Ages Bee Block Class Craft Discord Eco Economy End Fac Faction Factions Head Help Inecraft Land Mad Mature Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Moderator Moderators Noop Open Owner Play Player Players Pro Protection Pvp Server Store Survival Title

Weekend Miners

This is a 24/7 survival Minecraft server owned by GeneralClusters1 and IVIr_Pres and hosted by

The server has been relaunched previously and is in its early stages.

This server is recommended for mature players.

For more information, visit our Discord.


Land Protection:
Our server uses Factions. Please use Factions to protect your land.

This link can be used as a source of help for using Factions:

Horse Protection:
After taming a horse, right click it with a saddle to protect it. /horse can be used to protect/summon/store up to 3 horses.
You can also teleport your horses to you if they get lost.

Owner: GeneralClusters1
Co-Owner: IVIr_Pres
Head-Moderator: BilboSwaggens99
Moderators: MadFawn504

8.2 Alwaysonline Ass Auto Best Blo Block Class Ect Erver Ill Mc Server Nam New Normal Norules Nostaff Open Owner Pure Pvp Rvival Server Suggestions Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Title Vanilla

A Vanilla MC Server

This server is a pure pvp survival server. This server is 24/7.
Also this server is new and I’ll do my best to fix any and all bugs

I will be open to any suggestions.


– Server Owner

Ban Best Build City Claiming Community Custom Discord Eco Economy End Faction Factions Fun Grief Griefprevention Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Multiplayer Mythicmobs New Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Quest Quests Ranks Server Servers Staff Survival Town Towny Website

Project-MC: The Survival Experience You’ve Been Looking For.

The Minecraft Experience You’ve Been Looking For.


  Project-Mc is a refined and well thought minecraft server who’s main focus is,and always has been, the experience of its players. With an administrative team that has over a decade of server running experience, along with a custom plugin developer, Project-MC tries its best to accommodate and actively change the server to best fit the feedback it receives from its players. We find that there is a lack of servers that have a genuine survival experience, without overwhelming players with features and a push to donate to get features you otherwise cannot. We aim to make a community that enjoys the simplicity of survival, but with the joys of multiplayer and creating a community.

  Project-MC has developed into an economy based survival experience, with added features to have fun. You can earn money by time spent on the server, killing mobs, selling items at the shop, or by creating your own market and selling items to other players. With this money, you can progress through the ranking system, which allots you new permissions and features. You can also use this money to get temporary permissions to assist you in builds. Features are constantly being added, all of which will revolve around the economy.

  Testing all plugins and making sure they work properly is a top priority for our team. Going through some of the more popular plugins, such as Towny, Factions and Jobs, our administrative team found that these plugins over complicate gameplay, leading to exploits and issues, and have a ton of back end issues that the common player does not see. For this reason, we use GriefPrevention for claiming purposes.We have tons of features to make your gameplay fun, such as Guilds,Chest Shop,MythicMobs,Bloodmoon,
Quests and many more. Our plugin developer is actively working on custom plugins that will not only help the administrative staff, but will also make the gameplay easier and more enjoyable for players.


  With one of the most important things to us being community engagement, we have developed a website, as well as a discord server for players to interact, ask questions and get more involved with the team. You can join our website,, to apply for ranks, ask questions to the staff team, or just chat with players about whats happening on the server.
Our discord server, which has channels that you can use to chat, share music, or discuss whats happening in your life, can be joined by the following link:

We hope to see you joining us on our server experience, and hope to build this server into a comfortable place that people look forward to playing on with their friends everyday.

Credits: w8osec,
killerprincess7,Goofy_bandit, Drexxel, Hypernova

Dianite Donations Economy Ianite Mcmmo Mianite Mobarena Plots Purge Pvp Raiding Roleplay Rpg Slimefun Survival Syndicate

Mianite Realm – | 1.8 Combat | Custom Enchants | Slimefun | McMMO | Survival/RP Elements |

Welcome to Mianite Realm!

A unique Survival/Roleplay experience lightly based around the popular youtube series. We offer McMMO, Slimefun, Custom Enchantments, PvP, and Community Quests to enhance your survival experience. We also have occasional RP and PvP Events! We have been up for over 5 years and plan on being around for a bit longer. Hope to see you on!

Upon joining the server you will choose which god you wish to follow. There are three gods to choose from:

Mianite, the older brother of Dianite and Ianite, is the God of grace and all things good. His castle and home is located in the Overworld. Mianite is friendly and helpful but he will defend him and his followers if needed

Ianite, the sister of Mianite and Dianite, is the God of balance and all things equal. Her palace is located in her Homeland, the End. She will remain neutral with everyone unless forced to do otherwise.

