115server 115survival Achievements Allowed Bedrock Boss Build Claiming Community Custom Death Discord End Events Forums Good Grief Hard Java Medieval Minecraft Mob Multiplayer Nether Online Paper Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Semivanilla Server Smp Staff Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist

🍺The Tavern 🍺 Whitelisted| 18+| 1.15.2 Semi Vanilla|Survival|Hard|Discord|Datapacks|400+ Achievements

Welcome to The Tavern, a whitelisted age 18+ JAVA Minecraft Server.

What does The Tavern Bring to you?

  • 18+ members, A lot of us are 20+.
  • A Whitelisted server experience. No loss of all your hard work from random people.
  • * A long term map and community.

  • No map resets, unless necessary.
  • We will update to the latest game versions as they release.
  • Newbies are welcomed, new to Minecraft or a veteran, We’re here to help answer any of your questions about the game.
  • We try to have server events, themed spawn around holidays.
  • We use discord, voice chat is optional.
  • A Semi-Vanilla Experience

  • We run on spigot/paper. Mostly staff-related plugins for server management. We keep it as simple as possible.
  • We mostly use data packs, such as multiplayer sleep, and double shulker shells. ( full list below)
  • The map started as of September 11th, 2018. With a good variety of biomes, and lots of space!
  • We’re still growing our community, The majority of members are users we’ve gotten through forums who then invited all their friends to the server. 2-10 users online throughout the day.
  • A 100% survival built spawn and nether hub. The spawn theme is Medieval, but of course, if you choose to build anything out in the world, you can build it in anything theme you’d like.
  • What are we looking for?

  • Politeness and consideration of others.
  • Enjoys chatting and working with others. We love working together and overall just friendliness.
  • See something, say something. Communicate with our community.
  • Rules of The Tavern

    – You represent the community, act accordingly.

    – The required age is 18+

    – Swearing is allowed. Targeted comments and harassment of any kind are not.

    – Porn/R rated images are not allowed in discord or in-game.

    – Political and Controversial Discussions should be kept to a minimum or in DM’s

    – Don’t spam chat or voice except for our spam channel.

    – Use bot commands in the bot channel.

    – Advertising without permission is not allowed. Exception your arts & crafts in art channel. e.g don’t private message everyone a link to join another discord server.

    Vanilla Minecraft Server Rules

    – No cheating, stealing, griefing, glitching or exploitation of any kind

    – Don’t lag the server.

    – Afk farms, fishing are allowed within reason.

    – No farms on top/above the bedrock in the nether. Don’t glitch or break bedrock.

    – Don’t completely destroy wilderness terrain. (unless it’s your claimed area).

    – Flatten wilderness areas when mass collecting blocks.

    – Repair damage done to public/wilderness areas. E.g you made a creeper blow up at spawn by accident.

    – Do not build within 300 blocks of players/spawn. Unless permission is granted or the player has the neighbors wanted role in discord.
    – Do not mine under/at spawn.

    – Have a proper location for killing wither boss. Do not use the end portal or kill near spawn locations e.g the nether hub.

    – Only spawn & market area has a specific build theme. Otherwise, build in any theme you want.
    – PvP must be agreed upon.

    – When claiming an ocean monument, stronghold, village, mansion or generated structures alike. Use our landclaim plugin to claim the area so people are aware its claimed and do not mine it out by accident. Or use indicators e.g signs, private signs in the area to let people know its claimed.


  • Mob grief is enabled (except ghast)
  • Fire spread is off
  • Inventory drops upon death
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • The map is 20k x 20k we will expand when needed during updates.
  • Data packs :

    HeadChanger,50% player sleep, TPA Datapack, Chest Locking, BAC Advancements, XP Bottling, Double Shulker Shells, Customizable Armorstands, More Mob Heads(hermit craft mob head data pack/decoration heads), Sethome Datapack, Timber Datapack (gold axes one-hit chop down trees)

    Discord Economy English Friendly Hard Mature Nogrief Noteleport Playershops Portals Pve Pvp Randomspawn Semivanilla Smallserver Smp Survival Vanilla

    Social Hangover 👽 | 18+ | Vanilla & Creative

    Social Hangover | 1.15.2 👽

    A refreshingly vanilla Minecraft experience,
    with no grief, micro-transactions or vote rewards.

    🔞 Active 18+ community

    Social Hangover is a laid-back community of adult players. Our few rules are fairly relaxed and you’re pretty much free to do as you please.

    🎨 NEW! Creative server

    Tired of plot creative servers? So are we! Create your own creative worlds to build to your heart’s delight. Building something on our survival server? Use our transfer tool to bring your builds over to creative in a snap. We’re super proud of what we’ve created so far and you’re going to love it!

