Buy Custom Item Custom Items Economy Factions Minecraft Survival Server Mini Games Quality Roleplay Sell Survival Survival Games Towns Voting Wns

CoziLand V2

CoziLand V2 is a super cool Minecraft Survival server with quality of life plugins to enhance your experience. You can play with your friends, claim land, create towns, create player distortions, buy and sell items to others and more ..!

Here are some of the items we offer: custom items, player distortions, player economy, voting ranks …

We do our best to keep this community a friendly place. If you are looking for a fun survival server try ours 🙂
I hope to see you soon !

Abilitys Comunity Crates Customenchants Dailyrewards Mines New Polls Quests Semivanilla Skills Smp Survival Traps Voting

TrapSMP [2.0] Custom Mobs – Enchants – Need Staff – Quests – Skills – Ability’s – Mines

What are we?

We are a brand new SMP server (Semi-Vanilla) just looking for regular players to come and enjoy playing minecraft!

There are many custom features including Custom Mobs, Custom Mines (NOT OP), Dungeons, Quests, Skills!
The server updates are managed by the players what the players want they get its decided in discord with polls,
we are always looking for ways to improve the server and make it more fitting to the players playing and new players
looking to find a place to enjoy minecraft as a general!

We are a free-to-play server meaning we are not pay2win meaning that everything in the store is obtainable in-game with no
purchased rank/item how minecraft should be!

Why do we offer paid item?

Servers aint free to have running unless you use your own pc but then you still have to factor in Eletricity bills/Having good hardware ect,
we have ranks and keys and pets in our item store (all obtainable in-game, apart from ranks) to help pay for our server monthly costs
this includes: Enjin, Server Hosting, Web Hosting and Developer fees its unfortunate minecraft runs like this but its not costly only costing around $40 a month n i pay for it myself mosts months xD but i enjoy hosting my SMP for the players and the community!

Server IP & Version: – Version: 1.16 – 1.17.X

Auto Lore Making Mid Middle Middle School Nam Reward Rewards Schoo School Survival Title Vote Voting

RyZe Middle School

RyZe The lore server

(This server is)
A Smp
Lore server
And just all out fun

Join up and if u don’t like it you can leave. Have Fun also I will be making rewards for voting as well so when you join vote and get Rewards!

Data Link Mid Middle Middle School Noop Reviv Revive Reward School Sts Survival Tsm Vive Voting

Distorted Middle School

Come Join Our Server! Play Survival With Voting Rewards, Cool Minigames And An Amazing Community! Join Our Discord Below!

1.17.1 Crack Cracké Cracked Crazy Launch Launcher Minecraft 1.17 Noop Survival Target Tla Tlauncher Unch Voting


Official Voting Website for the Minecraft 1.17.1 Crazy SMP!
Vote here to earn rewards
Also Join the discord server
This Server is Not Cracked (TLauncher is Not Allowed!)

Not My Server i am Admin on it its owned by dakatz

1.18 Generation Inventory Landclaim Landclaiming Paper Pve Pvp Spigot Survival Towny Vanilla Vibe Vibes Voting

PixelBlock | 1.17 Survival | Keep Inventory | 1.18 Cave Generation

Keep inventory | Good vibes | Player-based economy | Voting ranks | 1.18 Cave Generation!

PixelBlock is an economy-based survival server with 1.18 generation! And all kinds of unique and custom features.
The community is very friendly and staff are always online to help you. So what are you waiting for? Join now!!!!

Community Duels Eco Economy Hub Npc Parkour Plugin Prison Prisonlife Prisonmine Prisonserver Prisonservers Pvp Roleplay Shopguiplus Spleef Vote Votecrates Votifier Voting Votingkeys Votingrewards

RaptorCraft Prison

Welcome to Raptorcraft! Raptorcraft is a brand new prison experience
featuring an engaging community and fun gameplay. However, that is not all! Raptorcraft soon has plans to expand into many other gamemodes. These gamemodes include minigames, and more! If you’re interested in playing prison (or any of the future gamemodes) come join us on Raptorcraft!

1164server 1164smp 116survival Antigrief Buycraft Claiming Economy Events Fun Griefprevention Landclaiming Levels Mcmmo Playershop Playershops Playerwarps Quest Quests Ranks Semivanilla Skills Smp Survival Voting

RoyaltyRealms – Survival [1.17.1]

Royalty Realms is a semi-vanilla Minecraft survival server offering a lot of fun events to enhance your experience!

