Application Applications Ations Enjoyable Gen Great Hut Minehut Place Plot Plots Pvp Totem Totems Zoo


ZOON is a new, fun BedPVP that is really Enjoyable!

• Custom Beds
• Custom Totems
• Plots
• Great Community
• And Much More!

• ZOON is a great place to generally enjoy with friends and just hang out.
Staff Applications are currently Open.

Donator Epl Gameplay Head Heads Ita Lit Military Plot Plots Rank Ranks Social Structure Survival


MTHeads – Military Rank Structure – Donator Ranks – Factions Survival – BuildPlots – Custom Skyblock
Come enjoy some social gameplay and bring your friends

Awesome Bedwars Chest Chests Economy Elon Employme Kawai Kawaii Minecraft Server Create Plots Survival Survival Game Universe Vanilla

Kawaii Universe

Business Businesses Chestshop City Economy Economysurvival Landclaim Mines Plots Populated Protection Shop Simulation Survival Towny


CityTown is a server in which a civilization is being simulated and stimulated. In CityTown, the goal is to make as much money as possible, be it through mining, starting up businesses or other side hustles. While competing against other players and businesses, you help each other by setting up an even bigger city leading to a more populated and complete city. You build your own city! We wish you good luck and have fun!

333 Bedrock Server Cities Citizens Craftmc Gameplay Hand Handcrafted Java And Bedrock Land Claims Plots Rich Survival Tizen Zen


★ Welcome to SweetCraftMC ★
Join an active Java and Bedrock server and play with friends!

★ What do we offer ★
-Semi-Vanilla/Towny gameplay
-Land claims: create cities and make plots to rent to your citizens!
-Economy: trade in-game, make money and be rich!
-Tons of rewards!
-A unique and handcrafted spawn!
-A variety of plugins to make your experience better than any other server!

1.19 1.19 Servers Creative Economy Emivanilla Industry Pay2win Plot Plots Pve Pvp Semivanill Semivanilla Survival Vanilla




We have big plans for the server and hope you will join to enjoy the new ever expanding place.

Armor Cart Creative Creative Minecraft Server Head Kie Magi Plots Rps Stand Tool Tools Train Warp Warps

Creative Skies

Welcome to Creative Skies!

We are a brand new creative Minecraft server with the tools and features to let your imagination soar!

World Edit
Train Carts
Head Database
Armor Stand Tools
501×501 plots
Plot Warps
Community Events
More coming soon!

Aden Builds Challenge Challenges Cross-Play Large Latest Minecraft Prison Parkour Parkours Plots Porte Prison Quality Skyblock

Ovaden Network

Ovaden Network is a high-quality Minecraft Prison, and Skyblock network featuring unique content and an amazing community, friendly staff, and awesome players like you!




[1.8 – Latest] are supported!

» Fully Custom Prison, Skyblock with custom enchants, large custom builds, parkours, pvp, plots, quests, challenges and more!

Coaster Communitydriven Communityoriented Creative Creativeplots Customplugins Largeplots Openaudiomc Plots Plotsquared Rollercoaster Themepark Themeparks Traincarts Worldedit Worldediting

Creative Skies | 1.18.2 | BRAND NEW SERVER | World Edit | Train Carts | Community ran!

Welcome to Creative Skies!

We are a brand new creative Minecraft server with the tools and features to let your imagination soar!


  • World Edit
  • Train Carts
  • Head Database
  • Armor Stand Tools
  • 501×501 plots
  • Plot Warps
  • Community Events
  • More coming soon!
  • IP:


    Adventure Ccs Creative Dropparty Friendly Ken Kenneth Kens Magicspells Plots Roleplay Server Simplify3 Survival Time

    SIMC: Ken’s Creative Server 1.18.2

    SIMC: Ken’s Server Recrafted
    NOW SUPPORTING 1.8 – 1.19 and BEDROCK edition on port 25565! also _NEW SPAWN_
    thinking about doing something lol hm. .-Ken, September 29th, 2019

    After years of waiting, Ken’s Creative/Roleplay Server is finally up and running again! With much newer and better technology.

    This server has plenty to offer, including:

    Plots: Protected creative builds for every user – now with plenty of space to build whatever your heart desires.

    Roleplay: You can roleplay wherever you want, but we have some prebuilt maps incase you wanted that kind of experience.