    🍦 Vanilla with sprinkles

    Why change the recipe? We’re committed to serving up an authentic Minecraft experience. We’ve added a small sprinkle of enhancements to the vanilla Minecraft formula in the form of chest protection, random spawn points, player heads and armor stand editing. And we’re always looking for the perfect combination of toppings to make the damn sundae you’ve ever had!

    📺 Streamer friendly

    Founded with love by a couple of Twitch streamers. You and your community are more than welcome here.

    ❌ No land claiming

    Build wherever and whatever you want. Let your creativity flourish!

    ❌ No teleports or warps

    There is no /tp, /home or /spawn (we’re vanilla after all). Get around via an extensive ice highway network. There are plenty of places to visit!

    💰 Player-run economy

    No economy plugins! The economy is entirely managed by our community. Visit our shopping district at 0,0 in the overworld!

    🤗 More than a Minecraft server

    We’re extremely active on Discord. Come join our weekly party game and karaoke nights.

    🛸 We out here on Discord –

    Air Balance Balanced Block Borderless Claim Claiming Class Combat Community Creative Eco Econ Economy Experience Fair Features Game Grief Help Land Land Claim Mob Play Player Pro Protection Pvp Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Tea Teleportation Title Vanilla


    Workbench is primarily a survival server that aims to provide well-rounded gameplay through the use of features that help add to your overall experience instead of get in your way. Some of the features of our server include land claiming and grief protection, player teleportation, a balanced economy and mob spawning system, a shop system, and a PvP system that not only balances unfair combat but allows you to toggle it on or off.

    1.8.9 Builder Builders Factions Fire Friend Inventory Keep Knight Mcmmo Mob Night Pvp Rek Survival

    Sulphur Craft

    Friendly players, Factions, no Mob Griefing, no Fire spreads, Keep Inventory, and more!

    Version 1.8.9!

    -Looking for staff and/or builders! Message FireKnight92 about requirements!-

    Advanced Ava Currency Custom Dio Earnings Lab Plugins Remo Rpg Semi System Towny Towny Server Use


    PixelTropia is the most advanced Minecraft Network.

    We host many game modes, and many more are about to come.
    The core of our network is a custom Semi-RPG Towny Server.

    We created many custom Plugins that will give you the best Towny experience while removing all the tedious RPG tasks.

    Get geared up and fight. PixelTropia uses a custom Currency System that will allow you to spend your earnings on every server of the network.

    Servers Available:
    Semi-RPG Towny
    SkyWars (Coming Soon)


    Economy Entertainment Fighting Hype Islands Mcmmo Mini Games Moba Mobarena Pvp Show Skills Skyblock Tnt Tntrun



    A server where everyone is fighting to be the best! Show off you Skyblock skills and build the best island! Events every week to keep you hyped!

    We have minigames!
    – Skyblock
    – TNTRun
    – MobArena
    – Split

    More plugins coming for your entertainment!

    201 Art Create Elves Servers Skyblock Star Start Survival System THC Unique Ves Zen Zenith


    SERVER START: 2019/09/01



    Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Lucky Block Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Jail Minecraft Survival Need Players No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft TNT Run Vanilla Like

    MoonLight 1.11. – 1.15.2 Minecraft server

    Beautiful spawn
    Fair donut
    Good admin team
    Constant dialing
    Battle of builders
    Beautiful menu
    Auto parkour
    Lucky blocks
    TNT Run

    Active Ass Class Des Donut Factions Info Lmao Mcmmo Mini Games Nut Poo Poop Raiding Roleplay


    poop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donutpoop poop donut

    Abuse Abusing Afk Attack Cheating Fun Guide Lore Machines Modpacks No Griefing Rules Settlements Tekkit Tekkitclassic Community

    Welcome to our new Tekkit Classic community.

    We are a new Tekkit Classic server that allows users to explore one of the best modpacks ever made to Minecraft.
    The world is almost as fresh as it can be, only a few players have started to make their settlements.

    Join the server with the following IP:
    For more information about our server and to find a guide on how to install Tekkit Classic, go to

    We are not looking for staff as of right now, we are a small but growing community.
    Our rules are simple and should be easy to follow.

    Server Rules:

    1. No Griefing

    2. No Cheating of any kind.

    3. No Bug Abuse.

    4. No Personal Attacks in Chat.

    5. No AFK Machines.

    Banned Items:
    World Anchor.
    Everything but the item(s) listed above are allowed to be used.
    Though we ask players to not ruin the fun for everyone else by abusing items offered in Tekkit Classic.


    Economy Evolved Factions FTB Infinity Machines Moddé Modded Modded Server Powerful Pve Sentinel Smo Smooth Tekkit

    Sentinel Network – Infinity Evolved


    Feed The Beast

    We provide you the best game-experience with our modded servers. Join us to experience the feeling and have countless hours of fun!