Looking for something you can progress in, our in-game leveling system is just for you then. Progress and earn more perks by leveling up through earning money and playtime. Need a server that offers special abilities like skills? We got you, we have 5 skills that will make your in-game experience more alive and active.

Come check us out and see what we have to offer by joining us today @

Join our discord for announcements and server news @

Custom Item Custom Items Economy Items Mcmmo Nite Purchase Pve Rps Survival United Vanilla Voting Warp Warps

United EcoMC Survival

Economy based Survival server. We have player warps and shops that players can create at there base to allow others to purchase items From others. Crates to get items from by /voting. custom items on shop to give players something to work towards . We have McMMO and more getting added soon!!

Bungee Bungeecord Extra Maybe Mute Released Setup Short Slime Slimefun Towny Toxic Ungee Voting Whitelisted


VerbrixMC (Verbrix for short) is a Towny Slimefun server! It has only recently released But its still whitelisted to do some extra work! And!!! To make sure the server stays alive and doesn’t die. Toxicity is perm bannable. It’s not just a mute. So hopefully it should be safe from toxicity!
Voting isn’t setup yet btw! We have plans to add onto the server more and more! Maybe even end up making it into a Bungeecord Network!


Envoy Envoys Factions Giveaway Gkits Koth Mcmmo Op Factions Outpost Outposts Oys Payout Payouts Pve Pvp


Kawhi is a new factions server who are currently looking for both staff and players! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Some of our features include KoTH, Outposts, Envoys, GKits, custom enchantments, and we even do payouts for top factions! Drop parties are scheduled regularly and we do rank giveaways. We support versions 1.8-1.13.

Alpha Better Dedi Dedicated Great Launch Launching Lone Oda Pixel Pixelmon Pol Release Today Unch

Pixelmon | Apollo – Alpha

We here at Pixelmon Apollo are a new server dedicated to you, the player! We are launching our Alpha release, which will be improved over time. Join us today and become apart of our tight knit community, great staff, and even better player!

Announcement Clearlag Communities Culture Economy Esports Essentialschat Lsc Mcmmo Ontime Pvp Roleplay Sport Sports Vanilla


This server is in ALPHA, more content is to come.

Current Plugins: Core Protect, World Edit Essentials, EssentialsChat, Group Manager, Clearlag, mcMMO, Vault, Announcements, Multiverse-Core, ChestShop, OnTIme, DiscordSRV, Jobs, GriefPrevention.

Future plans of:
– Faction World
– Skyblock World
– Minigames!

So much more is in store for the future. We are just getting started.

FROST Organization is a multimedia organization focused on building a culture in the gaming community representing authenticity, quality, and humility. Aside from this Minecraft server, we currently host a fully active Discord server, eSports teams, and sponsored gaming communities,

For more info, visit

Active Ass Class Des Eth Hut Info Kitpvp Las Lmao Mine Minehut Pvp Tab Tive


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Beginner Buildings Clan Clans Community Easy Enchantment Enchantments Experienced Pub Public Rping Super Survival Welcoming

Applecraft Survival

Applecraft Survival is a semi-vanilla server that is easy and fun to play at any level. From beginners to experienced players, we have welcoming and kind community with features that raise the game to a super-survival level.

Features include a safe spawn area with public buildings, easy warping away from spawn to safely build your base, community events, clans, over 100 new enchantments, 1.8 pvp, bosses, and lots of ways to make money.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1.14 130 Anarchy Experience First Lea Mcserver Pub Public Pve Pvp Release Survival Vanilla World

14 Pre Release Server

The World’s First Public 1.14 Pre Release 1 Server! Join now to experience 1.14!



Case Cloud Cool End Fac Fact Friend Fun Life Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Server Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp

CloudMine Minecraft Server

Psss server description … Dear friend, do you want to have some fun on our cozy server? And we also have a lot of cool buns and the fact that in no case can you try in life, but only with us!


Bedwar Builders Citybuild Creative Fortnite Kitpvp Law Laws Mario Mario Party Master Mini Games Party Pvp Skywars

Minigames Server Wherever you play on it.

-Mario Party

Ars Creative Economy Established Family Mall Minecraft Server Official Ring Roleplay Skyblock Small Star Start Survival

OfficialFCG Minecraft

Newly Started Minecraft Server!

FCG was established as a small community over 4 years ago, Come join the family !

