Anticheat Capital Casino Economy Element Elements Emperor Killing Merchant Pit Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Towny

Capital Gaming

A vanilla++ focused server that has Towny, Economy, Anticheat, Casino, Discord, Skilling and light roleplay elements. Create your own town or faction and attempt to become the Emperor. If your ambitions are not that high, you can become a merchant and create a store or you can just play survival and play regular minecraft.

Banned Bedrock And Java Board Dark Hardcore Java Edition Leaderboard Lifesteal Night Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Truce Vanilla

Dark Hardcore

Dark Hardcore

If you kill someone, they are banned from the server.
If you die, you are banned from the server.
If two players /truce one another, they can no longer harm each other.
The truce can only be ended if both players are online. Ending the truce alerts both players.
Use /leaderboard to see who has the most kills.
It is always nighttime, and it is always raining.




300 3000 Communities Crops Guide Guides How To How To Play Hypixel Hypixel Skyblock Learn Mcmmo Mcpr Skyblock Tank

SkyblockGuides teaches you how to play Hypixel Skyblock! It can help you learn how to use the Auction House and Bazaar, play dungeons, farm crops, find items, and more.

This server is used to host events for the SkyblockGuides and TankerMan3000 communities.

Anarchy City Factions Large Loot Looting Moddé Modded Npc Npcs Progression Pvp Raiding Survival Uests

Exiled modded war

A modded war like no other, Go deep into a large city to fight NPCs or other players, Looting, Progression, Quests, PVP, Raiding and more!

Active Staff Bedwars Cross-Play Crossplay Dates Default Gamemodes Helpful Java And Bedrock Kind Skyblock Skywars Ssp Survival Updates


Hello! Welcome to NoxNetwork! We are a network offering many gamemodes ranging from survival to skyblock, kitpvp, to bedwars and many more to come! We have friendly and active staff, a kind and helpful community and we are constantly offering updates! We also offer Java and Bedrock crossplay, you may join on bedrock by using the port “19132” which is the default port, our store is at and you can find our website at Can’t wait to see you there!

Bedwars Blockparty Cosmetics Hyper Kens Kitpvp Murder Murdermystery Mystery Osmetics Pvp Skywars TNT Run Token Tokens

ThatsPlayMC Network

Welcome to ThatsPlayMC Network! We have a lot of minigames!
Bedwars (hyper)
including Loot Chests, Boxes, Tokens and
you will be able to use it to buy beautiful cosmetics
you will be able to play in our network with cracked Minecraft too
Have Fun!

Bloodmoon Dino Dinos Dinosaur Dinosaurs Elden Elden Ring Horror Moments Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Towny Unravel

Lord of the Realms – Write your story –

Copy and pasted boring servers have negatively affected the minecraft community. It can take hours to find a good one, however, Lord of the Realms is beyond quality and is now starting to set the standard of what a good server is. Custom bosses, terrain, and plugins are all used to give a unique PvE and PvP experience without the requirements of any mods. The bloodmoon puts fear back into veteran players, to give them the same experience they had their first night playing the game. Players can create towns and band together to fight the new horrors of the night and defend their territory, or lay siege to rival towns and claim their territory. The server also features beautiful terrain that was purposely designed with unique trees, custom finds, and rewards for exploration. Once players become strong enough, they can attempt to unravel the mysteries of the bloodmoon by attempting a high risk reward maneuver and taking on one of the many dungeons. These dungeon can give unique armor sets, weapons, and abilities that make easier to take on progressively harder dungeons. The uniqueness of said dungeons are incredible as one even has you travel back in time to fight dinosaurs. Overall, an amazing bond building experience. Admins have also been recorded to assist in the lore of multiple player’s town. For example, a town member can find a cave with a vast amount of gold. Understandably, he would take it back to his town. A few moments later, a giant dragon attacks in a fit of rage because the player stole from his den. Eventually through banding together, the town was able to stop the attack. If Elden Ring and minecraft came together, this will be it. Please feel to join their discord, and write your own story.

Donations Exchange Levels Lockette No Griefing Pretty Prizes Pve Rtp Stand Standard Stealing Survival Vanilla Votes


FroobWorld is a small survival server that’s been around since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of SMP, you will probably enjoy our server.

Our rules are pretty standard. Essentially – no griefing; no stealing; and no cheating. We keep the chat at PG-13 levels.

