Anarchy Architecture Byzantium Crafter Crafters Creative Live Mature Pve Pvp Quad Roleplay Roman Rp Server Survival


Quadcrafters-Byzantium is a semi RP server based on late Roman/Byzantine era architecture. We are looking for players who want to live and build in this style.
Looking for mature players
More information can be found on our Discord.

Ambient Architecture Chb Chisel Crayfish Flower Flowers Furniture Harvestcraft Immersiveengineering Mrcrayfish Roads Shopkeepers Survival Trains


The server is modded survival with a modern city with a traditional city not far way and medieval town to and small villages along the way we have a main railway line going threw the world. you can drive your trains on we have a roads mod to to connect your towns and citys.

You all can add your towns to the roads and rails you can build your own houses in survival and make a town or city you can buy plot town plots and city plots in the world there expensive thou just ask the owner/co-owner they will help out or the gms there helpful to you can buy or rent land of buy a big plot of land and put your own houses on to sell them to players or rent and make a lot of money threw it our money system is modded money you get from killing mobs or players then spend in our shopkeepers shop for your goods got to a atm for storage of your money.

We have one minigame called build battle if you vote each day on server you get money and a gift if you go into our mall you can buy your building blocks food and trains but there expensive the trains the furniture is good priced the mall is still being worked on but we will broadcast it when a shops are completed.

You can have a job in the server i will be making custom jobs to there is a rank going for train driver you will get payed to when you join please read the rules and look at the banned items board in spawn hope to see you all soon stay safe. we are now open now join soon.not setup votes yet but will soon if want want to try trialgm ask gms or founder search it up on twitch launcher ModernRealityCraft20UK

Rank list










more coming soon

Mods List
AmbientSounds by CreativeMD
architecturecraft by darkevilmac
Chisel-MC by tterrag1098
CTM-MC by tterrag1098
extrautils2 by RWTema
FastLeafDecay by olafskiii
Ferdinand’s Flowers by c0_0ry
Fureniku’s Roads by Fureniku
furniture by MrCrayfish
Hwyla by TehNut
ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize
ImmersiveRailroading by cam72cam
jei by mezz
journeymap by techbrew
malisiscore by Ordinastie
malisisdoors by Ordinastie
mcjtylib by McJty
mcw-roofs by sketch_macaw
NeverEnoughCurrency by Zundrel
obfuscate by MrCrayfish
Pam’s HarvestCraft by pamharvestcraft
rftools by McJty
TrackAPI by cam72cam
traffic control by CSX8600
vehicle-mod by MrCrayfish

Adult Architecture Awesome Build Building Creative Custom Fantasy Mature Medieval Nya Pvp Quality Survival Wirtschaft

Block Empirium

Wir begrüßen euch im offiziellen Block Empirium Vorstellungsthread!

Wir auf Block Empirium bieten euch einen kleinen Minecraft Multiplayer Server mit Fokus auf klassischem Survival Gameplay mit besonderem Augenmerk auf eine ausgefallene und ästhetische Architektur. Ergänzt wird unser Spielkonzept durch ein exklusives Aufgebot selbstgeschriebenen Plugins für mehr Spielspaß und einer Auswahl von handelsüblichen Plugins, wie beispielsweise Shopkeeper, die zu unserem goldbasierten Wirtschaftssystem passen.

Block Empirium in Stichpunkten

– reife Community ab 18 Jahren mit einer kompetenten Administration
– Multiplayer Survival Server mit besonderem Fokus auf Bauprojekten
– Communitybestimmte Events
– hausgemachte Plugins

Minecraft Server 18+

Wir sind ein kleines Team regelmäßiger Minecraft Spieler in den besten 20/30ern. Neben unserer Studien-/Arbeitstätigkeiten leiten und finanzieren wir den Server und suchen nach gleichgesinnten Mitspielern, die mit uns zusammen dem Server Leben einhauchen.

Um die Spielerfahrung auf Block Empirium stetig zu verbessern streben wir eine harmonische und reife Community ab 18 Jahren aufwärts an welche Survival Minecraft ebenso schätzt wie gute Architektur und gemeinsame Projekte. Um eine stete Verbesserung der Bauqualität zu gewährleisten, gibt es einen ausgedehnten Konzept Bereich – die Creative Cubes – in denen vielversprechende
Gebäude vorgeplant, besprochen und umgesetzt werden können.

