Amazing Custom Mob Custom Mobs Mcmmo Mob Mobs Oda Pat Pvp Ross Survival Terra Terrain Today Vanilla

Artise Survival

ArtiseMC is a cross compatible survival server. From custom terrains to custom mobs. We got it all, join us today and be part of our amazing community!

/c/ Brazil Brazilian Economy Edu Mcmmo Pve Pvp Survial Survival Terra Terrain Twitch Ubs

Survial Osama

A Brazilian survival server, with terrains, boxes, kits, mining world, clans, and much more!
Member-only server at and subscribers at

Doubts? Enter our discord:

Apes Arenas Avatar Bend Bending Control Element Elements Landscape Mystic Mystical Pvp Terrain Towny Vast

Alletic Network

Alletic Network allows you to channel your inner Avatar and control the elements. We have a custom generated Towny world with mystical terrain and vast landscapes. You can fight in epic arenas and make money in a well balanced economy. We hope to see you online! Happy Bending!

Box Economy Factions Fight Gestion Hate Myst Mystery Nline Online Pub Public Terra Terrain Votes

Ikey Factions

Ikey Factions is a online public Faction server with Custom Terrain, Ranks, Mystery Boxes, a Unique Spawn and Economy. On this server you can start your own faction or join someone else’s faction to fight and bring down other factions.

We plan to make the server based on the community, with community events and votes for whatever you want. Feel free to give us a suggestion on the discord over at the support column, we would love to hear what you would want to add to the server!

Economy Factions Gifts Hardcore Optimized Pig Pvp Raiding Sea Season Seasonal Spigot Survival Terra Terrain


– Custom Terrain – Improved for PvP
– Optimized Spigot – No Lag and Good KB
– Custom Plugins
– Vote for Rewards
– Seasonal Gifts
– Player Driven Economy
– Mob Capturing

Aves Biome Biomes Caves Credits Data Pack Edits Evolved Lego Overworld Planet Planetminecraft Survival Terrain Terralith

Legos Middle School

A server mainly used by my friends, but anyone is welcome to join!
Theres not many rules, just don’t hack or beg for creative and you will be good to go.
We have /sethome and /tpa, soon to have claims as well.
There is a terrain data pack installed that revamps the whole look of MC, credits to
Come and play!

Across Alien Empire Floating Islands Mountain Near Plane Planet Planets Stargate Survival Terra Terrain Travel

Gatewars – a Stargate Server

Welcome to GᐰTEWᐰRS! Travel through the Stargate to unique alien worlds, like Rafeem, the mountain planet; Flotaria, the world of floating islands, or just regular survival on Earth. Discover new planets in the near future with custom terrain, and build your empire across the stars!

Destroy Economy Luna Lunar Middle Middle School Minecraft Multiplayer Pve Secure Setup Survival Terra Terrain Towny Vanilla

Lunar Middle School

Lunar Survival is a Minecraft multiplayer server where players can build bases, setup shops as apart of the player run server economy, explore the terrain and do just about anything you wish! We have many anti grief and anti theft plugins so all your hard work isn’t destroyed! Also currently looking for staff as the server is brand new!

Animals Blocks Crates Custom Dynmap Economy Food Furniture Kits Landclaim Mobs Moneyprinters Playershops Playerwarps Ranks Slimefun Survival Terra Terrain

Unknown Survival – Custom Mobs, Items, Furniture, Terrain And More!

Welcome to Unknown Survival

Server IP:

Unknown Survival is a survival server with:

– Custom Items
– Custom Foods
– Custom Blocks/Furniture
– Custom Mobs
– Better World Generation
– Custom Structures
– Purchasable Ranks
– Anti grief Claiming & Trust system
– Player shops
– Player Warps
– Slimefun
– Leveling system with Skills
– Jobs that let you earn money
– Money printers
– Dynamic Map
– Kits
– Crates
– No Perm Bans (there are a few exeptions)
– And much more

