Bungeecord Claim Clan Community Custom Discord Donor Eco Economy End Enjin Event Faction Factions Grief Hub Keys Kits Mcmmo Minecraft Minigames Network Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Ranks Roleplay Server Servers Skyblock Survival Tech Town Towny Vanilla Voting Website

APOC Gaming 1.5.2-1.15.2 Modpack Network [USEU]


Founded in 2010, AGN is a multi-server modded/vanilla Minecraft network hosting 15+ servers.

We feature PVE PVP worlds, protected by a combination of Factions Voltz only/ Grief Prevention and Towny plugins.

Our custom Bungeecord connects communication across all our servers. In exchange for voting, you can earn claim blocks, economy, keys which can be redeemed for in-game items, and XP. Link your account with our ENJIN website also gives points, which can be used to purchase Donor Ranks/ Keys/ Kits/ and Plugin Boosters.

– Discord:
– Facebook:
– Twitter:
– Website:

Our Servers, ALL of which are available through the Technic Launcher:




– Agrarian Skies: AS.APOCGAMING.ORG
– Attack of the B-Team: BT.APOCGAMING.ORG
– Tekkit Main/Space: TM.APOCGAMING.ORG
– Test Pack Please Ignore: TPPI.APOCGAMING.ORG
– Yogscast Complete: YCC.APOCGAMING.ORG


– Agrarian Skies 2: AS2.APOCGAMING.ORG
– GigaPack: GP.APOCGAMING.ORG Flagship custom pack
– The 1.7.10 Pack: 1710.APOCGAMING.ORG


– The 1.12.2 Pack: 1122.APOCGAMING.ORG



Action Ars Bee Block Class Content Craft Discord Economy Emo Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Gamemode Gamemodes Hot Inecraft King Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mod Mod: Spigot Network Play Popular Prison Pvp Server Shot Sky Skyblock Survival Town Towny


Server IP – Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

Weve been around for almost 5 years and offer popular gamemodes such as: OP Prison, Skyblock, Factions and Towny!

+ OP Prison
+ Skyblock
+ Factions
+ Towny

Give us a shot if you are looking for a reliable and fun experience!


Auction Auctions Awesome Beta Build Building Community Craft Dynmap Event Events Free Great Join King Latest Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Play Player Playershop Playershops Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Survival Multiplayer Town Towny Trade Trading World


Server IP – Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

Looking for an awesome minecraft server that you will potentially enjoy Well, here it is!

TreeMC is a refreshing towny experience packed with some of the latest and greatest gameplay improving plugins. Some of them include MCMMO, Auctions, Trading, Towny, and others! We also have FREE ranks which players can progress to. The world has a 6k x 6k border for encourage community building, this will increase as time progresses. There are also many planned events!

The server is currently in BETA

Plugins installed on server: Towny, MCMMO, Dynmap, Ranks, Auctions, Trade, PlayerShops, Bounties

Abilities Boss Bosses Community Craft Create Custom Dungeons Eco Economy Irl Job Jobs Latest Leaderboards Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Mod: Spigot New Pets Play Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Quest Quests Roleplay Server Skills Survival Town Towns Towny Unique Wns


Server IP – Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

MINERAZE is a Minecraft survival server always running the latest version.
Our primary focus is providing a high quality survival experience, which we aim to achieve through our many custom features and our unique content.

– Towns | Create your own Town and Nation
– Jobs | Earn money from playing
– MCMMO | Unlock new skills, abilities and compete on the leaderboards
– Dungeons | Defeat evil monsters and bosses for epic loot
– Quests | Complete quests for money and custom items
– Custom Items | Earn custom items with cool effects, custom models and more
– Unique 3D Pets | Unlock cool cosmetic pets with custom models
– And much more!

We hope you will join us and become part of the community!


Plugins installed on server: Towny, McMMO, Jobs, Dungeons, Assaults, Heirlooms, Custom Items

Chill Crates Creative Discord Donations Economy Economysurvival Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Fun Griefprevention Hiring Keepinv Keepinventory Kits Landclaim Mcmmo Minecraft Minecraftneedstaff Minecraftnetwork Minecraftnetworkserver Minecraftsurvival Minecraftsurvivalserver Minecraftsurvivalservers Minewebnetwork Network Playershops Pve Pveeconomy Ranks Rankups Relaxed Shops Skyblock Staffneeded Staffwanted Survival Towny


Hello and welcome!

