1.19.1 Clans Customenchants Customplugins Customterrain Guilds Jobs Kitpvp Luckyblocks Mcmmo Playing Minecraft Pocket Pvp Pvparena Survival


Welcome to the Unknown! 1.8.9- 1.19.1

Take a walk on the unknown side of Minecraft with two awesome servers to play on. From awesome Kitpvp with a side of ultimate custom coded things to do, to the Custom Coded Survival with Epic Pvp Arena with kill points.

UnknownRealms is also looking for paid positions on the Staff Team as well! So please join the discord we need help!

Like playing Minecraft and need a little money in your pockets? Well, UnknownRealms has a program just for people like you!!! Get paid to play. Application available on the website!


Aco Beacon Heart Hearts Ifesteal Lifes Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Resources Reviv Revive Seri Sèrie Series Survival

Lifesteal SMP: Reboot

Releasing Soon!

Lifesteal SMP: Reboot is a re-invention of the lifesteal series. Players can kill each other to gain hearts, They can also craft them by using valuable resources. When a player looses all their hearts they get eliminated. They can be revive by others when using a revive beacon.

Adventures Atapacks Datapack Datapacks Eset Launch Launcher Minecraft Servers Older Redstone Share Stone Survival These Trance

Survival Reborn ++

Hello friends! This is a new small sever that my friend and I are trying to grow! We have plenty of Minecraft experience and are excited to share out adventures with others. I consider this server Survival Reborn, as we use many datapacks to alter the basic vanilla experience. These many packs are server end and will be compatible with your vanilla launcher! As we are an older group this server is 18+. Server is whitelisted and and some questions are required for server entry. The world will be reset on 08/04/22

Entrance Questions

Minecraft Username?

What is your age?

Do you like to build your base far away or close to others?

What do you prefer to do, build, mine, farm, or redstone?

Do you have discord? (it is our prefered platform of communication)

Are you on other minecraft servers?

How active will you be?

What is your timezone?

Homo Minecraft NSFW Paper Property Racism Season 3 Seasons Semivanilla Sfw Smp Survival Trade Version 1.19 Warps

BluSMP | S3 | 1.19 | Keep-Inv


Version: 1.19
Whitelisted? No
Keep Inventory? Yes
You can vote here for free rewards in-game!Introduction:

The BluSMP is a survival SMP that started in late July of 2021. A year later, we are still standing strong and we have recently released Season 3 of our server.

We have over 4,000 different players who have joined BluSMP throughout our last two seasons, and almost 200 in Season 3 as of today.

– New: Use the /trade command to trade items with other users in a simple UI
– New: Use the /warp command to create warps to anything in the BluSMP
– New: Use the /report command to report users found to be breaking the rules

– Commands such as /wild, /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn
– Grief prevention – claim land using a golden shovel
– We don’t have a world border; travel anywhere
– Version 1.19 of Minecraft

1. Refrain from using hacks.
2. No NSFW conversations, as well as racism, homophobia, etc.
3. No targeted harassment.
4. No griefing bases and natural property without reason.
5. Staff make the final decision.

The spawn built by Flow_MC.
Type /ranks in-game to view the available ranks

Com Come Dos End Grief In Minecraft Join Join Minecraft Server Loud Opé Open Opening Qué Survival Multiplayer Unique

lRENDflGRIEF fl.. flOPENING flUNIQUE lGRIF flJOIN Minecraft server

Server owner “lRENDflGRIEF f.. flOPENING flUNIQUE lGRIF flCOME IN” has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.9 170 2020 Average Cru Elsixos Hypixel Mega Megapixel Mini-game Mini-games News News Fr Rage Recruiting

Mega Pixel

Mega Pixel is a beta mini-game server made on aternos since 2020….

You can connect to it on new versions, even if the most recommended remains 1.9.4

There are a lot of mini-games available, but don’t expect a Hypixel, we still have to fix bugs that are badly affecting the server, especially the PvP bug….

The server accepts obvious cracks, the staff is attentive to future news from players and is not harsh. The server is quite active because it is open on average every day.

Server discord:

Website not yet available

Server Type: Minigames

I hope many of you will come! See you soon on the server!


Access Awa Different Duck Emo Eren Ert Gamemode Gamemodes Halo Long Mode Please Survival This.


HaloMc is in ealy access so please be aware of this.
As of right now this is only a survival server but we will grow overtime along with different gamemodes.