Als Dreh und Angelpunkt der Block Empirium Community dient unser eigener TeamSpeak 3 Server und unser Discord-Server. Wenn ihr euch selbst ein Bild machen wollt findet ihr alle Daten und Bilder auf unserer Homepage

Unsere Custom-Plugins

Wir streben stets danach den Server immer weiter nach unseren eigenen Vorstellungen und Wünschen zu formen, um diversen Spielaspekten noch mehr Tiefe zu verleihen.

Unser hausgemachtes Flugmeisterplugin ermöglicht eine vollkommen neue Art zu reisen. Anstatt zu reiten oder durch Portale zu gehen ermöglichendie Flugmeister einen eindrucksvollen Flug durch unsere Welt, während man zwischen den Städten hin und her reist. Als Flugtier dient die komplette Fauna von Minecraft, darunter auch das legendäre Nyan-Schaf!

Für die Raufbolde unter euch bieten wir ein eigenes BlockEmp-PvP-Plugin,mit dessen Hilfe Arenen erstellt werden können in denen ihr endlos Deathmatch mit beliebig vielen Usern spielen könnt. Ein Scoreboard an der rechten Seite zeigt währenddessen stets wer der größte Schlächter der Arena ist. Und mit dem neuen Enterharken könnt ihr euch wie ein echter Assassine durch die Arena bewegen. Für dieses Plugin gibt es bereits riesige Schlachtfelder – darunter die legendäre Grenzfeste.

Ihr habt zu viel Gold übrig? Probiert doch mal unsere einarmigen Banditen aus in denen ihr mit etwas Glück epische Ausrüstung abstauben könnt, die euch das Leben im PvE erheblich erleichtern! Aber Vorsicht, diese Automaten haben schon viele in den Ruin getrieben.

Auch in Zukunft werden wir immer weiter an unseren serverspezifischen Plugins arbeiten und neue erstellen, darunter in Zukunft ein sehr umfangreiches Angelplugin. Man darf gespannt sein.

Habt ihr Interesse an Block Empirium gefunden? Besucht uns als Gast auf unserem Server, schaut euch um und bewerbt euch für eine Freischaltung in unserem Forum. Der Aufwand wird für euch mit einem tollen Communityerlebnis und endlosen Spielstunden auf unserem Server wieder beglichen. Also besucht uns noch heute auf unserem Server und werdet einTeil vom Block Empirium!

~ Euer Block Empirium Team

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Architecture Attention To Detail Decent Euro Europe European German Interview Luckperms Perms Recruiting Survival Testing Ucl Worldedit

Pixelmon Kingdoms – WIP

Hello! Pokémon Kingdoms (PK) is currently recruiting volunteer Builders to get the server going. PK is an upcoming Pixelmon 8.1.1 (Minecraft v. 1.12.2) survival-adventure server with a medieval theme in a new fictional Region. We are running Nucleus, WorldEdit, LuckPerms, and Pixelmon Extras for now.

–We are not looking for moderators or administrators at this time.–

What we’re looking for:
– Decently-experienced builders who play close attention to detail
– Experience with medieval European/Germanic architecture is a bonus but not necessary
– Must be 15+ years old
– Discord is required
– Any time commitment is entirely voluntary and appreciated

Sending a portfolio of your previous works is recommended but not required. All applicants will be briefly interviewed on our Discord server and then tested on their building skills in a server testing site before being officially accepted.

Since PK is being built from the ground up, we will offer preference positions to our Builders when we expand for Gym Leader or Staff spots in the future. Furthermore, if desired, all Builders will be allowed to play on the server during downtime while we are still under development.

Join our Discord ( to view and submit an application, as well as to join our community! All questions will also be addressed on our Discord. We hope to see you there!

Architectural Architecture Education Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected How To Build Maze Minecraft Creative Minecraft Donate Minecraft Events No Launcher No Resets Russia Russian Minecraft Tricks

TimeToBuild School of Architecture in Minecraft Minecraft server

Everyone can build on our server. From beginner to most experienced builders. The administration has an architectural education and will be able to teach you to build beautifully right on the server. We have several categories, but we will teach newcomers to construction in various cool tricks to learn how to build better and amaze everyone with our creations. We also created our own unique texture pack, which allows minecraft to look many times more realistic than it is. For experienced builders, we will have a different approach that they will love. There will also be construction competitions for various donated positions and so on. In the Russian segment of Minecraft servers, this is a unique project, join us and we will create beauty together!

