Civ Civilization Civilizations Dfg Inspiration Levels Master Middle School Projects Resource Resources Share Survival Theme Vanilla

SourceCraft Middle School

Our server is community driven and focused around projects suggested by anyone on the server. With a goal to create civilizations surrounding many themes. Our hope is that others can grab inspiration, and find a new love for the building aspect of the game.

The current goal is to establish an active player base who is committed to the server and it’s long-term goals. If you are looking for an SMP to play every now and then, this is not the server for you. Same goes for anyone who would like to play for 2-3 weeks and then quit.

If you prefer to work by yourself, and build on your own//away from everyone else and do your own thing, do not bother applying! Our server is meant to be shared resources, with projects being worked on by multiple people at once!

Various Skill Levels are welcome!

Do not think you have to be some mastermind builder to join our server! While experience is preferred, if you would rather help gather resources for projects, or help build, both are welcomed!

Apply at our discord server!

Away Bot Civ Civilization Civilizations Inspiration Mean Projects Rce Resource Resources Share Survival Theme Vanilla


Our server is community driven and focused around projects suggested by anyone on the server. With a goal to create civilizations surrounding many themes. Our hope is that others can grab inspiration, and find a new love for the building aspect of the game.

Currently looking for active players!
The current goal is to establish an active player base who is committed to the server and it’s long-term goals. If you are looking for an SMP to play every now and then, this is not the server for you. Same goes for anyone who would like to play for 2-3 weeks and then quit.
If you prefer to work by yourself, and build on your own//away from everyone else and do your own thing, do not bother applying! Our server is meant to be shared resources, with projects being worked on by multiple people at once!
Apply at our discord server!

Allies Anarchy Ban Civ Civilization Create Fol Follow Roleplay Survival Tak Tea Team Teams Wise


A civilization survival server! where you can create teams, start wars, form allies, take note there are rules you will have to follow otherwise this will result in a ban, consider joining!

1.17.1 Ations Civ Civilization Civilizations Crack Cracké Cracked Economy Factions Ports Pvp Raiding Rts Vanilla

War Between Civilizations

Supports Cracked Minecraft
Version 1.17.1
Open from 4pm to 7pm and from 8pm to 10pm
Small Community

Cheats Civ Civilized Duping Exploit Latest Snapshot Need Staff Operator Operators Remo Shot Snap Snapshot Survival Xray

My Survival Server! Latest Snapshot | Version 21w44a

Hi! I am looking for friendly players to join my server. There are rules I want you to follow, they are listed below.

1. No griefing, stealing, spawn killing etc. We want a civilized community.
2. Hacking/Xray/Cheats are not allowed.
3. No exploits, such as duping, breaking bedrock and so forth.
4. Listen to operators. We can change/add/remove rules at any time.

I will need staff members for the server to operate correctly, you will apply in game with a book and quill.

We will always keep the server on the latest snapshot.

Call Civ Civilization Cool Ein Fort Freinds Gestion Make Nice Pls Suggestions Survival Vannila Wip


Play this server called a makeaciv this is a server to make a civ
play with freinds or don’t have fun tho read rules pls and make suggestions sense this is a Wip

Building Civ Civilization Customitems Devicta Dterra Earth Earthmap Events Factions Geography Geopol Geopolitics Guns Nations Nomods Politics Pve Pvp Survival Terra Towny Vehicles War Warfare Ww2


Welcome to DTerra!

We’re a brand new towny server based on the earth map (1:500), our server uses a custom resourcepack wich allows guns and vehicles as well as many other custom items to be in game without any mods!

you can create a town and even whole countries, you can go to war with guns and tanks or on horseback and rise to glory!

The server is new and expanding, expect new updates and new features every week!


Civ Civs Economy Factions Middle Middle School Moddé Modded Pve Pvp Survival Titan Titanmc Towny Whitelisted

Civ Middle School

this is a modded smp with an active discord server is online 24/7 and you will only be whitelisted to join. Join the Content SMP!!!

