1.16.5 16x Auctions Economy Family Friendly Lgbt Mcmmo Pay To Win Ports Pride Pve Roleplay Survival Towny Welcoming

Pridetopia LGBT

250 9.2 Alpha Angel Better Economy Emb Kind Meet Member Pay Pay To Win Pixelmon Stuff Survival

Angelic Pixelmon

Welcome to Angelic Pixelmon!

We hope you come and check out our server (still in Alpha), here you can come play with your friends or come meet other members of our small community .

In this server we don’t support any kind of P2W (pay to win) so you don’t have to worry about people paying to have better stuff than you.

We hope to see you soon !

2021 Axe Bank Factions Launched Mcmmo Pal Pay To Win Paypal Pvp Raiding Selling Silk Silkspawner Survival

Galaxee Craft

We have launched Galaxee Craft (January 29, 2021) and are a Factions, PvP, Raiding enabled, McMMO, & SilkSpawner server. We have donation ranks that you can buy using PayPal, but since we want players to be able to not have to pay to win, you can also grow your bank account to buy different ranks with in game money that you earn selling items in the shop. Come kick it with us and have a good time !

2021 250 Currency Drop Drops Economy Exciting Factions Gambling Hot Loot Mcmmo Pay To Win Pvp Tani


Welcome to JustaniaMC, the hottest new exciting factions server of 2021. Over 250 exciting custom enchants tons of special bosses with special loot drops, gambling, raiding, pvp and so much more! The server is completely NON PAY TO WIN all ranks are obtainable with in game currency. Did I mention a 100$ USD f top prize???

Anarchic Anarchy Better Creator Creators Dventure Hacks Hardcore Little Pay To Win Protections Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla


Panqucraft is an Anarchic Vanilla survival without hacks and without protections in which you can build and raide others, to protect your base be careful, stay far from spawn and start your adventure.

The server has a NO PAY TO WIN store where you can buy some kits and little better ones to keep the server afloat and support its Creators.

Soon we hope to get more modalities but for now we only have a single server.

Apex Apply Creative Economy Hun Hunt Love Mini Games Pay Pay To Win Survival Survival Games Vanilla Whitelisted Witch


Hello, this minecraft server is a network of great fun and would love to have you! we are looking for new staff members and players to join in on our Fun and old taste of minecraft!!! We hope to see you in our discord and minecraft server
The minecraft server is whitelisted for now due to it being built but join the discord server to look when its coming out or even apply for staff!

Better Buy Economy Fish Generator Generators Mobs Next Level Offline Pay Pay To Win Skyblock Spawner Spawners Unlock


FishySkyblock is a skyblock server where you gradually unlock more spawners and generators. Generators can be placed down, and you can mine them to get materials. Once you kill a certain amount of mobs or mine a certain amount of blocks from generators, you unlock the next level. You also have generators that work offline once you unlock them, and you can trade in items for generators. The server is not pay to win, you cannot buy any items or ranks to make you better than everyone else.

Awa Away Factions Giveaway Giveaways High Pal Pay Pay To Win Paypal Plasma Prison Rankup Rankups Survival

Plasma Prison

PlasmaMc Prison ! Become the first to become rank Z! Paypal giveaways for achieving high rankups! NOT PAY TO WIN

PlasmaMc Prison ! Become the first to become rank Z! Paypal giveaways for achieving high rankups! NOT PAY TO WIN

Enviro Environment Hermit Hermitcraft Hoe Iron Mcserver Pay Pay To Win Phoenix Phoenixcraft Raiding Safe Survival Vanilla


Phoenixcraft is a hermitcraft like survival server,
We have a small community but hope to grow!
To promote a safe and friendly environment we do not allow raiding or griefing
we do not have pay to win!
join our discord

Air Beach Fair Goal Good Game Guy Happy Maybe Oup Pal Pay Pay To Win Project Start Towny

Hello Guys join the NapalmBeach Server for the best Towny experience!
We are a new Server which goal is to make a Server with fair play and no pay to win.
We are a small Group of Friends who wanted to make that possibel and now we started this more Fun project.
Hopefully we can give you a good game experience and are happy to see you there maybe one day!