/d/ /e/ Application Architecture Builds Captain Creative Cruiseships Google Lsc Pig Ship Ships Show Showcase

RCL Yards

RCL Yards is a Minecraft shipbuilding and architecture server where you can come on, build, have fun, and even have your builds shown off! The server itself is whitelist only but if you want to come on and become a builder there is a Google Form below! See you There! – CaptainPig14


Builder Application Form:

Architecture Castles Chb Colorful Desert Fortress Harbor Magazine Mansion Minecraft Cities Minecraft Kit Start Minecraft Magic Stadt Tycoon Waterfall

Liberty-Craft Minecraft server

♥ Beautiful hand-built starting cities
♥ Ability to found your own settlement
♥ RP-wagering
♥ Frequent events
♥ Architecture contests
♥ No donation
♥ Magic
♥ Ability to create NPCs and public quests

Hong Shulin is a pearl of trade and adventurism. This city opens to everyone in a different way: someone sees majestic cliffs and rustling waterfalls; someone notices interesting and unusual architecture in their own way; for some, Hong Shulin is just a place where he can cash in on adventures or performing dangerous money maneuvers. The Cloudy Depths harbor the ancient knowledge of the air magicians …
Hong Shulin is not the only city in our vast world. You will also have access to such places as the brick town of Rottstadt, which attracts with the snow-capped Weischberg Mountains and the wealth of minerals, Fertilia, alluring with its narrow streets, cozy courtyards and vast fertile fields, the County of Bratskul, which leaves behind a magical trail of its colorful castles and architecture.
If you get tired of the bustle of big cities, or you have a leadership spirit, you can try to become the Count of Bratskul, maintaining your castle, or even build a completely new fortress and found your own independent settlement. Become a tycoon, live in huge Hong Shulin mansions. Find distant Ain Senet in the vast desert, or defend your people behind the high walls of Do Sang. Equip yourself with a magic wand while studying at the Volkhvinskaya fortress. Get ALL the wealth of this world from the depths of the Weischberg Mountains. Or equip your farm and start an agricultural business. All in your hands!

Join LibertyCraft!

Architecture Art Baroque Build Building City Classic Classical Creative Design History Landscape Medival Minecraft Modern Renaissance Server Servers Shaders Spawn Structure Town Urban

TimeToBuild | Architecture School | Creative server 1.13 – 1.16

Hello my friends, today we’ve got some very good news for you! We have opened a first international creative server in Minecraft where everyone can build (from the beginner to the most experienced builders). Admins: ChamplainMC studies for the 3rd year at the university of architecture, and Crytek_RUz_ just fineshed an architectural college and recived a prestigious diploma. We have 10 years of buildng expierience in MInecraft and will be able to teach you how to create a beautiful constructions on the server. For experienced builders, we have a Dalenberg project (european architecture) which will allow you to develop your full potential by coworking with us.


What makes our server different from the rest?

  • Smart urban planning based on architectural education
  • Compliance with road and street design standards (road signs, traffic lights, road markings)
  • The best walking experience (high level of detail of shops, restaurants, banks, on the ground floors of buildings, real shop signs)
  • Insane level of architectural details
  • Dälenberg is the capital city of the fictional EU country Dalerland

    На нашем сервере сможет строить каждый. От новичка до самых опытных строителей. Администрация имеет архитектурное образование и сможет вас обучать красиво строить прямо на сервере. Мы имеем несколько категорий, но новичков в строительстве мы будем обучать различным крутым приемам, чтобы научиться лучше строить и удивлять всех своими творениями. Так же мы создали свой уникальный текстур пак, который позволяет майнкрафту выглядеть в разы реалистичней чем он есть. К опытным строителям у нас будет другой подход, который им очень понравится. Так же будут проходить конкурсы по строительству на различные донатные позиции и прочее. В русском сегменте Minecraft серверов это уникальный проект, присоединяйтесь, и будем творить красоту вместе!