Anarchy Civ Civilization Civilizations Custom Map Economy Life Nations Peace Pvp Real Life Survival Towns Towny Wns


Hey everyone, for the past few months I have been working on CivilizationsMC. Basically, this is a survival server (with Towny and a custom map) where the goal is to rule the world, create nations, towns, civilizations, make war , make peace, etc. It’s just like real life, but on a block game. The test server opened today at

Atm Atmosphere Civ Economy Inviting Jobs Reborn Live Mcmmo Minecraft Experience Pve Roleplay Survival Towny Towny Server Traditional


Welcome to CivMC, an Earth-Towny server with custom features of your favorite plugins such as McMMO and Jobs Reborn! Home to an inviting, friendly atmosphere, CivMC is determined to deliver the best experience to players and add flavor to the traditional Minecraft experience!

Anarchy Competitive Events Faction Factions Koth Nolag Plots Prison Prisonmc Prisonminecraft Prisonpvp Prisonserver Prizes Pvp Staffneeded Survival Survivalpvp Survivalserver Tournaments Vanillapvp Youtubers Needed

InsidiousMC Network

Release Time
8th of August 1PM EST

10 days (5 days grace / 5 day TNT)
14 Hr Shields
10 Man with 15 man F Roster

$100 PayPal & $75 BuyCraft
$50 PayPal & $50 BuyCraft
$25 PayPal & $25 BuyCraft

Our Map 1 Features
Optimized Experience – Optimized JAR & New factions Core!
Non-OP Custom Enchantments! Protection 5 Sharpness 5 with potion enchants only obtainable from mobcoins
Mob Coins – Kill mobs to receive coins to spend on gear, ranks, keys!
DarkZone – A separate world for grinding cash and capturing outpost! (will be opened 3 days after opening)
Upgradable Harvester Hoes – Upgradable Harvester Hoes with tokens!
24/7 Outpost – Capture outpost to receive faction perks!
Collectors – Collect all mob-drops without effort!
Daily KoTH’s – Battle it out with opponents to receive rewards!

Sever Links:

Auction House Crafters Currency Essentials Essentialsx Griefprevention Jobs Market Mcmmo Minecrafter Minecrafters No Griefing Steal Stealing Survival


Hello Minecrafters! We are a new Survival SMP server with a friendly community, we encourage you to come check it out! Orchidia offers a semi-vanilla experience, combining the regular survival gameplay of Minecraft with many plugins such as McMMO, EssentialsX, GriefPrevention, and much more! On Orchidia, no griefing or stealing of any kind is allowed, including on unclaimed land. We also have an Auction House and a Market, where players can sell and buy items with in-game currency! If you have any questions, our staff will be sure to help. Have a great day!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Apex Auto Base Based Chapter Current List Lore Magi Magic Opé Open Whitelist Whitelisted Wip

*MagicWorld* Chapter 1 New Discoveries” WIP

Server currently whitelisted! But when open, We hope to achieve the most lore based server out there!

Bloodmoon Brewery Dungeons Empires Events Minecraft Roleplay Rpg Silver Slimefun Slimefun4 Supreme Towny Vampires Werewolves



Welcome all, to Nocturne. We offer an extensive amount of gameplay options, from Quest, creating Towns, and much more!

Our community has been running servers for almost 6 years, and this is our newest one yet! With a ton of features, you’ll love and grow to love. Come check us out, and join the community!

Things we offer:

Werewolves – Join forces with other creatures as a Witherfang, Bloodmoon, or Silvermane. Compete to become clan alpha and dominate the wilderness!

Vampires – Being a fuzzball not your thing? Fear not! Become a creature of the night. Rivaling Werewolves, Vampires are a force to be reckoned with. With two tiers of Vampires, you’ll be the most feared. Drink blood, gain strength, and even turn into a cloud of bats!

Slimefun – Vanilla Minecraft too boring? Yeah, we thought so. Try your knowledge with Slimefun4! Slimefun adds a ton of new items and machines to make sure you’re not grinding. Create large factories or mystical armor and items.

Towny – Blowing up each other’s stuff? Nah, not here. Create Towns, Cities, and even Empires with your mates. Reign supreme in the leaderboards by having the biggest town. Create alliances with others.

Quests – We’ve been working hard at adding an optional questline to the server. Many quests are one-offs, so you don’t need to travel around the world. But some questlines will take time!

