Economy Economysurvival Extreme Hardcoresurvival Landclaim Landclaiming Lands Newserver Newworld Nowhitelist Optionalpvp Pets Petshop Petstore Pve Pve Economy Survival

[1.15.2] NEW! BlameTheServer – Extreme Survival/eConomy


It’s your standard Survival mode with a few limits attached. The standard Survival mode is way too easy and it’s time to take on a challenge. Here’s a list of all adjustments so far:

– Removed Enchantments: Protection, Sharpness, Fortune, Mending –
– Spawners Disabled –
– Doubled the length of the Day AND Night –
– Crops take much longer to grow –
– You can’t craft Redstone items. You must buy anything Redstone related from an in-game shop –
– Lose 10% of money on death –
– 10 Second delay on teleport commands –
+ More to come

The server might be difficult but we don’t want our community to be difficult. This is still aimed to be a relaxing fun time for anyone that joins!

eConomy and Survival go hand in hand. This server will not be generous with money, don’t expect to come on and make millions in a few weeks. You earn money currently by killing mobs, selling items to our global shop and by simply raising your playtime. Come in and start your money making empire today! We also have a versatile Land Claiming system which lets you charge rent and configure countless options with your land.

The server will have player pets that you can level and train to be worthy companions. Currently, there’s only a Starter Wolf but that will change very soon. We aim to have at least 20 different pets available to buy, each with their own statistics and abilities.

If you claim land or not, griefing is easily sorted. If you do claim land, you have complete control of what people can do to it though an easy in-game menu system. If you don’t claim land, there’s easy ways to lock your chests (without signs) and if griefing does happen, you can inspect the griefs with ‘/inspect’. Interacting with the griefed area will tell you exactly who did it. If you inspect the area or not, reporting the situation to an Admin will get it sorted as quickly as we can. Any type of grief can be reversed with a single command and everything will be as it was. The server keeps a record of every single interacted block and action so theres no way people can get away with anything.

Want to show off your stats on the server? We currently have 3 Leaderboards in server spawn showing:
Top Balance, Top Land Claim Chunks and Top Mobs Killed. More will be added soon!

This map has no borders! Never worry about having to build near anyone if you don’t want to. When you leave the spawn area on this server, you will be taken up to 300,000 blocks away from the centre of the map. Unlimited exploration!

The server is still in it’s very early days but we still have the incredible Intel 9900k processor powering it. Our RAM allocation is currently quite low bit will definitely be expanded and our player base grows to ensure the best experience for everyone possible. This server is active 24/7 and is based in Europe. Even if you’re American though, there shouldn’t be any lag that ruins your gameplay.

We have NO LOOT BOXES or anything of the sort. Instead, we’re using a simple VIP solution. Everyone with VIP gets exactly the same perks, no matter what you pay. There’s no VIP+ or anything like it. Just one rank for everyone that decides to donate to help the server grow. This premium rank doesn’t get you anything crazy game changing either, we want all our players to have a fair experience.

Our server map is extremely detailed and updates quickly CLICK HERE to open it!


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Battletower Cities Comunity Customtextures Discord Economy Events Giveaways Gyms Mcmmo Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmonmod Pixelmonreforged Pokemon Pokemonmod Survival Tournaments

Obscuros Pixelmon

Server IP:

Obscuros is a new community-based Pixelmon server running Reforged

We offer a fresh new world to explore and build in with the option to go through our progression system with Ranks that can be bought with in-game Pokédollars. Unlock new areas, battle Player and NPC Gyms, and explore Custom Cities with daily boss Trainers to defeat for Chest Keys. Experience our Mt. Battle, try for a high score in our new Battle Tower, train at our EV Training Center, and participate in several monthly events and tournaments.

Live World Map:
Travel Guides:

-Friendly Community
-Custom Pokémon [​alongside normal Pokémon]
-Keep Inventory
-All Ride Pokémon Enabled [​no tokens required]
-Earnable Ranks and Event Ranks
-Unlockable Areas
-Events & Contests
-Tournaments hosted by players and staff
-Custom Cities to explore, with Boss Trainers and Pokéloot
-Unique Gyms & Elite Four [​AGP] [​open applications]
-Gym Leader Castle [​NPC Gym Leaders]
-Mt. Battle [​Battle through all 100 Trainers] (coming soon!)
-Victory Road
-EV Training Arenas
-Pokémon Parks
-Resource World [​Pokémon free]
-Land & Chest Protection
-Unique Donation Store Services

Twitter: @PlayObscuros
Instagram: @PlayObscuros
Twitch: PlayObscuros

Allowed Areashop Ban Build Chestshop Combat Community Crates Create Eco Economy Force Grief Keys Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs New Open Peaceful Play Plugin Pve Economy Rpg Server Servers Shop Shops Skills Store Survival Title Town Towns Towny Veinminer Vote Voting

TheForest – A Simple Survival and Towny server!

