1.12.2 Ifesteal Java And Bedrock Latest Lifestea Lifesteal Minecraft Life Minecraft Lifesteal Minecraft Lifesteal Server Minecraft Version Pat Restart Rts Silver Survival


This is a fun minecraft lifesteal server with so many good plugins and can be joined on any minecraft version you like from (1.12.2 – latest) and is java and bedrock compatible so feel free to join the server we also have a discord for more info!

Adventure Banking Banks Brewing Colorful Contracts Fun Mmocore Mythicmob Mythicmobs Pve Roleplay Rpg Skills Survival


Ouroborion Minecraft Server

Welcome to Ouroborion, a vast, colorful world full of adventure ready to be explored! What part will you play in shaping this brand new world?

Play your part in shaping this vast, open world map. Team up with others and build up a nation, or go it alone and make your own mark in its history. Discover the secrets of the Ouroborion tower, and the magic it now seeps into the world beyond.

Map and Plugins
Our custom designed 16,000 x 16,000 map is packed full of countless new biomes and natural, unexplored terrain. Enhance your gameplay experience with popular and finely tuned plugins like Brewery, Contracts, Lands, MMOCore, MythicMobs, PhatLoots, QuickShop and more. We’re a growing community, and are always adapting to new changes and gameplay styles and open to incorporating any number of new and exciting experiences.

Nations and Towns
Ouroborion comprises five nations for you to build up and develop together. With fully built livable capitals, towns to set up, and wars to wage, you decide what role you want to play. All towns are player owned, constructed and governed. They are fully protected from outsiders and have strict protections against unwanted PvP, or open your gates and welcome the combat if you so choose!

Economy, Market & Banking
No world would be complete without a player run economy. Using the flexibility of QuickShop, merchants can ply their wares across all of Ouroborion. Get into character with physical currency, banks, contracts, and more! If you’re interested, find other ways to make a living. Accept bounties or small jobs with our Contracts plugin. Get fully immersed with our living, player-run world, where bandits run wild and hired protection is an agreement away.

RPG and PvE
RPG Skills and MMOCore lets players choose several paths to follow in their character’s development, all with their own benefits and advantages. Beware! This world is packed full with custom mobs and perilous locations – from the untamed wilderness between nations, or dungeons full of custom loot. It’s yours for the taking, if you have the skill to claim it!

Start your journey right – consider joining our Discord. As the hub of our community, you’ll find the latest news, events, forums, lore pieces, and official nation channels. Join us today:

Your journey starts here!

2023 260paypal Arcade Cern Economy Factions Nuclear Prison Prisons Pvp Roleplay Skyblock Storecredits Twitter Ucl

PvPArcade Network

Welcome to PvPArcade Network
– We are a Minecraft Network consisting of many different gamemodes such as; Skyblock, Factions, and Prisons. We strive for the most optimal player experience.

Connecting to our Network:

– You can connect with version 1.8 and higher.

🔗 Connect via:

Useful Links:
🐦 Twitter: (Coming Soon)
🖥️ Store:

[​Discord Server]:
If you have any concerns or queries, you can open a support ticket in create-ticket, a member of staff will then assist you.

Codex English Helper Helpers Irl Master Mc Server Minecraft Rust Scrim Server Share Survival Trust Twitch

Codexgami server

This is a new mc server

so new that not even all of the plugins are done yet and not even spawn have been build

for now we only have the spawn point and the 3 greate halls

Hall of rules where you can read all the rules and even see what rules the staff need to follow

hall of staff where you can see whos in the staff team

and right now theres 3 spots open

1 master builder

2 normal builders

then theres the hall of fame where the winners of the events can be found
my plan on the server when we hit 10-20 players whos playing on the same time, we will start an event where you can get ranks and gear

for the ranks on this server are 100% free for the way to get them is by winning an event

the same player can win an event more then 1 time
but only get one rank but your rank will be upgreaded to a better one

and all the events you win will be under your name in the hall of fame

if you get 10 wins or yt or twitch will be shared on the server

but if you on yt or twitch tells people to join then you will also get a shoud out on the server

there is 3 others kinds of staff for the server

admins (only people i know irl)

helpers (all who knows alot about mc and if i or an admin see you helping players alot then you will become a helper)

mod (helpers i belive i can trust will become that)

this is a 24/4 server

i know where is some bugs but if you find any then say it on this site i am gonna check

being build:

chest shop

chest shop for weapon and armor

Game Ini Mini Mini-game Pes Qui Squid Squid Game Survival Multiplayer Vip Win Winter Wip Wipe Year

s.-. Zima Vipes – MINI-GAME SQUID GAME Work of the year Minecraft server

Server owner ‘s .-. Winter Wipes – MINI-GAME SQUID GAME Work of the Year” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.19.4 247uptime Atm Atmosphere Delight Family Friendly Landclaim Light Perfect Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Vanillasurvival


