Across Alia Aust Australia Australian Cash Economy Final Giveaway Mini Games Perk Points Skyblock Survival Vanilla

CubeyyMC Australian Network

We’re finally open!

We’re open with a bunch of fun Servers!
– Survival (1.17 vanilla with some helpful plugins)
– Skyblock (AUS & US servers)
– Bedwars (with Discord integration)
– MiniGames (20 various games!)


Coming soon (As we are new!)
– VIP perks across all servers
– Voting rewards (Start stacking points!)

More info:

Eam Games Information Jump Mini Mini game Mini Games Parkour Run Runner Sniper Tea Team Tnt TNT Run


– Mini Games
– TnT Run
– Jump and Run
– PvP
– Sniper vs Runner

For more information, join our Discord server!

1.17.1 Artic Bored Forest Mountain Mountains Mushroom Ored Ores Personalized Shroom Survival Ultra Ush Vanilla


Server available in (1.17.1)
The only mode available:
A completely personalized map with particular mountains, mushroom forests, many plugins with which you will not be bored!
You will have fun with ZoyLand players!

Ations Calm Does Donations Erp Fou Founder Game. Nations Overpowered Power Survival TERA Towny Towny Server

Founder of Survival

Vanilla Survival Towny server. We are a small friendly community just playing vanilla Minecraft. The server offers a calm play style where you can build and interact with others without having to worry about dying too much.

Our server doesnt have any overpowered donations so you don’t have to worry about someone paying to beat the game.

Balanced Customization Economy Generator Generators Haven Hype Minion Minions Newer Pve Roleplay Sell Skyblock Survival

Sky Haven Skyblock

Welcome to SKY HAVEN!
The place where your home is in the Sky. Sky Haven is a fully custom skyblock server with the intention of being fun, unique, balanced, and offer hundreds of features that the others can’t. This skyblock server offers more features and skyblock customization than the rest- from shops, custom ranks and personal minions – we have got it all! Join the hype today, and see what we are all about!
What to expect –
Daily vote rewards
Custom Shop GUI
Custom Minions Store
Custom commands such as /ranks, /sellall, /minion store, /shop and much more!
Custom spawners!
Custom Ore Generators!
We hope to see you soon, and maybe stick around for a while!  
This is a newer server and still under development!

Economy Factions Hyper Keys Kitpvp Mcmmo Points Pvp Raiding Siege Silkspawner Silkspawners Survival Tags Upgrades


Welcome to HyperSiegeMC!

We are an OG Factions Server with a few twists added to it!
– Faction Upgrades
– Crate keys
-Faction Points
– SilkSpawners
-Cool Chat Tags
-Friendly Community
-Lots to do.

Active Admin Bible Christ Christian Community Creative Discord Dream Dreamsmp Economy Familyfriendly Friends Fun God Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Jesus Jesuschrist Landclaim Lore Minecraft Newserver Nolag Noswear Pvp Redstone Religion Religious Roleplay Server Shops Smp Squidgame Survival Twitch Usa Vanilla Voicechat Youtube

Our Lord Christ SMP – A small server with a big love for Jesus, join us in faith and in fun!

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” (Matthew 6:21).

Our rules are simple and reflect the lessons taught in the New Testament. Appreciate one and other; show love and compassion to your brothers & sisters in Christ; do no harm unto others; spread the gospel of Christ as far and wide as you can, and behave in a fashion that reflects your understanding that G*d is always watching.

What sets us apart:

  • Our Discord Server reflects our values. It is not polluted with obscenities, it isn’t filled with needless bots or roles, rather, it is a place to share wisdom, express gratitude, and worship together. The voice chat is reasonably active and the community is friendly.
  • We have a diamond-based vanilla economy and a robust shopping district. Build a business and watch it grow and thrive.
  • Land-claim and rollback plugins make vandalism virtually impossible. Our staff members are responsive and helpful — if you have any issues with griefing or theft, let a staff member know and we’ll get it fixed promptly.
  • We like to keep things simple. There aren’t any roles, obnoxious prefixes, and technicolor nicknames; you will never be solicited for donations, and there is absolutely no pay-to-win or buyable cosmetics or any of that sin.
  • OLC is primarily composed of USA, CA, and EU players. The server is hosted in North America (Toronto), and peak hours are typically afternoon/night EST. The server is relatively small, and the server hardware is robust, so lag is minimal.
  • Our Lord Christ SMP is still a relatively new server, so you won’t have to work too hard to make new friends, find a place to collect resources and build, and make a name for yourself. Feel free to hop on and check us out!