    Arcane Architecture Awaken Awakening Chisel Dreams Economy Fortress Magics Mystical Pve Pvp Scat Secrets Survival

    Shell Awakening

    Shell Awakening 1.7.10

    With mods ranging from Chisel to ArchitectureCraft for the builders you can construct the fortress of your dreams.
    Delve into the arcane to unlock the secrets of old scattered across the land,
    or sit back and watch as your systems create the most ridiculous of items on a whim, automatically.
    Become anything you desire with both the most advanced magics and mystical technology this pack has to offer.

    The pack requires 3-4 Gb of RAM
    Official Server included in the pack

    Modpack Link:

    Air Architecture Beta Box Creative Download Explore Fair Fairplay Mini Games Official Pvp Skyblock Survival Wait


    This is the old server! There are a variety of gameplays waiting for you to explore!

    The current server architecture version is BETA 3, and the completion rate is 30%.

    The PS server requires a validator to enter, the URL is as follows:

    This server is the only officially certified red and white against server
    When entering this service, please set the server material package to open!

    Custom Economy Enchant Enchants Event Events Factions Factions Server Gon Host Mcmmo Mini Mining Survival Tom


    we are a factions server we also host events.and we also are planning on adding more things.we are gonna add custom mining and custom enchants.

    Ender Dragon Fall Flat Mining Netty Offline Pve Pvm Pvp Simulator Sites Survival Games The End Useful Void

    Mini Games

    A mini games server with the following mini games: PvP (player vs player), PvM (player vs mobs), mining simulator (currently has no sell area may change in the future), TNT wars (flat area of TNT try and get the other player to fall into the void), and Ender dragon (kill the Ender dragon) (not really useful) (i can’t make up ideas)
    *this is a cracked server*

    Note: this server should be running 24/7 so even if it says that it is offline, give it a try, if it still wont let you in and returns something like this”” then contact us from our webstie

    Age Create Dev Development Elo Friendly Mcd Old Parkour Pvp Recreate Staff Survival Tes Test


    We are a new server still under development but in need of staff and players to test out the server. We are trying to recreate an old style of survival that is fun and all age friendly.

    Cajas Economy Enchantments Giveaway Giveaways Knockback Minas Mini Games Modified Nether Pvp Realistic Survival Vanilla Warps

    Sensei – Survival

    »Mode ║ Survival
    »║ Implementation of a Realistic World
    » ║ Warps (Cajas, Minas, End, Nether etc)
    »║ Modified KnockBack (Fluency and Hits Detection)
    »║ Magic Boxes
    »║ Giveaways
    »║ Clan System
    »║ Magic Enchantments
    »║ Rank System
    »║ System Kits

    Earnable Economy Elon Greif Jobs Reborn Keys Mcmmo Missions Paid Permissions Pve Rollback Survival Towny Xray


    New Towny Server 1.16.1

    – mcMMO
    – Jobs Reborn
    – Towny
    – Non-Paid Create Keys
    – Earnable Permissions Through Economy RankUP
    – Anti Greif Rollbacks

    20tps Antixray Creative Economy Eula Java Edition Lagless Minecraft Java Pve Ryzen Storage Survival Teleporting Vanilla Wholesome


    We’re a relatively-small community-oriented server built around a hope to attain a similar feel to Hermitcraft.

    +Lagless. We maintain 20tps at nearly all times
    +Staff are not permitted to use powers for gameplay
    +EULA-friendly and non-p2w. Donors get zero gameplay benefits.
    +Multiple servers on our network including a vanilla server with no economy, teleporting, etc. Just claims and rollbacks so we can keep you and your builds safe.
    +Antixray and block/interaction logging to prevent hacking and griefing
    +We have a two-year contract for our dedicated servers, which run new Ryzen 3600x processors and nmve storage. We aren’t going anywhere.
    +Periodic server-wide events, organized by players with staff assistance

    Most importantly, we’re home to a more wholesome and friendly community than I could have hoped for. I hope to see you join us!

    Join using Minecraft Java Edition ver 1.16.2.

    Allowed Ban Banned Beta Day Factions Factions Server Fou Hack Hacker Kie Lea Sin Squid Squiddy


    A New Factions Server In Beta!
    We Are releasing things every day!
    There are no hackers allowed! Any hackers found will be perm banned and IP Banned!