TheForest is a player-based server, where the players are working together to form the server, for example shops, builds, towns and so on! TheForest also has a great community with a lot of helpful and kind players. Griefing is not allowed, and will also get rollbacked and banned for it. Killing is enabled, but Towns can set their area to peaceful if they want to.

So, Join TheForest today, our community, your server!


With Vein miner it has become more easy than ever to acquire those precious diamond. Just hold your sneak button while you mine a piece of ore, and any connected ore block (of the same ore-type) will be automatically broken for you. Do mind that this will effect your tool’s durability respectively for each block broken, taken into account your tool’s durability. This plugin is not limited to only ores, but also includes: all logs (so watch out when you sneak-mine) a log of your house, sand and gravel.

If you do find this plugin to be annoying, you can easily toggle it by typing /veinminer toggle in chat.


Create your own shops, at the spawn’s market, or at your shop somewhere in the world, by placing a sign above a chest, or on a face of a chest. Format the sign per line as following

  • Your in game name
  • How many items you are buying / selling at your store
  • B Amount : Amount Sell (example: B 5 : Free S -> this means that the player shopping at your store will be able to buy the item for five $ from your store, and sell to your store for free)
  • Name of item to sell. If you don’t know how to name a certain item, do /iteminfo while holding the to be sold item
  • LZeaDZ4.png

    The McMMo is a very expansive plugin adding a rpg-like levelling-up system to the server. Every player starts at level 0 in every given skill tree and earns more levels by playing. You do not loose your progress if you die. As you level up, you will unlock new attributes to a skill.

    There are combat skills, involving Archery, Aces, Swords and Unarmed. These are levelled up by using the equivalent combat tools. Using these tools frequently allows you to deal more damage, the more profound you become in that skill tree.

    Acrobatics is a skill that makes you take less fall damage, the higher your level is, the less fall damage you will take. It also allows you to dodge attacks from attacking mobs or players.

    There are also gathering skills. These skills involve excavation, fishing, mining, woodcutting and Herbalism. Each of these skills has their own benefits, like gathering glow stone from excavations, double drops from mining, extra crop drops from herbalism, etc.

    You can view your current progress on an certain skill by typing / and the name of the skill (example: /mining) in chat. If you want to see an overview of your skills according to the server-wide rank type /mcrank or /mctop to see the top McMMO players.


    This server gives you the ability, but does not force you, to buy certain keys at our webstore. These keys give you access to opening luck based crates at spawn. You can view what every crate has to offer in-game by left-clicking the crate. This gives you an overview of the possible to win items. Every key gives you a price, you will never receive nothing for your real life bucks.

    Alternatively you can also buy vote-keys through the /voteshop. These keysare not bought with real life money, but with vote points. These are earned by voting for the server.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Allowed Auction Ban Best City Claim Community Crates Custom Discord Eco Economy End Farming Friendly Fun Grief Job Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Nether New Permanent Play Plugin Premium Pvp Rewards Server Servers Shop Staff Survival Trading Vote Website

    [IG] Classic Survival (Native 1.15.2) ✪ Land Claim & Anti Grief ✪ Lag Free ✪ Autosell Chests ✪ Enderchests ✪ Farming ✪ Jobs ✪ ShopGUI ✪ McMMO ✪

    Server IP:

    Welcome to Impulse Gaming!

    Impulse Gaming is a community known for a great staff team and a user-based experience. With over 3 years of experience in hosting Minecraft Servers, we are able to bring you the best of the best with our expertise and advanced knowledge!

  • Friendly & Non-Judgmental Community
  • CS:GO Fashioned Crates
  • Friendly Survival
  • Land management Plugin w/ Claims & Powerful Anti-Grief Measures
  • Auction House w/ Web Panel (Premium)
  • Safe Trading
  • Economy with ShopGUI+ (Buy & Sell Items)
  • Jobs Reborn
  • McMMO
  • Custom Item Cleaner
  • PVP Toggle
  • Native 1.15.2 Support
  • User Friendly (Easy to use interfaces and commands)
  • Secure Back-end & Front-end
  • Cursing Allowed
  • Lag Free & Optimized Server
  • Full Fledged Website @ [​color=#3598db][​/color]
  • Free Auto-sell Chests for Effortless Mob Farming
  • Huge world (50K x 50K)
  • Fully Functioning and Accessible Nether & End Worlds
  • Individual Chest & Container Locking for Enhanced Security
  • Vote Rewards
  • Zero Tolerance Anti-Grief Policy

    We know how devastating being a victim of griefing is. While we have done everything to protect our users against this, sometimes those measures are not used properly or something fails. If anyone is caught griefing, they will be permanently banned with no attempt to appeal. Anyone who griefs and is caught will be punished this way, regardless of the size and/or quantity.

  • Intel® Core® i7 9700K
  • DDR4 RAM
  • NVMe SSD Drives
  • 1Gbit Port with 100GBPS+ Game Filter/Firewall (DDoS Mitigation)
  • Hosted in New York City, New York.

