: BuildBattle, Spleef and Paintball (a paintball style shooter game). Playing these mini-games will earn in-game currency, which we call Rupees. The server also offers player-owned shops or an auctioneer role in order for players to exchange currency and items with ease! Admins are active and always looking for new ways to improve gameplay. A recent addition to the server is the role of Pet Owner. New skins and interactions to be added soon.

1. Plain and simple, we want people to have a good time!
2. Follow the posted rules for each of the three survival worlds: FriendlySurvival, GriefSurvival, and AntiGriefSurvival.
3. Aggressive and foul behavior will not be tolerated. Teasing is fun up to a point.
4. Don’t complain if you lost items because of failure to read the information given to you.
5. Racism and hatred are not allowed on this server. We want everyone to be able to play and have fun.
6. Don’t ask for admin or OP immediately after joining the server. It makes you look like an amateur. We may be interested in adding staff or builders in the future, but you need to play with us for a while and get to know eachother.
7. It shouldn’t need to be said, but NO CHEATING in any form! You will be punished or banned.


Builderparadise Destruction Dropheads Economy Enchanting Friendly Lockettepro Mcmmo Newer Playershops Shopgui Survival Switch Vendetta Whitelisted

Vendetta Whitelisted Community

This is a friendly community server, not a pvp factions, destruction heavy modded server. We are a newer community dabbling in the minecraft server hosting right now and hope to get something going with this project! It is a whitelisted server with verification method via discord as we want to ensure everyone follows the rules and doesn’t inflict harm on the community worlds. We want this to be a home for those who like the adventure, rpg, role play friendly economy style server! I hope this appeals to some of you and to grow this server into a nice community home for everyone to enjoy.

Be sure to join the discord here to get whitelisted for access on the server!

Majority everything is light-weight on the server for best stability and performance possible. Some of the noticable plugins and how they’re configured are as follow:

– MCMMO (MMO Skills and stats! Level up in many different skills and have a better overall minecraft adventure feel.)

– Playershops (Run your own shops, set your own prices, in game commands start with /pshop) [​Cant be used in nether / end]

– ShopGUI+ (Sell some default items to earn some money, then switch to playershops when you have funds.) [​Cant be used in nether / end]

– Single Player Sleep (Only one person needs to sleep to change from night to day)

– Silk Spawners (Mine mob spawners to place elsewhere when mining them with a silk touch pickaxe)

– LockettePro (Lock your storage boxes with a sign so no one can access it. Allow others to use it by adding their name!)

– DropHeads (Depending on the tool used you may receive a head of whatever you kill. Then you can wear it and keep it as a souvenir!)

– Playtime (Use command /playtime in game to view how much time you’ve logged in game!)

– Criticals (Better critical effects when hitting critical strikes on enemy mobs and players.)

– TabLocation (See your coordinates in the tab menu anytime)

– Vote daily for your rewards! (Rewards include $25, 3x bottle o’ enchanting, 1x Gilded Blackstone & 1x Ancient Debris per vote.)

– TPA to friends with a 5 sec delay and 5 min cooldown.

– No there is not /home or any home set command, we utilize the bed function so cherish it!

Claim Economey Economy Exciting Loot Lootcrate Lootcrates Lud Mcmmo Playershop Playershops Protect Pve Economy Survival Tebex


Survival economey server
We are a new server looking for a steady player base, we have plans to expand and add new and exciting features but we need your support!
Plugins include
Protecting your build

Adventure Antigrief Awesome Chestshops City Discord Economy Epic Events Freebuild Fun Griefprevention Hardcore Hub Iconomy Items Jail Jobs Jobsreborn Kits Lobby Lockette Mcmmo Moblevel Network Petsystem Playershops Quickshop Residences Roleplay Rpg Shop Shops Skills Spleef Survival Website

QuadraCraft – Hardcore-Survival-RPG | 1.16.3

Herzlichen Willkommen auf QuadraCraft! ist ein Minecraft-Server, dessen Historie bis ins Jahr 2012 zurückgeht.
Nach einer längeren Minecraft-Abstinenz hat sich nun das alte Team wieder
zusammengeschlossen und QuadraCraft wieder an den Start gebracht.

Freut euch auf einen vielseitigen, ausgereiften Server mit Fokus auf den
reinen Spielspaß für jeden einzelnen.Betrieben durch ein Team mit bald
10 Jahren Erfahrung in Minecraft-Servern erwartet euch eine stetig
steigende Anzahl an Features auf der aktuellsten Minecraft-Version.