1.19 1.19 Survival Account Add Admin Cent Enter Las Rip Survival This Wit Without You Your

❤️ SERVER 1.19 ❤️ SURVIVAL WITHOUT ADMIN ❤️༼ ◕ Minecraft server

The owner of the server “SERVER 1.19 SURVIVAL WITHOUT ADMIN” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Fol Fox Friendly Met Need New Smp Open Peaceful People Quest See Smp Survival Target Way

The FoxSmp

Welcome to The FoxSmp, this is a new SMP for people to play on!

Here we are all friendly and questionable sometimes. We would like to see this server grow more and it.

Join now before you need to request to join this fun server!

The discord is here by the way:

Amazing Anarchy Bedrock Bedrockjava Bedrockjavacrossplay Cool Craft Crossplay Discord Discordserver Empire Empires Epic Faction Factions Factionsuuid Fantastic Fun Funny Griefingallowed Java Javabedrock Javabedrockcrossplay Kingdom Kingdoms Land Lands Mine Minecraft Multiplayer Newish Nohacking Norules Saberfactions Semianarchy Server Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Tag

Chris’s Minecraft Server

Chris’s Minecraft Server


Address (java):

Address (bedrock):
Port (bedrock): 26114

My MC server is an anarchy server with no rules except no hacking, excessive cursing, and no respawn anchor and crystal PVP. We also have factions; these factions are basically the biggest plugin we use. In these factions you can claim land, get more members, and try to be the most dominate faction in the game. You can have enemies, and allies in these factions, some factions might be neutral, peacekeeping, or people who want trouble, or you could just join a faction and help support their cause.

We are always welcome to new members to join; I hope you join!


1: no combat logging
2: no hacking/exploiting
3: no excessive cursing
4: no respawn anchor or crystal pvp
5: have fun (or else)

Abilities Ability Advanced Anarchic Anarchy Currency Invincible Machine Machines Piston Redstone Regeneration Serverpro Stones Survival

FlexCraft (1.8-1.18+) » (Anarchy – BedWars) Minecraft server

Description of the serverproject FlexCraft, IP: Play.McLan.Ru:25565
A project, FlexCraft builds on playability Anarchic Survival!
with pistons dynamite redstones + Good auction large online no lags.
Beautiful regeneration of the world also has a game currency for them you can buy things
become invincible among the players or upgrade your abilities on the Anarchist mode!
good advanced host / vds machines are available (modes: Anarchy + BedWars) Fly to us =)


Alone Anarchy Combine Fres Fresh Hard Lobby Lone Obby Pure Pureanarchy Rpg Sever These Zed

Flefarian Network started as 2 servers. Flefarian SMP and PureANARCHY then we realized that it was too hard to maintain these servers alone, so we combined them and made many minigames and a fresh new lobby. To form the New Flefarian network with, Anarchy, RPG, Skyblock and events with many more severs coming soon.

Ammo Civilizations Civs Customeverything Dungeons Economy Factories Government Pve Pvp Storage Stupid Transport Transportation Valheim

Nerdy Spectre Gaming – Civs, Peace or War

Server Name: Nerdy Spectre Gaming

Currently offering Minecraft, soon to expand to 7D2D and Valheim

Server Location: North America

Server Address:



Version: Built on 1.19.2 (Accepting clients with 1.18+)

Game Play Type/s: Civs – It’s like factions meets towny. Read more below.

NS gaming is dedicated to not using a pay to win structure on our servers. All ranks can be obtained by voting and the few donator only features that we do offer are integrated for everyone after a couple of weeks.
We currently offer the Civilizations game mode. It’s like factions meets towny and factorio. You start a civilization, pick a government type and decided if you want to be peaceful or participate in raiding. Be careful, each govt type has different advantages and disadvantages. We currently offer over 20 Govt Types.