    Events: Rotating events, with new minigames every month. Minigames can range from PVP to collaborative builds.

    And much more to discover!

    Join the Discord, for updates, server broadcasts, or just chatting with fellow server members

    4/30/2022-Upgraded to 1.18.2-Hardest upgrade since 1.6.4, but we made it!
    -Switched from Bukkit to Spigot

    -Fresh start-Had to remove a lot of plugins, there were way too many to keep track
    -New maps, warps, worlds – clean slates
    -Your old builds are still safe, and we’ll look into porting them over to 1.18.2, but they won’t be functional
    -New OP list
    -Improved Plot system (PlotSquared v6)
    -Monthly* rotating events/minigames

    Ken’s Server 2012-2014
    Upgraded to 1.7.9. 4/22/2014

    We’re at 1.7.5 now! hope it works! 4/9/2014

    Hardest upgrade yet but 1.6.4 is ready – and we’re ready for 1.7.2 when it comes out for bukkit!

    Also changed category to Roleplay – we ARE creative but there is a lot of roleplaying that goes on. So I’ll try this category for a bit.

    NOW upgraded to 1.6.2 I know it took a long time but I didn’t want anybody’s work to be lost. Hundreds of thousands of combined hours of work from all the 23000 people who have come and I don’t want to lose a single block.


    Make friends and get married in Minecraft. Your friendships you make on Ken’s Server will last you even when you stop coming here, if you ever leave! Roleplaying, Creative, 3000+ warps – read on. <3 you all! -Ken simplify3 Kenneth Udut (add me to your Skype / G+ / FB / KiK / DrawCast and say "Hai!")

    now upgraded to 1.5.2 !

    placeblocks now open [​closed] – amazing what you can do with JSONAPI – check it out – Ken made it himself 😛

    Affordable Trapping 239-465-9291 Naples, FL USA – removal of rats, raccoons, armadillos, opossums, bees, snakes, dead animal removal. That’s my company 😛 –

    i have the most amazing people on Ken’s Server. and yeah I’m Ken.

    This is the awesome multiverse. Type /warp for list of warps.

    /warp p2 for regular plots /warp bigplot for the big plots

    The community is FANTASTIC! I couldn’t have greater people here.

    Planets is great stuff. Magicspells too.

    added /tardis for tardis travel. colored nicks are popular. The marry plugin is unbelievably popular…. great peeps.

    /rocketboots on are on! you can finally go SUPERFAST – my new favorite addition 🙂

    /warp wild /warp snowpvp and a whole lotta other warps.

    We have special maps besides the plots and big plots and wild and world
    we have Equestria and the land of Ooo – for Bronies and Adventure Time fanatics respectively.

