Apply Away Box Canada Duck Economy Essentials Fou Head Job Jobs Lose Mcmmo Ports Towny


Opanex is a Recently founded Server Hosted in Canada. I have Decided to host it on my own box. This server supports Towny, Economy, mcMMO, Essentials and Jobs. To add to this We keep things close to Vanilla by adding some plugins that don’t take away from it. We are in need of staff so head over to the forums to apply.

1.12.2 1.9 Egg Egg wars Factions Fun Little Mini Games Pain Pass Plugins Register Sword Tank Tanks



IronKingdom is a Server featuring Multiple Mini Games including Sky Wars, Egg Wars, Paint Ball, CS:GO, PVE, and many more fun mini games. We have Extra Plugins for Factions and a few features (like actual working tanks.) that make us that little bit better than all the other faction servers. So why not come a give us a try? We have additional measures to protect your in game account so when you connect please register to do so when you join type /register pasword pasword But instead of password write a password of your choice Note: Dont type in your minecraft account pasword we dont want to know it.


2b2t 3b3t Added Ate Aternos Des Has Join Minecraft Server New Owner Survival Multiplayer Ter This You

New 2B2T Minecraft server

Server description The server owner “New 2B2T” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Creative Defeat Free Friendly Mini Games Minigame Minigames Plot Plots Prison Riends Roleplay Sin Slime Survival

Slimeblockcraft Network <— JOIN NOW!
creative/Survival/friendly staff/minigames/

Join now this amasing server and defeat all your friends in our minigames, be free at prison and be creative on our creative plots!

Join now!

9.2 Base Community Friendly Looking Lose Mall Player Riendly Small Survival Unity Vanilla Welcome Wille

Willems survival server

Willem’s survival server is a small, close-knit community close to vanilla. If you are looking for a friendly player base, and that quiet survival feeling, you are very welcome.


Backpacks Cards Firearms Fortress Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Donate Minecraft Grief Models No Dupes Pvp Recipes Rome Russian Minecraft

⭐⭐⭐⭐✅RUSTME✅⭐⭐⭐⭐ Minecraft server

RustME is a project aimed at porting Rust to Minecraft without mods! All you need to do is go to the server, install our resource pack and start playing!

Features of the mode:

– A unique map of 3000×3000 blocks with various monuments carefully transferred from the original game. From the cosmodrome to shops with gas stations

– Construction system with a unique privat around one block. Strengthen your home and turn it into a fortress

– Rob someone else’s house with explosives. Become the most dangerous player

– The choice of a mass of various firearms and cold steel, armor and clothing

– Automatic events to reset various boxes to find the best equipment

– A well-developed resource pack with 3D models, carefully transferred from the original game

– For those who are willing to help us with money, we have prepared an extensive range of paid services. Privileges with extensive features. From instant crafting to a delicious set of items. Shop items and drawings for those who are willing to try their luck – a case with a random privilege

– Wipe cards every 2 weeks and every 2 wipe with drawings

– Constant server updates for better game comfort


Last wipe – 06/26/2020

– New transport – a large helicopter and a change in the animation of the entire transport!
– Changes in the economy!
– Workbenches and the ability to get random item recipes!
– Improving the intelligence of scientists!
– The total statistics of the armor on the player!
– New servers and removal of old
– Changes in backpacks!

And many many others! Join soon!

Adult Adults Adventuring Drama Endless Fighting Kid Kids Pol Pve Respect Solo Survival These Vanilla

Minecraft 4 Your Buid

M4YB is an almost vanilla, non PVP server and has great anti-grief protection. Our
policy is NO BS . just come and enjoy Minecraft! We are survival mode
everything else you need to know about server features can be learned

Simple Rules: NO Drama, NO immaturity, Respect Others,
This is a server for adults, Kids welcome if they can follow these

Now that you have our our IP and read the Rules, Come
join our community for Building, Adventuring, MOB Fighting and of
course, mining ! so come on and and build a settlement or build solo, the possibility’s are endless!

Admin positions are all full !!!

Builder Dark Die Evil Factions Grand Grandopening Head Hot Kor Meme Moderator Opening Plugins Shops


What is StarCraft?
StarCraft is a server wich is currently opened. Altough we are developing alot.
We are currently a Factions server.
Here at StarCraft we offer you a community of great people, we are all friendly and nice to eachother. We have alot of plugins too.