Dianite, the brother of Mianite and Ianite, is the God of immorality and evil. He is the ruler of the Nether and is only kind and loyal to his followers.


*We are not the creators of Mianite, this is simply a fan created community for people who enjoy the series.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Anarchy Battle Battlecraft Cracked Craft Emerald Emeraldbattle Emeraldbattlecraft Grief Griefing Hard Minecraft Modified Pro Professional Pvp Raid Raiding Rebalanced Survival Vanilla Villager

EmeraldBattleCraft [Cracked] [PvP] [Raid] [1.15] – only for Pros

EmeraldBattleCraft finally is back! With the same old concept, which we ran successfully from 2012 to 2015.

☑ dedicated server
☑ few rules
☑ very hard
☑ custom plugins
☑ new concept

Battle Royales are hyped and yes Minecraft was the first introducing The Hungergames. Our server aims to give you a similar feeling. You can’t trust anyone, everyone is your enemy. The world border is set to 12k blocks, so everyone is close.

If you want to build, hide, pvp or just join a great and loved community, there you go.

We are currently running on 1.15 vanilla full release with custom crafted datapacks. So why not try 1.15?

/trigger sethome
/trigger home
/trigger spawn

PvP, Raiding, Griefing allowed!!

Just #1 Rule: What is possible, is allowed to do!
– You can raid everyone, grief everything, pvp with others, fool others, betray others, trick others, etc.!

And yes the server is really hard, you will have a hard time to survive in the night!

Adventure Age Block Build Builder Builders Building Buschgardens Cat Class Craft Disney Disneyworld Erver Florida Help Inecraft Islands King Land Looking Mine Minecraft Orlando Parks Pro Project Resort Roleplay Scale Seaworld Server Studios Theme This Title Universal Welcome

REBOOTED – VacationCraft {builder applications welcome}


Hello everyone, I am currently rebooting my project of building Universal Orlando Resort on a 1:1 scale in Minecraft. I am looking for builders to help with this project so message me if you are interested.

Thank you 🙂

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

110x 111x 112x 113server 113x 114x 115x 17pvp 17x 18pvp 18x 19x Freeranks Kitpvp Pvp


RoyalMC has been around since the beginning of 2018. Unfortunately, in early 2019 our hosting provider shut down and we lost our old server. We are back and better than ever! The revamped RoyalMC includes new kits, better ranks, an improved map, and so much more! Free ranks, cool crates, and a great community make for a fun experience! We also use old combat mechanics, so its essentially 1.7 PvP in any version you play on! Join now!

Amazing Awesome Ban Chill Claim Claims Community Crates Dynmap Eco Economy End Farm Farming Fly Friendly Friendlycommunity Fun Good Grief Leaderboards Legit Map Minecraft Mob Mobs New Perks Play Rank Ranks Rewards Rol Semivanilla Server Staff Survival Title Voting War


Farmtopia is a NEW Farming Server!

Blaze through our ranks with money from farming and voting to earn amazing perks and rewards! That will help you reach the top of the Farmtopian leaderboards!

Stop searching for a good server! You’ve found one! Join us and Let’s get Farming! -)>

– Free Fly!
– Farming Economy with
– Auto Or Manual Farming
– Friendly & Fun Community
– Relaxed Playing Experience
– Limited Hostile Mobs
– Chunk Based Land Claims
– Anti-grief with Rollbacks
– Dynmap
– Crates

SERVER VERSIONS: 1.7 to 1.15.2 although it’s suggested you play on the more recent MC versions.

Chestshop Chestshops Class Community Craft Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Friendly Fun Great Job Jobs Join Mcmmo New Open Peaceful Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Economy Roleplay Server Shop Shopgui Shops Staff Survival Title Town Towny Unique War

CobaltCraft – [1.15.2] [Towny] [Economy] [Jobs] [Chestshops]


CobaltCraft is a new 1.15.2 Towny server. We are an economy and community-oriented server. Our goal is to provide a platform for great people to meet and interact on a unique Towny experience.


Custom plugins
Player based economy
Friendly staff and community
Player warps
Weekly/Monthly events
+ More!

Come by and join us at CobaltCraft!


Ages Civ Civilization Civilizations Class Communities Craft Create Dynamic Eco Econ Game Grief Inecraft Interesting Lit Mine Minecraft Mmo Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Police Political Politics Real Realm Resource Resources Sandbox Server Stand Survival Multiplayer World


Server IP –

CivRealms Minecraft encourages players to form and act out dynamic politics in a sandbox world with limited resources. Our plugins allow players police each other and reasonably fortify their own creations. This allows players to create and maintain communities and civilizations that can withstand common griefers, allowing for deeper and more interesting political economic gameplay.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!