DelightCraft offers the perfect Minecraft Survival Experience to enjoy with yourself, friends, and family. We offer players 1.19.4 Vanilla gameplay with a family friendly atmosphere.

1.13 200 Elo First Idea Job Jobs Mall Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Small Survival Tend Tran


A small game server that intends to bet on Jobs and mcMMO at first.
The idea is to develop it over time, but until then you are welcome to join our discord ♡

Blu Bug Gestion Minecraft Minecraft Mod Minecraft Moddé Minecraft Modded Minecraft Modded Survival Moddé Modded Modded Survival Suggestions Survival Talk Wip


This is a minecraft modded survival server.
(The server is still a WIP, so odd occurences could be expected)
If you have any suggestions for the server or find any bugs, or even just want to talk with other members of the server, you can join our discord server here:

1192server 1192smp 1192survival 119server 119smp 119survival Create Create Mod Flood Modded Mods Sequence Smp Survival Veinminer


Copper empires is a modded SMP server, with main feature being the create mod.

It’s on the 1.19.2 minecraft version, is also fresh new, and waiting for more players to join in!

Note that we also use a lot of create addons, veinminer, mod or two for more biomes, and ftb chunks and teams, so you can easily claim your builds.

Cracked/Non-Premium accounts will not be able to join.

Modpack link;

Forge loader link; (use recommended)

Discord server;


1. Absolutely no cheating. Using stuff such as xray will get you banned. Full-bright is allowed.

2. Spam (repeatedly sending same or similar messages) and flood (unnecessary extension of words, like; “heloooooooooooo”) will get you first warned, and if repeated, temporally banned.

3. Any lag machines, or other attempts at harming server’s performance without any actual intent to play, will get you banned.

4. Going around and killing players is frowned upon, but there will be consequences only if they wish to report you.

5. Claiming around/inside someone’s base/claim, without them agreeing to it, will get you punished. Please do not do that. This also applies to claiming spawn area.

Auctions Bedrock Communityoriented Equal Expensive Grass Harddifficulty Hubs Keepinventoryoff Nopay2win Semivanilla Smp Smpsurvival Survival Vanilla

The Green Grass Survival

The Green Grass Survival Minecraft Server
Here at the Green Grass, we only use the purest nutrients for the best classic organic MC environment. No artificial fertilizers, no expensive nonsense! This is the purest grass sold on the auction house. Have you ever touched real grass? We are a fair and equal player organization, come see for yourself at and see why simple is just better.

Looking for players to come have fun with us!
Join the new discord so we can chat:

We believe in a Classic survival experience that will take you back to the gold age of 2012:

-Hard difficulty   
-Greif prevention
-Player Auctions (the only economy plugin)
-Bedrock support

-No Pay-2-win nonsense!
-No keep inventory!
-No player warps! (like OP exp farms)
-No silk touch spawners!
-No big hubs, only one world!

*Considering a whitelist for our members.

23w13a Or B AOT April April Fools Changes Chaotic Mojang Popular Sport Survival Unhinged Vote Vote Update Votecraft Voting


Welcome to Votecraft!
This server’s sporting Mojang’s latest (and best) idea of making everything a vote in game. Vote for many probably chaotic changes around the world whenever your want! We’ll be here for today so stop by anytime (or longer if voting ends up being that popular!)

Oh yea and happy April 1st (no reason)

1to1 Attractions Custompark Disney Disneyland Disneyworld Magickingdom Minecraft Park Recreation Roleplay Themepark Universal Walt Waltdisney

Adventure Kingdom – Walt Disney World in Minecraft!

We are offering the next big thing in Minecraft Theme Parks, With our accurate Walt Disney World recreation!
We want to give people something new and fresh, with interactive shows and attractions, amazing customer support we strive to be one of the best Minecraft Theme Park Servers!. If you want to join us on this Magical Journey then please do join our new Discord server! We can’t wait to open real soon!