    1.17 1.17.1 Anti Building Diamond Eating Events Fut Future Give Hank Prem Premium Pvp Survival

    minecraft server 1.17.1 in premium

    Welcome to our survival server, we are building a survival, I will be giving op to those who help me, make this server the best have fun, very soon we will be creating great events, do not miss it, thank you give us a diamond and we will have ranks in the future.

    Blockparty Draw Drawit Economy Familia Hide Kart Loaded Merge Mini Games Parkour Pvp Recreate Survival Survival Games


    SolCraftMC returns to the Minecraft community with a new comeback!

    SolCraftMC has existed from 2016 to 2019 until we shut down the server or a merger into a new server. We have now considered and intend to recreate SolCraftMC again with a new twist, making the server even better than it was. Our idea is to create an environment where everyone should feel welcome, and that we can all make an impact by creating a good gaming environment at SolCraftMC.

    So it will be a new time, and new opportunities!

    SolCraftMC is divided into 2 parts:
    We have our own server for Survival, where we enter rankup, Live-Kart, Gold Spade claim, a parkour system, shops, city status and much more!

    We also have our own server for Minigames, which means that the gaming experience is much better and that it does not collide with the Survival server. Here we can offer as: BedWars, Hide & Seek, BlockParty, DrawIT and much more! The minigames server is loaded as a 1.17 version with 1.8 PVP mode.

    Mvh Team SolCraftMC

    We look forward to meeting new and familiar players again!

    Blood Bloodmoon Bloodmoons Enchants Hardcore Items Legit Mob Mobs Moon Pve Pvp Special Super Survival


    Super Hard SMP server.
    Bloodmoons, Special Mobs and Items, Custom enchants!
    What are you waiting for? Join Now!

    1.17.1 Bot Bots Economy Impulse Minion Minions Pay Payo Payout Payouts Pvp Robot Robots Skyblock


    Hi, we are Impulse Network!
    We are a server for version 1.17.1

    currently we have 1 game mode
    – SkyBlock

    Some fun features we use are:
    – Payouts
    – minions (robots)

    Custom Item Custom Items Customenchants Customitems Custommobs Economy Eventful Fur Hardmode Mcmmo Npc Origin Rps Survival Warps

    Origin MC

    Hello user! If you are looking for a fun, eventful, friendly minecraft server look no further!

    This server includes a custom generated Earth World, NPC Shops, Jobs, Player Warps, Custom Plugins, Boss Events, Custom Items, and more!

    If you want more information regarding ORIGIN MC just join our discord channel!

    Come have fun with us on the server join now!

    Bungeecord Comunidad Discord Earth End Espanol God Guardian Map Nether Network Plugin Plugins Server Servidor Skyblock Skywars Spain Survival Vanilla Vip


    SHIBACRAFT NETWORK - SURVIVAL EARTH MAP |  SKYBLOCK |  SKYWARS | [1.8 - 1.17] +NoPremium Minecraft Server

    SHIBACRAFT NETWORK - SURVIVAL EARTH MAP |  SKYBLOCK |  SKYWARS | [1.8 - 1.17] +NoPremium Minecraft Server

    What is Shibacraft?

    Shibacraft is a Minecraft Network with several modes that include Skyblock, Skywars, Vanilla, Creative, Parkour … and the mode par excellence, the mythical Survival (with economy and the map of planet Earth at 1: 100 scale, let’s go, one pass !, that is, you can literally build your house in your house and protect it from other users as well as be part of cities) and much more!

    In addition to the cities around the world, we have indicative maps where the materials can be found:

    SHIBACRAFT NETWORK - SURVIVAL EARTH MAP |  SKYBLOCK |  SKYWARS | [1.8 - 1.17] +NoPremium Minecraft Server

    This is so because the creator of the map made sense to do it this way, as for example the diamond is mostly found in Africa. (all information in discord)

    We also have mini-games (wipeout, arena, etc), shop, auction shop, lottery, web map of course, custom plugins, anti-cheat system which has few servers and many more things, and you know what? this is the beginning only in our journey with Shibacraft the best is yet to come.



