Build Chestshop Claim Claiming Class Community Craft Create Event Events Grief Griefprevention Ill Inecraft Kill Land Loot Mine Minecraft Mpet New Old Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Rewards Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Update War Website


We are a survival Minecraft server centered around the community. PVP is enabled, but you can claim land so that you wont be able to get killed.

Our server uses GriefPrevention, a system of claiming land with the use of a gold shovel.

At spawn, we have a server shop, but players can also create their own shops using the ChestShop plugin.

We have a server website, Here, players can keep in touch and get information about the server, as well as news and updates.

We have events frequently, such as drop parties, build competitions, and PVP brawls. We also have rewards in place for some events.


Action Active Ars Ass Bee Class Com Economy Erver Essential Essentials Exp Experience Experienced Fac Faction Factions Game Grief High Mature Mcmmo Mmo No PvP Old Pro Pve Pvp Run Rvival Server Staff Survival Vis

Tragic Survival

Tragic Survival is a 100%, 24/7 survival server with NO PVP! We have Factions (grief proofing only), McMMO, Essentials and MUCH more! We have been running Tragic Survival for 3 years now, with our entire staff being 21+ years old, very mature and highly experienced. Visit our server at or for more info!

Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Class Cpvp Eco Econ Econom Economie Fac Fact Faction Factions Good Lag Lmao Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Pvp Shop Shops Staff Style Taff


*No Lagg
*Good Staff


Action Active Alien Arena Ass Ball Block Chop Choptree Class Craft Dev Fac Faction Fun Ice Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mob Arena Pain Paint Paintball Plugin Plugins Pro Pumpkin Pvp Ree Rvival Sky Skyblock Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tree


Faction, Survival, PVP, Mob Arena, Paintball, Skyblock, Mcmmo ..Some fun plugins such as using a pumpkin as scuba device and choptree

Ask Ats Aus Class Crack Cracked Craft End Enjin Free Friends Fun Game Games Hub Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Need New Noop Open Pixelmon Play Player Players Pro Quest Real Safe Server Servers Staff Website


We would like some people to join from here if they want to. What is Tornadus all about? Tornadus is a new server that works their way to complete their project and to ensure that their players are in a safe place to play. We have thoughts of having pixelmon servers, minigames, hubs, and much more. What do you offer? We offer friendship of the staff to you people, because.. thats what anyone does really, we offer a place to have fun and it is free entirely, apart from the server not being cracked, then you would need to buy Minecraft. What if I have questions? Please do ask me on here or on our server website down below. How can I join? You can join our website (that is on the left) or on our server IP address:


Active Ass Bauen Civ Class Craft Erver Game Gameplay Gens Greif Home Inecraft Ita Join Mine Minecraft Nen Nut Pie Play Plugin Pvp Run Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ten Usw War Warp Zen

Civitas PVP

Lust auf ein neues Abenteuer? Nerven dich plugin-verseuchte Server, bei denen das Gameplay vollständig verändert wurde? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir spielen Minecraft in seiner Urform und greifen dabei nicht ins Gameplay ein.


– Joinen und sofort loslegen
– PVP ist aktiviert
– Es gibt keine Home- und Warppunkte, man muss wie in guten, alten Zeiten das Bett benutzen
– Gegenstände wie Truhen, Öfen, Dispenser, Türen usw. können nicht verschlossen werden
– Es gibt keine Grundstücke, jeder kann überall bauen
– Wir sind ein reiner Survival- und PVP-Server

Ask Block Class Crack Cracked Craft End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Games Going Hungergames Ill Join Kit Kitpvp Minigame Minigames Need Play Prison Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywars Spleef Staff Survival Tnt War Wars


Welcome to GeekCraft. Here we have anything you can ever ask for, we got Factions, Prison, Survival, Skywars, Skyblock, KitPvP, Hungergames and Minigames Including TnT Run, Spleef Etc. We are going to start off with just factions but as time passes we will be adding all the game types that we have listed. We have friendly staff on 24/7 For all servers. We will be here for anyones need. So Join Now and lets make GeekCraft The number 1 most cracked server played TODAY.

USE IP If other one does not work.


Active Air Armor Ass Block Blocks Call Class Custom Diamond Easy Enchant Erver Fair Heat High Irl Iron Isa Mon New Nks Prison Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Sword Swords Zen


NoZenPrison is a fairly new Prison Server.

We offer a lot more than what other Prison Servers offer and we have many custom plug-ins.

We have disabled iron armor and diamond armor unless you are of a higher rank.

Diamond Armor cannot be enchanted.

There are no diamond swords. At all.

Fortune now works on all blocks.

We have a custom enchant called “Heat” which automatically smelts the block you break if it can be smelted.

Its very easy for lower ranks to rank-up.

