1.19 Border Classic Minecraft District Dynmap Economy Hiring Light Shopping Ssl Survival Survival Multiplayer Trans Vanilla Worldborder


OberLock is designed to be for the players. We’re dedicated to bringing back the classic Minecraft Survival Multiplayer experience. Designed to be transparent, we will treat our players with respect and dignity. Designed for mature players looking to hop on with friends, without the hassle of setting up their own server.

[This server is brand new, and is currently in development. The Spawn and Shopping District are very light on builds. We are hiring builders and staff]

– Grief Prevention
– Core Protect
– Survival
– Sign Economy
– DynMap
– Expanding Worldborder


1.17 Awesome District Eso Hermit Hermitcraft Long Looking Mature Shop Shopping Survival Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted


1.17 Survival Vanilla Server, Mature players only.
Whitelist Community.
Long Term Player wanted!
Join discord to get whitelisted!
HermitCraft Style Server, with plans for shopping district and more!
Come Join BNCraft today and be apart of an awesome community.
[Looking for staff]

Afk Anarchy District Economy Hardcore Hermitcraft Hermitcraft Server Middle Middle School Mini Games Parkour Shopping Survival Survival Games Teaming

Helix Middle School

Welcome to the Helix SMP! We are a hermitcraft-type server with no land claim, no afk kick and no farm limiter. We have a shopping district, a minigame district and every biome you could ask for right near spawn. Interested in teaming up with a friend? We got you. Teams can be up to 6 people! Join Helix SMP today and enjoy your time on the best hermitcraft server out there.

Bows District Economy Elytra Grave Graves Jack Lumberjack Mooshroom New Update Pve Shopping Shroom Survival Vanilla

Heroic Craft

Heroic Craft is seeking active players 18+ for our hard mode economy smp. We offer grief and theft protection with the use of core protect. We have a few good data packs Installed like
1 person sleep
Infinitymend for bows
Elytra chest plate
Player and mob heads
Just to name a few. We are on 1.16.5 and plan to update when the new update comes out while keeping the same world.
Shopping district is on a mooshroom island.
Starter supplies when you 1st join.
VC is required when you join just for a few minutes, and there is an application that takes about 1 minute to fill out.
Very active admins and players.

Advancements Blue Bluemap Datapack Dca District Hermicraft Hermit Hermits Java And Bedrock Planetminecraft Review Shopping Society Survival

Hermit Society

Welcome to Hermit society!
Every player must be WHITELISTED before you play.
We are a small community of mostly mature players trying to get hermicraft like game experience.
Friendly and helpful staff and players, shopping district and minigame district is being build.
Java and bedrock players welcome.
Please join our discord to fill out an application it may take up to 24 hours to get approved and whitelisted since all admins must review the application.
Link to Bluemap for your stalking pleasure
We recently installed blaze and cave datapack which provides 877 advencements. Check the datapack page here:

Buildings District Giant Let's Rust Scrap Shopping Skyscraper Skyscrapers Sleep Survival The Quest Truly Trust Vanilla


You must be whitelisted to join
Join Discord server:
Answer the questiond in the “application” channel.
Friendly SMP has Minecraft survival gameplay with some additional plugins that would make your experience just a little better.
Let’s create a community that would make this server truly amazing!
We do not have land claim becase you have to be whitelisted to join the server and that means you can trust everyone on this server.
Build a base, a shop, show everyone how creative you are

We have a shopping district! It’s a giant city with old buildings and skyscrapers! Can’t wait to see what you are going to build!

There are some plugins on this server!
-You can set your home
-Multiplayer sleep mechanic (1 person required to change time)

1.6 1.6.2 District Enviro Iron No Griefing Opening Perfect Pve Sever Shopping Survival Tags TERA Vanilla

The Far Lands

Hello everyone!