MineWeb Network Presents

Welcome to MineWeb Survival. We have an exciting 1.12.2 world with custom terrain to be explored!

The server is 99,99 uptime forever, so if you’re looking a dedicate yourself to a small, but growing community, this is your chance!

We have many premium plugins that have been fully configured and updated to give you smoothest experience possible!

Our server is home to a small community of respectful players that have played on the MineWeb Survival server
over the years. Joining our discord via the in-game-command /discord will be an integral part keeping
you updated and informed on the workings of the server, as well as announcements and community.

We are an economy based server, resource selling, shops, farming, grinding, quests & more!
You can earn money to achieve ranks, which in turn to unlock more commands and permissions.

We have the premium, lands protection system to prevent theft & grief.

If you excel at any of these things please feel free to message me on discord.

Some Of Survival’s Features :
➲ Custom Terrain
➲ Crates
➲ Deadly Diseases
➲ Land Claiming
➲ Custom Enchants & Custom Crafting and Recipes
➲ PetsAnd much more!

(Gamemode is constantly updated, staff are friendly and we welcome bug reports to improve our server!)

Store :
Discord :

Owner’s discord :

Hope to see you there!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Boss Bosses Build Create Custom Dedicated Eco Economy Enchantments End Event Events Friendly Grief Job Jobs Kitpvp Kitpvpserver Kits Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mob Open Pay Play Pve Pvp Religions Rewards Server Servers Staff Story Survival Town Towns Towny Unique

–==CivCraft==— +Towny+Jobs+Economy+Religions+CustomFeatures+

Civcraft is a survival Towny server with a thriving player economy that gives you control over your gameplay. Want to build a Civilization from scratch and build up a powerful army to battle in the War Events? You can. Want to earn millions of dollars and pay other players to do your bidding and create a monopoly on the market? You can. Want to start a culture and become the leader of a massive religion dedicated to any god you want? You can. With a variety of Custom Items, Enchantments, Potions, Mobs, and Game Mechanics there is so much you can do on Civcraft that you can’t do anywhere else. On Civcraft, player interaction and cooperation is key, just like during the times of the ancient civilizations. Come join today at and live like the ancients!

Full List of Features:

  • Player Driven Economy and an Emphasis on Player Interaction and Cooperation
  • Custom Jobs Mechanics making Jobs feel Unique and Rewarding
  • Custom Items/Enchantments/Weapons/Potions/Armor/Item Mechanics/Builds
  • Towns and Nations allowing players to Protect their land and make Civilizations
  • PVP Arenas for players to Showdown and for large scale War Events!
  • PVE Arenas with Kits, Bosses, and Teamwork
  • Player Run Religions
  • No lag!
  • Ranking up through playtime!
  • Powerful Anti-Cheat/X-ray/Grief
  • Events such as War Events, Seasonal Minigames, and Seasonal Celebrations with Rewards
  • Knowledgeable and Friendly Staff Team
  • Completely open to player suggestions and often implementing suggestions overnight
  • Free to Play – Free to Win
  • Join today at CivCraft.CC and make history on CivCraft!

    Block Class Craft Dwarves Economy Fac Faction Factions Game Games Gta Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mmo Mod: Bukkit Play Prison Pro Pve Pvp Roleplay Server Sky Skyblock Survival Survival Games Town Towny War Zombie Zombies

    Cosmic Craft

    Server IP – Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

    Cosmic Craft Minecraft Server

    Survival Games
    Prop Hunt Hide and Seek
    GTA grand theft auto
    Kit PvP
    Dwarves Vs Zombies

    Admin Bedwars Block Class Com Content Craft Discord Ect Erver Flower Inecraft Invite Jobs Join Magic Mine Minecraft Mini Network Noop Open Owner Play Quests Run Sami Server Servers Ship Style Survival Title Towny Two

    Aurora Network

    Join our discord!