Account Add Added Cent Des Fun Has Land Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This You

Omland server Minecraft

The owner of the Omland server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

116x Ash Cod Data Hack Hacking Hosting Lin Link Noop Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla Who

Xathas Survival

Do what ever you want survival server besides hacking!
This server is hosting by get your own for 50 off!
use code NEWHOST.

Big Cat Dedi Dedicated Growing Home Project Projects Protect Protected Redstone Shockbyte Stone Survival Vanilla Like


KDRCRAFT is a vanilla like survival server! Build your home, redstone projects, all your buidings are protected. Dedicated host by shockbyte. Come join in and try it out, custom plugins everwhere. We are still growing and have a big project for our server here soon.

Curse Curseforge Developed Doctor Evolution Hunter Lake Modded Modded Server Nuclear Scifi Survival Tla Twitch Warpdrive

Ultimate MC

This server is relatively new it is a modded server with a custom mod-pack designed and developed by the brilliant ResistantLake connect with the modpack via curseforge or twitch it is called ultimate revolutions
thanks – Doctor_Hunter199


Arenas Hermitcraft Ideas Jobs Pve Economy Pvp Pvp Arena Quest Quests Semi Vanilla Semivanilla Shops Suggestions Survival Uests

Hyrath Semi Vanilla Survival

Hyrath is a semi-vanilla survival server! We offer many things in our server, such as Quests, Jobs, Player Shops, PVP Arenas, and much more! Our server is open for everyone and anyone. We will be taking player suggestions and ideas so be sure to leave a suggestion in our discord server!

Cas Case Clan Clans Cool Cozy Friend Life Lucky Blocks Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Spleef Mob Mobs Weapon Weapons


Psss … Dear friend, would you like to have some fun on our cozy server? And we also have a lot of cool buns and things that in no case should you try in life, but only with us!

Aquatic Atlantis CTF Mobcoins Payout Payouts Paypal Pve Pvp Questing Skyblock Supplydrops Tebex Thebridge Treasure

Aquatic LIVE Skyblock

Aquatic Live provides a unique Skyblock experience!
– Fun Crates
– Treasure Chests
– Supply Crates
– Monthly Crates
– Daily Rewards

Anarchy Bungeecord Creative Creativeplots Epic Ewg Faction Pvp Factions Generator Hub Island Mcmmo Minecraft Pvp Semivanilla Sky Skyblock Survival Waterfall World

Volitank’s Minecraft Server

Server Name: Volitank’s Minecraft Server

Everything completely brand new as of November 18 2019

Server Address:
Game Version: 1.16.3
Server Locale: Columbus, Ohio
Plugins: AsyncWorldEdit, AuctionHouse, BungeeTabListPlus*, ChatControl, ClearLag, CombatLogX, ConsoleName*, CoreProtect, DiscordSRV, dynmap*, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, Factions, HorseTpWithMe, mcMMO, Multiverse-Core, MysqlEcoBridge*m, obsidianraider, PermissionsEx*, PlayerHeads, ShulkerBlock, SimplePortals, Vault, Votifier, VotingPlugin, Wild, WorldBorder, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

Discord Server: C6GU3t4
[​1] No Verbal abuse or harassment.
[​2] Don’t ask for special permissions or to be modded
[​3] Don’t spawn kill new players.
[​4] NO Racism
[​5] NO cheating. This includes Xray. There will be no warning, you will be banned.
[​6] Do not grief a faction you’re a member of.
[​7] Do not burn down forests. Keep the landscape pretty.
[​8] Alts are not allowed. They will be banned upon discovery.
[​9] Don’t sell your faction supplies without consent of the Leader or majority.


We have several different servers listed below.

Anarchy: No rules, minimal plugins. This is also where banned players go
Creative Plots: You can claim up to 4 plots and have the ability to merge them for a bigger plot. You also have access to world edit in here.
Factions: Good old school factions. No kits, not OP factions. Build your faction up with your friends or join an existing faction and rule the land.
Skyblock: Start on a small island and build up from virtually nothing!
Hardcore Server

Anti-grief Builds Creative Freebuild Mcserver Mission Missions Mus No Griefing NSFW Openworld Permissions Safe Sfw Spiral

Spiral Freebuild – Full Creative – No Plots

This is a classic Creative Freebuild server. There are no plots, you don’t have to do anything fancy or pay any money to get creative. All you have to do is join, read the rules, leave spawn, and start building.