    Entire list of warps as of 12/7/2012 (1029 WARPS REDACTED FOR SECURITY REASONS)
    2299jamesvenom 2ndshop a aajames100 aajames1002 admin admins adminshop adventuretime_d aeroplane airplane airport airport2 ajsprivate alex alexcity amandamemorial amazing_castle apartments appellusa applestore architects architectscastle areana arena army armybase armyplane army_apt ass aubrey aubssteakhouse autowheat av awesomemc_hq awesome_ awesome_world awsom b bad bar bar2 barge bar_pub bata batcave battelarena bdogmbs_club be beautiful beer beeratocity bef befchurch bestspawnever beth bigplot bigshop big_huse blackmarket_methlab blacksmiths blacksmiths2 blie block_to_the_past blood blueteam bob boob book bookshop boopland bowpractice bp brickmart brick_party brokendown btfchurch bub buildingcontest butt butter by c cabin cafe cake cakespawn camping campingatbeach candy_kingdom canterlot canterlotwedding castle cave cavesurviv ccathedral cccpark cccstatues ccctown cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4 cell5 cell6 chapel chapel12 chapel2 chapel3 chapel4 chapil chayville chay_town checkersretreat cheezyslibrary chest chipshq choppa chotel chrisarmybase christmasvacationhouse church church1 cities cityoferodedsphinx cloud_parkour club clubjake coal coaster coastery cobblestonefactory colbys colezfamily colosseum competition cooldoor cooldude_s corruptionhotel coster creeper creeperwedding creeper_wedding crystal_faction ctf ctp danceclub darkwhiz death deathhole desertcity desertpvp diamondskyscraper diamondthing die dig digcity dighotel digmall digs digs2 dig_jail dimond dimond_castel dimond_castle dimond_huse disco_club discrase dj_s dj_sdiamond dj_set dog dogtown dragonguard dreamhouse dropparty dungeon dustysnake dylansandpancakeshouse elor end endcity enderdragon enderman epfarmybase epichouse epicshop equestria erodedsphinx ethan_smouse evanhotel even exisphere exit extremetrees ezios ezio_sbar facpvp1 facpvp2 factory fairland falll fallll familyguy famous fcation finns_cabin finn_is_sleeping finn_s_pixel_land finn_s_plot flatlands floor1 floor2 floor3 floor4 floor5 floor6 flubb forsale fort fred freestuff frozenshadow fuck funland funland_ funnybuildings funny_thing gardenoflove gatewayportal girlcraft girlltown glassmaze gokubar goku_sbar greatest297_smansion greendeadmansworld guess halloween halloweenparty halloween_ happyhalloween heggydig hell hello herrkoch_slibrary hg hi hi1234 hippo hole hole_du_la_hole home homecabin home_to_pvp hospital hotel hotel1 hotel2 hotel3 hotel300 hotelboat hotelc how_to_be_a_admin hq hugetower hyrule i ihatemylife iluvmusic im infinitycoaster ironthing iss iss2 jail jail44 jail_ jarjar jasons_bar jodvill jog jungle jungle1 jungle2 junglearena ken kenwild kill killers kingdom kings ksichurch kyle_srestaurant lavajungle lavamobdome ldhotel leapoffaith legacynovv legoscity lewis liam liamjamesrhouse lilysshop lol lolwut look love loveclub lovers love_o_matic lowerbase lucas_sspawnentry ma maddiswagg maddi_srestaurant madman mall mansion mansion_2 mariogalaxy market marrying_perfect_place marryyourlove maxenhotel maze mcbuilders mcdonalds mchg mchg2 me medieval medieval_build medievilvillage meet megacastle megahotel melrinsgift menno merlin merlinsbaby merlinsbay meth methlab meth_and_pothouse mgpa midevil mik milatary military minecity minecon minigolf minister missioncontrol mob mobarena mobtrap moo mushroom mylifesucks nah2001land nether newspawn nicebro nightmare noob notch notch_fight npcs nqh2001 nuclearbase nyanface obsticle office oh oh_yeha old_spawn olli omg ooo orphanage oshacafe ourhouse outpost p2 palace parkorspawn parkour parkour2 parkourmobarena partaay party partyman partyroom party_building party_building2 pavelow penguin pewdiepie piggy piggydinner pigkiller pirate pirateship pixelart plane planet planets player1 player2 plaza plot2 plotland plotland2 plots plots__ pokeboss1 police ponyvill pool pooop poopdeck prison project project2 projectiss projectmansion pub pvp pvp2 pvparena pvparena1 pvpforpvpkings pvpmaze pvps pvpshop pvp_pvp qbchallenge quick quiz r1 r4 ragavill ragaville random1 redstone redstone_city redteam relaxing remember rentalvillage repair ridvic1_s rocket rocketbase1 rocks_island rockyankh rollercoaster rollercoaster1 royalpalace rules rulez sasha_smansion school school1 secret self_defense_castle servivelgames sexparty shadow shadowm sheep shgri_holghtar shop sicknous sillyville silverstorm skatepark skatepark2 skatzombiz sky skydiving skyfantasy skyoffice skyvillage sky_huse sky_s slave slenderandme slime snowpvp soccer spawn spawn2 spawn3 spawnchurch spear spherejail sphereland sphereplaces spherepvp spleed1 spleef spleef1 sponge spy_skylord_here stach stach2 starship store stuff subscribers subway suicide suicide_ suicide_booth superboy4_s supercation supercoaster superstar surface survival survival1 survival2 survivalgames survivalisland survivalspawn survivalwild survivalx survival_game survive teehee temp tempel tent the theblackmarket thebuilding theloverscabin themall themostbosshalloweenever thesnackshack the_land_of_ooo the_wrong_spot throwns2 tigercaves tigerfivehouse tigerplot tigersjail tikibar titanic tnt tourament town trade train trap treehouse troll trollface trollhotel trollkingdom trolls_ trolololo trools

    Additional NotesMultiverse, Plotland, PlotSquared, /warp plot /warp donorplot

    Auctionhouse Captain Custom Evolved Factions Generation Golden Apple Heads Health Plugins Potion Potions Pvp Regeneration Uhc


    EvolvedPvP is a 1.8 UHC Faction Server.
    There is natural regeneration, meaning you will have use Instant & Regeneration Potions. Another way of How to regen health is Eating God Or Golden apples.