Claiming Community Crafting Craftingstore Crates Custom Customrecipes Ecipes Economy Economychestshop Freerpg Frpg Griefprevention Landclaim Landclaims Mcgrotto Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Newrecipes Osmetics Paper Papermc Pets Playmcgrottocom Pve Questing Quests Smp Survival Ter Terrain Thegrotto Updated

The Grotto SMP (1.17.1) (Quests/Dungeons/Claims)

The Grotto SMP (1.17.1) (Quests/Dungeons/Claims) Minecraft Server
Title of Expandable Spoiler
What is The Grotto?It’s always been difficult to explain what exactly The Grotto is intended to be. We’ve evolved since our first public launch, we’ve faced challenges and had to make difficult choices, yet we remain here as an indication, of our dedication, to create something amazing.The Grotto is in essence, an MMO styled Survival server;when joining for the first time, you can expect your usual survival aspects, with a smattering of interesting new features mixed in. Our goal is to create something which is, as cliche as it may sound, unique;a place where anyone is welcomed with open arms and given the chance toexplore something new.I suppose one could describe The Grotto as the ever-evolving creation of a mad scientist, afterall, one never knows what they may find while exploring our worlds..

Bedrock Bedrockjavacrossplay Cary Console Java Multiplayer Pve Scar Scary Simple Smp Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival Warden

Vanilly 1.19.2 Simple Survival

Welcome to a brand new vanilla survival server where we keep it simple and up to date.

We are focused on keeping the community clean and family friendly. We want everyone to feel welcomed.
We currently support both Java and Bedrock edition, so everyone is more than welcome to join, regardless of which console you are playing on!

Come join a friendly community on the latest release 1.19.2, and explore the scary depths of the Warden!


Claim your land so no evil griefers can come snoop around, and even if they do, we will 100% help you get back what was taken away! (Automagically)

I hope to see you around ❤️

Afk Dedi Dedicated Discord Exclusive Fide Friendly No Griefing Semivanilla Smp Stealing Survival Tpa Vanilla Vanillasmp

Exclusive’s SMP

exclusive’s SMP is a small and friendly community, we are a semi-vanilla server with some quality-of-life additions such as /tpa, /home and /spawn.

Our staff team is dedicated to and confident that there will be no griefing or stealing tolerated on the server.

Our discord:

Custom Customenchantments Customenchants Earth Earthmap Earthmc Jobs New Pets Races Silkspawners Skills Skillsystem Survival Towny Townyearth Townyearthmap

EthereaMC V2 – Races – Skills – Custom Enchants & Armor – Upgradeable Pets & Spawners

EthereaMC V2

We are a nice, chill community who are looking for more players!
We are a towny server playing on an Earth map (1:1500)!
We are releasing V2 of EthereaMC on 28/11, a full reset and there will be lots of events to kick it off!

What features do we have?
– Towny (with resources and lots of land to claim)
– Races that give cool effects
– Custom enchants (with active and passive skills!)
– MMO-like skillsystem
– Custom pets that you can level up and give amazing boosts!
– Custom armor, items, talismans and bosses!
– Jobs to earn money
– Upgradeable & mineable spawners
– Realistic seasons
– Chest sorting system
– Trading system
– Graves (on death)
– Skip night
– Anti-TNT cannons
– Public crafting tables
– Put exp in bottles
– Falling stars that give diamonds or nether stars
– PvPManager (no escaping fights!)
– Very strong anticheat systems!
– No P2W!!!
– PvP is on everywhere (except town homeblocks)
– No griefing (exploded blocks respawn, except for chests & barrels)
– And more! feel free to suggest anything you like to be added


Accepting App Application Applications Ations Cat Classic Gun Gundam Mmu Nda Staff Survival Survival World Taff


New Server! Come Join the Community!

If you Want to play on a classic survival world with others, then GundamCraft is the server for you!

