1.18.2 300 Admin Admins Aim Creato Creator Currency Gta Gta4 Mods Shop Survival System Vault


This is a 1.18.2 server which aims: The SkyBlock
It has a currency system
It has a vault shop system (to contact the admins, mods or creator it’s on the

Buy Drive Fanta Fantastic Keep Lover Lovers Place Rive Roleplay Sell Simply System Together Trade

keep smilling

keep smilling Survival exists to simply give Minecraft lovers a place to play together. We have: – A fantastic player-driven economy system that allows you to create your own shops to sell or buy items from other players, or simply just trade with players within the community. – A small but friendly community

Bee Bran Brand Earth Give Guy Lit Map Parkour Pvp Quality Rare Road Skyblock System


Greetings to all of you guys, we are with you again on this SkyBlock server road that we have been out many times before. Our server is here again with its rare map and brand new systems to give you a quality experience for our quality players!

Auction Auctions Conomy Econ Econom Economy Event Events Fox Job Jobs Money Pvp Survival System

Fox Network

Welcome to Fox Network! We offer!

Money & Economy system!


Bungeecord Crack Discord Event Events Francais France French Hub Nebulacraft Pvp Smp Survival System Together

SMP Open Crack Survival [1.18.X]

French survival with event system, PVP and one with a discord to play together. Server for fun.

Server map: htpp://

Based Config Dun Dungeon Dungeons Economy Geo Job Para Paradise Ring Stuff Survival System Working


Hello, we are a survival server , with an economy based job system, and we are working on configuring towny. Eventually will add dungeons and other fun stuff!

1.18.2 8.2 Full Minecraft Smp Money Protect Protection Server Ip Smart Survival System Tail Tails Warp Welcoming


  • ====GloryMC====

    Ever wanted to join a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft SMP?
    GloryMC offers

    -Plenty of friendly and welcoming players and staff!

    -Constantly up-to-date and 1.18.2 Essentails!

    -An amazing, always online staff team!

    -Grief-protection and Smart plugins!

    -fully running warp and money system!

    server ip:

  • Categories
    Difficult Difficulty Economy Level Mcmmo Mines Mini-game Mini-games Parkour Quests Sts Survival System Uests Vanilla


    The Zyvom server is a Vanilla++ server where you can find quests as well as an economy and rank system, some small mini-games will be at your disposal and a certain level of increasing difficulty, Come have fun, we don’t eat !

    1.15 1.15.2 Ats Bit Blocks Cheat Cheats Clan Market Million Oins Perfect Spawn System Vanilla

    PerfectVanilla Minecraft server

    PerfectVanilla is a vanilla Minecraft server version 1.15.2.
    -On the world server 35 million blocks from spawn!
    -Report System
    -Clan system -Market system between players!
    – Cheats are prohibited!

    Aim Dragon Economy Experience Gaming Gon Lifesteal Mana Manage Management Nice Pvp Skyblock System Team


    We aim to offer you a nice gaming experience on our server. Come and join us.. We are trying to offer you the best gaming experience with the new dragon system and our effective management team.

    Casino Customenchant Customenchants Eggs Faction Faction Pvp Factions Pvp Food Op Factions Races Rpg Shadow Shadows Votes Wars


    OP Factions With An RPG Twist!

    GhoulMC offers a special form of Factions PVP using an RPG twist in the form of special, fully customized races: Worm (The surface dwellers), Golbins (The End Dwellers), and Shadows (The Nether Dwellers). The server also offers customenchants and the ability to purchase mob eggs to assist in the raids of other factions!

    The server has a Casino with MANY great rewards which gives players an incentive to utilize their daily votes, as the Casino crate key can only be obtained by voting.

    Server shops are sprawled throughout cities located randomly within the world, each of which specialize in different blocks, foods, and etc. These cities are the designated cities for each race, with the ability to locate special, unique events within.

    Check out GhoulMC for yourself, and find out what makes this server different from all other Faction servers you’ll ever visit!

    1181server Beefz Community Fun Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Paperspigot Semivanilla Server Slx Smp Survival Trophysmp Vanilla Whitelisted

    TrophySMP [NEW] [Community] [Hermitcraft-like]

    Are you on the hunt for a BRAND NEW SMP? Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, you’re bound to find the right thing for you on the TrophySMP. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We also have datapacks that enrich the vanilla experience. You can find out more about this info in our discord. We are whitelisted and we have a way to apply. We strive to be the best SMP one could ask for. With our expanding staff and playerbase, we’re always looking for new friends.

    Server Version: Paperspigot 1.18.1

    Join discord to apply!

    Deo Forge Ideo Mods Pixelmonreforged Reviv Revive Server Sub Surivial Survival Survival World Toxic Video Videos

    Abyss Pixelmon!