  • Categories
    Active Admin Adventure Awesome Claim Claiming Community Create Creative Custom Economy Forums Grief Hard Hardcore Home Map Minecraft Mod Network New Open Play Plugin Plugins Pve Quest Ranks Semivanilla Server Servers Small Smp Survival Survive Title Vanilla War Website

    Survive With Us SMP [1.15.2]


    We are a brand new survival server with completely custom plugins and a fresh map for our players to begin adventuring on.

    Every player has access to a randomtp so you can find the perfect spot to start your adventure!
    Our claiming system allows you to protect your home and loot from anyone who may try to steal, damage or otherwise grief.
    We have a live reporting system for players to use should they encounter a bug, need in game help, or need to report someone they feel may be cheating. The report goes straight to the server owner who can handle it asap with no problems.
    As soon as we have established testing on our custom plugins we will also implement ranks based on time played to reward players who are loyal to our server.
    We hope to create a small community of players on our server and evolve it based on their suggestions and input
    In the future we are also interested in adding more game modes to our network including creative and hardcore survival as well as others.
    Other awesome features include :
    Keep inventory
    24/7 server uptime
    Active owners/admins
    If you have any questions at all feel free to join and ask!
    Thank you for your time!

    Allowed Ban Best Build Community Create Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Farm Grief Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftlikeserver Hermitcraftstyle Mature Mmo Multiplayer New Open Play Pvp Ranks Redstone Rewards Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Store Survival Survival Multiplayer Tech Title Vanilla War Whitelist Whitelisted

    Hyplex MC (Hermitcraft-Inspired) (Season 2 Starting Soon)

    Semi-vanilla survival
    Owner: Terran_Titan
    Server is currently closed and all applications will be stored until
    server is open for Season 2

    We’re a community of players getting the best out of survival multiplayer.
    Builders and redstone-technicians collaborate to create to your hearts best content.


    To get whitelisted, fill in the form which can be found on our DISCORD

    The server offers tools to build a community and create an economy.
    We have a dedicated spawn-island with shops, a gaming district and a pvp arena.
    Playtime results in ranks and rewards including more farms.
    Friendships arise and communities grow,
    just by punching trees and placing blocks.


    1. Please use common sense and act in a mature manner
    2. No griefing, stealing or cheating. (i.e. x-ray, exploits or bugs)
    3. Please avoid doing things that cause server lag.
    4. Please remove floating trees and 1×1 pillars
    5. AFK fish-farms and 0-tick farms are not allowed and will result in a ban
    6. Please do not build a base on or near the spawn islands, venture out a bit
    7. No more iron farms on the server, we have enough.
    8. Each new player is only allowed 1 large scale farm (from 8×8 pumpkin farm to ocean
    monument farm) and will earn more when ranking up.
    9. Automatic AFK timeout (45 min)
                    More rules can be found on our DISCORD

    Age Ages Ass Ations Block Boulangerie Class Craft Discord Economy Ect Erver Ill Inecraft Lab Lag Map Mine Minecraft Mon Money Nation Nations Noop Open Play Ran Server Serveur Survie Survival Title Towns Towny Ves Village Villages

    La Boulangerie

    La Boulangerie 🥖
    La Boulangerie Minecraft est un serveur survie, basé sur un système de monnaie. Construisez des villages, fondez des nations, alliez-vous à d’autres et déclarez des guerres. Bâtissez des fermes et brassez de la moulaga. Investissez dans des rangs et édifiez des échopes !
  • Site web:
  • Discord:
  • Twitter:
  • Map:
  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    115server Achievements Antigriefing Auction Bartyrealms Best Crates Custom Customccrates Customized Earth Economy Epic Fun Geopolitical Guishop Item Jobs Landclaim Mcmmo Multiplayer Network Playershops Playervaults Politics Popular Prefixes Pve Rank Ranks Rankup Rankups Server Shops Smp Survival Top Towny Vote Voting

    BartyRealms Towny Earth

    Come play with us!

    IP Address:

    Live Map:

    Work together to build an empire that will stand the test of time!

    Conquer the world — Alone or with others!

    BartyRealms is a Minecraft community that has been running for nearly two years now. Over the years, the community has grown around our Minecraft server. The history of BartyRealms is very long, but where
    does your chapter begin? Join today and discover a server that has been designed from the ground up to be fun and enjoyable to all players. Whether you want to play by yourself and have a chat with other players or work with a large town to create something truly special — the choice is yours. BartyRealms is run by Extremely experienced professionals who have been doing this for a very long time. You can expect reliability, strong gameplay, a great community, and much more if you decide to join us. There are updates every single day that help make the server even better than it already is. We frequently poll features that players have come up with. The server is completely configured around what our players want and our focus above all else is making sure you have a good time on our server.

    We pride ourselves in an extremely balanced player driven economy where the only way to make money is through playing the game effectively. There are many ways to make money on our server, and we consistently monitor the economy to prevent extreme inflation or other unbalanced things. Additionally, we have a load of custom plugins that we develop ourselves to make the experience on our server truly unique.