We are Hiring!

Join our wonderful staff team:

[+] – Technicans (Training can be granted)

[+] – Builders (Training can be granted)

[+] – Media

[+] – Resource Pack/Modelling Team

These roles are just the beginning!


Join us! – You won’t regret it!




Best Of Colour Colours How To Get Kens Levelling Minigame Server Pride Serious Survival Token Tokens Trial Trials Updating – Classic Bedwars is a unique bedwars minigame server. has a feature rich experience for all players of any skill level. You can easily take part in challenges, quests, statistics and more just by playing and enjoying the game like any other person.

We have a unique shop system that users can interact with while playing our servers. You are able to play the game, earn tokens and use those tokens in our shop, you are able to purchase cosmetics, chat colours, pets, trials and more.

We also have a top of the line anti cheat that looks after our servers. We are constantly updating this and are happy to deal with any reports if a cheater is in our game. We have the obligation to protect our servers and we have the know-how to get it done right.

Here is more about our server.


1. Levelling System
2. Custom Economy
3. Pets
4. Cosmetics
5. Quests
6. Crazy Maps
7. Challenges
8. Frequent Updates
9. Advanced Anti Cheat
10. Active Staff
11. And lots more.

Our Mission:

We want to give the best possible experience when it comes to the beloved gamemode Bedwars. We want nothing but the best ofr our players and the community we have built surrounding our game server. We are aiming to acheive a fair, balanced gamemode that all players can enjoy.

With fairness, balanced maps and features that we need to stay on top of we are constantly busy with new ideas and creating new maps for our users to enjoy. We take pride in doing our part in the community to ensure there is a top of the line classic bedwars server for all to enjoy.

We promise we will not dissapoint so please give us a try.


We would love to hear feedback from the community. We are here for you guys and we take what you guys say seriously. We are here to listen and help where possible. If you have any questions, ideas or anything else that you want us to hear. Please don’t be afraid to reach out. We have a community discord server where users are able to chat with daily and have fun. You are more than welcome to join us over there and reach out via our ticket system.

April Competitive Competitive Minecraft Early Enjoyable Learn Learning Minecraft Servers Mpet Nda Perfect Pet Release Released Survival


Perfecting, studying and learning the fundamentals of competitive Minecraft Servers by providing the best content possible and listening to our community.

WaspCraft is a Survival SMP Server, released in early April. aiming to create a unique and enjoyable SMP experience for all, we’d love for you to join us!

Automatic Compliance Dance Detail Detailed Elements Farms History Interaction Realistic Rules Survival Territory United Vanilla

My Nation | Private | Prohibition on auto farms Minecraft server

We are creating a United State where everyone can play their role in history. Here you will own your personal territory, which you can expand with the money you earn from your profession, thereby increasing your status.
“Before you start playing on a server, you must understand that it is different from normal survival. There are strict restrictions on the server that are designed to balance the game, in accordance with the idea. If you do not comply with them, you will be punished.

The main thing you need to know is that the server is completely vanilla with RP elements, designed for realistic high-difficulty survival, with a ban on almost any automatic farms and compliance with the systems. All systems are built on the rules and interaction of players. First of all, read the detailed information about the server and the rules. “

Awesome Biomesoplenty Curseforge Custommobs Dedicated Dimensions Discord Dragons Dungeons Economy Equivalentexchange Fantasy Iceandfire Industrialcraft2 Magic Mana Map Mmo Modded Modpack Mods New Projecte Psi Pvp Rpg Scifi Silkspawners Smp Spells Survival Tech Technology Thaumcraft

Sanctum Network

Sanctum Network is your home of Sci-Fi Minecraft with over 100 mods and is hosted 24/7

Our custom modpack is easily applied to your client, with first time installation only taking 10 minutes max, via CurseForge.

Join today where a world of Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Technology, Magic, and new Dimensions awaits!

OVER 500 NEW ITEMS; Cosmetics & Furniture included

Discover the many technological paths, giving you balanced features to help and make your game more enjoyable. Use a Macerator Machine to double your ores, or try the Mining Lasers to blast a mineshaft open with ease! Of course you will have to power these things with electricity! There are hundreds of technology items and machines to learn to use to enhance your game.