– Zentraler Lobbyserver als Gateway auf alle weiteren Spielmodi und Server –

– Flexibles, Communitybasiertes Serverdesign! –
Ihr habt eine Idee oder wünscht euch ein Feature? Teilt es uns mit! Wir versuchen es möglich zu machen.

-Integrierung der Community in die weitere Entwicklung des Servers

Mobs werden Stärker je weiter ihr euch in die Welt hinaus wagt

Angepasste Drops:
Erhaltet verstärkte Items und EXP von Mobs mit höheren Leveln
Erhaltet noch stärkere Items durch spezielle Bosse
Bosse haben Respawn-Zeiten und eigene spezielle Fertigkeiten und Drops

Offline Chest-Shops
Sicherer, direkter Spielerhandel über Handelsmenü

Inklusive Levelsystem
Werdet mit der Zeit immer stärker

Euer Pet levelt, wird stärker und unterstützt euch im Kampf!
Pets haben ein eigenes Inventar das euch zur Verfügung steht
Pets können ein mobiles Leuchtfeuer werden
Sucht euch euren Pet-Typ aus! Creeper? Wolf? Spinne? Kein Problem!

Baut Mobspawner ab und ändert sie selbstständig

Schützt eure Gebiete selbst
Legt fest, wer darauf Zugriff hat

Kein PvP, jedoch die Möglichkeit faire Duelle auszutragen



Ausgereifter Support
Ticketsystem Ingame und über die Homepage verwendbar

Vollständiges Wiki mit detaillierten Erklärungen

Regelmäßige und Abwechslungsreiche Events


Regelmäßige Updates und neue Features



Schaut doch mal vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch!
Viel Spaß auf QuadraCraft wünscht euch

Euer QuadraCraft Serverteam

1144server 115server 115survival Cracked Craftmine Friendly Hard Survival Minecrafserver Minecraft Playershops Poses Shopkeeper Survival Teleporting Tpahere

CraftMine – 1.16.1 Survival

CraftMine is a friendly semi-vanilla hard survival server running on 1.16.1. We aim to run a server players can enjoy the experiences of vanilla while having features which compliment the multiplayer side of Minecraft. Our server features can be found below with an explanation on them all.

Player Homes: Once a player has started building and setting up home, they are able to set a home location in that area with /sethome – This allowing the player to teleport back to the location using the /home command, which has a 2 minute cooldown. Players can also use the /bed command to teleport back to their last slept in bed. (/home and /bed may only be used in the overworld)

RTP: Whether a player has just started and is looking for somewhere to quickly set up a base or whether you’re just looking for a quick place to start exploring /rtp can do this. Teleporting you ~6000 blocks within the radius of spawn. Exploring further out from co-ords 6000 means it’s less likely a player will come across your builds! (RTP may only be used in the overworld)

TPA: Players can send requests to teleport players or teleport players to them using the commands, /tpa or /tpahere – To accept a teleport request simply type /tpyes and wait a few seconds until the teleport kicks in(make sure not to move and cancel the teleport).

Player Warps: Player Warps are obtained through voting for the server. Requiring a total of 100 vote points, 10 days worth of voting in total. A player warp can be toggled to be private or public, allowing a player to use this privately as a bonus home or if they choose to use it publicly, they are able to show off their builds or possibly create a public farm of sorts! (teleporting to a warp only works in the overworld)

Player Shops: Player Shops can be created when using a Shopkeeper Token, these tokens are obtained through voting on 5 sites or can be traded between players. These tokens are used to spawn a wandering villager NPC which is used as a shop keeper for your player shop. There are 4 different types of shops a player may set up – Trading, Selling, Buying or a Book shop. Each one has various purposes and does exactly what it says. (Trading for trading items->items, Selling for selling items for diamonds, Buying for buying items for diamonds, Book shop for selling books, although all can be done through the trading shopkeeper). Players can set-up shops anywhere within their own build or a shared build. The best way of allowing people access to your player shop is by obtaining yourself a Player Warp.

Community Communitybuilds Dev Discord Economy Farming Game Hermitcraft Megabuild Minigames Mumbojumbo Nogrief Nontoxic Nostealing Play Playerheads Players Playershops Redstone Shop Shoppingdistrict Smp Tecnic Trust Vanilla Vinilla Voicechannel Whitelist

ReviveSMP | Hermitcraft | Whitelist | New

Here at Revive SMP we are trying to revive back the old sense of vanilla. With all these other SMP server having loads of plugins and land claim just ruins the old vibe. No here. With limited custom addons we strive to keep the old vanilla style alive. We have shopping districts, mega builds and giant farms. So bring your friends or come solo and adventure with a lovely welcoming community

Do we have pay2win? No


Auctions Black Land Claims Market Multiplay Multiplayer Playershop Playershops Pve Economy Terra Terrain Tier Tiers Village Villager


————————————————————–ReposeMC is a fun and easy to play Survival
Multiplayer server that offers an interesting and unique way to play!