    Discord : IP-Server: Site map:

    Version: 1.8 – 1.17


    – Is it a free server or do you have to pay to play?

    The server is made to play without having to pay for vips, memberships, typical web stores etc, but we have a section for vips with exclusives for a better experience and thus maintain the server with improvements and good maintenance for the future.

    – I have a bedrock, can I come in?

    Yes, our server supports versions from 1.8 to 1.17 in addition to bedrock.

    – Will the server shut down in 2 months like many others?

    If the server was created for something, it was to maintain it for a LONG time, right now it is standing for 1 year with a dedicated server with one of the best CPUs on the market, so you can worry about when you enter the game if the server is there online or has closed and if it is lagged or not lagged.

    – I have the pirate launcher, can I play?

    Yes of course, one good thing it has is that it is a NoPremium server with its respective login which is quite secure.

    Auctions Courage Cru Ores Pvp Rage Roleplay Sell Shark Smp Smpvp Society Steal Survival Tiny

    eBay SMP

    This is an SMP where you can work a job for money, to buy items from player auctions. Players are encouraged to kill, steal and sell items on ebay (The auction house) to gain wealth as the poorest players will be subject to loan sharks, punishments and scrutiny for being lesser members of the in-game society.

    Economy Events Friendship History Hyper Immersive Jobs Medieval Pride Rides Rolepaly Roleplay Server Ships Survival Whitelist

    HyperCraft Server


    We’re glad to see you’re here and interested in our server! What are we? HyperCraft is a semi medieval roleplay server. We are home to an immersive roleplay experience, that being the core element of the server. While we focus primarily on roleplay, we also focus on the beauty of our ever-growing community. The team here at HyperCraft prides itself on trying to keep our community happy and satisfied. We’ve built friendships and family here at HyperCraft, and many have called it home.

    HyperCraft History

    Alia Aus Aust Australia Australian Economy Enjin Growing Host Hosted Sit Site Survival Website Win


    Come join us on our Australian hosted survival server! Join the growing community 🙂
    Owners: yeahbudd and yeahgooddd

    Explore Factions Final Gmc Information Lore Raiding Release Sapling Shockbyte Survival Tree Uber Youtube Youtuber


    – SaplingMC –
    After the long wait of the release to SaplingMC, we have finally made it here.
    Our factions-based SMP has many ways to explore, make new friends, and connect to others!

    Want to join in on the fun? Here is the join information.



    Owner: KrrlTheYouTuber
    Co-Owner: Wjse


    1.16.4 Anarchy Create Gaming Hack Hacking King Mcserver Ming No hacking Pve Pvp Rule Survival Vanilla


    This is a very fun smp with only 1 rule, no hacking!
    The SMP was created by SOCOGAMING
    This is a vanilla SMP in verison 1.16.4

    Casual Design Dungeons Explosion Explosions Forum Forums Gamers Pride Pve Pvp Raiding Rides Survival Towny


    Viacraft is a gaming community that prides itself on offering a fair and fun gaming experience. We are working every day to make sure our server and community is one of the best.

    We are a Towny PvP server with custom dungeons, custom vanilla-like enchants, and special loot! We have designed our server to be friendly to both casual and hardcore gamers / pvp and pve players by allowing PvP anywhere while claims are protected from explosions.


    4 Players Cute Datapacks Economy Grave Graves Increased Lava Mypet Mypets Restart Seasonal Survival Towny Vanilla


    > What do we offer?

    – 99% server uptime, only goes down for daily restart and updates.
    – Active owner that will quickly answer to any feedback.
    – Frequent updates with quality-of-life updates and new content.
    – A few custom bosses, enchants, mobs and items for those who want a more challenging environment.
    – Plenty of quality-of-life datapacks, including graves that will save your items even from lava!
    – Community events and projects, seasonal events in the works with custom dungeons and bosses.
    – MyPets plugin, always have a cute pet companion following you.
    – Current 6GB server RAM, capable of being increased depending on server demand. 20 TPS with +14 players online.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Smps to Join Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!