Some features of FroobWorld:
– Land claiming, with no limit to the size (within reason)
– Lockette-style chest locking
– /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back
– Long-term maps
– 16 view distance
– We don’t take donations or give prizes in exchange for votes

2021 2022 Anarchy Back Client Crack Cracké Cracked Cross-Play Mcbe Mcp Mcpe Pvp Survival Vanilla


4s4l is anarchy server for mcpe/mcbe in 2021 and have end up like a week ago then have come up back at 2022 now the server connect with Java so any client can join the server even cracked can join it too

Argent Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Innovative Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru Republic Survival Uruguay Vanilla Venezuela


Server Survival

– Semi-Vanilla very good.
– Events.
– Updates.

Version: 1.8

Innovative Survival since it is always about bringing new things, doing things that possibly nobody tried before, we are new, but with the passage of time we will improve, every day the community is listened to to improve as much as possible and continue with the survival at the rate it goes, we are waiting for you.

#Argentina #Bolivia #Brazil #Colombia #Costa Rica #Cuba #Chile #Dominica #Ecuador #El Salvador #Guatemala #Honduras #Jamaica #Mexico #Nicaragua #Panama #Paraguay #Peru #Dominican Republic #Uruguay #Venezuela

Anarchy Changing Claim Claims Griefing Huge Laim Land Claim Land Claims Little Nline Raid Raiding Smp Survival

Landonia network

Landonia network is a semi anarchy survival server with very few rules. There is a huge number of griefing, raiding and wars that happen on Landonia and there is no land claims or any game changing plugins. There is also very little lag on the server and it is online 24/7. Join landonia for the best semi anarchy smp experience you can possibly have!!

Ale Ander Ate Aternos Der Enter Ert Man Mande Pka Rserver Survival Multiplayer Tail Tale Und

AnderServerTale Salamanderopka server Minecraft

This is an undertail

2022 A Minecraft Auto Create Current Dev Elo Game. Goal Large Minecraft Server Create Nam Name Survival Title


ServerName is a minecraft server created in 2022. It was created with the goal of developing a large community. We currently provide Factions as a server game.

2022 Ability Atla Attributes Avatar Bend Bending Comments Economy Levels Model Pvp Roleplay Spirit Survival

Avatar Craft | 1.18 | Unique Bending | Custom World/Mobs | Spirit World | Alpha Whitelisted

Avatar Craft | 1.18 | Unique Bending | Custom World/Mobs | Spirit World | Alpha Whitelisted Minecraft Server

Avatar Craft is a new ATLA inspired server with lots of
unique features, which can be found Down Below.

It offers a new style of Avatar Server not seen before,
and to make this work we have decided to whitelist the server.

To enter the whitelist put the following format in the Comments:

Atla Knowledge (0/10):
Why you would like to be an Alpha player.


Custom 3k by 3k map
Custom Modeled Mobs
Unique Bending
Attributes and Skills
Free Roam

Cards Creative Creative Mode Delight Desert Flight Forest Merchant Modified Plugins Scat Secrets Stage Survival Vanilla

StoryDex server Minecraft

StoryDex is an unusual server with different modes. The server makes the main support for the adventure mode. At this stage, the server has two modes: vanilla, adventure. Let’s start with the vanilla mode: This is the usual classic survival with tech plugins and anti-cheat. there are no privileges and different types of whales on it. Only a beautiful spawn in a medieval style and beautiful forests along with the desert! And the adventure mode is a little different, but no less interesting! As the name suggests, it’s all about adventure. Here you can find scattered quests of varying difficulty throughout the spawn that you have to find. Also, for completing quests of varying difficulty, rewards of various values ​​are given. Common, rare, epic and even legendary items – you can get for completing quests. In addition to quests, there are: events, modified drops from mobs, NPC merchants and much more! The main difference from vanilla here is the privileges… But fans of fair play, don’t give up! No flights, creative modes and other nonsense that interferes with the gameplay of other players. All teams are selected proportionally and carefully. Well, probably the most important plus of the entire server is uniqueness. We do not condone stealing other people’s cards or builds. Our entire server is completely owned by us! Therefore, playing on our server you definitely will not experience the feeling of deja vu! Of course, even such a large enough description cannot describe all the delights of our server. And in order for you to be able to find out all its deep secrets, you just need to go to it … I wish you good luck and I hope that this description interested you at least a little

Auto Bran Brand Build Building Cas Jus Nam Ran Smp Smp Server Survival Title Vanilla Zoo


SMP server just for fun | Vanilla | active community | | building a discord server to the community ig | this is a brand new vanilla server

Decade Developed Developers Faction Feelings Leveling Mcmmo Minecraft Server Network Network New Playing Minecraft Pva Skyblock Staffwanted Surival

Upvaded Network

Welcome to Upvaded Network!