Now accepting Staff Applications

Actually Airport Children Difficulty Direct Fru Jet Kid Kids Maine Race Sun Survival The Quest Wrath


  • With six children in tow, Catherine raced to the airport departing gate. This wasn’t an easy task as the children had other priorities than to get to the gate. She knew that she was tight on time and the frustration came out as she yelled at the kids to keep up. They continued to test her, pretending not to listen and to move in directions that only slowed them down. They had no idea the wrath they were about to receive when Catherine made it to the gate only to be informed that they had all missed the plane.
  • Nobody really understood Kevin. It wasn’t that he was super strange or difficult. It was more that there wasn’t enough there that anyone wanted to take the time to understand him. This was a shame as Kevin had many of the answers to the important questions most people who knew him had. It was even more of a shame that they’d refuse to listen even if Kevin offered to give them the answers. So, Kevin remained silent, misunderstood, and kept those important answers to life to himself.
  • Finding the truth wouldn’t be easy, that’s for sure. Then there was the question of whether or not Jane really wanted to know the truth. That’s the thing that bothered her most. It wasn’t the difficulty of actually finding out what happened that was the obstacle, but having to live with that information once it was found.
  • It had become a far too common an event in her life. She has specifically placed the key to the box in a special place so that she wouldn’t lose it and know exactly where it was when the key was needed. Now that she needed to open the box, she had absolutely no idea where that special spot she placed the key might be.

  • Categories
    Border Brain Hunt Hunting Limits Minecraft Minecraftserver Pvp Pvping Smp Streams Vanilla Vanillaserver Vanillasmp Vanillasurvival


    BrainSMP. 1 of very little %100 Vanilla SMP! Join Brainzoid and his streams and play with the friendly community. The 5,000 x 5,000 border limits players from going to far! Do whatever you want! Build to the sky! Go around hunting for bases and pvping! Have fun in our server and we hope to see you there!

    300 Bandit Bedrock And Java Coded Cross-Play Crossplay District Hermitcraft Java Javacrossplaybedrock Javaedition Shopping Smp Survival Vanilla

    Bandit-Craft-MC | Survival | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | Discord Community | Custom Coded |

    Close and Active Community Cross-Play SMP Looking for a few members
    We have created a close community SMP server that offers crossplay between bedrock and java.
    We have a shopping district where you can sell items or services…or whatever else you want for your choice of diamonds. The server has a gaming district where the staff puts on regular events, and you can build minigames.
    We run a lag-free server that’s paid for and run by a server hosting platform. We have a community discord that must be joined before you can be whitelisted.
    Players have access to multiple /homes, and a /warp to the shopping district. We have the tree feller datapack, the miniblock plugin and a few more.
    We hope that some of you are interested in joining our BanditCraft family!

    Ate Aternos Center Count Cri Din Dina Host Odin Oro Ost Rod Smo Survival Multiplayer World

    smorodinaworld minecraft server

    The server owner “smorodinaworld” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    1.19.1 1.19.4 Ban Banned Bedro Bedrock Data Fol Ghost Java Mpl Rock Rules Survival Who

    Bedrock 1.19.40
    Java 1.19.1
    Follow the rules when you come to the survival server Those who do not comply will be banned from the server.

    Application Applications Bans Lang Large Minecraft Servers Nba Server Ip Skyblock Survival Tik Tiktok Tok Towny Twitter


    PulseSMP Network
    Welcome to PulseSMP Official discord! We try to provide the best and custom experiences of minecraft servers. Come check out our network to get started! Our current gamemode is Survival! However we are trying to implement skyblock and towny in to create a larger variety of gamemodes!

    Server IP:
    Staff Applications

    Ban appeals



    Status page

    Bedwar Bedwars Cked Crack Cracké Cracked Data Euro Europe European Hypixel Ked Prem Premium Sim


    Ilarity is a new european server with bedwars similar to the one from hypixel
    Come check it out ip:
    Cracked And Premium

    Building Economy Explore Explorer Hate Job Lore Peace Peaceful Pvp Seek Suits Survival Towny Vol

    Revolt MC

    Revolt MC is a towny for those who enjoy a peaceful building experience, or those who seek an explorer life. With the jobs plugin for whatever suits you, Revolt MC has it all. Don’t believe me? Come join and find out!