    Our senior leadership falls into the hands of:
    Owners: FatherJasper and Masamineru
    Lead Administrator: Magic_Psycho

    Administrators: flowerpiig and Sygrunn


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Ars Auctions Block Build Class Cracked Crackedserver Crackedservers Crackedsurvival Craft Create Dynmap Earthmap Earthmc Earthminecraft Earthtowny Europe Join Map Meme Nation Nations Real Rvival Server Survival Survivalserver Title Town Towns Towny War Wars Wns World


    Hello there!

    MemeCraft is a survival server with a twist! It it the real world map! You can build towns, create nations and go into wars with other nations!

    Join now to conquer the world!

    Allowed Areashop Ban Build Chestshop Combat Community Crates Create Eco Economy Force Grief Keys Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs New Open Peaceful Play Plugin Pve Economy Rpg Server Servers Shop Shops Skills Store Survival Title Town Towns Towny Veinminer Vote Voting

    TheForest – A Simple Survival and Towny server!

    TheForest is a player-based server, where the players are working together to form the server, for example shops, builds, towns and so on! TheForest also has a great community with a lot of helpful and kind players. Griefing is not allowed, and will also get rollbacked and banned for it. Killing is enabled, but Towns can set their area to peaceful if they want to.

    So, Join TheForest today, our community, your server!


    With Vein miner it has become more easy than ever to acquire those precious diamond. Just hold your sneak button while you mine a piece of ore, and any connected ore block (of the same ore-type) will be automatically broken for you. Do mind that this will effect your tool’s durability respectively for each block broken, taken into account your tool’s durability. This plugin is not limited to only ores, but also includes: all logs (so watch out when you sneak-mine) a log of your house, sand and gravel.

    If you do find this plugin to be annoying, you can easily toggle it by typing /veinminer toggle in chat.


    Create your own shops, at the spawn’s market, or at your shop somewhere in the world, by placing a sign above a chest, or on a face of a chest. Format the sign per line as following

  • Your in game name
  • How many items you are buying / selling at your store
  • B Amount : Amount Sell (example: B 5 : Free S -> this means that the player shopping at your store will be able to buy the item for five $ from your store, and sell to your store for free)
  • Name of item to sell. If you don’t know how to name a certain item, do /iteminfo while holding the to be sold item
  • LZeaDZ4.png

    The McMMo is a very expansive plugin adding a rpg-like levelling-up system to the server. Every player starts at level 0 in every given skill tree and earns more levels by playing. You do not loose your progress if you die. As you level up, you will unlock new attributes to a skill.

    There are combat skills, involving Archery, Aces, Swords and Unarmed. These are levelled up by using the equivalent combat tools. Using these tools frequently allows you to deal more damage, the more profound you become in that skill tree.

    Acrobatics is a skill that makes you take less fall damage, the higher your level is, the less fall damage you will take. It also allows you to dodge attacks from attacking mobs or players.

    There are also gathering skills. These skills involve excavation, fishing, mining, woodcutting and Herbalism. Each of these skills has their own benefits, like gathering glow stone from excavations, double drops from mining, extra crop drops from herbalism, etc.

    You can view your current progress on an certain skill by typing / and the name of the skill (example: /mining) in chat. If you want to see an overview of your skills according to the server-wide rank type /mcrank or /mctop to see the top McMMO players.


    This server gives you the ability, but does not force you, to buy certain keys at our webstore. These keys give you access to opening luck based crates at spawn. You can view what every crate has to offer in-game by left-clicking the crate. This gives you an overview of the possible to win items. Every key gives you a price, you will never receive nothing for your real life bucks.

    Alternatively you can also buy vote-keys through the /voteshop. These keysare not bought with real life money, but with vote points. These are earned by voting for the server.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Apocalypse Block Build Class Custommap Dungeon Dungeons Dynmap Empire End Explore Features Gambling Guns Life Loot Lore Magic Magical Map Noop North Open Pig Play Plugin Pvp Raid Raids Server Spigot Survival Title Town Towny Unique Unknown Youtube


    Centuries ago an unknown apocalypse ended nearly all life. Now the survivors finally start to rebuild, restoring the magically altered continent of North America to its former glory.