The Far Lands is looking for some new players to join the server, and we would like you to come and join us. The Far Lands is an SMP server co-owned by two friends, we are looking for new players to play a vanilla experience. The server is officially opening on May 1st, so you can start with several other players.

We are looking to build a small community surrounding this server, with several features like a spawn and shopping district. This server is an environment where people can be safe, so no griefing is allowed. If you are an active member who likes to interact with other players, you are perfect for The Far Lands!

We have some plugins like staff tags and moderation plugins, but the server is a vanilla experience. We hope to see you there soon, and have a good day!

Bill Economy Factions Free To Play Pvp Rading Roleplay Shopping Stream Streamer Survival Trading Twitch Twitch Stream Wild


BillySMP is a free to play survival SMP, created by the Twitch streamer BillyMicMac.

Our server provides a thriving economy with amazing builds and features:
– Clan
– Auctions
– Trading
– Claims
– Wild
– Shopping Mall

Destiny District Economy Gates Heroes Karma Mcmmo Modified Proximity Pve Shopping Survival Triple Vanilla Villain

Heroes & Villains

Welcome to Heroes & Villains!

Heroes and Villains is a modified vanilla java server. Almost everything within the server has been created in survival by players.

Economy – We use a diamond standard economy for all base transactions. Players can set up shops across the server or at our designated shopping district to exchange goods and services. There is no admin shop so all items/blocks have been gathered and sold to and for players.

Skills – Players can hone abilities to help with the progression of the game. Gathering skills will increase you changes of get double or triple drops with higher levels. Combat skills will increase damage output and resistances.

Karma – Each player controls their own destiny and us given a title based on their play style. For example, players who often attack or kill will descend down the Villain path while players who breed and trade will eventually become Heroes.

Claims – All builds and items are protected from theft and griefing using land protect. Players will begin with a reasonable amount of land which can be expanded over time. Other players will not be able to access chests, break blocks or open trap door or fence gates by default, this can be altered using commands.

Events – The server regularly holds events to engage the community. Recently we have had players sponsor a mass boss battle night and are currently holding our bimonthly election for server Chancellor.

Proximity Chat – Our server utilizes a Discord bot in order give players the option to opt into proximity voice chat.

Bid District Drama Friendship Inclusive Model Mooshroom Oasis Rey Roleplay Shopping Shroom Survival Vanilla Video Game

EnderEye Junior High

EnderEye SMP is modeled after Hermitcraft, an inclusive place where you will experience friendship, trust, respect and fair treatment. This server is an oasis away from drama and stress, where you can play a video game and not get judged for being who you are. EnderEye SMP is a 3 week old server modeled after Hermitcraft. This means that we operate on a system of trust, with a communal mooshroom spawn island/shopping district! Please abide by the golden rule of trust and common sense, as we value it above all else on this server. We do not use any claim plugins, we depend on trustworthy members and attentive staff to make sure everyone’s space is respected.

Aus Australia Australian Block Class Craft Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy Experience Features Great Help Ill Inecraft Landclaim Market Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Noop Open Play Player Pvp Quest Rank Ranks Semi Semi Vanilla Server Survival Title Vanilla World


Welcome to Machinet
  We are a new Australian server trying to make a difference in the Minecraft World.
  Please come Support us, and help us Make Machinet a Great Server for the People of the world.
  We offer a semi vanilla experience with a lot of extra enhancements.
  Features include:
  • Mcmmo
  • Custom ranks
  • Player market
  • A great Economy
  •   And So Much More…..

    If you have any questions please reach out to us on discord :

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Challenge Claim Craft Currency Eco Econ Economy Land Land Claim Landclaim Mine Minecraft Normal Npc Npcs Old Oldschool Play Player Pvp Safe Server Servers Shop Shopkeepers Shops Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Towny Townyserver Townysurvival Trade Vanilla Vault

    Floston Paradise

    Its basic minecraft survival! Except!

    There are a few added extras to provide a little more depth to the normal single player feel you get from vanilla survival servers.