    Main Features:
    Earth Map, Playervaults, Achievements, Perks System, Prefix System, mcMMO 2.0, Lottery, ChatGames, Auctions, Cosmetics, Towny, Player Driven Economy, Custom Plugins, and so much more!

    Class Community Craft Crates Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy End Game Games Help Inecraft Leveling Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Moderator Moderators Murder Network New Open Original Play Plot Plots Public Pvp Server Servers Survival Testing Title Website

    Foncused Network

    Foncused Network is a brand new custom minigames network which has been in development for many years and is currently initiating a public testing phase for its first playable minigame, an adaptation of “Murder”, the famous gamemode originally observed in Garry’s Mod.

    Since opening, two new servers have opened up. These are Creative plots and classic Survival with a few twists (skill-leveling, economy, ore exchange, PVP, crates, and more).

    During this phase we intend to recruit a few moderators to help us out as we continue to open up new features on the network.

    For more information, it is recommended that you visit our website and read this:

    Anarchy Backpack Craft Create Eco Econ Economy Environment Event Events Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Head Heads Home Homes Mine Minecraft Play Player Pve Pvp Raiding Rank Ranks Semianarchy Server Servers Sethome Survival Title Trade Unique Vanilla War World

    Badcraft | Vanilla

    What makes Badcraft unique? It’s a one of a kind “vanilla anarchy” server. That means the server has virtually no rules AS LONG as you are using a vanilla client (no hacking). Others than that, everything from griefing to scamming is fair game!

    Ontop of vanilla Minecraft, Here are a few features that make this server unique:

    /Trade » (Allows you to trade items with anyone no matter how far away. This prevents item scamming and creates a global economy.)

    Head Drops » (Heads will drop from your enemies! Whenever you kill another player, you have a 50% chance to receive their skull.)

    Fixed phantoms » (Unlike many servers, we have fixed phantoms to work correctly. When you go to sleep, they will leave you alone for 3 days.)

    /Backpack » (Allows you to bring items with you on the go. But be warned, If you die you will drop all of the contents in your backpack.)

    Member ranks » (Annoying spammers or advertisers are blocked. In order to post urls and chat with no delay, you must verify yourself.)

    No sethomes, warps, or tpas » (All forms of travel are completely vanilla. This makes the world feel much bigger and gets players more immersed in the environment.)

    Server IP:


    Storytime SMP

    Hello, and WELCOME to the Storytime SMP!

    What is the server about? The Storytime SMP is focused mainly on role-playing, although it is not a requirement. On this server, you can make your own character lore, as well as a overarching storyline to keep everyone involved and having fun!

    The server is also Java, AND Bedrock cross-play! So that means you can play with ANY of your friends! We also provide a ton of support incase your friends are not able to join!

    We also will be hosting TONS of fun events to keep you entertained! Our Goal is to push out Once a Week PVE Events so that players could obtain Special Items, AND find out More about the Storytimes Secret Past Through fun boss Battles and Events!

    We also have Great Staff for Each Regionto ensure that Nobody Cheats, Steals, or Griefs you! They are incredible at their job and Constantly Responds to reports!

    On The Storytime SMP, We Tried to make it as Vanilla Feeling as PossibleSo We limited the amount of plugins that Actually Interfere with Gameplay! So you won't be constantly being hit with annoying server sided stuff that ruin the game. The most that will limit your Gameplay that we have, is Grief Prevention, to allow players to keep their items and homes safe.

    How to join?

    Its simple!! Just go to our Website and get Redirected to our discord! Be sure to check out our Rules before you play

    If the website does not work, feel free to add me on discord "tyzixp" and I'll send you a invite!


    Lilypad Forest SMP

    Join Lilypad Forest! With the update of 1.21 we wanted to create a new SMP that focuses on community and playing together with some lore. (The starting date has not been decided yet, and you can vote on it with us!)

    Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? Then join Lilypad Forest, we are looking for passionate players that enjoy playing semi-vanilla or vanilla and like being a part of a small community. When you join our server you get to choose from 5 frog colors, they act like factions. Depending on which one you chose, you will be living with that faction. Also each frog color has a description and style of building. (We added this to make the gameplay a little more interesting and to give some more purpose to your gameplay or builds.)

    We also have a whitelist, so you need to apply through our discord to join. p.s (Not everyone gets accepted, we are looking for only long term players that would like to be part of something, and players that generally gives off good vibes. So trolls or griefers are not welcome)

    • Server Details:

    Version is 1.21

    • Why Join Helianthus?

    The Community feeling: Connect with like-minded players in a supportive environment.

    Creative Freedom: Express your creativity without limits.

    Safe and fare play: We do not allow any cheating.

    • Requirements:

    Age: 16+

    Discord: Join our Discord community to apply and stay connected.

    Install: two small mods from curseforge, we use Proximity voice and Biomes o Plenty, to make our server experience a little more interesting.

    Ready to Join?

    Click the link to apply:


    ☀️ Shaded

    Server IP:


    Hello, fellow Minecrafters!

    Are you looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Do you want to experience a classic and immersive gameplay with a friendly and active community? If you answered yes, then you should check out Shadedthe best SMP survival server in 2024!