Even though the world is open and free, there are still some simple rules that must be followed.

1. No Griefing
2. Be Nice
3. No Spamming
4. Do not add to or move other people’s builds without their permissions
5. No NSFW content in chat
6. Have fun, but don’t ruin the fun for others!

Anti-Grief plugins are in place to ensure things stay safe.

If you are looking for a fun place to build and hang out with people, then join today!

1.16.3 300 3000 Claiming Hacked Lag Machine Machine Machines Maintenance Pig Setup Spigot Survival Teleport Xray


Unigamia now has a vanilla 1.16.3 Minecraft server! We have a spawn setup to randomly teleport you up to 8k blocks away from our spawn as well as a unique land claiming plugin that requires maintenance. We do not tolerate hacked clients, xray or lag machines. Please join our discord of 3000 members and help make our servers great!



<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Cool Des Fin Find Fun Ill Man New Ray Rip Sif SIFU Survival Multiplayer Ter You

RaysiFun Minecraft server

RaysiFun is a new griffin server, here you will find many many cool buns

Back Cat Die Elo Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Light List Multipleworlds Normal Pmc Pvp Survival Vanilla Worlds

The Loop

Do you want to play on a Minecraft server with an overcomplicated mechanic where when you die you go to the next world on a list of eight worlds and when you die on world eight you get sent back to one of the previous worlds? You do? Well do I have the server for you! Come join The Loop, where dying is slightly less of a pleasure than normal!

A Minecraft Donate Eat Game Great Mcd Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Need Players No Dupes Pvp Real Russian Minecraft

ReallyFixs Minecraft server

Description of a minecraft server server for a great game

Alone Applications Beautiful Cheater Fire Fires Menu Moderator Moderators Nick Nickname Purchase Survival Multiplayer Teleport Toc

Fire Stock server Minecraft

Hello, join our FireStock project!
We welcome all new players: D
Play with friends on our server if you are bored alone.
Applications for moderators are open.
New modes coming soon.
Support us!

VERSION: 1.8 to 1.14

Server information:
▸ Menu with all features / menu
▸ Select a kit of whales when entering / kit
▸ Island help / help
▸ Server info / info
▸ Online player auction / ah
▸ Shop with cool things / shop
▸ Beautiful spawn (teleport every 5 seconds)
▸ Nice description of all possibilities
▸ Responsive server administration

▸ We always give players a good and comfortable game,
▸ we try to ban all cheaters and X-RAYs of our
▸ project. Help us and send them complaints too!
▸ / report (offender’s nickname) (reason)

▸ For each donate purchased, we update the server, buy
▸ self-written plugins, beautiful spawn and add new ones
▸ modes to play with your friends!

➢ VK: https: //

Boost Booster Buying Community Creative Dreams Economy Neighborhood New Plots Pve Pvp Shop Skyblock Survival

SKCraft Survival | Skyblock | Creative | And More!

Come check out SKCraft!
Great Community with lots of friendly people!
New Server with plenty of things to do!
Play solo or with friends and begin your Survival journey in this game mode!
Rank Up System with several Ranks to earn!
Huge world with plenty of amazing biomes to build in!
With /rtp, you can teleport to a random place in the world and get started immediately!
Create a neighborhood, city, or keep it simple and have your own personal base!
Balanced Economy to help you. Buy things to build, or Sell things to become rich!
Start your own island with limited materials, and use them to farm and grow!
A balanced Shop for Buying and Selling!
Make the SkyBlock island of your dreams!
Upgrades and Boosters to improve your island even more!
Claim a plot and get building!
Build whatever you want, limited only to your imagination!
Show off your building skills!
More Coming Soon…

247open Adventure Dventure Emerald English Keys New Newexperience Roman Romania Start Starting Survival Unique Venture

Emerald Romania

Come and join us on a new adventure on our new starting minecraft server !
At 15 players on we will do an event with ranks and keys !!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!