Auto Block Current Ect Games Lec Ming Mini Minigame Minigames Prison Soon Tier Tiers Title


A minigames server! Currently only Sky Prison is up more coming soon!

Apply City Dev Elo Him Invite Little Nline Online Paid Rp Server Survival Multiplayer Venture Wip Wipe

FanPlay server Minecraft

Hello everyone, I invite you to the FP server. This is a survival RP server. If someone knows the joint venture, then our server is similar to him. There is little online, and recently there was a wipe. So come to us and develop. With us you can become a mayor of the city, settle in an existing city, build your own city and much more. The server is vanilla. The host is paid, but not very strong. Come to our server, apply and play!

Aus Dog Family Family Friendly Hole Huge Inventory Java New Minecraft New Minecraft Server No swearing Pvp Arena Safe Survival Swearing

The Dogg Haus

Looking for a new minecraft server to play on? Well then come join The Dogg Haus!

We are a survival server with jobs that have quests along the way, huge pvp arena, keep inventory on for the whole server and more!
As the name says the whole server is like a safe Dogg House!
We are a family friendly server so that means no swearing! Our server is 1.16.1 and on Java Minecraft

580 Apex Fat Fate Fou Games Host Lec Minecraft Uhc New Origin Original Pvp Title Uhc

Fate UHC | Original UHC

FateUHC is a newly founded Minecraft UHC server. We host numerous games throughout the day.

Ark Current Dnd Elo Growing Hank Horde Ign Project Sin Survival Multiplayer Sus Thor Win Wip

The World of Casus

Casus is currently a WIP. If you are interested in making your mark, and helping in a growing DND project then add me by using my discord below. Thank you.


Fast First Group Huge Mall Old Oup Private Red Survival Multiplayer Survive Tik Tree Vive Wait

MoKotik World Minecraft server

Hello everyone, I want to tell you about the server
MoKotik World is a unique vanilla server, you will have to try to survive in a huge world and get your first tree.
The server is already 2 years old and we have gathered not a small friendly team. so do not be lazy faster on the server they are already waiting for you and join the discord group good luck !!!!

1.16.3 Dungeons Lag Machine Machine Machines Mars Monthly Norules Random Security Smp Steal Stealing Survival Vanilla

MarshCraft 1.16.3

Looking for a server with no rules?
Look no further!!

Only rules are…
No stealing
No lag machines
other than that its ok to do what you wish
if you wanana play the server with some security you can use a chest to claim block or a gold shovel.
multiple plugins for you to playwith and random dungeons throughout the world
monthly events

600 Adult Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Destroying Flying Heaven Hvh Maintenance Notch Spell Survival Toy Ubuntu Worst

(Modders Heaven Anarchy Server)(No Rules – Anything Goes)(24/7 Do Your Worst)(Destoy Our World)

Address To connect To Below

Modders-Heaven is a top notch, dedicated anarchy server. we have no rules and challenge you to destoy our world
modders-heaven does not have a whitelist, so there is absolutely no waiting to be able to log in. Feel free to log on and start Destroying!

Server Features
■ Website
■ 99.99% Uptime
■ Adult Staff
■ flying set to on
■ do your worst
■ Active and helpful staff
■ And so much more!

Please Bookmark Our Server In Minecraft In Case We Go Down For Maintenance

All are welcome , there are no rules

Economy Jobs Landclaim Launch Launching Mcmmo Peek Pve Pvp Ranks Staff Staffwanted Survival Towny Vanilla

The Cattery

—- The Cattery MC —
—The Purrfect Server for you!—-
—- —-
Brand new towny/mcmmo server with custom lore, crates, and more coming this week!
Launching now in beta so come give us a peek!

Alcohol Decoration Drugs Exchange Fly Free To Play Minecraft Gadgets Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Pvp Russian Minecraft

SlorelizaWorld Minecraft server

A cozy server with a head shop and other goodies, a good spawn in the style of the city. Weddings, Gadgets, Drugs, Alcohol, Server tops, Decorations
Privilege kits, Multi-version support, Player exchange
Old PvP mechanics since 1.8 and much more on the SlorelizaWorld server!

Ages Bov Difficult Difficulty Engaging Little Pve Pvp Questing Respect Rounds Smp Story Survival Wns

Realms Of Asterea

Welcome to Realms Of Asterea

Welcome to Asterea we are a fun friendly survival SMP server, we respect all ages and backgrounds.

Currently Asterea is a smp server as mentioned above but we have a lot of plans for future devlopment which will be listed below

– Questing

This is a spoiler alert, we will be adding quests with cooldowns depending on the difficulty and rewards, this will further the rpg feel of the server and make it more engaging by creating a story about the realms

We currently offer custom enchants that will be given the basic way by enchant your items and armour just to add a little twist on the current state of the server

So why not join us today at

Discord link Official Discord

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Actually Dead Deadisland Direct Discord Dungeons Economy Grind Oce Ocean Overworld Ranks Resets Skyblock Survival


Do you love Skyblock but hate that challenge grind?  Do you love Survival but wish you could live in private?  Do you like mini dungeons and having a reason to actually have an economy?  Ever wish all this was on ONE server? We got you covered.