    Shaded is a server that offers a lot of features and benefits for its players, such as:

    • NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond (the pond at /spawn). Place in water and right click with bait to activate. Sell catch back to Aaron.
    • Land claiming and grief prevention, to protect your creations and belongings
    • Custom gear, available for purchase at the Gear Merchant found centrally at /spawn.
    • Skills, economy, shops, and auctions, to trade and earn money
    • Free (vote) ranks, kits, and perks, to enhance your gameplay and show off your status
    • Quests, events, and (weekly) challenges to keep you entertained and rewarded
    • And much more!

    Shaded is also a cross-platform server, which means that you can play with both Java and Bedrock players. The server is updated regularly and has a dedicated staff team that is always ready to help and listen to your feedback.

    But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself! Join Shaded today and discover a new way of playing Minecraft Survival. All you need to do is copy and paste this IP address into your Minecraft client:

    You can also visit our website, discord, and social media for more information and updates:

    We hope to see you soon on Shaded!


    The Createville Server

    Allo! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Well you have come to the right post, the Createville server is a safe and friendly community of players who come together and play in a central city and adjacent towns. They work together to build trains, sell items, chat, collaborate on projects and so much more, if all this sounds interesting to you join us!

    Here's a short bullet point list to tell you things you can expect:

    • Shops and custom currency
    • Trains, Cars, Airplanes
    • Create and a few of it's addons
    • Organised community area
    • A little sprinkle of magic
    • Ingame voice chat

    You'll need to install the modpack and get whitelisted to play:



    The Bagelverse

    Would you like to get straight to it? Get access to the Cottage Witch Recast server here:

    The Bagelverse now offers a Cottage Witch Recast server! Marvel at this whimsical modpack that empowers your witchy endeavors!

    Modpack and Server features:

    • Pack version 1.5.3 (Latest) on Forge 1.19.2
    • Over 250 mods which include tons of magic mods such as Ars Nouveau and Hexerei, unique decoration mods like Fairy Lightsand Create for automation.
    • Come see our beautiful Ghibli-style spawn where you can find shops and mobs that drop coins for spending! You can get tons of in-game goodies to start your journey with 😉
    • /rtp /back /home and /tpa is available to all players.
    • In-game chat is accessible through Discord! You can talk to other players without even joining the game.
    • Proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat.
    • NO pay-to-win! We only do donations
    • MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! The best community ever 😀

    Interested? Get started by joining the Bagelverse Discord server:

    see you there




    In Iperios you can create your own nation and refine your McMMO skills to fight in wars, get Geopolitical power to conquer new territories and earn wealth and Custom Enchants.

    You can create your own nation, with your own form of government, laws and ranks, if you don't want to create your nation you can also join one already created.


    We also have ressources camp in-game that can be conquered, they will become your first income of geopolitical resources for the geopolitical expansion of your nation. There are a lot of resources and buildings that can created, there is a complete list on the discord channels and active support.








    How to join:

    First you have to join the discord and ask for whitelist.

    For the ip and some starter information you can read the message in #info-new-players.

    Once you are in a staffer will guide you and give you a beginner kit, and then you can start!


    – Discord: (Main)

    – Facebook page:

    Communitydriven Economy Medieval Novip Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Town


    Welcome to Varangia: The Ultimate PVE / PVP / ECONOMY / RP Server!Established June 14, 2024
    Discover an unparalleled gaming experience in Varangia! Our server is designed to cater to all your adventurous, strategic, social, and role-playing needs. Here’s what you can look forward to:
    PVE Adventures
  • Dungeons: Delve into challenging dungeons filled with thrilling quests and formidable enemies.
  • Wild Bosses: Test your skills against powerful wild bosses and claim epic rewards.
  • Thriving Economy

  • Chestshops: Set up and run your own shops, trading valuable items with other players.
  • Real Estate: Buy, sell, and manage properties to build your wealth and influence.
  • Dynamic Politics

  • Govern Your Empire: Take control of your own empire and make strategic decisions.
  • Elections: Participate in democratic elections and shape the future of the server.
  • Immersive Role-Playing

  • Engage in RP: Immerse yourself in rich role-playing scenarios and bring your character to life.
  • Unique Stories: Create and participate in unique stories that evolve with the community.
  • Social Hub

  • Socialize: Enjoy designated areas to meet, chat, and forge friendships with fellow players.
  • Events: Participate in regular social events and activities organized by the community.
  • Community & Collaboration

  • Cities and Factions: Join or create cities and factions, collaborating with others to achieve common goals.
  • No VIP: Everyone has equal opportunities – no VIP advantages here!
  • Fair and Democratic

  • Admin Approach: Enjoy a fair and democratic approach from our admins, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable experience for all.
  • Join Varangia today and become part of a vibrant, dynamic community where your choices shape the world!
    Links :
    Dynmap :
    Discord :



    We're an in-development/beta server dedicated to 3 main points:

    • Provide a variety of feature-rich modes
    • Strict prevention of all forms of cheating, no matter the caliber
    • A community that is friendly no matter the skill level. a.k.a no toxic behavior.