  • The server is set in a 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭-𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐚𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚.
  • Build an Empire with the Towny plugin.
  • Unique 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐭, including 𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐬 powered by Spigot.
  • Raids and dungeons
  • Dangerous ruins to scavenge and explore
  • Trailer:



    Active Active Staff Ass Block Class Com Community Crate Crates Create Duel Duels Ect End Enjoy Envoy Envoys Erver Friendly Fun Isle Mcserver Mini Minion Minions One Riendly Server Sky Skyblock Staff Tea Team Title Top

    Utopian Isles

    Action Active Ark Block Class Cloud Custom Dating Eco Econ Econom Economy Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Fac Faction Factions Fly Mine Park Parkour Plugin Power Powerful Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shop Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Style Survival Title

    Cloud Scape 1.8 – 1.15.2

    |~| **CloudScape** |~|

    – Factions! Powerful Factions plugin!
    – Parkour with Checkpoints!
    – OP Ranks (/fly and etc)
    – Active staff!
    – Ranks!
    – Custom Enchantments!
    – Mineable Spawners
    – Economy, /AH, /Shop
    – Always updating!


    Balance Block Civ Class Create Eco Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Enjoy Experience Features Fight Ill Item Items King Limited Make Maybe Normal Play Player Players Pro Pvp Raid Raiding Server Suggestions Survival Survive This Title Vanilla


    Fight To Survive was created to give players a balance of normal survival and PvP. We love survival, raiding, and fighting.

    We try to keep the server mostly vanilla, but we recognize that some vanilla features are not conducive to PvP. For this reason, some enchantments and items are limited.

    We will constantly be looking for ways to improve balance, as well as the overall experience. We strive to be always improving.

    We hope you enjoy the server, and if you have any suggestions, let us know! Maybe they will make it in!

    Active Adult Allowed Anarchy Ban Bedrock Best Community Discord Eco End Event Events Grief Hack Hacks Home Java Map Minecraft Nether New Norules Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Reset Server Servers Small Survival Title Unique Vanilla War

    Moonbyte Anarchy – A pure anarchy experience. No OP’s

    Hello Planet Minecraft! I’m here today to let you all know about a new anarchy server I’m hosting.

    Established just about a two weeks ago, on 2/26/2020, we’ve strived to bring the best anarchy experience to players who are interested. Our current community is small, currently 7 unique active players, but compared to other anarchy servers everyone’s pretty nice and helpful and we try to keep it that way.

    Unlike other anarchy servers, no-one has op privs. Not even the owner has op privs. This prevents 32k weapons being spawned, items being spawned, etc. We also have a helpful discord with useful resources for hack clients, baritone and cord locations including the end portal. Click here to connect to our discord

    We also started a Bedrock anarchy server! This server is extremely new, and just started on 2/7/2020! Were looking to grow both servers but our main server is the Java one. Same deal with the Bedrock server. All hacks are allowed, no op’s, etc.

    As a community, we’ve started working on duplication glitches with the end portal and the nether highway. Other players like to play solo and away from spawn. It’s up to you, its anarchy. As the owner of the server though, I am always working on spawn infrastructure to help new players join the server.

    Server IP for Java 1.15.2 :
    Server IP for Bedrock 1.14.21 :

    With all of that being said, here are some of the features this server offers

  • Allows hack clients, bots, alts, duping, griefing, swearing, raiding, etc its anarchy you get the gist.
  • There’s no set home, warps, or tpas, all forms of travel are completely vanilla to ensure the feel of anarchy.
  • This map will never reset, currently, this map is only a week old and already at 10gb!
  • It’s not paid to win, either you won’t get anything special if you donate to the server.
  • No, World Edit, World Guard, and chest lock plugin. None of that is installed to the server. For a list of plugins please look at our discord link since /plugins aren’t available.
  • And finally, NO rules. No banning. You’ll only be muted IF the whole server agrees on a person being muted. The owner can’t just mute someone without the server’s population approval aka if someone is spamming the n-word 16 times per second and nobody can chat with each other, it’s likely you’ll be muted.
  • Offer both Java and Bedrock anarchy servers!
  • Starting dates for our servers :
      Java : 1/27/2020
      Bedrock : 2/7/2020

    And with that, I’ll leave a helpful notice: We don’t have a static IP our dns is dynamic. And currently, isn’t updating automatically. I’ll work on that tomorrow. So if the server is down, give it a couple of hours, PM me on discord or email [email protected]. My name on discord is braydel.