    Things like –

    – Land claim, add people to your claim and team up!

    – Gringots economy, valut you currency and try to keep it safe.

    – Shopkeepers, npcs that can be traded with in the main spawn area.

    – Player shops, set up a shop and trade with other players.

    – Silk spawners… 🙂
    OR if you get bored with survival and want more of a challenge. /is and start a oldschool skyblock island.
    I made this server with what I wanted from it in mind, so it might be a little strange xD

    18to114 Creative Farnetworks Fiendv Hardcoresmp Megacreative Modded Nonpay2win Opskyblock Pixelmon Pixelmonreforged Roleplay Silentroses Skyfactory Skyfactory4 Smp Stoneblock Stoneblock2 Stoneblockserver Towny Vanilla Viabackwards Viarewind Viaversion

    [HIRING] [1.7.0-1.15.2] [Custom Content] [Modded & Vanilla Servers] [Store] [Free Time Ranks]

    || Store || Website || Forum || Discord || Vote || Staff List || Bans ||

    On behalf of the administration team of FarNetworks we welcome you to the community!

    Report Bugs by clicking HERE!

    Now hiring! Please join the discord for more info!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Amazing Bedrock Boss Build Class Coded Craft Create Custom Eco Econ Edit End Event Faction Friends Games Item Land Lit Mine Minecraft Network Original Play Plugin Rules Server Sky Skyblock Small Smp Survival Title Trees Unique World Youtube

    30 Second Network

    Minecraft, but you get a random item every 30 seconds.

    The classic SMP experience with the twist of the Item Dropper thrown into the mix. Hang out with friends, build amazing structures, conquer the world, whatever you want.


    A classic Skyblock experience with a unique twist – you start with a single bedrock slab. No trees, no chest, no cobble generator. You progress by receiving a random item every 30 seconds. This can be literally any item except command blocks. You use these items to progress and you will eventually be able to make cobble generators, trees with saplings, and conquer your island.

    Featuring a custom-coded plugin that allows you to up the difficulty to 60 seconds, or even disable it entirely if it’s getting annoying, as well as a bossbar to tell you when the next item is and a scoreboard telling you your previous item. This plugin also adds exciting Ultra Rules that change up the gameplay for a small amount of time.

    This server supports Vivecraft.

    Server inspired by Wilbur Soot’s YouTube series – go watch the videos if you havent already.
    Original datapack created by Phoenix SC – not used on the server, but credit is due anyway for the idea.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Auction Class Community Craft Custom Dedicated Discord Disguise Farm Head Heads Ill Join King Loot Map Mcmmo Mmo Network Old Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prison Server Shop Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Title Voting War Website

    The Faithcraft Network

    Do you love Skyblock? Join our server, – The Faithcraft Network!
    Welcome to the Faithcraft Network! we are a starting, close community with dedicated staff and active people.

    currently we only have skyblock but we are working on survival and prison will come in the future!


  • Skyblock
  • Op Generators, contact players or staff for more info on this
  • Custom plugins
  • Active members and staff
  • Lootbox System to replace the old outdated crate system
  • McMMO
  • Custom Maps
  • Auction House, Custom Heads Shop, Disguise
  • Cactus Farm Generators
  • /sell and /shop for everyone
  • Scrambler with lootbox reward
  • Voting with custom lootbox
  • And Much more!