    We try to provide a variety of content, however given how small the development team is (at the moment, only 3 builders and 1 plugin developer), updates and changes will take a long time. Basically every mode is being re-imagined (Our first of these will be Tower Defense coming out this month!). Given this nature, features, playerdata, and basically everything else isn't perfectly stable, and may change in a flash. Now is the perfect time to come playtest and not only help grow our community, but to help find issues and propose new ideas.

    BudderCraft is extremely strict on preventing cheating of any kind. Due to this, no mods (except those listed towards the end) are allowed, and this will never change (except potentially for Fabric, Forge and Lunar in the far future when we can limit their functionality). No bedrock modding will ever be allowed mostly due to console users having no legal way of obtaining them. Any intentional ways to get around this will result in a permanent, unpardonable ban. However mods aren't the only way to cheat. Any other forms, weather with ways of automation (hacks, mods, resource packs, we don't allow them atm, but a whitelist feature will be added someday) or not (game exploits, alt accounts, "win-trading" – where people in competitive modes play for a specific result rather than trying to win individually, and many more), all cheating rule breaks will almost certainly result in an unpardonable ban. Any form of piracy will also be given the same treatment. Since Minecraft isn't considered abandonware (meaning its no longer sold anymore), you cannot pirate/steal it, and there is no excuse that can be made to justify it.

    A central point to a fun online game is to only allow fun and friendly people to play it. Anyone being rude for no reason, whether in a competitive environment or not, will not be tolerated whatsoever, especially if it involves personal attacks against specific traits of the person (race, sexuality, gender, etc.). While there is a way to breach this unpunished, not only does everyone who can see the content have to have explicitly said they're ok with it, but mods and admins can disallow it for any reason (mostly to prevent people from harassing others behind their back). Further info about this exception can be found under Non-ruling terms in /warp Rules

    Other small points:

    • 1.9+ style PvP. 1.8 pvp is over a decade old at this point, if you haven't gotten used to it yet, skill issue. Some changes to the combat system do exist, such as making ender crystals harmless and when 1.21 comes out, nerfing the stupidly-overpowered mace with as much as a 91% damage reduction with a damage cap.
    • there is a very quick section once you join for the first time. You must complete it to continue, and cannot chat or send commands (except /helpop) until you do so. It only takes 1 minute, if that. It only exists to filter out bots and people who have no ability to read (since it features things I had to have answered all the time).
    • large scale farms are strictly prohibited. We believe all these massive farms that generate double-chests worth of items per minute ruins the economy and in the case of Factions, kills all strategy, since you would be basically forced to build these or you would stand 0 chance, and who likes a strategy game where only 1 strategy is viable? You can view an outdated list (will be updated come 1.21) of every banned farm under rule 9 in /warp Rules, but the common rule of thumb, if it seems hacky, requires an elaborate setup, or was never intended to be renewable, then its not allowed. Some common banned farms are iron farms, gold farms, raid farms, gunpowder farms, and most xp farms.
    • If you are unsure about something on the server, rather than bothering busy staff, use our tutorials (either /warp HowToPlay or /help. Most modes have a "how to play" hologram at their respective spawnpoint). Staff are allowed to ignore help requests that these things answer and even mute players who repeatedly ask.
    • Joining our discord is not required but highly recommended. It is very helpful for posting/getting feedback and update/uptime info. You can get our discord link by using /discord on the server (we aren't posting the link here as joining the minecraft server is a requirement to join anyways, so you might as well do that first)

    If you're ready to check us out, join with the IP below. We always run on the latest version (as every server should), however it may take a week or two to update versions once a new one releases.

    IP(Java and Bedrock):

    NO MODDED OR PIRATED CLIENTS ALLOWED!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE CAUGHT USING ONE, YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATLY BANNED!!!!!!!!(However, we do allow some, which are listed below)(We are not open to suggestions for more)

    Allowed Clients:

    Badlion Client (Only specifed mods below are allowed)

    Allowed Mods for Badlion (Note: any setting not listed here will be automatically disabled and blocked when you join!):


    Block Overlay

    Clear Glass



    Damage Tint

    Enchant Glint


    Hit Color

    Item Physics





    Please note that we are still in our beta phase, so expect bugs and lacking features. Feel free to make suggestions on what we need done before official release!


    Pixels SMP


    Our server is a friendly and slowly growing semi-vanilla smp with simple voice chat. Everyone is welcomed, and we make sure that everyone is respected.

    Now more about the server… We have temperatures with seasons, daily crates, grief prevention, custom armors, minigames and much more.

    You can join from version 1.18 to 1.21.
    Java and bedrock are supported.
    No mods are required but "Simple Voice Chat" is needed if you want to use proximity chat, and "cinemamod" is needed to use the cinema.

    We hope to see you there! All feedback is appreciated, we are always eager to make the server better for everyone.