    Server Info:
    Not a Pay to win Server.
    UHC Factions.
    Version 1.8.
    Custom Built Warp PvP- Done by Owner CaptainZach111.
    Custom AuctionHouse Plugin.
    Dropping Of Player heads.


    Artic Disguise Disguises God Gods Guis Islands Lands Market Particles Pets Skyblock System Tag Ygo

    Skygods – Custom Skyblock

    Welcome to skygods skyblock!
    The server with the best custom skyblock experience on the market.

    We have many advantages over other skyblock servers like:
    – Friendly Staff
    – Custom Level up System
    – Free pets, disguises and particles for everyone!
    – Multiple skyblock islands to pick from

    1.19 Day Enjin Ice Join Lmao Nice Nks Oda Ran Rank Ranks Server Ip Stuff Today


    Join us today to get nice ranks and stuff
    The server IP IS :


    Building Claims Community Land Claims Minecraft Survival Server Sable Season Snow Staff Staffneeded Survival Votecrates Winter Xmas Zero | SURVIVAL | 1.7 – 1.15.2 | VOTECRATES | LAND CLAIMS AND MUCH MORE | Looking for builders!

    McM is a new minecraft survival server with absolutely ZERO pay to win aspects attached to it at all. No items nor commands in the game are purchasable neither are any commands!

    Help us form the server to your liking, we are still in development adding new feautures constantly. 

    Still looking for Builders and staff!

    170 Active Bed Byg Challenge Economy Eng Hey Len Les Level Pvp Roleplay Skye Survival


    Hey allesammen
    Kom ind og byg en ø og løs opgaverne! Din ø kan stige i level så du får den bedste!
    Kan du overleve højt oppe i skyerne?

    Adn Community Creative Dead Factions Friendly Has Multi Prison Prisonmc Riendly Tip Undead Undeadnetwork Who


    Undead-Network has multiple servers. Prison, Factions, And soon Creative. We are a very friendly community and are welcome to anyone who wants to join.


    1.7.10 Cru Evolved FTB Hermit Hermitcraft Infinity Mainline Project Pve Pvp Revenge Simply Survival Towny


    **Tronopolis Network**
    * Resonant Rise Mainline
    * ProjectOzone 1.7.10-
    * Vanilla 1.8.8 –
    * Revenge of the C-Team – 0.5.0 –
    * Hermitcraft Modsauce II –
    * CrundeeCraft 1.0.22 –
    * FTB Simply Magic 1.1.6 –
    * FTB Infinity Evolved 2.5.0 –

    Arrow Big Blo Bloc Block Creativ Creative Factions Games Make Mini Minigame Minigames Prison Skyblock


    We now only have skyblock, we try to make the server bigger,
    Met o.a

    – Factions
    – Prison
    – Creative
    – Minigames


    Factions Hardcore Hcf Mcmmo Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Overpowered Practice Pvp Pvping Quality Raiding Red Faction Rod Store


    Server IP:
    Server Store:
    Server Website:

    What is ArsonPvP ArsonPvP is a Factions/PvP network aimed to provide minecraft players with a quality pvping experience. Within our community we aim to bring a fulfilling PvP thrill and introduce amazing new features. Below are a list of our features:

    – HCF
    – Practice
    – Overpowered Factions
    – Prison
    – Tons of Custom Plugins
    – Amazing Staff
    – Great Community
    – And more!

    Ass Class Com Enjin Http Jin Las Lmao Rust Style Survival Multiplayer Trust



    Auto Byg Easy Gon Hardcore Minecraft Nam Norules Pvp Svensk Sweden Swedish Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival


    SV-V2 är en helt vanlig vanilla, där du får döda, bygga, skapa, förstöra och mycket mer! Inga regler kan stoppa dig från att förstöra någons hus eller ta någons diamanter. Om du letar efter en survival server där du får göra vad du vill, så har du hittat rätt!

    Välkommen in på!

    1vs1 Color Colors Door Doors Elex Market Minigames Newest Pain Paint Paintball Tnt Tntrun Twitter


    We are the newest minecraft server. We opened our doors on the 21th of December in 2015.