    Website [url=(Ad link removed)][/url]

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Adventure Backpack Backpacks Battle Class Crate Crates Economy Emo Essentials Free Gaming Keys Land Claim Mod: Spigot Pixelmon Play Plugin Plugins Pokemon Public Pve Quest Quests Rading Rewards Roleplay Server Shop Survival Top Tower Trade Trading Vote Votes War Website


    Server IP –


    – Quests
    – Keys and Crates – get free pokemon!
    – Public EV centre
    – Poke stops!
    – Backpacks
    – Battle Tower!
    – WonderTrade
    – Public Shrines
    – Daily Rewards
    – Random Pokemon Match
    – GTS
    – Trading
    – Auras

    Plugins installed on server: essentials, crates, votes, pixelmon, pokemon, trading, shop

    Ban Best Block Build Builds Class Community Crack Cracked Craft Event Experience Grief Griefing Ill King Map Mature New Nogrief Permanent Play Player Players Pro Ring Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Simp Simple Spawn Star Survival Title


    KoTCraft is a new, cracked,survival server looking to establish a mature, close-knit community. We have zero tolerance for griefing and all griefers will be permanently banned. We have a very simple spawn where people may set up shops if they wish. To provide the best survival experience possible, and prevent clustering of builds, all new players start in a random area of the map.

    Best Claim Claiming Community Competitive Discord End Event Events Fly Free Friendly Job Jobs Land Land Claim Landclaim Map Mcmmo Mmo Mod Nether New Play Player Pve Pvp Quest Reset Server Shop Shops Silktouchspawners Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title

    Insert Server Name

    A Sydney based server with a friendly community and up to date map (currently 1.15.2 and resetting the nether for 1.16)! We have free fly Saturdays, fortnightly competitive events, and mcMMO boosts every weekend without an event.

    The main gamemode is augmented survival, with mcMMO, Jobs, Silk touchable spawners, land claiming, shops, no attack cooldown, and more!

    We run a well optimised server and you can expect things to be constantly updated for the best player experience. We also frequently add new features so you can expect to find more things to do! If you have any questions feel free to join our discord at or ask our staff in-game.

    Active Arena Chill Class Community Craft Crates Creative Creativeplots Discord Fac Faction Factions Free Help Inecraft Join King Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mob Mobarena Open Play Playing Plot Plots Pve Pvp Server Small Staff Staffneeded Staffwanted Survival Title Votifier


    hey sorry im really bad at making server lists so

    (You’ll also see this stylized as JMC, or JSM.)

    Justsomeminecraft is a small server community which is looking for staff. Currently we support:
    – Crates (Not fully complete, we’re still adding some of them.)
    – Factions
    – Kitpvp
    – Plots/Creative
    – Votifier?
    – Mob arena
    We’re looking for an active playing base to help us grow, and we have a relatively chill atmosphere and staff. Please feel free to join our discord:

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    4chan Best Claim Clan Creative Fun Good Minecraft Multiplayer Online Play Pvp Reddit Server Skyblock Survival Town Vanilla


    Welcome to MelVille
    A semi vanilla survival network focussing on quality gameplay and freedom of choice.
    We offer 4 game modes while also hosting events and building contests on a regular basis.
    Check out our active Discord server, linked below, for more information.

    Vanilla – enjoy a mostly vanilla experience, build and maintain your base but don’t share your coords!

    Towns – enjoy the safety of claims and subclaims for building, plus the use of Dynmap!

    Creative – building contests hosted regularly!

    Skyblock – expand your island and become the richest player!

    The most recent relaunch: 1.15+ Jan. 2020

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Action Actions Ass Auto Blo Block Class Discord Dom Ect Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Follow Good Hiringstaff King Kingdom Minecraftserver Nam Need Noop Open Please Pro Pvp Server Sky Staff Taff Title Tps Vote

    Sky Kingdom

    Factions Server with good staff need members and please vote tyvm IP : Discord :

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Chestshop Chill Class Community Craft Create Creative Datapacks Discord Economy End Friendly Game Going Inecraft King Landclaim Lit Mine Minecraft Nogriefing Open Paper Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Semi Server Small Squad Survival Title Vanilla World Worldguard

    Squad’s MC Server

    Hey everyone!

    My name is hunna (soviet_pig in-game), and I’m looking to create a friendly, chill, community driven minecraft server. We already have a little community going and we’re looking to grow further. If you’re interested, check out our discord server here:

    The server has a variety of plugins and datapacks for a semi-vanilla experience. Find the full list on our discord!
    The server also hosts both a survival and creative world for all players to use!