    Awesome Cheap Claiming Claims Community Crates Creative Customenchantments Customenchants Customterrain Enchantments Fair Freefly Fun Goldenshovel Greifprevention Gui Guis Guishop Guishops Menus Modern Nonpaytowin Parkour Perk Perks Plotworld Ranks Spleef Survival Towns Towny Unique

    BumbleCraft | 1.15.2+ | Survival | Claims | Custom Terrain | Towns | Pets | SlimeFun | Custom Nether


    BumbleCraft is a minecraft survival server which features an amazing community, unique features, player shops, crates, free fly, custom terrain, golden shovel claiming, custom bosses and much more!

    Java Edition

    We are very community focused and we listen to the community and try to host events every weekend. You can buy ranks but also get ranks by voting!


    Betterchairs Builder Creative Creativeplots Economy Familyfriendly Fly Free Freebuild Games God Headhunter Heads Huge Jobs Libsdisguise Markets Mcjobs Mcmmo Megabuilds Minipets Ontime Play Plots Plotsquared Premium Protectionstones Pvp Rank Ranks Role Skyblock Smallcommunity Survival Survivalgames Trails Ucars Worldedit Worlds

    Jobs~McMMO~Small~Family Friendly~Huge Build Plots(World Edit)~Survival~Skyblock~SG~Economy~Fly & God in Main World~Unlimited Homes~Mini Pets~Chairs~Trails~UCars~Disguises~Protection Stones~Kits


    Family Friendly Fun!

    45 SLOT


    Family Friendly Fun

    Lucid Dreams is both a Survival and Creative Server. We have mcMMO, mcjobs, Freebuild Plots in Plotworld are 256 by 256 Huge. Upon joining, You will generally get Premium, which allows you to fly, have /god, /heal, /feed, /ptime, /back, Unlimited Homes in each world.

    There are several ranks on our server depending on which world you are standing in. When you join the server, you are immediately ranked to Premium, if you are in any survival-based world you will be player. In the creative world you will be premium until we learn if you know world edit or not, at which point we will manually rank you to Builder.

    As of recent too, we have added ontime ranks, so these ranks will be applied as you play. If you play for 5 hours, you will be granted Premium+. For 24 hours, you will be granted Elite, and so on – there are 3 other ranks to achieve too.

    We are a very rated “G” server


    Welcome to Lucid Dreams! We are a friendly community with lots of blocks and room to share. We have a few rules to help the server run smoothly though, so its important that you read the rules to ensure that everybody has an enjoyable survival multiplayer experience on our server. Below are the Basic Rules, Policies and Guidelines of LD (Lucid Dreams).

    #1 Listen to all Staff members! Do not ask for promotions!It is critical that you listen to all staff members (this includes helpers). We work hard to ensure that players on this server have fun. Help us by following any orders you are given by Staff; we never ask you to do something without good reason. One thing we ask members to refrain from in particular is asking for promotions. Mature, active members who have proven to be helpful Might get a chance to be one of our Helpers. Staff are chosen from the army of Helpers we employ. The bottom line is this: when we think you are ready for a promotion, we will let you know immediately!

    #2 Respect all other players, especially Staff!The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you wish to be treated! We strictly forbid any form of hate speech; be sure to play nice and respect others’ boundaries. It is especially important to be respectful of Staff members. Lucid Dreams personnel stay busy, and will not tolerate being antagonized or disrespected. Members ignoring these guidelines can be muted or even banned.

    #3 Advertisement of any type is strictly forbidden!
    Lucid Dreams is a small, competitive Minecraft server which strives to be one of the most popular and excellent Minecraft servers ever created. We do not allow players to advertise or give out the IP of other servers in-game or on the website. Even discreet discussion of other servers is not permitted, regardless of the nature of the discussion. Please note that punishment for this type of behavior is swift and severe.