All civilizations can build factory structures to automate resource collection and transport systems to move those resources between mines, farms, storage, factories and shops.

You can also build defensive structures that link in to the transportation and factory system for supplies/ammo.

Daily Events:
King of the Hills
Envoy Drops
Fishing Tournaments

Our best feature are our dungeon like rpg missions. Every couple months we release a new event. Each dungeon has very custom mobs, bosses, mechanics and high level loot.

Rules: It is stupid to have a list of rules no one reads, but here is the minimum to not get banned.

NO Cheating/Hacking

Treat Each Other with Dignity

Thanks for reading this ad. Hope to see you soon.

Addictive Anticheat Classic Classicprison Giveaway Kits Latestversion Mcmmo Nocheat Nocheating Nohacking Nohacks Nonop Nonp2w Nonpay2win Nonpaytowin Prison Pvp Ukserver

🔥 TheosisMC 🔥 Non-OP Prison 🔥 1.19.2 🔥

TheosisMC is not like other prison servers that give you efficiency 1,000 pickaxes right off the bat, let you fly and promote sketchy pay-to-win gambling.

Instead, it aims to provide a classic, non-overpowered prison experience with minimal pay-to-win aspects.

Players can expect to enjoy an addictive, progression-based journey and fun features that include gangs player-owned cells, mcMMO, PvP, PvM and much more!

  • Server Address:
  • Discord Server:
  • Website:

  • Categories
    Activecommunity Build Building Classic Discord Discordcommunity Friendly Friendlycommunity Fun Home Multiplayer Multiworld Nogrief Nolag Online Paper Private Privateserver Pve Seasons Smallserver Smp Spigot Survival Vanillasurvival Voice Voicechat Voiceproximitychat Warps Whitelist

    Lumeni Community Server

    Welcome to Lumeni!

    Lumeni was at first group that was
    founded on March 3, 2017. Over the years we have grown closer and have
    become very good friends with one another. We used to play on a server
    called AnarchyMC, however, we changed servers constantly trying to find a
    place to permanently play on. We could never find a server to play on
    for over 2 months. Since we could never find a server we decided to
    create our own. Overall, it is very obvious that we have a unique and
    long term community of family.

    We are currently in Season 9, we
    are focused on a custom built map that can be used or the available vanilla
    terrain outside of it! We would love for you to join us. Our current map will be
    around until we as a community vote for the next season. We have tons of
    events planned and are excited about the awesome times we have together!
    We also have branched out and are focusing on other games as well! Members
    can come vibe and can play other games with one another. We are not all Minecraft!

    We are currently looking for more players to join us!
    We are known for our large and intensive bases on multiple servers. These
    bases are full of inside jokes, good times, and many buildings. We are
    always having fun and joking around with one another We also fill our
    bases with many meaningful buildings and structures
    We have played on servers such as:

  • AMC 1.0: Dugtrio, Paradise Falls, and Mantua
  • AMC 2.0: Awesome
  • SemiVanilla: Meden and Solaria
  • PlainMC: MoonRise
  • AMC 3.0: Pegasus
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 1): Archia
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 2): First Lumeni Season with custom map and freely chosen bases
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 3): Individual Bases
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 4): Flying
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 5): Lumeni Earth
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 6): Unnamed Transition Season
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 7): Sinfinity (Meant to be infinite season)
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 8): Unnamed Transition Season 2
  • Lumeni’s Private Server (Season 9): Current, Volakiar Season
  • The main players that are on the server are very hardworking and dedicated.
    However, sometimes problems come up IRL.
    We understand this and don’t expect you on constantly, but please let the community know when you will not be available for long period of time.