    115server 115survival Awesome Build Building Claiming Community Discord End Exploration Friendly Friendlystaff Fun Grief Griefprevention Home Minecraft Mob Nether Network New Online Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Ranks Server Shop Small Staff Survival Town Towns Trans Vanilla Website



    Now running 1.15.2 😉

    MeepWorld is a simple yet fun (mostly) vanilla minecraft server, with a very straight forward feel and friendly community of players.

    The world features a small spawn village at the centre (x0,z0) with some basic facilities, including public farms, a mine, an info centre, a portal and a crafting/smelting workshop. Information on the server, plugins, rules and our community can be found in the information centre in game, so make sure to visit! The rest of the world is wilds in which to build, dotted with houses and builds here and there. You could even go ahead make a settlement, using the grief prevention plugin, which allows for land protection and claiming, plus it’s very easy to use.

    ​The idea is that it’s super easy, fun, relaxed and simple vanilla survival in a friendly environment. To help with this, creeper explosions are disabled, fire spread and mob squishing are turned off and you keep your inventory when you die. PVP is enabled but it’s generally frowned upon if the other player doesn’t agree to it, so no randomly murdering people please.

    There are no thrills or frills, no teleportation, no /home, no warps, just back to basics like in single player, except with friends to help you. It’s all about exploration, building large transport networks and working together to conquer the wilds.

    Important Note

    For this map/wipe/season/whatever we think it would be nice if people used roads and railways in the overworld, lived close by rather than far flung and even formed little shared towns and settlements. It would be much nicer if you could often see other builds and people around, rather than everyone living far apart and away from spawn and just using nether ice roads to get about

    We have recently reset the map as every year or so our players tend to get a bit bored with their playthrough and want to change things up, we try not to do this too often and only if a majority agree to it. As for the end dimension, we do occasionally reset that to allow for new players to find unlooted cities, but the main island and any player builds are left alone, as long as you notify a staff member of their whereabouts.

    *Also the nether will be reset for the upcoming 1.16 nether update so don’t get too attached

    Basically just go out and have fun out in the infinite wilds of minecraftia, either playing solo or working together with friends to conquer the wilderness and build many epic creations of awesomeness. MeepWorld, it’s all about fun.

    For further information you can talk to staff and players on our discord, and please visit the information centre in game.

    Connect Here


    Server Website

    Community Hub Site

    Quick Look
    – Online 24/7
    – Professionally Hosted
    – Minecraft 1.15.2
    – Friendly Players
    – No Ranks, just responsible staff
    – Full Grief Protection
    – Multiple Daily Backups
    – Discord Server
    – Large 5GB Ram for a non-laggy experience
    – No Worldborder

    Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Data Ect Erver Follow Lin Link Live Nam Noop Open Play Server Sky Skyblock Survival Title Tps Twitch Witch

    Benadyl Skyblock

    Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server. Benadyl Skyblock Server.

    Watch live at :

    Ars Block Cat Class Com Content Craft Erver Free Good Google Hermit Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Host Ill Join Link Make Mod Mods Nogriefing Noop Old Open People Please Rvival Season Server Star Start Survival This Title Whitelist

    CatCraft|Season 1|Survival|Hermitcraft Like

    Are you a hermitcraft fan and a (10 – 14)years old

    This is the server for you!
    Please note this server is on Whitelist!
    We will have about the same Mods as Hermitcraft 6 and yea Content creators
    We will only let in 14 to 19 people so if you wanna join make your application to be a member Very Good

    If you wanna join here’s the link and if we accept you we ill email you 🙂

    I review these about everyday so dont worry!