Our staff team:

owner: Darkord
co-owner: DieEneBoiiMEME
head-builder: LarsieeGames
head-moderator: EvilGamer29

Our IP:

Our server version: 1.8

Our shop: (Use coupon GRANDOPENING for a 10% discount.)


Best Factions Server Cannon Cannoning Factions Factions Servers Glitch Kitpvp Patch Prison Roof Skyblock Survival Terra Terrain Zero

DarkPvP | Custom Enchants |

IP –

DarkPvP has everything the best factions server needs. McMMO, zero-lag pvp, an enormous 25k by 25k CUSTOM MADE MAP WITH CUSTOM TERRAIN, crates, and of course spawners. Unlike most factions servers DarkPvP allows everyone to mine spawners. Join us today and have the best factions experience possible.

Factions wouldn’t be Factions without the epic bases and raiding though, so this is why DarkPvP has come equipped with these awesome features:
– Tons of cannoning / raiding patches that are essential to Factions servers
– 100% Glitch proof, there is no need here to bother with annoying glitchers that just want to ruin your base in an instant
– Factions 2.0 which includes many long-awaited features

170 Alpha Bug Custom Custom Mob Custom Mobs Early Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Need Players Powerful Pvp TERA Tga Witch

Witchkraft Gaming

Witchkraft Gaming is now in early Alpha. We need players to test/balance content and to find bugs. We are PVE focused but have a PVP world. We have tons of custom mobs that will challenge even veteran minecraft players. Custom mobs drop MMO inspired gear that becomes more powerful as you get farther from spawn, so be sure to explore. Check us out today.


Classic Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Need Players No Dupes No Launcher Pvp Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

❤️ SkipTime ❤️ [1.8 – 1.15] Minecraft server

Tired of all these typical high-profile servers in Minecraft and just want a quiet, comfortable and cozy development?

We present you a quiet and comfortable Minecraft-server SkipTime!

Here you can find:
Plugin for work
– Shop items on the server (for domestic currency)
– PVP arena
– Ability to create private
– Auto mines
– Wedding plugin
– Clan plugin
– Economy
– Splif Arena
And much more.

Join us!

Car Economy Factions Hun Hunt Hunter Ita Maybe Perk Perks Pirate Shop Sub Titan Twist


Factions with a twist. Pick your subtype, will you be a Pirate? A Spy? Hunter perhaps? Or maybe a Titan? Choose carefully, each has its own perks, shop, and kit. Which one will you choose? Join today!

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Chats Griefprevention Grind Grinding Hats Looting Near Populationdensity Pvp Region Resource Resources Siege Survival

Potza Craft

Come to PotZa Craft.
PotZa Craft. is a survival server.
We use GriefPrevention to protect playerss builds.
McMMO makes normal minecraft grinding interesting. And allows for party chats.
Our PvP is toggleable per player, and looting players with PvP is possible with /siege, but you have to beat them first.
PopulationDensity ensures all players have a fair chance when starting out. New players are spawned into a region of our survival world where resources are plenty and they can be near other new players. (You can always move to another region if you want.)

Come join us.
Spawn was built by nightnday.


Bus Deo Factions Free Free To Play Haven Ideo Minecraft Video Minecraft Videos Minecraft World Rings Ubs Ush Video Videos

Babushkas Haven

Babushkas Haven, the factions server that brings you a Minecraft world that has lesser restrictions and brings players free to play content. One of the first to have a subscriber-based point system, where the more videos you watch on our channel – the more items you get on our server. Remember there is always a code in some of our Minecraft videos so you can watch out for them.