Curse Cursed Download Enhanced Fabric Freedom Launch Launcher Mcserver Modded Server Server Survival Valhelsia Wildernes Wilderness

Valhelsia: Enhanced Vanilla [1.18.2 (Fabric)] Modded Server

Own by two dudes, you spawn in the wilderness with nothing. Have fun surviving and building. We’ll check on you from time to time make sure you don’t blow up the world or something. Anyway have fun. You have to download Valhelsia: Enhanced Vanilla 1.18.2 on the cursedforge launcher.

Crew Disney Disneyland Disneylandparis Disneyparks Disneyworld Explore Food Fun Happy Paris Parks Restaurant Rides Roleplay Shop Shops Themepark Walt Waltdisney World

RCThemePark – Disneyland Paris | CLOSED

RCThemePark - Disneyland Paris | CLOSED Minecraft Server
Welcome to the RCThemePark Planet Minecraft Page

In short RCThemePark is a Minecraft server that is recreating Disneyland Paris in Minecraft.

This beautiful project started al the way back in ….. under the name MCImagineers. The MCImagineers were a talented group of people who knew how to create one of the most realistic recreations of Disneyland Paris.
One day they decided to stop this project and they wouldn’t continue.
So we contacted the MCImagineers and asked if we could continue this beautiful project.

The RCThemePark Experience

At RCThemePark we want every player to experience the server as smooth as possible. That is why you don’t need to have a expensive pc to play on RCThemePark. If you can run Minecraft you can play on RCThemePark with reduced lag.

With our custom coded RCThemePark plugin we can achieve maximum control and make sure that everything runs smoothly. Together with our advanced Ride System and our Magical Audio client you can experience RCThemePark as if you were in the real life park.

What to do at RCThemePark

What can you do at RCThemePark?

Aside from riding all the rides and watching the shows, there is lots to do in and around the park.

Go on a hunt to find all Hidden Mickey’s
Be the first to get all achievements
Become the RCThemePark collector and collect all the pins and get a bonus rewards

Come and join RCThemePark and find out what else you can do!

RCThemePark is currently closed

Work at RCThemePark!

Have you always wanted to work at a Disney Minecraft server? Now is your change! Are you good at a certain job?

Come and apply now!

Currently we have a couple of jobs available.
These are:
– Builder
– Pixel Artist (Skins & Textures)
– 3D Modeler

To apply join our discord server:

Send a message to ๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡UnrealPinguin#5889 or BellyMustache#7524

We have some other jobs available, but those are not our priorities.

These jobs are:
– Animator (Blender)
– Designer

RCThemePark on Social Media

Follow us on Social Media

Cool Coolcommunity Discord Discordserver Fun History King Kingdom Kingdoms Lackofplayers Needsplayers Needsstaff Pleasejoin Queen Queendom Smp Survival Tsardoms Whitelist

Explosion SMP! (Whitelist) (👑Kingdoms👑)

The Explosion SMP is a Survival Multiplayer Minecraft server where you can create, or join your own kingdom, or! go solo. This is a good SMP to join, because it is brand new. Well, sorta. we have an insane lack of players and it would mean a lot of you could join. Thank you.

Boat Casual Challenge Coded Cru Custom Map Hunt Hypixel Legit Manhunt Mc But Practice Pride Replay Rides

PlayCY – ManHunt | MC But _ | Practice Mode | Duels

Join Our Discord:

Custom Plugins
90% of how this Server runs itself is through our Custom-Coded Plugins! PlayCY Prides ourselves on standing out as aspiring to be the next best thing.

Unique MiniGames
“Custom-Made”, “100% Legit”, “Replay Value”, “The next Hypixel”. If those words sound like something you want, believe us, we’re in the Same Boat! We aspire to be as Creative, Unique and Offer MiniGames that we KNOW our Players will like. Custom Maps, Custom MiniGames, Custom Rules. You name it, we’ll Make it. (probably 😛 )

Open Community
We are Currently looking for Staff who are willing to Commit, casual or dedicated, alongside other ways to Contribute to the Server, we aspire to be an Open Community that Communicates well and we Welcome all!

Looking to become part of our Staff? Join the Server Forums and request today! We’re always looking for Motivated Players who believe in this Server, Casual or non-casual!