Our Features Include:

– Ranks/Tiers

– Crates
– Land Claims
– Auctions and Black market
– PlayerShops
– Villager Shops
– Custom Terrain



Anarchy Brawl Config Dayz Free For All Increased Kitpvp Practice Purchase Pvp Staffed Texture Tree Vanilla Warz

PalmtreeNation FFA

PalmtreeNation FFA is a fun FFA server with guns! (FFA means Free for All) We use the incredibly well done MC-WARZ texture pack
available at Users can choose from a wide and growing number and variety of kits without spending a dime. Soon users will also be able to purchase additional kits for increased gaming experience. We offer a custom built map reminiscent of the nether on the WarZ map and it incorporates all of the best PVP features of both WarZ maps. We invite you to join our well staffed and friendly server today, either as your primary PVP server or as your WarZ practice server. We are also up 24/7, thanks to, so you can always come on. Feel free to explore the map if nobody else is on!


McBrawl does not endorse this server. We are using the SwornGuns plugin which has been configured to work with the WarZ texture pack and we do not intend to copy WarZ. We are not a DayZ styled server and we don’t intend to be.

Club Custom Discord Eset Griefprevention No World Resets Nya Ranks Resets Sets Survival Thor Tier Tiers Voting

Thornya Club

Version: 1.14.2

💎 Full Survival.
💎 Tiers (Ranks).
💎 GriefPrevention.
💎 MiniSurvival Minigame.
💎 Voting rewards.
💎 Custom server commands.
💎 No world resets.


Battle Build battle Creative Factions Fres Fresh High Mcmmo Mini Games Nothing Op Prison Quests Skyblock Survival Games Towny


[Towny] [Survival Games] [Mini Games] [KitPvP] [OP Prison] [Creative] [SMP] [Mob Arena] [Build Battle] [Lag Free] [Quests/RPG]

Come check out our freshly started Minecraft Network, providing nothing but High Quality and Lag Free content for your enjoyment!

Ass Class Com Fall Fallen Gio Http Las Legion Len Lmao Play Style Survival Multiplayer The Fall

Legion Of The Fallen


Added Button Cod Code Des Has Minecraft Server Mix Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer Ter This Vote You

Famixmc. -. Minecraft server

Server Owner “FAMIXMC. -. ” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

0 VoteGet button code

Biomes Economy Explora Exploration Funny Limited New Items Pixelmon Pokemon Pve Shrine Shrines Storage Survival Trust


ImperianGaming is a small server, hoping to grow with mature, funny, and cool people.

ImperianGaming has one extra mod, IronChests. Reason being is, in Pixelmon you acquire alot of new items, and we mean ALOT. IronChests adds that extra storage space, without being a bit over the top or OP.

ImperianGaming also has no world border, unlike other servers, you are limited to a block radius limiting your exploration. This is also key for finding certain biomes with shrines, or even certain pokemon.

ImperianGaming is a white-listed server, meaning you do have to apply to play. We want a clean and trustworthy community, which white-listing helps with.

Finally ImperianGaming has friendly staff that are 99% of the time on and are always willing to help.

To apply for ImperianGaming, go to .

Bov Crates Custom Dating Discord Enchant Enchants Faction Minecraft Server Free Free To Play Fun Pot Potpvp Spleef Updating


KycoPvP v1.8.8 and above, is a fun and free to play faction minecraft server
with custom enchants and custom crates. Fully 24/7, potpvp, spleef and etc. Server will always be constantly updating and feel free to suggest. We are always open to more suggestion to improve the server.


1.17 Auto Blo Dynmap Hermit Hermitcraft Lec Name People Popular Survival Title Vanilla Whitelist Youtube


this a hermitcraft style minecraft server for people to join without having to have a popular YouTube channel

Club Cru Cut Factions Global Ios Kitpvp Poa Pvp Roman Skyblock Smo Smooth Survival Train


Cu o vechime de aproape 5 ani in spate, echipa serverului MC.Clubcs.Ro isi propune sa satisfaca dorintele in materie de Gaming de calitate ale jucatorilor Romani.

Serverul este Gazduit pe o platforma de hosting noua, cu actualizarile la zi. Noi avem propriile servere dedicate iar acest lucru ne ajuta sa oferim jucatorilor un uptime de aproape 99%, nedepinzand de limitarile clasice ale firmelor de hosting.
Banda de retea Globala de 1Gb/s va oferi jucatorilor Romani dar si celor straini un Ping cat se poate de mic si o experienta de joc *Smooth*.