Buildbattle Fly Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival Mushroom No Dupes No Launcher Pvp Shroom

Mushroom planet server Minecraft

Server description A new, fast-growing minecraft server on version 1.12.2. Login is possible from v.1.8 to 1.14.4. In the future we plan to add modes to 1.15. We have SkyBlock, Survival, mini-games (TntRun, BuildBattle, BedWars) soon others will be added. Adequate administration that pays attention to the opinions and wishes of the players. We strive to create a really interesting server on which there will be many different arenas and modes. We always facilitate the holding of event competitions if they are interesting. Perhaps our rules will seem strict to you, but they don’t have anything unusual and we don’t want a mess on our servers. A friendly atmosphere will always be supported on the server. With us you can realize your abilities and they will not go unnoticed. Welcome to our planet)

Access Bukkit Chill Classic Hanks Hill Mature Mcmmo Modern No Griefing No PvP Pve Survival Swearing Twist

MineClassic Survival

Here at MineClassic we’re all about Classic Vanilla Survival with a modern Bukkit flavoured twist!

Come chillax with us, we prefer more mature players but all are welcome!

– No PvP
– No Griefing (If its unclaimed or the owner gives you access, then it’s allowed)
– Moderate swearing allowed (Try to keep it low though)

Support the server:

Thanks <3

Ass Ate Class Com Des Hate Les Lmao Network Play Style Survival Multiplayer Tps Two Work


No desc yet ples no hate


1v1 1v1s Creative Deo Factions Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Prison Prisons Resources Skyblock Skygrid Skywars Videos Youtuber


Join OP-Wildcraft Now! It’s an 1.8.8 factions, skyblock, skygrid, skywars, minigames, KitPvp, Prisons, 1v1s, and plots Server! We are looking for minecraft players who enjoy playing and can respect a safe environment. We add new games weekly and the server is live most of the time.

We have a tight knit community and are growing everyday.The server is unique in it’s own way, we has an awesome and demanding community and great staff which are happy to help the server out. Also we have a bunch of youtubers who post fun content on the server daily! You might even have a chance to make it into one of their videos. Also the staff and Owner are understanding and will always take your opinions into consideration! The server is constantly trying to improve itself, so you can always expect something new.

Our main game-mode factions, is an easy game. You start off with protection 2 armour, and a few resources. You have to build a powerful faction, or join someone else’s. Either way it is a really fun gamemode. We also have creative building where you can show off your amazing building skills!!! We even have SkyBlock, a really fun gamemode where you are stuck on an island in the sky with only a tree and some recourse. You have to use your minecraft knowledge to grow and expand your island into a empire of your own.

Customplugin Customplugins Customspawn Customspawners Fun Future Launch Launched Rise Seri Spawner Spawners Surprise Unch Ustoms


Welcome to ViserionPvP. We just launched a brand new faction server with great future.
We make CustomPlugins & CustomSpawners . Have a look at the server and we will promise you, you will be surprised.
GoodLuck & Have Fun. Server ip:


Coreprotect Creative Economy Essentials Gates Hacked Hideandseek Interactive Learning Lwc Mcmmo Runner Survival Timber Towny

Project of the Day

Come join us at Project of the Day, a small, friendly survival Minecraft community with
plenty to see and do thanks to our array of customized plug-ins, including:

Essentials, LWC, Economy, MCMMO, Creative Gates, Towny, Coreprotect and many more!

Recently we have just added:

+ Quests with handsome rewards for players who complete them
+ Pocket Games if you’re ever feeling bored!
+ Advance Enchantments for stronger gear!
+ Skyblock for something a little more challenging than normal survival
+ Ultimate Timber for faster wood-cutting

Some future plugins that will be coming soon include TNTRun, HideandSeek, and Cuberunner so as to make the server more fun and interactive! With so many plugins, you’ll never run out of things to do with your fellow players!

Our server currently consists of four worlds for our players:

+ A survival world for all players to enjoy
+ A resource world for you to tear apart looking for resources
+A creative world with normal terrain generation
+A creative-flat world where you can claim a plot and put your favorite creation on display for all to see

In the survival world PvP is not allowed, but we have constructed a PvP arena for players wishing to duel each other.

Our server staff is friendly and active, and will be happy to assist new players in learning how to use our plugins, while also working to maintain a family-friendly and troll-free atmosphere for the server.

The following are absolutely not allowed:

+ Spamming
+ Raging in chat
+ Real life threats
+ Advertising
+ Threats or actions of DDOS
+ Using hacked clients to gain an advantage over other players such as but not limited to: ForceField, Aura, AutoClick, AutoBow, AutoEat

Finally, we have a discord server, the address of which can be found at our website, though it does not always stay as family-friendly as our server chat!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Org Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!