    Server adress:

    Bedrock port: 19132



    TwinScythe Cobblemon RP

    TwinScythe Cobblemon RP is an ages 18+ whitelisted role play server where you act as if you live in the world. We are using a custom mod pack which includes skills systems, economy, furniture, marriage of players/villagers with npc children, and a lot of new farming crops. There are also a lot of dungeons that spawn around the world to explore and a lot new weapons/armor/shields to craft. The mod pack is listed on curseforge under the name "TwinScythe Cobblemon RP"

    Note: player skins are disabled and you must select a skin with the editor when you first join. This way everyone has the same theme of skins for Role Play. Server will never be pay to win and will we never have crates.

    Dynmap :

    Discord : Whitelist Applications are in the discord. As well as Rules.

    Server IP is auto listed once you install the mod pack. You may RP as anything you like. Want to be a gym leader? build a gym and play as one. Want to just be a cook? Build a shop and be one. Don't want to even train pokemon? Then don't there are plenty of other things to do on the server.

    We are a small community as of now and friendly to new players. Never Role Played before? That's fine we are helpful to people new to role play. PvP is enabled on the server but with rules.


    🍃 CubeCadia

    Server supports 1.20.6! Find cherry biomes, have sniffer pets, and so much more!




    IP: Bedrock Port: 19132




    CubeCadia is the ultimate Minecraft experience, with custom plugins, unique features, and a friendly community of players. Whether you're looking to build your dream home, explore new worlds, or level up in the dungeons, CubeCadia has it all.


    Features Offered


    🏰 Dungeons – This includes a storyline, custom items, and custom mobs / bosses to fight!

    💰 Player Warps / Shops – Make your own shopping district or your own warp!

    👑Custom Items – We offer over 200+ custom SMP enhancing items! Check them out!

    🎣 Custom Fishing – Level up your fishing and compete in tournaments

    🌾 Custom Farming – Gain special crops to grow in growth stations and level up your farms!

    ⛏️ Custom Mining – Mining gives rewards like special gems, artifacts, and other luxurious items

    💎 Rewards – Many reward systems such as daily, streak, and playtime rewards!

    😈 Daily Bosses – We have daily bosses that spawn for you to kill and get rewards!

    🎯 Quests – We have daily quests, challenge quests, special quests, and even holiday quests!

    👷‍♂️ Jobs – Earn money from everyday tasks! Also progress job skill trees to unlock special loot

    🎮 Cross Play – You can play our server on PC, Pocket Edition, Xbox, Switch, or even PlayStation!







    Bedrock Port: 19132

    Version: 1.19 – 1.20.6


    The Imperial Server/Modpack

    — Discord Whitelisted — PvP/PvE modpack, RPG, Create mod and more.  We will Keep updating this modpack by Player request and try to make this modpack run as smoothly as i can!! Discord is

    (At this time we are running the "Essential mod" To play online but in do time will have a server.)


    Survival Quest 1.21 – Free For All survival

    Welcome to Survival Quest 1.21 – your ultimate destination for a pure, unaltered Minecraft survival experience! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey, Vanilla Quest offers a simple, classic survival world where your creativity and skills can truly shine.
    What We Offer:
  • Pure Survival Experience: Enjoy Minecraft as it was meant to be played. No mods, no gimmicks – just pure, unmodified survival gameplay.
  • PVP Enabled: Test your skills against other players in our open-world PVP environment. Form alliances, battle foes, and claim your dominance!
  • Server Rules:

  • No Hacking/Xray: Fair play is our top priority. Any form of cheating, including hacking or using Xray mods, is strictly prohibited.
  • No Advertising: Keep the chat clean and relevant to the game. Advertising other servers or services is not allowed.
  • Whether you’re looking to build epic structures, delve into deep caves, or challenge others in combat, Vanilla Quest 1.21 is the perfect place for you. Join us now and embark on your next great adventure in the world of Minecraft!


    Everglow – SERVER IN PROGRESS – staff and builders needed

    Server will be for:

    – PC

    – Playstation

    – Xbox

    Are you an ambitious player looking to be part of an exciting new adventure?

    We’re building a thriving community on our SMP & PvP survival Minecraft server, complete with engaging quests and thrilling minigames. But we can’t do it alone—we need talented builders and dedicated admins to help bring our vision to life.

    If you’re passionate about Minecraft, enjoy working as part of a team, and want to contribute to an amazing project, we want to hear from you!

    Whether you’re skilled at creating stunning structures or have a knack for managing and organizing, there’s a place for you in our community.Ready to build with us? Join now and help us create something truly extraordinary!