    We provide lots of minigames like:

    Come join us, you wont regret it.

    donate page:


    Classic Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Launcher No Resets Pve Pvp Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

    DragonCraft 1.11 – 1.15.2 ›Tube project Minecraft server

    Description of the server Have you wanted to play a tube project for a long time?
    So you need to join our server!

    We have: Classic, SkyBlock and soon there will be Anarchy too!
    There are no strong donators on the Classic, just a tube server for survival with privates.
    There is an auction and a store on SkyBlock. Develop your island and get to the top!
    We have a responsive administration, inexpensive donat and much much more.

    We are waiting for you at our DragonCraft project!

    Bov Contests Creative Door Doors Economy Engineer In Survival Minecraft Servers Mus New World Ocean Skyblock Survival Towny

    Hawknet SMP

    Welcome to Hawknet SMP, we have been hosting minecraft servers since 2010, and are dedicated to providing you with the best experience possible. All of our staff are friendly, experienced, and ready to help whenever needed. We welcome you to join our community.

    We have plenty of things to do on our server, but we are mainly about survival and towny. Some other things to do include Skyblock, Ocean Survival and two Creative worlds. We occasionally have building contests as well. You must start out in survival on our server (skyblock or our main world), you will gain access to other worlds at the Builder rank, which is the first rank above guest.

    All of our normal ranks are earned by building, and each rank gives you access to new worlds and commands. Our normal ranks are Builder, Architect, and Engineer, each requiring a more advanced build than the rank before.

    Featured Plugins:
    Ultimate Skyblock: Create and build on an island in the sky.
    Craftbay: Auction off your items, and buy others items.
    Towny: Create towns, claim land, and wage wars.
    Lockette: Lock your doors and containers to keep other players from accessing them.

    Custom Door Doors Entertainment Factions Global Meet Mini Games Plugins Popular Project Respect Skyblock Skypvp Virtual


    Explore the mighty Amazon, discover something new, or even dive off a cliff without worry, all while play with your friends, anytime, anywhere, in a virtual reality game. Welcome to BlazeCraft. We opened our doors for players globally. With respectable staff, custom plugins, and much more, our goal is to entertain, excite, and be the new minecraft. We have a wide variety of game modes because we know not everyone is the same, join factions, our most popular server, or mini games, filled with kitpvp, skypvp and much more to come, or the many more we have such as skyblock. Dedicated work went into this project to bring entertainment to your community and others alike, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it. Start your adventure today at or visit us online at, adventure awaits, you’re sure to meet a new friend.


    Dom Factions King Kingdom Kingdoms Lag Len Mcp Pvp Roleplay Staff Survival Taff Vanilla Wille


    een geweldige kingdom server waar ongv 10 mensen op spelen maar we willen meer geen lagg 24/7 goede staff
    join nu!!!!!!

    Enjin Faction Pvp Forge Join Pvp Register See Sit Site Soon Ter Two Vis Wait Win


    | DzienCraft Network |

    You can visit our: Faction PVP

    | How do I join |

    You can join our server throught the following IP adress:

    And do not forget to visit and register on our site:

    What are you waiting for visit us. See you soon on DzienCraft.


    Artic Club Insta Leplay Pat Perfect Private Schoo School Sea Server Minecraft Square Survival Multiplayer Tall Trade

    MineSquare server Minecraft

    Description of the server Good day, already a player of our server or a person in search of a place, for a good time!

    On our server you will not find school donates, nor privates.
    Trade with players, develop, participate in various events – create!

    We will support all your endeavors, we also support RolePlay, a plug-in is installed on the server that allows you to perfectly beat any situation! We are waiting for you!

    Auction Auctions Battlearena Clan Clans Custom Map Economy Kits Map Op Prison Prison Pvp Raiding Survival Voting

    XMC-PVP Prison

    Our server includes:
    – OP Prison
    – OP Ranks
    – No Lag
    – Auctions
    – 24/7
    – Custom Map
    – Clans
    – BattleArenas
    – Voting kits/Ranks

    Come play with us!

    Active Elo Everything Kiwi Lord Minecraf Mooshroom Ree Room Shroom Survival Tim Time Timelord Vanilla

    *** ***
    sheep, mooshrooms and everything else minecraft

    (-: ! timelord03 for president ! 🙂

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!