Crafter Crafters Crafting Creative Economy Factions Little Massive Overhaul Roleplay Season Seasonal Survival Theme Themed

Nation Of Crafters

Welcome to our community,
we care about the player experience and like to do that extra little step.
We just went trough a massive network overhaul!
We have game modes such as:
– Plots
– SkyBlock
– Factions
– Seasonal Themed Maps!
And much more coming soon!
Server version: 1.8-1.14.4

Drop by to have a look, keep on crafting.

Boy Curse Curseforge Factions Launcher Oys Pixelmon Projects Pvp Reforged Survival Twitch Universal Venom Witch

BP Minecraft Server

Server for me and the boys, now going public.

You need the Pixelmon mod at the latest version and Ironchests for 1.12.2.



I recommend using the Technic launcher or the Twitch app and use a Pixelmon pack.

Guests can’t break blocks, ask someone to give you the member rank to play.

If you need whitelisted or help add me on discord VenomousBeing#4733

Apex Demon Economy Emo Epl Gameplay Mcmmo Mcu Networks Newest Owny Pvp Raiding Soon Towny


Pandemonium Is one of the newest Up and coming Networks. Created by players for the players. Always constantly adding new plugins and gameplay.

– Towny
– SkyBlock (Coming Soon)
– Creative (Coming Soon)


Anti Atla Atlantis Bored Cked Current Economy Ked Ored Pac Pack Pve Pvp Skyblock Tla


Join us on AtlantisNetwork to enjoy feature packed servers with many unique and fun things to do, so you never get bored!
We currently only have Skyblock, but many more are coming!


170 Bewitchment Economy Fire Launcher Magitech Presents Rek Survival Technic Tekkit Thaum Thaumcraft Umc Witch

MagiTech Presents

Bed Brand Cube Cubed Hank Hanks Kitpvp Many Players Mcp Mcpr Park Pvp Rime Thanks Vip


Hello! My fun, brand new server, PrimeCubed, is a KitPVP game. You try and kill as many players as possible within the arena. Your kills are counted, so you try and beat other player’s kill counts. Try to complete the parkour at spawn, so you can get VIP rank! I would be very grateful if you joined and gave it a go, but make sure you follow the rules, as breaking them will result in a punishment! Thanks very much!

Creative Economy Enderchest Hatred Hosting Inclusive Mcmmo Plotsquared Professional Pve Quick Sequence Square Survival Towny


Looking for a new, small, inclusive Minecraft server? Welcome to Qnet! We welcome all people regardless of who you are. We are an mcMMO Towny survival server where PVP is enabled outside of Towns but you keep items on death. We also have a Plot World set up, with your number of plots based on your rank. We have both creative and survival plots.

– Towny
– mcMMO
– Economy/Shop
– PlotSquared (Survival & Creative)
– WorldEdit in the Plot World (Member+)
– Generous Ranks – /enderchest, /craft, and more! (Member+)
– Keep Items On Death
– Mines! Get ores quickly! Mine depends on rank.
– Lag-free Professional Hosting

Here are the rules: No slurs or hate speech. We want everyone to feel safe here, so generally just be nice. Any action that condones or promotes hatred will face severe consequences. More rules available in-game with /rules command. Please note that builds constructed outside of Towns, if damaged, may or may not be reversed by admins. Please protect yourself by building in a Town.

Duck Economy Ender Dragon Insane Kim Lockette Lucky Lucky Block Mythic Quack Respawn Survival Towny Vampire Vampires

Quack Im a Duck

Vampires, Towny, Towny GUI, Jobs, RTP, Auctions, Economy, Ender Dragon Respawn, Trading system, Kits, Ranks, Mythic Drops, Insane Mobs, Lockette Pro, Lucky Blocks, and more!

Dom Drop Economy Everyone Fut Future Ice Kingdom Nice Roleplay Shadow Survival Team Towny Vanilla


LostKingdom is a new and fun community that welcomes everyone! We also have a nice and friendly staff team that helps everyone when necessary. Be sure to drop by and help build the future of the server !!!

Abuse Anarchy Aternos Ats Bus Cheat Cheats Client Difficult Exploit Pve Pvp Raiding Super Survival

Anarchy 2019

A super difficult survival experience even though your allowed to use things like Exploits, Cheats, Hack Clients and X-Ray but are not to be used to abuse other players.

Economy Emo Factions Gamemode Hack Hacking Mall Map No. Pve Pvp Raiding Sea Season Small

ao365d is a small server, which can variate between gamemode from each season, right now we’re running factions and the map is quite new. More to come later on. Hacking is a no no.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!