    #4 Do not grief, or modify others builds!Again, the Golden Rule. You wouldn’t want others coming onto your property and changing something that you worked hard on would you? We track all block placement and removals, and can wipe a player’s history like they were never there, all in a heartbeat.Once your name shows up in a grief record, nothing you can say will convince the investigating Staff member that you are beyond punishment. Remember, we hold the name accountable, meaning ‘my brother did it’ gets you nowhere.

    #5 Do not steal, spawn, or duplicate items! It is important that players only own what they rightfully worked for. Do not steal, we Will find out! Do not take advantage of exploits, or use mods to spawn items! Any accumulation of wealth is subject to auditing, we can always tell if the blocks were gained legitimately or not. Punishment for block fraud is very strict so as to protect our economy.

    #6 Build only on unclaimed land which you mark off with a Protection Stone!You must find land which is not claimed by another player before you can start building. This may take a little while But we will never run out of free land! Adequate space must be given apart from nearby claimed land. Any land claims must be marked with a sign and some form of obvious boundary, for instance a fence. You may get permission for a much larger piece of land to build a town in with permission from Staff.

    #7 Do not leave messes or eyesores; don’t spoil the terrain!
    This server has a general building code which forbids certain things:
    Eyesores; this can include anything which a staff member deems poor quality.
    All cobble, dirt, sand, or gravel buildings; you must use multiple building materials in a logical, attractive manner.Unsupported structures; no floating cities or houses hanging in the air.
    Trashed landscape; any spoiled land must be cleaned up to look natural again.
    Leftover 1x1s; if you dig or create 1×1 columns please clean them up once you are done.
    Leftover treetops; if you chop trees for wood remove EVERY log so the leaves decay.
    What staff members consider an ‘eyesore’ varies, but the most common problem involves the build only using one or two block types,or having a very generic, awkward shape. Also, builds need to make sense in the context they are presented in (for example, in themed towns, stick to the theme). If you are not sure if your building passes code, just ask LD personnel. This server emphasizes creative, attractive building. Every member is responsible for the appearance of the server, please do your best to keep Lucid Dreams a clean, beautiful place!

    #8 1×1 towers and holes are strictly forbidden! If you are doing the Treasure Hunt, cover the hole behind you when you dig straight down. It’s okay to use them as scaffolding, but when you are done, clean them up! All left behind 1×1 towers and holes
    will be removed when found by Staff.

    #9 Do not use fly mods, xray, speed-hack, exploit bugs, ect!
    A large number of mods are not allowed at Lucid Dreams, to ensure a level playing field. Anything which gives a player an advantage is not permitted, this includes exploiting any form of bug. If you aren’t sure, just ask if your mod can be used before activating it. We are quite strict about this policy and often ban players who ignore this rule after being made aware of it.

    #10 Communication
    Lucid Dreams Enjin In-game chat/ Website/ In-Game Chat Terms of Use. Users on our server must observe some basic rules. Those who do not follow these rules will be warned, then punished, and possibly banned. Spamming and flooding of any type are forbidden. Hate speech is not tolerated. Users may not advertise other servers or disclose IPs, even in private messages.Profanity is discouraged, however certain (rare) usage can be acceptable; rule of thumb is keep it clean.When asking for help, do not repeatedly ask or be rude: be patient, polite, and mature and you’re more likely to get helped.If you have questions, for Staff members in particular, just ask the question: avoid simply saying a name expecting an inquisitive
    response. Listen to Staff members and obey their wishes.

    Additional NotesPlotSquared Skyblock Spawn End Nether PVP Survival Worlds…Free Rank to Premium HeadHunter Ontime mcMMO McJobs Creative FreeBuild World SkyStone World

    Class Community Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Environment Fair Friendly Games Great Lag Land Map Mine Multiplayer Pay Play Player Players Resources Rewards Server Shop Shops Simple Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Trading Vanilla Voting War Welcoming

    ✸✸✸ Vanilla Skyblock ✸✸✸ Tight-knit community, mini-games, original experience ✸✸✸

    Welcome to the official Vanilla Skyblock forum thread!