    In this Pixelmon survival world! You can catch pixelmon have fun with your friends! Plots coming soon…

    We enjoy having you on our server it would mean a lot if you would join! The recent support has been great so if you would sub to my yt evan if they are cringy videos it would mean a lot!

    If there are any bugs please let us know!
    get a discord tag there. and help!

    Now enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my youtube is ToxicWIFI

    Please like & sub!

    Coalition Coffe Coffee Economic Economics Economy Fun Heaven Law Laws Politics Roleplay Smp Survival Towns

    Coffee heaven

    Coffee heaven
    This is a semi private server with cities, players (yes they are here), some politics, each city with its own rules and laws. Join coalitions, create your own, or maybe you want to build a city? The server has some politics, economics

    Alone Axe Border Borders Cities Countries Fail Fails Lone Nolog Survival Tax Tech Techno Technology


    CountriesCities is a Minecraft Server for everyone, made for you to establish your nation or city, but if you want you can live alone. Build militaries, expand borders, get taxes! Isn’t that cool? Tax evasion? Huh? Get your friends to set up a nation, invent technology, and fight wars together! Cool!
    (If the link fails, search “Countries Cities” in servers on Discord)

    Arena Cannon Cannons Clutch Dream Fusion Glad Gladiator Kitpvp Mini Games Non Parkour Pvp Arena Tnt Tnt Cannon


    If you play FlixMC you can be like Dream doing amazing clutches! If you play FlixMC Have fun with friends with TNT cannons! If you play FlixMC you can even be a gladiator in PVP arena so… WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! JOIN NOW!

    1181smp 1181survival Arenas Bedrock And Java Crossplatform Crossplay Crossplaysmp Lonely Marriage Mcmmo Slimefun Smp Survival Tpahere Vanillaenhanced


    Introducing SpectureCraft MC!

    A peaceful 1.18.1+ survival server, with the main purpose of providing a fun and unique experience on a semi-vanilla based world.
    SpectureCraft MC provides endless enjoyment and content for all players alike. What are you waiting for? Join us today.

    Some Features we have are:
    • We have Cross-platform compatibility, so you can play with your bedrock and java edition friends!
    • Plenty large world border, so you can venture out as far as you want!
    • Active community, so you will never be lonely!
    • Recently reset for 1.18, so we have all-new terrain generation!
    • Marriage plugin!
    • Economy!

    And so much more! Come check us out soon!
    Some useful commands you’ll find in the server are:
    /warp Shop

    Our 1.18.1+ Vanilla enhanced server offers: Basic rules such as no griefing, and no harassment. If a grief ever occurs, message staff and they can have it completely fixed within seconds! We can’t wait see you online at play.specturecraft.comMake sure to join the discord:

    1.18.2 Bmc Boat Chestshop Discord Economy Edu Leaderboard Leaderboards Parkour Racing Survival Team Pvp Teampvp Tournaments

    WOB MC | 1.18.2 | Survival | Team PvP

    WOB MC 1.18.2
    Teams PvP
    Weekly Tournaments
    Parkour Challenges
    Player Market

    Like playing factions but don’t want to lose your base and all your gear from raids? WOB MC is a Teams PvP server where you can battle it out with other players and not stress about losing your base and stashed items.
    There are regularly scheduled tournaments for players to have a chance to win great prizes and prove their skills in boat racing, spleef, PvP and more!
    Visit the parkour hub to try our courses and get to the top of the leaderboards! Complete a course and get a prize!
    Have extra items? Claim a plot at the player market and sell of your goods to get rich!

    Join the WOB MC discord:

    Abilities Artic Axol Axolotl Commands Economy Jobs Mcmmo Perk Perks Pve Quests Ranks Survival Xolotl

    Axolotl Mc | 1.18.1 | Survival

    About the server
    AxolotlMc is a brand new survival server where griefing/raiding is strictly prohibited.

    The economy is community driven, with a variety of ways to earn money. You can join jobs, set up shops or list items on the auction house.

    To enhance the gameplay, we offer special abilities with mcMMO.

    Players are also able to rank up, in game, using the economy to gain access to new commands and perks.

    We host multiple events each month where anyone can participate to have fun and win rewards.

    We have much more to offer that is not mentioned here and hope to see you soon!!

    Discord Link –
    Server IP –

    1.18.2 Animal Animals Chunk Limits Monster Monsters Performance Piston Redstone Simulation Smp Stone Survival Vie


    Heyyo! Are you looking for a friendly and fun semi-vanilla minecraft server to play on? Then join RiverMC and be part of the community! IP:
    Version: 1.18.2
    Server Information
    Redstone and Mob Limits:
    – Hoppers: 100 per chunk
    – Pistons: 30 per chunk
    – Sticky Pistons: 30 per chunk
    – Animals: 30
    – Monsters: 45
    – Monster Cap: 45
    Simulation and view distance change depending on the server’s performance.
    – Simulation Distance: 4-8
    – View Distance: 4-10

    Adventure Daily Dates Dventure Economy Mci Mini Games Parkour Pat Playtime Pve Scrim Survival Uests Wild



    WildLandMCis a player based server, the server was created to make a chill gaming experience with features such as, Playtime Ranks, Jobs, Quests and Daily Rewards.