    Fill these out asap as we start the server on 5/27/2020 or earlier

    Best Build Buildbattle Bukkit Claim Create Creative Eco Econ Economy End Faction Factions Floating Forge Hub Minigames Mod Play Player Plots Plugin Pvp Server Shop Skills Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawns Spigot Survival Survive Title Vault Vote War Wns World

    The Vault – Factions/Creative/Build-Battle/Skyblock

    Welcome to the Vault!

    The Vault offers a range of gamemodes for you to play on. With in depth plugin mechanics to ensure that you have the best and most high quality experience.

    Spawn in to a 10,000 x 10,000 survival world, where you’re armed only with your survival skills in order to build a base, forge weapons and armour, create factions and team up with your friends, and fight your enemies. In the factions world you can create factions that allow you to work together with your friends, whereby you can create bases and fight enemy factions. We’re running MassiveCore’s factions plugin, allowing for the optimal Factions Experience.

    Our creative plot world is made possible by the PlotSquared plugin and it’s complex creative plots mechanic. In the creative world the sky is literally the limit as you can claim up to two plots and build to your hearts content in this laid back creative mode.

    Our Skyblock gamemode spawns players on their own private floating island, where they’re tasked to utilise the resources that they are given as well as the complex economy and shop system in order to survive against other players and monsters. Our server runs the Iridium Skyblock plugin.

    Build-Battle is a gamemode for 3-12 players where players vote together for a build topic and then with five minutes they must individually build a masterpiece that beats out the other players. The winner is the owner of the build with the most votes at the end of the game!

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Activecommunity Antigrief Beta Brandnew Builders Building Custom Discord Districts Fanserver Free Friendlycommunity Hermicraft Hermitcraft Map Milky Mindcrack Mindcrackfanservers Newserver Nodonations Nolag Nonp2w Nonpay2win Nonpaytowin Pve Regions Roleplay Season1 Survival Themed Vanilla Voice Voicechat Whitelist Whitelisted Youtube Youtuber Youtubers Zerolag

    Hermitcraft | MilkyMC [Whitelisted] (FAST APPLICATIONS) LGBT

    Welcome to MilkyMC,
    We are the oldest Hermicraft inspired server, who strives for quality and lag-free gameplay. We try to keep gameplay as straightforward as possible, meaning no in your face plugins. If you are a fan of hermitcraft, you’ll love our server. Or if you are looking for a laid back SMP experience, I highly recommend you check us out!
    Applications only take 30 seconds to complete :
    >>>>> CLICK HERE! <<<<<
  • ZERO lag, dedicated server.
  • No overly restrictive plugins, or mods.
  • A mature and creative community.
  • Active YouTubers and streamers.
  • Longest running hermitcraft inspired server.
  • ZERO pay to win donation perks, all cosmetic.
  • To apply for the whitelist, join our discord and follow the simple instructions. Go to: for more information!

    Allowed Build City Community Creative Discord Eco Economy End Event Events Farm Fun Grief Hack Hacking Hard Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Mypet Nogrief Pay Pets Play Plots Pvp Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Smp Survival Title Town Vanilla War

    TatoIQ – Survival | Creative | Semi-Vanilla | No-Grief | Economy | McMMO | Pets [1.15]

    Everyone is welcome! from all regions and all languages!
  • We will upgrade to 1.16 once the first release come out! and you get to keep your builds, balance, levels and pets!
  • We have spawn, a safe place where you can meet other people and use server shops
  • We have creative world in addition to the main survival world
  • Monthly fun events.
  • Teleport to players and to player warps
  • Protect your lands, and choose permissions for your land, you can choose who can build in your land
  • Ability to make a town, you can make plots in your main land to make a town or a mall or where ever your creativity takes you
  • PVP is togglable, you can turn on or off pvp, and even when it is on you are not allowed to kill anyone without their permission to fight
  • Difficulty is set to hard, which gives player the opportunity to take advantage of mobs, villagers and their farms!
  • Ability to chat between discord and miencraft server! so you can talk to your friends in game while you are away, from discord!
  • And much more!
  • All the features are free, you will never have to pay a penny for the server! you get rewarded for your play time
  • Our Rules:

    – No solicitation (ex: “selling/offering Minecraft accounts/capes”)

    – No excessive swearing

    – Do not use inappropriate or offensive nicknames

    – Any form of toxicity (racism, disrespect towards members, suicide encouragement, slurs, etc.) is not allowed

    – No scamming or stealing from other members in any way!