    An example island made by one of our regular players, Xtepano

    We’re a tight-knit community that is focused on bringing back the original skyblock experience:

  • A very simple skyblock starter island
  • Friendly, welcoming players
  • Great voting rewards
  • Player-run grass/emerald economy
  • Villager shops for trading resources
  • Buying items
  • Selling resources
  • Converting grass & emeralds
  • A completely fair, non pay-to-win environment
  • Permission to use colour codes on signs
  • Permission to use colour codes on items through anvils
  • Ability to mine spawners with silk touch
  • Various skyblock add-ons
  • Twerk for trees
  • Custom cobblestone generation
  • Island warps
  • & much more!
  • Thanks for reading,


    Action Ass Block Class Com Community Craft Creative Ect Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Good Hermitcraft Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Minigames Nline Old Online Play Player Players Pro Server Survival Time Title

    Goaty Online

    Goaty online promises a good time for all players! We hold factions, creative and mini games. More mini games to come!

    Come play with us!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Arenagames Booze Brewery Chairs Chestshops Clans Community Competitions Contests Craftbook Events Friendly Fun Funserver Games Gods Jobs Landclaim Lootcrates Lottery Map Market Mcmmo Minigames Mobarena Mobs Multiplugin Mythicmobs Nicestaff Peaceful Pets Pve Economy Pvp Rpg Skills Small Stats Survival Voterewards


    Server Address


    Welcome to Mythic Miner! Our world has unlimited possibilities and endless fun for all types of gamers.

    Players can upgrade their skills using the MCMMO stats, Earn $ through in-game jobs and Set up shops to gain profit.

    Some other features include: Land Claiming, Upgrade-able Battle Pets, Gambling , Contests, Battle arenas, Mini games, Arcade games and much much more!!

    Come on in and check it out or visit out website at the link below for more info!

    Website :

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Build Builds Class Community Craft Create End Environment Essentials Event Extreme Friendly Fun Grief Griefprevention Home Join King Landclaim Mine Minecraft Play Player Playing Prevention Pve Pvp Semivanilla Server Smp Spawn Survival Team Title Tpa Vanilla War Welcoming World


    Welcome to VanillaValley!

    VanillaValley is a Semi-Vanilla server created with the aim of replicating Single-player survival on a Multi-player server. When you join the server you are immediately teleported to a random location in the world and you can begin playing immediately. There is no server-wide spawn.

    The server has a very basic set of commands (/home, /tpa, /msg etc.) and GriefPrevention so you can protect your builds and chests from griefers. VanillaValley has an extremely friendly and welcoming community. We want to provide an enjoyable Minecraft experience in a positive and relaxing environment. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the server!

    —The VanillaValley Team 🙂

    Active Bee Block Chest Claim Class Community Discord Element Experience Gaming Great Griefing Join Land Land Claim Mcmmo New Non Online Open Openworld Play Player Players Pmc Pro Raiding Server Servers Staff Survival Title Update Updates World


    Hello and welcome to a new survival server called mppmc, we bring various upfront gaming experiences with great people and active staff members! Concurrent updates on the server about once or twice a month we have been online for almost around 9 months now proudly with our community 🙂
    Some servers out there claim to be survival servers but mostly none are!
    most servers contain elements that worsen the survival experience ex(land claim, chest lock etc.)
    Were strictly open world!
    With over 1,400 players joined in the past 9 months and nearly half in Discord we’ve done very well with our community 🙂

    If you would Like to see updates and our community join our discord!

    Bee Block Class Com Community Economy Ect Enjoy Erver Freebuild Has Land Lands Link Mad Make New Noop Open Play Plugin Plugins Roleplay Rvival Server Spigot Stream Sub Survival Title Twitch Twitchtv Witch World

    Amylands Survival

    The Amyland Survival server is a brand new world for everyone to come on and enjoy. We have added a variety of plugins which add to the experince but keep the main aspects of survival the same. The Server is owned by the twitch streamer Amyland and it was origionally made just for her subscribers to play on but has now been opened up for everyone to enjoy. Make sure you come check out the server and also check out Amyland on twitch at

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Auction Build Chestshop Chestshops Claim Claims Cosmetics Currency Discord Eco End Event Events Forums Griefprevention Griefprotection Keys Lore Nether New Open Play Player Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Staff Survival Title Town Towns Towny Townyserver Townysurvival Vote Voting War

    Vacivity Servers

    Welcome to Vacivity Servers!