We are a brand-new Minecraft Server network Administrated and Developed by active and passionate staff.

Many of us have been playing Minecraft for over a decade now and we strive to bring some of the features and feelings back from the old-school days of Minecraft.

We are currently running three gamemodes:
– Factions
– Skyblock

Factions is and will always be our CORE server and is always getting love from our developers! Factions operates on a NO P2W platform, leveling the playing field for all users!

Bloodmoon Bosses Custom Customplugins Dinosaurs Epic Fun Plugins Pve Pvp Roleplay Siege Smp Survival Towny

Lord of The Realms – No Mods Needed –

Copy and pasted boring servers have negatively affected the minecraft community. It can take hours to find a good one, however, Lord of the Realms is beyond quality and is now starting to set the standard of what a good server is. Custom bosses, terrain, and plugins are all used to give a unique PvE and PvP experience without the requirements of any mods. The bloodmoon puts fear back into veteran players, to give them the same experience they had their first night playing the game. Players can create towns and band together to fight the new horrors of the night and defend their territory, or lay siege to rival towns and claim their territory. The server also features beautiful terrain that was purposely designed with unique trees, custom finds, and rewards for exploration. Once players become strong enough, they can attempt to unravel the mysteries of the bloodmoon by attempting a high risk reward maneuver and taking on one of the many dungeons. These dungeon can give unique armor sets, weapons, and abilities that make easier to take on progressively harder dungeons. The uniqueness of said dungeons are incredible as one even has you travel back in time to fight dinosaurs. Overall, an amazing bond building experience. Admins have also been recorded to assist in the lore of multiple player’s town. For example, a town member can find a cave with a vast amount of gold. Understandably, he would take it back to his town. A few moments later, a giant dragon attacks in a fit of rage because the player stole from his den. Eventually through banding together, the town was able to stop the attack. If Elden Ring and minecraft came together, this will be it. Please feel to join their discord, and write your own story.

Awaken Creatures Giga Gigantic Gods Inca Living Planets Purgatory Respawn Sorb Souls Survival Titan Universes


The universes were filled with planets, planets of which many bustling with life. Titans ruled the universes. Gigantic creatures, larger than suns. Their power compressed into a thing called essence which embodies each living thing. (Think of essence like minecraft xp… the more you have the more powerful you are with magic ect) titans became so power hungry they crushed entire planets, absorbing all the essence of every living thing on the planet. It was an incredibly unstable cycle. One day a titan banded together a group of 4. He had a plan, this titan managed to create a poison within his long scorpion like tail, one of which that breaks the cycle of if a titan is killed. All titans when killed are basically respawned without most of their essence anymore. 10 years after a titan is killed they basically come back to life just with a set amount of essence depending on their purpouse. The poison means they are reincarnated as a new creature. New memories. This titan promised that if the 3 joined him, he would let them keep their cycles. So they agreed and killed every titan in the universe. Absorbing all the essence and becoming the most powerful things to ever exist. They reshaped the rules of the universe and reincarnated titans are no longer titans and instead become gods and goddesses. Deities with a purpose and rules of their life. Planets were made and life upon them, reborn. Essence still exists but only in awakened souls can it be used and absorbed by others

Adults Caves Coreprotect Datapack Datapacks Economy Evolved Overworld Planetminecraft Survival Terralith Tweak Tweaks Vanillatweaks Whitelisted

Terralith WhisperCraft

This a server for adults only, ages 18+. We’re using the Terralith World Datapack, plus many of the vanilla tweaks datapacks and a few other plugins to help give our players a new and fun experience to the game. In order to be whitelisted, please be sure to introduce yourself and put your gamertag in the appropriate sections in our discord:

We do not tolerate cheats or raiding here, we also have the coreprotect plugin as needed. But since we’re all adults here, thankfully we’re not having to use it often. We look forward to seeing new players on our whitelisted adult server!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Crystal Pvp Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!