    Our server consists of a few plugins and datapacks that all of us agreed on and enjoyed on the servers we have played on.
    These include:

  • 1/2 Players Sleep – 1/2 of the players online must sleep to skip from the night.
  • Player & Mob Heads – Collect all the mob heads and show them off.
  • AllPaintings – Gives access to the new 1.19 paintings.
  • ArmorStand Statues – The VanillaTweaks datapack
  • Classic Fishing Loot – easy fish farms
  • Essentials- which includes:
  • /nickname – Change your nickname to anything you would like.
  • /msg – Message players privately.
  • /tpa – teleport to players
  • /sit – You can sit down in chairs and on the floor.
  • /home – set home to go back to an area quickly.
  • /back – go back to where you have died.
  • /warp – need to go to a public place quickly? Use /warp!
  • Brewery – Make alcohol with other players and get drunk
  • Custom Maps – we can add any image into the game, it adds for some fun times
  • MarriageMaster – If you and your partner are on, might as well, right?
  • Timber – 1 block of wood broken.. destroys the whole tree
  • Geyser – Bedrock Players can play too!
  • ViaVersion – If a patch comes out you can play on it without too many issues.
  • NoCropTrample – Don’t worry about crops anymore!
  • Our plugins are mainly for more active roleplay and more things to explore in the already expansive world that we have!

    Our community is very tight-knit and we hold many social events throughout the year to come closer.

    Our community is very diverse with players from around the world! We try to
    expose each other to our cultures through food, languages, holidays,
    and much more. A primary focus of our server is for our players to
    become more understanding of other cultures as a whole.
    Where Our Players Are From!!
    This link will take you straight to our dynmap where you can see what our
    players are building, and if you are lucky you probably will see
    somebody online!

    We have a holiday plot in our town and we always
    build structures and have events in the plot Such as Halloween,
    Christmas, Birthdays, etc
    We have heavy discord integration with our server. Many votes, screenshots, and voice calls happen within the discord. Basically, this means discord is a requirement.
    There are a few requirements for you.
    You must meet these requirements in order to come vibe:

  • You must have good communication and social skills
  • You must be humble, polite, and helpful
  • You should be able to tolerate controversial humor
  •   - But always tell someone if it goes too far
  • You should be decently active
  • You should participate in social events on the server
  • You must be able to tolerate small pranks
  • Remember there is a difference between in-game and IRL!
  • You should have some sort of microphone
  • You must have a discord account and be active within our discord
  • What Lumeni has to offer you.
    There are a few things that we as a community can offer you as a player and person:

  • Many potential friendships beyond the community
  • Very experienced players
  • Many vivaciously hard-working players
  • A fun and caring community
  • Players who can expand your perception of cultures around the world
  • A space to express yourself and get accustomed to all of us!
  •   - But on a serious note, we love anyone who joins and wants to vibe!
  • Friends to play other games with
  • People who will be here for you
  • But on a rather good note, we are just a big group of friends who always love opening our horizons to more people!
    Hope you all are interested! If so reach out so we can get to know ya!

    How To Join:
    – Go to Our Website at the top of the page.
    – Click the Join Today Tab.
    – Join our Discord and come vibe!
    – Or Bypass these steps and click here to go straight to Joining!

    Allowed Anarchy Apply Custom Origins Extra Ign Invite Mods Origin Origins Origins Minecraft Semi Smp Survival Vanilla

    Hallowed SMP

    Hallowed SMP

    Semi-Anarchy Origins Minecraft Server
    Vanilla SMP with extra mods

    Get your own CUSTOM origins and play with them
    Join the discord to apply:

    1.16.1 Average Bosses Brazil Brazilian Customechantments Economy Lobby Mcmmo Obby Rage Rage 2 Skyblock Survival Vips

    BCL craft 1.8 – 1.16.x

    Brazilian server average 20 ms.
    : [​Vips], [​Caixas], [​Kits]
    Survival (1.16.1):
    Lobby, Bau player store and server, PVP, Home Protection, Bosses, SlimeFun

    080 1.16.5 Big Cheap Economy Fut Future Give Improv Key Loud Sol Store Survival Vanilla


    Survival custom server 1.16.5
    This is a new survival server we hope to grow as a community
    to make it bigger we grow based on the community


    Mini Store:

    We give Key always the staff is very active and cheap ranges are sold that will help us improve the host in the future 😀

    Anarchy Blood Character Cru Destroy Factions Hidden Infinite Lives Mysterious Noob Pvp Roleplay Survival Vanilla

    Bloodlines SMP Bedrock

    **In order to play, you MUST apply. **
    **The server is NOT always on.**
    **You MUST be in the Discord.**
    The Discord has everything you need to know.