    1162server Annihilation Change Creative Different Gui Guild Kitpvp Mad Maps Prem Premium Prison Skyblock Survival

    GuildCraft Network 1.8-1.16.2

    Welcome to GuildCraft network. We have just entered a new era of the server, with a lot of new things and many new changes.

    We offer many different games with our custom made plugins, maps, and games. Our goal is to bring that
    premium server experience to those who cannot afford Minecraft itself.

    Our current gamemodes:
    Survival 1.16.2
    • SkyBlock 1.16.2
    • Annihilation
    • KitPvP
    • Creative
    • Prison

    Cheats Allowed Classic Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher No Resets Pvp Roleplay Russian Minecraft


    LuxeCraft – Server made not by one person, but by a whole team. We have made a unique server where you will not find an easy way to get a donation. Our team will make special commands to receive donations, which are difficult to remember, and this command will not last forever. The server is made in such a way that when the player survives, he can survive calmly, and no evil donator will interfere with him. Server admins hold frequent events on streams or online on the server. We have an honest donation. After purchase, you are given all the rights from the donate description (/ menu). On our server you can find different goodies. For example, you can upgrade your skills. By pumping the skill, you can become a professional PvPShER. There are frequent updates on the server, after which your donation will remain with you. There are almost no wipes, wipes are very rare, but unfortunately or fortunately, there will be wipes, but rarely.
    If you are new to the server, NPCs will help you on the spawn, they are your navigator on the server. We have mentioned the whales in the description above for a reason. Whales – give us some kind of small, but their uniqueness, our whales are quite interesting in appearance, but each whale is available from a different donation.
    We are waiting for you, friend!

    Buff Cannoning Competitive Faction Pvp Factions Genbucket Genbuckets Harvest Law Lawless Outpost Outposts Prizes Pvp Wands

    DiversityMC – Factions

    Welcome to DiversityMC, here are some of our features:

    ◇ Flawless cannoning
    ◇ Flawless printer – all mods work
    ◇ 3 Flat worlds
    ◇ 3 Outposts
    ◇ Mob coins
    ◇ Fully custom factions core
    ◇ Fully custom spigot
    ◇ Genbuckets
    ◇ Auctions
    ◇ Custom tools (sell wands, harvesting hoes, etc)
    ◇ Envoys
    ◇ Balanced economy
    ◇ More custom features

    Faction rules
    ♤ 20 Chunk buffers
    ♤ 4 Second cannoning
    ♤ 10 Man 15 roster

    We are a network that strives on offering a friendly server and giving a staggering experience while maintaining a competitive atmosphere with prizes.

    Aids Commands Ender Enderchest Faction Factionsserver Minecraft Faction Minecraft Factions Nonpay2win Pay To Win Protected Raided Raids Staffneeded Tropical


    SkyTropical is a ‘non pay to win’ minecraft factionsserver.

    This means that you can get acces to awesome commands like /enderchest for free!

    If you never have played on a factionsserver!

    * A factionsserver makes it possible to raid other factions and get raided by others!

    * These raids is 100% protected by the rules and is ok.

    We’re currently looking for staff!

    We are looking for staff, if you’re interested in this, you can apply at our forums.

    See ya!

    1.7 Advertisement Anarchy Anarchysurvival Awesome Ert Exploit Greif Hack Hacks Maybe Need Staff Server Survival Survivalserver

    LumpyCraft – Need Staff

    Server with few rules looking for staff.
    Rules: No exploits, hacks, spam or advertisements.
    Greif and theft is ok!
    Join us soon and maybe get an honorary rank!
    See you soon!

    Bee Castel Difficult Forge Growing Mcserver Modpack Pack Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Project Reforged Tech Technic Technical


    Hi! We’re a new community based on the Pixelmon Reforged modpack. All of our staff have run, or been staff on, other Pixelmon or Vanilla servers in the past, and have come together to create our own. It’s a completely new server and, while we’re still experiencing some technical difficulties here and there, we would greatly appreciate any assistance in growing as a server and a community.