    – No griefing or hacking.

    – No duping, or abusing bugs (You are only allowed to use certain vanilla bugs)

    Adventure Bungeecord Class Community Craft Creative Discord Eco Econ Economy Essentials Gaming Keys Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Old Open Play Player Plot Plots Quest Quests Reset Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spigot Survival Title Town Towny Vanilla Vote

    Codex Craft | Survival | Towny | McMMO | Creative Plots | And more!

    Codex Craft is a Minecraft server that offers multiple varities of the game. All these variations are all based off of community feedback. Features are constantly being added and different variations are always being added.

    All servers include ViaVersion allowing older versions of the game to connect.

    The current variations include ;

    Towny Survival :

    – Towny

    – Lockette

    – Quests

    – Vote Keys and Parties

    – Sleep-most (1 player sleeping resets to night)

    – McMMO

    – Essentials Economy (This includes Player shops.)

    Creative Plots :

    – PlotSquared

    Skyblock :

    – Iridium Skyblock

    – This includes an economy

    We absolutely love all suggestions and criticism. Please let us know your feelings on our Discord :

    Adventures Anime Animeserver Boruto Explore Jutsu Magicspells Minecraft Missions Naruto Narutoserver Ninja Nur Pve Pvp Quests Roleplaying Rpg Rpgserver Server Shinobi Shippuden Vanilla Warringstates

    Naruto Unleashed Reborn (NUR)

    Beta Release!


    IP –

    Forums –

    Discord –



    Hello and welcome to Naruto Unleashed: Reborn! This is an RPG server inspired by the Naruto franchise. Don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with either the manga or anime; the server will be fun, and the community inviting, either way! By allowing you to create your own character, we encourage you to explore the world and forge your own story. Choose your ninja clan, equip your fiercest abilities, and grow stronger so you may become a force to be reckoned with.


    What we offer:

    Here at Naruto Unleashed: Reborn, we offer players the opportunity to enjoy the limitless possibilities of roleplay (RP), as well as the cutthroat combat of player versus player (PvP). With the ability to choose from one of 60 unique ninja clans, each with multiple paths, on top of the various additional abilities you can learn on the way, it’s safe to say that no two players will walk the same path. If PvP or RP aren’t quite your thing, then we also have minigames, from which you can earn rewards and play with your friends. Also, we have several custom plugins to make the server that much more unique, including a “Friends Plugin”, allowing you to save people as friends and party up with them while you play! Lastly, the server has an incredible dedicated Staff Team who work tirelessly to bring you an experience unlike any other.


    PvP on this server revolves around the MagicSpells plugin; each clan has custom made abilities, and there are many more to be learned along your journey. These spells are created by our talented Developer Team. As well as our custom spells, we also have RPGItems and weapons for those of you who prefer more of a vanilla flair when it comes to your PvP. Events such as King of the Hill and Tournaments will be hosted regularly by our Hoster Team too.



    The server is set during the Warring States Era, where the 5 Great Ninja Countries are at war with not only each other, but with themselves as well. RP on the server is made possible by our Lore Team who host events and missions for players, facilitate RP by creating RP Systems, and help move the timeline along; but it’s down to you, the players, to make decisions that will impact the future of the story. More information can be found on the forums of our website.


    We are currently looking for staff, so if you’re interested, please feel free to comment down below or join our discord to let us know!

    And remember….
    It’s YOUR experience, YOUR way! See you soon!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!