    Discord link:

    I am McKinski and if you have any questions send me a pm on discord or in the server! Im open to anything.Some pics what we have so far:

    some plugins we have on our suggestion list:

    [ ] World guard extra flags
    [ ] Voteplugin
    [ ] Vote(more)
    [ ] Advanced regional market
    [ ] robbing
    [ ] Chest shop
    [ ] Graves
    [ ] Griefprevention
    [ ] Multiverse core
    [ ] Multiverse inventories
    [ ] Nomobgrief
    [ ] Autowhitelistremove
    [x] Citizens
    [ ] Beauty quests
    [ ] Core protect
    [ ] Rpg chat
    [ ] Mo dispenser mechanics
    [x] Realistic seasons
    [ ] Terra
    [ ] CustomMiningLoot
    [ ] Groupmanager/luckyperms
    [ ] Ore control
    [ ] Item tracker
    [ ] Day night PvP
    [ ] Foresight
    [ ] Playercheck
    [ ] Noweaponcooldown
    [ ] ItemAdder
    [ ] Daily rewards+
    [x] UltimateBlockRegeneration
    [ ] Arelium skills
    [ ] Playtime
    [ ] Tebex (sell ranks plug-in)
    [ ] Sleep most
    [ ] Crate reloaded
    [ ] MobArena/AdvancedMobArena
    [ ] Decent holograms
    [ ] Mcmmo
    [ ] Playerheads
    [ ] Walking sticks
    [x] World guard
    [x] Voxelsniper
    [X] Fawe


    The Perfect SMP

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We've selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others!

    This server is meant for the more unique Minecraft players. If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week!

    What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP:

    • A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience.
    • A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential.
    • A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access.
    • A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard.
    • A friendly and inclusive community.
    • Unique datapacks like player head drops and armor stand improvements to enhance gameplay.
    • Regularly planned events, both in-game and externally, to keep the community vibrant.
    • BlueMap integration for a detailed server map.
    • A thriving community of over 300 members.

    Think you would be a good fit? Follow the links below to begin your adventure with us!

    Discord Server | Server Website



    🌟 Welcome to LumixMC! 🌟

    Embark on the ultimate survival adventure in our dynamic MMO server! 🌍 Dive into a vast, beautifully crafted world where your journey is only limited by your imagination. 🗺️

    🌟 Features of LumixMC 🌟
    ⚔️ Custom Items: Discover and craft unique items to aid you in your quests.
    🏰 Challenging Dungeons: Brave perilous dungeons filled with fierce mobs and epic bosses.
    📜 Unique Quests: Complete exciting quests that take you through an immersive storyline.
    💀 Epic Boss Battles: Face off against powerful bosses that will test your skills and teamwork.
    🌟 Vibrant Community: Join a friendly and welcoming community ready to help and adventure with you.
    🎉 Events and Competitions: Participate in regular events and competitions for fantastic rewards.

    Forge alliances, build your empire, and conquer the unknown. 🌟 Whether you prefer solo adventures or teaming up with friends, LumixMC offers endless possibilities and unforgettable experiences. 🚀

    Join LumixMC today and start your legendary journey in the world of Minecraft! 🌌


    ✨ Aeltori ✨

    Survival || Creative || Community

    Aeltori is a small, friendly Minecraft server with an emphasis on community.

    Join now and find your new home!

    IP Address:
    Version: 1.20.6

    We are strictly against being pay-to-win and all gameplay-related commands are available to all members. The staff team plays in survival mode when in that world and items are never spawned in.

    The staff team are experienced in server management and have spent 3 months planning and building the server. All aspects of the server are and will remain EULA-compliant – there are no competitive advantages given to anyone who donates through our store, nor do we even ask for donations.


    Caledonian SMP

    Hey there, welcome to Caledonian SMP!

    We're a small server that started just yesterday for the 1.21 update and are looking to add some new faces to our group. We are a mostly vanilla SMP featuring a few datapacks as well as Simple Voice Chat, DiscordIntegration, and Dynmap (once updated to 1.21) to enhance the experience and encourage collaboration within the community. Additionally we will be running server events and contests with custom trophy's rewarded to winners and participants! To see a more in depth list of server features join our discord!


    1. Be a good person. respect other people and use common sense
    2. No greifing or raiding/stealing of other people builds or items
    3. No cheats or hacks. Mods such as optifine, minimap, and JEI are allowed.
    4. No Item duping. TNT duping is allowed, but general item duping is not.
    5. Must be 18 or older to join the server.

    If any of this sounds interesting to you, join our discord and apply!


    Cybercane’s Server

    Join our Minecraft server and get ready for an adventure! The server is a place where you can build, explore, and survive in the vast and amazing world. We have a special twist, we’ve taken extra steps to make sure that your creations are safe from unwanted destruction, so you can focus on building your dream builds.
      Essentials, GriefPrevention



    Join the new Minecraft Server Community BrabantCraft now! 🌻
    Feel at home with the Brabant atmosphere, everyone is welcome!
    • Content Creators wanted, request your role in our Discord now! 🔴 📹

    The server is run by a small team that has little experience with server hosting, but step by step we expand the server, get help from a super Dev and learn something new every day!

    • Suggest your suggestions in the suggestion channel!💡

    The server is still in its early stages and there are still many ideas and updates planned, but the server is already open so you can start your survival and Skyblock adventure! 💎 ⛏️

    Currently we have these game modes:
    • Survival
    • Skyblock
    • Parkour
    • Creative

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!