Come join our NEW server with an unique version of Skyblock on the ocean to build your base. Explorer Survival on overworld, nether and end that resets weekly. Battle through dungeons or pick up jobs to make money to fund your expeditions. Quests and adventure await. Were a new server ready to build up our ranks. We have an active Discord that links directly into Server Chat so you wont feel alone.


1163server Accounts Coexist Eastereggs Exploration Eyes Looting Netherupdate Nogriefing Nohacks Noplugins Respawn Snapshots Survival Vanilla


Vanilla Survival Server with the latest updates. Was closed for the first few months and then edited to be public-friendly. (Respawned the Ender Dragon, tidied up some destroyed areas, etc.)

Rule are no hacks or cracked clients of any kind. Be respectful, and no intentional griefing.

Looting in most cases is okay. If someone is actively playing don’t loot from them.

Lots of easter eggs within 1000 blocks of spawn.

World was started purely survival but since making this public the owners have tweaked some things using creative mode.

Hacking, botting, or griefing can result in immediate ban.

At this time, alt accounts are allowed.

50vs50 Battlefor Battleforconwy Battleforconwycastle Castlesiege Conwy CTF Darkage Helmsdeep Lotr Moria Projectconwy Projectconwyv3 Pvp Thedarkage Wow

The Dark Age (V3) – Beta – [Project Conwy V3]

WAR… Team vs Team PvP fun! – Castle siege game, attack or defend – No whitelist.
There is no need to sign up, just log in and fight!



The battle for Conwy castle was also known as The Dark Age a Medieval and Fantasy medieval-themed CTF, castle siege, and PvP server. With maps ranging from medieval periods to fantasy concepts like Moria and Helm’s Deep from Lord of the Rings, these maps were often made by the community. The server consisted of 100 player slots, which allowed you to participate in 50 vs 50 battles. In this rather unique game-mode, the various teams fought each other to get control over Strategic (spawn) points. There was also 1 KOTH (king of the hill map), known as Lunapar Island. The server consisted of multiple classes, new players started with 5 classes such as Swordsman and Archer. The server also allowed you to donate or use coins for premium classes such as Ranger, Cavalry, and Berserker.

Custom made siege weapons like catapults, ballistae, cannons, and storm-rams were part of some maps!

Project Conwy V3

Project Conwy V3, also known as The Dark Age V3, is the third official remake of The Dark Age.
This version is currently in the making. We plan to add-in more content and we have learned from the mistakes that were made in the past.

Note: The server is currently in private-Alpha which means it is whitelisted.
If you wish to stay up-to-date about the server, join our discord:

The Dark Age is expected to release by Christmas (in Beta), stay patient, and don’t worry it’s coming soon!

The server can (soon) be joined with Minecraft version 1.15.2.

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16x Auctionhouse Bros Clans Construir Crates Encantamientos Mascotas Personalizado Pets Pve Pvp Rankup Survival Voteparty

AstralCraft Network 1.16.1 – 1.16.X

AstralCraft vuelve a abrir sus puertas, esta vez con un nuevo servidor Survival en la versión 1.16.1, accesible para todos los jugadores de las versiones 1.16.1 hasta 1.16.X

Servidores disponibles: Survival

Actualmente, solo contamos con un servidor Survival, el cual se encuentra en constante crecimiento, aunque ya es jugable e incluye muchos sistemas y plugins que te proporcionarán horas de entretenimiento jugando tu videojuego favorito.

El servidor actualmente tiene configurados los siguientes sistemas:

[ » ] Encantamientos personalizados, podrás ver todos ellos y sus efectos en nuestro menú de ayuda personalizado “/ayuda”.

[ » ] RankUP, con más de 30 rangos a nivel de usuario, este sistema te permitirá acceder a nuevas ventajas según vayas avanzando en nuestro servidor, para obtener estos rangos no se requiere realizar una compra con dinero real, deberás obtener dinero minando en nuestras minas o vendiendo items a otros jugadores para poder ascender a un nuevo rango.

[ » ] Clanes, con este sistema podrás crear tu propio clan e invitar a tus amigos o unirte a otro clan ya creado, conquistar terrenos y crecer hasta ser el clan más fuerte del servidor.

[ » ] Pets, podrás obtener distintas mascotas las cuales te ayudarán en combate y subirán de nivel al matar a otras entidades, podrás elegir una rama de habilidades para que tu mascota te ayude de la forma que más prefieras, incluyen un invenario en el que puedes transportar tus items.