    Join Bloodlines SMP! Here we have custom lore, RP, war, societies, clans, and infinite possibilities. Apply at to play weekly events on the server. You can play as your character with set lives and defend or destroy the mysterious crucibles hidden in the world!

    Abuse Destroy Destroying Exploit Greif Greifing Lang Mega Mobile No hacking Offensive Skin Starter Survival Towny

    The Omega

    Come Join Us In The Omega!

    There Is PC/Mobile
    There Is TPA
    There Is Back Again
    There Is Starter Kit
    There Is Skin Restorer
    There Is World Edit

    No Hacking/Exploiting
    No Admin Abuse
    No Greifing/Destroying Land
    No Offensive Language (Slurs)

    We Hope Enjoy Your Time Here In, The Omega!

    Basic Enviro Environment Essential Essentials Essentialsx Gang Griefprevention Hole Iron Mature Prevention Survival Vanilla Wholesome

    Wholesome Gang

    A small community vanilla Minecraft server with EssentialsX, GriefPrevention, and a few other basic plugins to make this place a fun, safe, mature, and wholesome environment.

    Active Ark Ask Class Hot Info Kda Las Life Lifecraft Lmao Play Survival Tab Tive



    Builders Content Creato Creator Hats Skyblock Stream Streamer Survival Towny Twitch Twitch Stream Twitch Streamer Vanilla Witch

    Mood Mc
    this is a small survival server thats rapidly growing!
    we’re coming out with a skyblock soon and on top of that
    an up coming content creator / twitch streamer owns the server!
    we’re looking for staff, and builders.

    Brazil Brazilian Design Direct Economy Gar Hosted Imperial Joga Pixelmon Pixelmon Server Pve Pvp Sign Survival

    Imperial Pixelmon

    Fully Brazilian Pixelmon server, hosted in Brazil. Come play right now, designed and created directly from Players to Players, supplying every possible player’s need!

    1.10 1.19.2 201 8.3 Cross-Play Doc Miz New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Optimized Played Pvp Survival Updated Vanilla

    New minecraft server with survival and pvp modes
    the server is based on vanilla 1.19.2 and crosplayed by bredock.
    all fully updated and optimized

    Creato Creator Creators Customize Customized Days Economy Fox Kitpvp Moderator Moderators Pve Roleplay Survival Survival Games

    Fox Land

    Welcome to Fox Land!Join our discord: -We have +30 fully customized plugins to provide the best experience for our users.Customized Plugins -We’ve got more than 30 plugins full customized for bring the best experience for our usersOpen Community -We have just created the server and we have several open vacancies, as well as Staff, Moderators and map creators, if you are interested enter the server and we will chat.Open Community -We open the server few days ago and we’re looking for ppl to join us. We’ve got our Staff, Moderator and Map maker places open for you, what are u waiting for?

    Animal Animals Bedrock Edition Cross-Play Crossplay Griefers Hermitcraft Java Edition Redstone Seri Serious Shopping Survival Vanilla Whitelist


    Note: CentoriCraft is whitelisted! Join the discord server and leave your ign in the #whitelist channel! Discord Server (

    Welcome to CentoriCraft, a Hermitcraft-inspired server. CentoriCraft is a crossplay survival server which means you can join on Bedrock edition or Java edition. Build your base and know that griefers can’t break blocks, kill animals, interact with redstone or do anything in your base/builds once you claim it! Join server events where you can win prizes and have fun! You can build shops anywhere however there is a dedicated shopping island where most shops will be. All staff are not opped in-game and only will be if there’s a serious situation. CentoriCraft is backed up once every day to ensure all your builds are safe.

    We can’t wait to have you join us as we launch a new experience together. See you there…

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!