    We are a 1.18 Survival server with bedrock compatibility.

    If you are interested, what are you waiting for?! Join now and begin your adventure!

    We welcome all players, Discrimination of any sort will not be tolerated.

    Advanced Factions Hub Innovative Lux Nova Opening Sale Sales Skyblock Spawner Special Survival Turkey Vip

    Luxury Network

    Turkey’s most advanced innovative core/hub server
    Currently, only the labor skyblock server is active. 50% discount is available in our VIP spawner sales special for the opening, if you want to join this adventure.

    Added Ale Alex Ass Ate Aternos Class Des Has Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer This You

    minecraft server minecraft server

    Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Economy Fish Fishing Jobs Lands Levelling Mature Menu Modern Newest Pretty Skills Smp Survival Survivalserver

    Townify – The modern way to play SMP

    About Townify:
    At Townify SMP we’ve focused on keeping the server simple enough to not get overwhelmed but also having enough features so you never scratch your head wondering what to do. Choose your job, work on levelling up your skills, do some fishing (/fish menu) and make the most stunning base you’ve ever made.

    Our standouts:
    15k x 15k world with the newest world generation
    Blazing fast dedicated node means no lag
    Pretty mature community
    Player based economy
    Chat games
    Very rewarding vote system
    Giveaways & weekly updates
    Custom Pets

    1.18.2 8.2 Alia Aust Australia Dnf Hosted Inclusive Middle Middle School Need Staff Quake Smp Survival Weve

    QuakeMC | Middle School | [1.18.2] | [NEED STAFF URGENT!]

    QuakeMC Survival

    QuakeMC is a new 1.18.2 survival server. We’ve set out to build an all-inclusive community.
    Our servers are hosted in Australia, however, anyone is free to join and have fun!

    We hope to see you online soon!

    You can join with or

    Crystalpvp Etho Everyone Griefing Home Hosted Pvp Rad Rading Sethome Spawn Survival Tpa Trading Vanilla

    West Survival

    West Survival is a great survival server hosted for everyone!
    – great community
    – active
    – /tpa + /sethome + /spawn
    – trading with others
    – griefing/pvp enabled

    Adventure Arena Bosses Building Cities Dungeons Economy Essentials Events Free Hard Mcmmo Modified Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Roleplay Rpg Survival Town War


    MC Lastoria is a survival server with cities, war, and a balance between raiding and protecting cities. Cities are custom build by players. Only citizens of the city can build within, but anyone can enter the region and PVP is enabled everywhere outside spawn. Raiding is encouraged, and cities can agree to go to war If the online player requirement is met for both cities. Once war is declared, regions for both cities will be removed and players will stay in a holding cell in spawn after dying until war is over. War is over once all players in one city are dead/offline or after 15 minutes. After 30 minutes if both sides still have living players protective regions will be brought back up. Cities are not reset after war. Whatever was lost or destroyed must be rebuilt.

    Teleports can be purchasedfor cities by their owners in spawn so their citizens can travel quickly.

    No Pay to Win
    Economy based on non farmable items
    PVP Arenas

    More updates coming soon!

    Earth Earthmap Earthmc Earthserver Earthsmp Earthtowny Enw Jails Smp Towny Townyearth Townyearthmap Vanilla Vanillaserver Vanillasmp

    Earth SMP Pt. 3

    A full vanilla Earth SMP! + Towny! We have a completely normal Minecraft server, with no major plugins besides Towny!
    The world is 1:500 ratio of the world!
    also please join the discord!

    No hacks.

    No villager spawners.

    No end dimension.

    No going outside the map.

    No unofficial jails.

    No combat logging.


    Anticheat Bank Citizens Coop Custom Map Eset Islands No Resets Reset Resets Sets Setup Survival Tizen Zen

    ✯ Sirus Skyblock ✯ NO RESETS | Long-Term | Java + Bedrock! | Classic Skyblock | Anticheat | Ranks | Economy |



    Bmc Hbm Large Nether Orb Origin Original Overworld Rps Scale Show Survival Warp Warps Water

    Orbis Realm

    Orbis Realm
    – Earth World
    – Large Scale World
    – Never “paytowin” Always Free and Original
    – Nether Water
    – Type /Warp Earth
    – Type/Warp Overworld
    and /Warp list to show a list of warps
    and much more

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!