    Best Player Gon Greatest Happy Ifesteal Isa Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Mini Games Mom Parkour Pvp Regular Survival


    The greatest net server of them all!
    Greatnet consists of many different gamemodes which you can play alongside with your friends as well as regular updates so that we can guarantee you the best player experience. At the moment we have got lifesteal and we are soon gonna add box to add to the fun.

    By choosing to join this server, you are choosing to join a really friendly and tight-nit community, you wont be disappointed!!
    If you want to ask us more questions about the server then please feel free to join our discord server and ask any of us, we are all happy to help!!

    Enjoy 🙂

    Bioms Cart Cliffs Creative Creepers Iffs Intense International Minecart Minecarts Notes Survival Vanilla World Map Worldmap


    We are a small, friendly, international, young community running a semi-vanilla 1.19.2 Minecraft server that everyone can join! What we offer:

    – Both a survival (“SMP”) and a creative world. (A minigames/event world is planned for the future!)
    – A set of datapacks and gameplay tweaks for some variety. It includes: Bigger cliffs, smaller bioms, much more structures, extra crafting recpies, more powerful TNT, creepers and minecarts.
    – A unique ruleset including both friendly community regions and semi-anarchy regions for intense PVP in the same survival world!
    – World maps that are available here: Survival Worldmap, Creative Worldmap.
    – A full world download in case the server ceases operation. Don’t worry about losing your builds!
    – A friendly community with active, fair/mature moderation and no griefing or cheats.
    – Our Discord lounge: (Notes: The lounge is mirrored into the game, joining it is not a prerequisit.)
    – Currently no whitelisting so you can just check by easily. If we get overrrun by bad actors this may change but then there will be an easy way for everyone to join back unburocratically.
    – Much more details can be found at our homepage:

    We are looking forward to see you!

    2022 Anarchy Client Inde Insta Kitpvp Mana Manage Management Match Ports Ruleless Snes Stable Stream

    Obs Anarchy Survival server

    OBS Server || Stable

    The OBS anarchist server adheres to the attitude of anarchy/rulelessness, and is committed to providing players with a better experience of high-end anarchist servers. Here, you can make friends with like-minded friends, find games that match your interests, or even install your favorite client to pvp with others in the server

    The management of OBS will not do anything against the anarchy. In the game, we will do our best and do our part.

    Welcome to

    This server supports multiple versions of clients entering the server, and all mainstream versions support it.

    OBS Server Management Group | | 2022

    000 1.19.2 1000 500 Anarchy Anticheat Blocks Cross-Play Dupe Fly Monthly Non Random Speed Vanilla


    INDONARCHY [1.12.2 – 1.19.2]

    – NO RULES
    – Cracked Support
    – BE/PE Support (
    – Spawn radius 500 blocks from 0 0 (1000×1000)
    – Monthly dupe (Random with clue)
    – Non-Strict AntiCheat (Only block Fly & Speed limit)
    – Discord Community (

    10.1 Bat Battle Battles Boss Climb Conquer Economy Factions Kits Pack Pvp Quests Sts Uests

    RedZone Factions

    An Action Packed Minecraft Server, Full Of Quests, Boss Battles, Kits, Ranks, Climb Your Way To The Top With Your Faction To Conquer The World!

    Competitive Economy Heart Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Minecraft Life Minecraft Lifesteal Minecraft Lifesteal Smp Mpet Pve Pvp Survival

    Flicked SMP

    The #1 Minecraft Lifesteal SMP! Kill a player to gain a heart… This an amazing competitive server where you can attempt to take over and rule the server!

    Agar Bedwars Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Server Cross-Play Crossplay Ezy Guy Lifesteal Msmp Nodes Parkour Pvp Skyblock Survival

    Thalainagaram mc smp server

    Best minecraft server,
    Best kind and helpful staffs
    Best hosting provider
    Best developing

    Almost Anarchy Ations Ats Dom Freedom Full Hats Ita Mad People Semi Survival Tat Vanilla


    4n4o is a Minecraft server thats Semi-Vanilla and Anarchy with almost no limitations. I made this so people can have fun and have full freedom. There are some limitations to this server but as I said before it has ALMOST no limitations.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!