Alchemy is the practice of Equivalence Exchange. It’s one of the greatest things to learn, and will be infinitely helpful to you. Every item has a energetic value, and can be transmuted from raw energy. Using alchemy, you can convert items into their raw energy, and then use the obtained energy to get any other item assuming you have collected enough energy (for example: Stone=1, Iron = 256). If you collect 256 stone, you can transmute one iron ingot from it!

Use the forces of the universe to discover your true nature and the nature of the cosmos. Magic is End-Game for balance but VERY fun once you get going. There are multiple magic systems and arts in place. Auromancy is the manipulation of the energy contained in your local area, focusing it to do your bidding. Golemancy is the creation of golems using clay + magic energy, golems perform various tasks and protection for you. Artifice is the practice of creating charmed items using magical energy you have collected. Arcane infusion is the infusion of weapons, armor, and ammo with magic which will enhance the items to your desire.

Discover the infinite dimensions on Sanctum Network or create your very own custom dimension to rule over. Of course, creating dimensions costs a lot of electricity to upkeep. However, there are still awesome dimensions free to explore. The Lost Cities is a dimension you will find which contains a world full of abandoned cities, and skyscrapers, full of loot and dangers. The Twilight Forest is a dimension full of magic, you can learn new traits of magic and find magical loot in this dimension, but beware one of the many bosses may total you easily!

Join us via Discord at

18plus Best Boss Bosses Build Builders Building Chill Crates Custom Customitems Dungeons Dungeonsbosses Economy Fun Grieffree Griefprotection Keys Mature Mcmmo Playershops Protection Protections Pve Pvparena Pvpsurvival Rules Shops Skills Smp Survival Teleport Top Votecrates Voteparty Voterewards Voting

TopFrag Minecraft [SMP] [Player Shops] [Custom Items] [Dungeons]

TopFrag Minecraft [SMP] [Player Shops] [Custom Items] [Dungeons]  Minecraft Server
Welcome to TopFrag Minecraft!
Java SMP (1.19.3+)


After around a year of development, we are happy to announce that the server has officially launched!The server is a ‘non-P2W’, mature and professional survival server. We are focused on having a relaxing and fun time within a tight-knit community. The server expands on the vanilla Minecraft that you know and love by adding an economy, jobs, skills, custom items and dungeons. Our server runs on premium and custom plugins that we have put our own money and time into for others enjoyment. We do not have any sort of ‘Admin Shops’ where you can sell/buy to/from the server. The entirety of our economy is natural and player-ran.

Current Features:

➼ Land Protection
➼ Player Shops
➼ Player Warps➼ Player Economy
➼ Custom Items
➼ Dungeons
➼ Jobs
➼ Auction House
➼ Random Teleport
➼ Custom Items + Features
➼ Survival Ranks
➼ Voting Sites
➼ Giveaways
➼ 24/7 online & lag free

You can also earn cool rewards by inviting your friends by seeing our #events channel once you have joined the discord.Discord:

Discordsrv Fabric Minecraft Chat Minecraft Mod Modded Minecraft Modded Minecraft Server Moddedsurvival Multiplayer Proximity Chat Proximityvoicechat Sanctum Smp Survival Version 1.19 World Map

The Inner Sanctum | Modded SMP | VR Support | 1.19.2 | DynMap | Proximity Chat | Discord – Minecraft Chat | 24/7 Staff | Java

The Inner Sanctum is a Modded SMP that’s open to anyone to join alongside with some cool feature’s like vr support, in-game voice chat, a world map that you can look at on the web maybe to spy on your friends or what the other players are up to.. and more!

in order to join the minecraft server you will need to install this modpack

onto a new curseforge profile as this modded minecraft server

use’s Minecraft Version 1.19.2 and curseforge’s capability of ease of use of minecraft modding platform fabric and the server is hosted with Fabric 0.14.18 version

Auctions Bucket Destroy Faction Faction Pvp Factions Koth Lottery Obsidian Obsidiandestroyer Original Pvp Raiding Soup Survival

OG-Factions | The Original 1.8 Faction Server




1.18.2 Creative Discord Kitpv Kitpvp Minigames Prison Ross Rpg Shops Skyblock Store Survival Versions Wiki

VexalMC Network


Bedrock IP: | Port: 19132

Server Versions:
– Survival – 1.19+
– Earth – 1.19+
– Creative – 1.8+
– KitPvP – 1.8+
– Prison – 1.8+
– RPG – 1.18.2+

Hope to see you soon on our server.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Modded Minecraft Server Free. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!