Ace Adventure Ban Bee Build Cities Class Craft Creative Eco End Enjoy Experience Explore Ill Inecraft Kill Lore Mine Minecraft Network New Noop Open Play Public Quest Quests Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Survive Tea Team Trade Venture World

The Ravalis Network

Once there was a man. He had an idea, a passion. So one day he decided to go on an adventure. He traveled to distant places and explored the world. Along the way he met many people, many cultures and many evils…

Friend or foe? What will you be?
Explore. Invent. Trade. Rule. Fear. Be feared.
Make Cities. Complete Quests. Become Bandits. Start a revolution.
Travel. Build. Kill. Team up.

Ravalis is a new, but experienced server network that will make a change. Together we will redefine the Minecraft experience.

Ravalis Imagine(Creative servers) have been launched We are developing our Roleplay server and will soon make them available for you, the public, to enjoy.


Active Build Challenge Citizens Create Creative Enjin Essentials Faction Factions Fun Grief Head Heads Mcmmo Mmo Mob Pets Play Plugin Prison Pvp Quest Quests Ranks Rewards Rights Rpg Server Shop Shops Silkspawners Skyblock Spawner Spawners Spleef Survival Unique Vanilla Votifier


Welcome to Illumi-Nation- A 1.7.2 Multi-World server with the following realms: Vanilla, Mini-Games, RPG, Factions, Skyblock, Creative and Prison!

*** Vanilla has all commands disabled except /warp (To switch between game types) Making it a genuine vanilla experience.
*** Factions rewards all players play-time automatically with ranks- Higher ranks get special powers such as the power to capture mobs, silk-touch mob-spawners, and even create personalized pets! Each rank also has it’s own unique /kit. Fight players and collect their heads as a trophy! Sell and buy items with our interactive NPC shops.
*** Mini-games has PVP type games, skill based games such as spleef and archery, BlockHunt and many more! Winners are awarded with in game cash they can use in any realm that supports cash.
*** RPG has MCMMO and RPG Items, as well as Quests for a genuine RPG experience- Get huge sums of cash as a final reward for quests that can be used in any world that supports cash.
*** Skyblock realm has many challenges to complete for fun, rewards such as cash, trophies and of course- Bragging rights!
*** Creative realm is secured with PlotMe- where no one but you can build in your plot, so don’t worry about griefers! Make a fantastic build and we will even buy it from you for in game cash that can be used in any realm that supports cash.
*** Prison is self-regulated with NPC’s- Rank-up in the prison by completing the NPC quests- (Collect ores, kill players, etc) and once you complete the game- Receive an in game cash reward, as well as a spot on our “Prisoner Escape” – Wall-Of-Fame!

Our main plugin list- Essentials, Multi-Verse, Factions, Autorank, Citizens, EchoPet, SilkSpawners, War, BlockHunt, Skyblock, PlotMe, Votifier, WorldGuard, Enjin

260 Ander Ars Ass Class Com Dom Dutch End Follow Ijd Ken King Kingdom Nen Noop Open Style Survival Multiplayer War Wars Weeb


Altijd al gedroomd om mee te doen met kingdom?
Kan hier maak je vrienden voor het leven.
Leer je andere mensen kennen waarmee je zeker contact blijft houden


Active Anti Block Chest Claim Claiming Class Cool Create Creative Custom Fac Faction Factions Fight Land Mcmmo Mini Games Mmo Money New Play Player Players Plot Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Rewards Rol Server Sky Skyblock Spawn War Who World


Factions Server (many custom plugins)
-Faction Control Points: Fight for control points that give your factions money, exp for enchanting and mcmmo exp
-PVP Timer: 1 Hour PVP timer for new players
-Custom Created World: Our world is 100% custom 12k radius (24k blocks across)
-Chaos Chests: Chaos chests spawn randomly around the world and have a chance to give cool rewards
-House Deed Claiming System: Find a house deed in one of our Chaos Chests and you’ll be able to claim a plot of land that can protect 1-3 chests from raiding
-Many Blocks Auto Regenerate: Many blocks on our server auto repair after 30 min from explosions
– and a whole lot more! (we also have skyblock & creative)

Action Awesome Ball Block Buycraft Class Craft Different Exciting Fac Faction Factions FTB Game Games Kit Lms Noop Open Paintball Park Parkour Play Plot Plotworld Prison Pvp Rank Ranks Real Realm Server Sky Skyblock Survival World


Sponge Realms is a very exciting and awesome server, where you can play different games including::
You can buy ranks at our Buycraft page.
Come play on the server right now.