    There are tons of rewards to earn on the server. From player boosts and cosmetics to God grade armor and tools. VaxCoin is a special currency that is gained by voting, donating, or winning events. You can use VaxCoin in /vaxcoin:shop and purchase player boosts and cosmetics. Voting also rewards you with VoteKeys to use at /warp vote. VoteKeys reward you with other keys like Food, Block, Cash, or even God Tier Keys which have the chance of dropping rewards like Titan’s Sword (Sharpness X, Unbreaking X, Looting X, Fire Aspect V).

    Staff Applications

    Staff positions are open. The requirements and information you need to know before applying can be found on our forums.

    Special Thank You

    I just want to take a second to thank everyone who has helped me get to this point. You know who you are and you know how grateful I am for your help.

    115server Ace Aus Ban Bees Block Class Crate Crates Currency Discord Fun Hack Hacking Has Hub Ill Job Jobs King Network Noop Open Play Prison Prisons Quest Quests Rank Ranks Semivanilla Server Sruvival Survival Title Vip

    Lakeside Network

    Lakeside is a Network, with a survival server and prisons coming soon. The Sruvival server has fun quests, jobs, server currency, OP Tools, VIP Ranks and even crates. The server is a fun place for people any age, anywhere. The server has a no offensive language rule. This server does not allow hacking AT ALL, hacking will cause you a ban! 1.15.2




    Anarchy Anarchy Server Ash Ass Auto Blo Block Class Craft Ect Erver Follow Forge Inecraft Lin Link Mega Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Moddedanarchy Mods Nam Noop Open Raft Server Survival Tech This Title Tps


    TechCraftModdedAnarchy is a modded anarchy server! to get the mods go to this link:
    to get forge go here: get forge

    Block Class Communitydriven Craft Discord Erver Game Games Has Inecraft Join King Link Lit Lobby Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Ming Mini Minigame Minigames New Noop Open Please Quality Rvival Server Small Smallcommunity Survival This Title Video Who

    New Horizon


    this is my Little minecraft server

    for now it only has Survival, but more minigames are coming soon!

    please join, im quite lonely…

    Sorry for the bad video quality, im working on it!

    Join The Discord server ->

    Build Builders Craft Discord End Event Events Friends Games Hard Huge Join Land Lands Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Need New Online Open Play Player Players Playing Quest Quests Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Staff Texture Title World

    MC Island – Hang out with friends, play mini-games, complete quests, and check out party events!

      Welcome to MC Island! A Minecraft Virtual World.

      Huge inspirations for this server are Club Penguin, Lords of Minecraft, and other virtual world role-playing based games!

      Come hang out with your friends and play mini-games to earn coins. You can spend earned coins on hats, toys, and consumables. Participate in parties that occur on the island on occasion.

      The server is currently In-Dev. You can already hop on the server, grab a Hard Hat, and check out the construction!

    Planned Features:

      - Player Housing. Each player gets their own island with a house they can furnish. Players can visit each other’s islands and hang out.

      - More areas and more minigames.

      - New events and parties.

      If you’d like to be part of staff, MC Island needs modelers, texturers, builders, and coders.

    Join the Discord here!

    Best Community Crates Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Faction Factions Friendly Mcmmo Minion Minions Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Open Play Player Prison Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Town Towny Vote Voting War


    >> Here at VortexLimits <<

    We provide the finest gamemode experience.

    We continuously add cool features to leave you enjoying the game to the best!

    1.8 – .1.15 SUPPORT!


    What Do We Offer?

    Coming Soon!




    »And many more Modes


    Adventure Best Block Class Coded Community Crate Crates Custom Discord Emo Experience Features Game Join King Level Mine Mines Mod Need New Noop Open Pay Payouts Play Prison Semi Server Staff Title Unique Update Updates Venture Voice Weekly

    Oblivion Mines

    Introducing Oblivion Mines. Oblivion Mines is a new upcoming prison server offering plenty of unique and custom coded features.


    We try our best to come out with unique gameplay experiences to change the level of the gamemode known as Prison. We are constantly working on updates and engage with our community consistently to hear their voices on what should be featured on the server in the future! Join now to begin your adventure!
    Join us on discord:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!