    Advancedenchantments Chestshops Cluescrolls Customenchants Discord Dynmap Economy Enchantments Events Fishing Jobs Keepinventory Landclaims Mcmmo Nogrief Pve Pvp Ranks Rankup Rivenrise Shopgui Shops Spawners Survival

    RivenRise | NEW SERVER! | 1.16



    The server is a work in progress and some features may break or change. Please report any issues to our Discord Server

    Welcome to RivenRise! We’re a NEW 1.16 survival no-grief server with laid back rules. Thanks to our developers, we offer a play-style you won’t find anywhere else! With a dynamic economy there’s many ways to buy, sell and trade goods for resources or money. As you progress financially you can unlock more abilities, perks, commands and kits through our custom rank shop. Activities range from painting a canvass on an easel, upgrading beehives, mining stack-able Mob Spawners and building working elevators! With features like McMMO, ClueScrolls, FishingQuests and Jobs – you’ll never run out of things to do!

    Some of our core features:
  • KeepInventory
  • Integrated Discord chat
  • DynMap
  • LandClaims
  • AgreedPvP
  • AdvancedEnchantments
  • PetBlocks
  • Timber
  • Meteorites & Rainbow events
  • ShopGUI
  • AuctionHouse
  • ChestShops
  • EpicSpawners
  • Elevators
  • McMMO
  • Jobs
  • Ranks
  • Kits
  • ClueScrolls
  • BetterFishing

    …and many more!

  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Blox Daily Growing Guild Guilds Hole Jobs Land Lands Minecraft Minecraftserver Openblox Openworld Random Survival


    Openblox is a whole new take on the survival experience, claim lands, create or join a guild, work and get a job, go to war, and so much more! With daily updates and a growing community, you’ll have the best experience here!

    Join now! We’d love to have you!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    1.16.1 Allowed Auto Chill Eng Epic Faction Gamer Hate Hill Rule Rules Seri Serious Tak

    Epic Gamer Factions

    Welcome to Epic gamer Factions server

    this server has no rules whatever you can do your allowed to do.

    a good server to chill and not take seriously.


    Arme Armes Aventure Creatures Franais Francais France Gratuit Idralwel Jeu Joueur Joueurs Mmorpg Roleplay Tales

    Idralwel – Tales Of Aeshan

    Bienvenue, brave Immortel ! Je sens en toi une soif d’aventure intarissable… Devient un des héros de monde et repousse les forces qui menacent notre univers !
    Mais avant cela tu dois prendre connaissances de certaines choses…

    – Idralwel – Tales of Aeshan est un MMORPG français développé depuis 5 ans par plus de 300 bénévoles en cumulé.
    – Un jeu à part entière qui utilise Minecraft comme support.
    – Un univers complexe va s’offrir à vous et ce, gratuitement !
    – Une intrigue développée depuis 5 ans et qui permet aux joueurs les plus curieux de découvrir les secrets de ce monde !
    – Des créatures inédites, des armures et armes personnalisées !

    Maintenant il te reste plus qu’à rejoindre tes frères Immortels !

    32gb Build Building Factions Opening Record Serious Starting Stream Twitch Vanilla Vanillasurvival Veterans Witch

    The Sphere | Vanilla survival server | Admins, mods, programmers and builders needed!

    Hi guys Redpaw here,

    I’m opening up a brand new server with 32GB of RAM to the world, we’re starting small but need help with building. I stream regularly also over so all progress will be recorded. Come join and have fun!

    We also have a discord server which we’re all active on.

    Note: The server is for serious Minecraft veterans and new players alike so feel free to join whatever skill level you’re at!

    Custom Map Customenchants Customgameplay Custommaps Custommods Customplugins Dailyrewards Deo Minecraft Minecraftserver Pve Pvp Ranks Skyblock Survival

    ELU Minecraft – Coming 05/09/2020

    Custom Maps and Plugins – Cusom Anti-cheat – Survival – Skyblock – PvP Arena – Community driven – Dedicated Community – Daily rewards – You decide! Be Elusive.

    1.7 Bee Beecraft Comunity Data Hermit Hermitcarft Hermitcraftfanserver Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftstyle Kind Link Pls Survival Vanila

    beecraft (whitelist)


    welkom to my server.
    this is a hermit like server with a already kind comunity.
    it isnt a complytly vanila server and there are some plugins.
    if you would like to join this is the disord and pls leave a aplaction and then i will add you to the white list.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!