Daca te-am facut putin curios te invit sa te alaturi comunitatii noastre!


A Minecraft Added Button Cod Day Has Oda Owner Survival Multiplayer Ter This Tod Today Vote You

ONLY TODAY for a Minecraft server day

Server description Server owner “TODAY ONLY FOR A DAY” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

0 VoteGet button code

Builder Creative Deo Head Ideo In Minecraft Island Islandcraft Meet Purely Realistic Share Skills Video Youtube

IslandCraft Build Community

We are a community of people who share a common goal to make realistic things in minecraft! We are kind of small, but we all love being on the server and building together. We’re looking to expand and meet new people, so if you are a good builder, or just want to hang out with people, come by and check us out! We have a website that’s run by our head administrator and there’s also a YouTube video that comes out every week to share the progress of the server! If you want a fun group of people, don’t hesitate to come check us out! We also have a plot world in order to see peoples’ building skills or people may also use the plot world purely for fun!

Cops Creeper Extreme Fou Hunger Games Items Lucky Lucky Block Plugins Shops Skyblock Survival Votes Xtreme Zombie

Magoo Craft Server Network

MagooCraft is a Server network consisting of Survival, Sky Block, Skywars, Hunger Games Zombie Survival and Cops vs Crims. hosted by an extremely experienced and friendly staff team. We are hosted on a dedicated server from Creeper Host with 24/7 up-time, lots of plugins, no lag, and an amazing staff team.
We have lots of plugins to enhance your experience but we do include Shops, /vote, /buy and more.

All Votes give you rewards on our survival or skyblock servers including several items, in game money and a Lucky Block.

The Server can also be found at or


Alia Aus Aust Australia Australian Better Change Economy Factions Maps Perk Perks Pvp Roleplay Sever


Welcome to SakePvP! We are a PvP based server focused on pleasing all Australian PvPers who arent at the liberty to play with good connection on US severs!

As we grow in size, our servers, maps, and donation perks will change for the better to make your experience one to remeber – but we can only do it with your help, so please donate to help us improve our servers!

1000 лвл 127 лвл Dupes Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Protection Pve Pvp Rpg Russian Minecraft Whitelist

❤️ BIG ONLINE ❤️⚡❤️ MINI GAMES ❤️ Minecraft server

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐✅ IP: MC.BULLCRAFT.RU ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐✅ VERSION 1.8-1.12-1.13 ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐✅ VK.COM/BULLCRAFT ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AOT Chaotic Creative District Launching Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Nuclear Random Schoo School Survival Ucl United Vanilla

Nuclear District Survival

Here we are again, the once known Chaotic United rebranded as Nuclear District is launching an old-school Survival Server!
We are bringing back what once was the unique Chaotic United experience, the classic beta 1.7 feel but in the latest version.
What does this mean: No overload of plugins, basic ranks, lots of fun with friends and randommers. That is what made us stand out for Minecraft players.
Interested? I knew it! Visit our Website and Forums
Hope to see you soon!
Greetings from the Admin team

Atm Atmosphere Bit Button Cod Community Create Everyone Friend People Rac Riendly Survival Multiplayer Unity Welcoming

LampCraft Minecraft Server

We create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for everyone! We have prohibited vulture and srach. Join the community of adequate people!

0 VoteGet button code

Cut Economy Enchantments Factions Generator Hacking Leaderboard Mix Optimized Pvp Raiding Skyblock Ssl Trading Whitelisted


We have awesome custom features you wont find anywhere else
– Rading TNTs
– Custom world generator
– Custom enchantments
– Duel arena
– PvP Leaderboard

We aim to create a PvP experience you will never forget.

1.10 1.9 130 Create Euro Europa Europe Hey Information Lang Price Prices Spanish Survival Multiplayer Survivalop

Minecraft Europa

Minecraft Europe

Spanish Language
Game modes: SurvivalOP (Soon we plan to create a network)
Version: 1.8 1.9 1.10

Other information:
The server prices are very low and when there are discounts they seem like a gift.


Admin Ask Build Community Economy Jus Lea Mall Ommunity Please Plugins Small Soon Survival Unity


This server is new, and Im hoping to build a small community. More plugins etc. coming soon! Come join hang out.
Please join to play, and not just to ask for admin.
Owner: Rufus5

Added Alliance Auto-mine Fun Hard Has Ian Magazine Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Owner Robots Ter This You

FUN Alliance Hard-Grif Minecraft Server

The owner of the FUN Alliance Hard-Grif server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!