Ass Class Craft Eat Eng Engels Erver Follow Game Games Hun Inecraft Join Ken Land Lands Make Mine Minecraft Nederland Nederlands Nen Noop Open Play Raft Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer


Gear-MC is een van de gezelligste en mooiste minecraft servers van Nederland. Jong en oud vermaken zich door onze games te spelen of hun mooiste creaties te bouwen. Deze server is engels/nederlands,
Wil je joinen? voeg ons dan toe met:


Active Alone Ass Base Based City Class Com Dom Eam Enjin Enjoy Erver Head Ice Join King Kingdom Kingdoms One People Play Player Playing Rvival Server Speak Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Voice


Kingdomscity is a Survival based server which allows every player to join which wants to. If you like playing alone that fine but if you enjoy playing with lots of people go ahead and join in on our Teamspeak server –

Bedrock Build Builds Craft Creative Diamond Donation Donator Dropparty Free Games Home Kit Kitpvp Kits Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Network Nice Old Open Plots Pvp Rank Ranks Redstone Server Shop Shops Spawn Spleef Survival Survivalgames Tnt Tntrun World


Its a server for people that loves minecraft and there are al lot of things to do.
what to do:
1. Survival: you can survival on the world where you wil spawn there is also a shop so its really nice you start with 200 money but you can get more by selling items of win money by a Dropparty.
2. Kitpvp: I like KItpvp so i want it in my server there are a lot of kits (4 for free and the others are donation kits) The free kits are fighter, Archer, Witch and special (Special is not always).
Donator kits: Stone, Coal, Iron, LapisLazuli, Redstone, Gold, Diamond, Emerald and Bedrock
3. Plots (creative): We also have plots you can get a plot witch /plotme auto and /plotme home to get it.
4. MiniGames: We have Minigames that are: TNTRun, BowSpleef, SurvivalGames and more will come soon.
The ranks can you see on the server.


Active Amusement Ark Ass Build Building Class Com Craft Disney Dom Erver Everything Inecraft King Kingdom Life Magi Magic Mca Mine Minecraft One Park Parks Raft Real Roleplay Scale Server Theme This World

MCAmusement With Disney World

This server we are building theme parks in minecraft. So far we have done Magic Kingdom Disney World!

Everything is 1:1 scale with real life!

Active Allowed Based Block Cheat Class Create Donator Eco Econ Economy Event Events Fun Game Invite Island Join King Land Map Mod Modern Multi Multiplayer New Online Perks Play Player Players Server Sky Skyblock Special Staff Survival

Modern Skyblock

Modern Skyblock is a new skyblock server with an economy! Fun gameplay, with special donator perks! Join us today at! Modern Skyblock is based off the map created by Noobcrew. You create a skyblock island using a command. You are allowed to invite players to your island, or to join someone elses, for multiplayer gameplay. We have a variety of events to keep everyone having fun. We try to always have active staff members online to keep sure the server is working fine and nobody is cheating.

Bukkit Chill Class Community Craft End Fac Faction Factions Forge Grief Help Ill Inecraft Join Kit Land Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Modern Nation Noop Old Open Play Plot Raid Server Servers Shop Shops Simple Sky Staff Top Tpa Weapons

[FlansMod 4.9.0] UltimateFlans


Hey Minecrafters,

Bij deze wil ik jullie kennis maken aan een nieuwe server in de Minecraft community.
Het gaat om onze Flans mod 4.9.0 server, UltimateFlans.
De server is internationaal, veel spelers en staffleden zijn gewoon Nederlands, maar je kan ook Engels praten met ons.


Wij zijn een groep van 2 mensen die al een tijd de Flans mod erg leuk vinden om te spelen, aangezien er niet erg veel servers zijn die die mod hebben.
Dachten wij, “laten wij eens een server beginnen”, bij deze dus.


Op onze Flans server kan je vinden:
– Factions
– Standaard shops, je kan ook een plot kopen en je eigen shop maken.
– Griefen is bij ons toegestaan, aangezien het Factions is.
– Ook is het mogelijk om andere bases te gaan raiden, dit is ook toegestaan.


Het klinkt moeilijk om ons te joinen, maar dat is het niet. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden om ons te joinen:
Manier 1:
Je kan “Craften Terminal ” (Link: en dan vervolgens de Flans mod 4.3.0 toe voegen.

Manier 2:
Je kan de installer gebruiken. [url=]Klik hier

Manier 3:
Je kan ook los 1.7.2 Forge installeren en vervolgens de Flans mod 4.3.0 “hier” (Link: downloaden. De contentpacks die je nodig hebt:
– Modern Weapons Pack
– Nerf pack
– Simple Parts pack
– Titan pack
– WW2 pack by Potok551
– Ye Olde Pack

Manier 4:
Je kan mij ook contacteren op “Skype” (Link: http://skype:live:MeneerCookie?userinfo), en dan kan ik je helpen met het installeren van de mod.

Ik hoop dat jullie het naar je zin gaan hebben op deze server, screenshots komen nog.

Het server IP is:
Met vriendelijke groet,
Gino – iBukkit
UltimateFlans Owner



Action Active Art Big Class Com Craft Economy Erver Essential Exp Fac Faction Factions Fun Good Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Network One Online Open Play Playing Rewards Server Skyblock Skywars Star Start Two Version Vote War Welcome

Hello everyone

The minecraft server is back online! We have opened a factions
server to start off, and we are planning to expand into a bigger network
🙂 Currently the factions server is open, and anyone is
welcome to start playing since the essential layout is there. We are using minecraft version

Remember to vote in order to get rewards!

Good luck, have fun!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Jailbreakmc ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!