    Great community

    Sentinel Network has a friendly community with both new and experienced players. The community will help you out if you’re having troubles and the staff is always ready to help you out as well!

    Best servers

    Our servers are running on the most powerful machines, to give you a smooth gameplay without lag and downtime.


    Beau Beautiful Download Eau Explore Gym Gyms Lore Pack Pixelmon Plugins Tech Technic Wait Win

    KarpRebellion PIXELMON 7.0.7

    Welcome to Karp Rebellion. From beautiful gyms to mind-blowing plugins, there is more to explore than ever. We can’t wait to see you there.
    Make sure to download our technic pack:


    550 Bte Coop Countries Cow Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Permanent Purchase Russia Russian Ssia Trans Updating

    Hellstar FunCoop shop PE server Minecraft

    98% of plugins are translated and translated into Russian.
    Purchases of coins, privileges, items, etc. through donation.
    many useful worlds for the game.
    Constantly updating the server platform.
    Formation of the server due to requests and sensible advice from players.
    economy, shop
    Invisible admins.
    Spawn is protected from pvp.
    Permanent fix bugs on the server.
    The server is located in Moscow, which undoubtedly gives an advantage to all CIS countries, both in terms of quality of stable and not high ping, and in comfort in resources.
    We always monitor server quality!
    Whale start
    Server with mobs!
    sky block, parkour, hot block
    And much more that changes and is added constantly!

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Blood Cool Crafter Crate Crates Custom Enchants Fish Fishing Moon Pure Ring Store Survival

    [1.8 – 1.15.2 ] PureCrafter

    Welcome to Purecrafter Survival, Were a new server offering a lot of cool features such as: Custom enchants, Custom Blood Moon, Revamped fishing, Crates, MCMMO , and much much more. Come check out Purecrafter today and see what we have to offer.


    Autorank Claims Economy Etho Evolved FTB Gold Infinity Land Claim Land Claims Modpack Pack Sethome Survival Teleport

    Infinity Evolved by MineWonderLand

    INFINITY EVOLVED – MineWonderLand Network

    Infinity Evolved Server
    modpack version: 3.0.2

    – Land Claims (golden shovel)
    – Random teleport
    – Economy
    – Autorank system
    – 3 x /sethome



    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Border Courage Custom Discord Free Fres Greatest Plugins Rading Rage Ranks Shops Towny Tree


    Looking for an awesome minecraft server that you will potentially enjoy? Well, here it is.

    TreeMC is a refreshing towny experience packed with some of the latest and greatest gameplay improving plugins.
    Some of them include:
    ♦ MCMMO
    ♦ Dynmap
    ♦ Auctions
    ♦ Trading
    ♦ Towny
    ♦ Player shops
    ♦ Competions
    ♦ Custom plugins

    We also have FREE ranks which players can progress to. The world has a 6k x 6k border to encourage community building, this will increase as time progresses. There are also many planned events.

    The server is currently in BETA.


    Classic Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher No Resets Pvp Roleplay Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

    Easycraft Minecraft Server

    Description of the server Are you tired of playing on servers with um and your homes complain? Want a cool survival of normal RP and just chat? not our server’s problem is made to have fun

    1.8.9 Economy Factions Jus Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Needed Pvp Riends Run Server Ip Shop Sts Survival

    just survival (no lag)

    Hello all, Running in 1.8.9
    welcome to our server
    We have are lissening to every one and help if needed
    this server is only survival with a great shop and factions of course
    to play with friends and mine to earn xp with MCMMO.

    HAVE FUN!!!

    Ass Class Clip Com Http Ill Las Lmao Style Tps Van Vanilla



    Adventure Adventures Beta Content Dventure Econom Economy Housing Mcmmo Old Pve Pvp Tall Vanilla Venture


    Welcome to Noldorinan!
    This is a New server for all, full of new adventures, with housing, pvp, free lv up, economy, all in vanilla minecraft.

    The server is still in beta and its totally free please check us out!
    Every 3 day’s ill add new content.
    Please Check it out!!

    Air Atm Atmosphere Best Dance Farm Fun Hun Hunt Hunting Mini game Mini Games Sea Season UFC


    Tjaufcraft is a fun Minecraft server with a variety of mini games. You can contact us for Minefarm, Hunting Season, Stratego and Chair Dance. We do our best to have a nice atmosphere on our server.


    Added Ars Cube Cubecraft Egg Eggwars Map Maps New Owner Sol Solo Survival Multiplayer War Wars

    CubeCraft NEW SOLO EGGWARS MAPS Minecraft Server

    The server owner of CubeCraft NEW SOLO EGGWARS MAPS has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    8.2 Awesome Creativ Creative Eat Eso Kind Lea Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Please Raiding Roleplay

    Panther Craft

    We are a creative, minigames, and much more kind of server! We would like some staff! Please join for an awesome server!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!