[ » ] Sistema de votos con recompensas, con este sistema logramos implementar una forma de que los usuarios puedan ayudar directamente al servidor a ser más conocido y a cambio obtienen una serie de recompensas por ello, podrás votar en todas las páginas de votos disponibles (/vote) una vez cada día, obtendrás una recompensa por cada uno de tus votos.

[ » ] VoteParty, esto es una extensión del sistema de votos, que registrará los votos de todos los usuarios hasta alcanzar una cantidad predeterminada, al llegar a esta cantidad se recompensará a todos los usuarios conectados en el momento que inicie la VoteParty con una recompensa para cada uno de los jugadores.

[ » ] Cajas mágicas, si obtienes la llave específica para una caja, podrás abrirla y tener la oportunidad de ganar una recompensa de rareza única, todo depende de tu suerte, hay distintas formas de obtener las llaves para estas cajas, la forma más fácil y rápida es con el sistema de votos, ya que por cada voto obtienes una llave para una caja mágica.

[ » ] AuctionHouse, este es un sistema que permite a los usuarios vender de forma remota items a otros jugadores, pudiendo ver desde el menú principal, los encantamientos, precio y tiempo en venta del item que quieras vender.

[ » ] Piedras de protección, estas piedras otorgan una protección a un área, de forma que otros jugadores no podrán romper o construir bloques ni tampoco hacer pvp a menos que cambies las opciones para que esto sea posible. Podrás añadir a tus amigos como miembros de la zona permitirles el acceso a construir y destruir bloques.

Nos esforzamos por mejorar constantemente, si quieres presentar una sugerencia, puedes hacerlo vía foro y te atenderemos lo antes posible y valoraremos tu sugerencia, también puedes reportar cualquier bug que encuentres, por pequeño que sea, tanto de texto como visual o en algún comando, queremos ofrecerte un servidor de calidad con el menor número de fallos posibles.

Contamos con un sistema para evitar abusos de poder administrativos, nos tomamos muy en serio el control administrativo, por lo que todos los rangos administrativos han sido configurados de forma que únicamente se les da acceso a los comandos que necesitan según su rango.
En el caso de que hayas sido sancionado de forma injusta, puedes reportar tu caso con pruebas detalladas en nuestro foro, te atenderemos lo antes posible.

Contamos con años de experiencia administrando servidores, los dueños de este servidor hemos adminsitrado varios servidores anteriormente, tanto de SAMP, como Minecraft, Counter Strike 1.6, Metin2 y Ark, por lo que tenemos una amplia experiencia en administración y resolución de problemas.

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Beginner Built Dice Exciting Fit Free To Play Minecraft Ice Interesting Minecraft Donate Minecraft Events Need Players No Launcher Profi Red Russian Minecraft

RedIce server Minecraft

A beginner and most convenient server built not for profit, but for an interesting and exciting game!

1.16.3 Earth Geo Geopol Geopolitical Geopolmc Leplay Mad Nda Pol Politic Political Popular Roleplay Towny

GeopolMC 1.16.3 Earth Towny Roleplay

GeopolMC is a 1.16.3 Minecraft Server that focuses on the geopolitical roleplay on the Earth map. Our staff team is filled with players of many of the most popular earth servers out there, and we saw that there was something missing in all the servers out there. There wasn’t a single server that focused on roleplay and we made this server to fill that gap. We are releasing the server on Monday 21st of September.

1.16.3 Claimblock Claimblocks Classic Freedom Griefers Hacker Minimal Minimalistic Nick Oriented Pvp Stealing Survival Void

Freedom Survival [Minimalistic][TPA/SETHOME]{1.16.3}

Brand new fresh map 9/20/2020 10:30PM

Server address:

PVP is allowed! Stealing is allowed! Players can claim blocks to avoid griefers! NO TOLERANCE FOR HACKERS! No rules!Main commands:
/near /tpa /sethome /nick /ignore /buyclaimblocks /bal /realname

I made this to be like the classic Minecraft servers I grew up with. Freedom oriented.

1.16.3 Access Ask Forums Inventory Lms Multiplayer Perfect Pmc Random Randomtp Realms Smp Survival Uptime

SurviveWithUs SMP [1.16.3]

We are a simple survival server with completely custom plugins and four different realms for our players to choose from.

Every player has access to a randomtp so you can find the perfect spot to start your adventure!!

Other awesome features include :

Keep inventory

24/7 server uptime

Active owner/staff team

If you have any questions at all, feel free to join our forums and ask!

Thank you for your time!!!

Custom Custom Minecraft Feature Features Give Mmu Ommunity Plugin Plugins Pvp Skyblock Survival Tom Ves Vote

ELUZONE Minecraft

The custom minecraft server with custom plugins, and gives the community the chance to vote for new features. Come and join our SkyBlock and Survival Server!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server List. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!