2.11 Back Creativity Discord Donations Fabric Javaedition Ledger Roll Rollback Security Smp Survival Uses Whitelisted

Minecraft With The Peeps

Minecraft With The Peeps is a vanilla survival server that values creativity and ingenuity. It is whitelisted for security and uses ledger for blocklogging and rollbacks.

Asa Asc Cas Case Clicker Kywars Paw Project Rad Shop Skywar Skywars Spawn Survival Multiplayer Wars

BradasCraft | × 1.1.5 × Minecraft server

A good project for the game, the server has Spawn,Clicker,Workshop,SkyWars,Donat,Case-With a prefix!!!

We wish you a pleasant game!!

Detail Details Fit Mature Maturecommunity Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Post Public Survival Tail Tails Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist

Mint Vanilla Server


I am posting my private Vanilla server here to the public.

If you are interested in joining a small community of mature Minecraft players with out plugins or any B.S this is it for you.

I would like to keep this server a apply and join type basis to keep out players that don’t fit the servers player base so there is a fee to join the whitelist.

Feel free to message me on here for more details or discord

Discord: Dis9turbed

1.17.1 201 2012 Community Craftmc Creative Discord Esp Fur Latest Pig Respect Spigot Survival Tmc

Our latest version of the Bearcraft server running on the latest MC version.

Since 2012

1.2 Bro Date Der Disco End Ender Noob Ron Roni Sco Survival Multiplayer Ted Update Updated

– Server EnderNoob by Broni – Updated discounts on Donat – Minecraft server

Server owner “- Server EnderNoob by Broni – Donat discounts updated -” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

16x 18x 2022 Boss Bosses Content Crafting Mca Miner Mission Missions New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Survival Upload


  • AquatiMC | Survival Custom (Sin mods)

    I invite you to my new Minecraft server, which we have the “Survival Custom” mode.

    What we have?
    – Jobs.
    – Missions
    – New bosses to fight.
    – New minerals and crafting.
    – clan systems
    – And much more.

    Version: 1.16x – 1.18x
    We will wait for you! 💗💗i de 2022

  • Categories
    Capture Challenges Fall Industrial Prizes Pve Pvesurvival Scale Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivalmultiplayer Trial Whitelist Whitelistapplication

    BrickByBrick SMP

    A small scale SMP trying to recapture the classic feeling of Minecraft Survival Multiplayer.

    During your time on BrickByBrick SMP you’ll have the oppertunity to meet new friends, experience community challenges, events (with real prizes) and much more.

    So say goodbye to these industrial economy based servers and say hello to the classic feel of Minecraft that made you fall in love with the game.

    America Bedrock Daily Eam Ert Events Everything Find Latin Mendo Official Rat Rock Survival Team

    OnlyCraft Network

    PLAY.ONLYCRAFT.XYZ Your Minecraft server! Join one of the best servers in Latin America! Find everything you need, 24 hour moderation, a tremendous team ready for you. We have Survival with Daily Events!


    Puerto Java: 25565

    Puerto Bedrock: 19132

    Community Communitydriven Communityoriented Communityserver Mindcrack Minimap Smp Smppvp Smppvpsurvival Survival Survivalpvp Survivalserver Tweaked Whitelist Whitelisted

    Whitelisted Community SMP – Tweaks to gameplay to make life easier


    Hi, I’ll keep it short and sweet

    I’m going to be making a whitelisted, private SMP server. It’ll be a community-based server, all changes discussed with everyone first. It’ll be somewhere you can come home from work and relax, unwind and forget about the stresses of real life.

    Think of Mindcrack and Hermitcraft, but with less pressure.

    Things that may be tweaked to make the experience slightly more seamless and time-consuming;
    – Farming & Tree tweaks, i.e. instant tree cutting and crop replant instantly
    – Slightly more ores in order to make things that bit easier
    – Minimap/map in order to teleport to coordinates and visit other players quickly
    & more to be discussed as a community

    I’ve owned many Minecraft servers in the past (public ones), therefore know how to ensure a smooth experience, 99.99% uptime, and handle anything going wrong.

    I’ll ensure that things are done as a team, such as conquering the End. I’ll also ensure we have no possibility of anyone being silly and stealing or griefing others. Again, this will be community-based, therefore unlike public servers, no ‘land claims’ or ‘chest locks’ will be required.

    If this sounds like something that will interest you, please reply down below or discord DM me Tom#4673

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Modded Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!