Active Art Ass Aus Bar Bauen Box Build Builder Chat Class Craft Creative Design Die Erver Extra Fall Has Hole Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nen Normal One Pie Rat Run Server Sign Ten Ter


Ein “Architekturen”-Server für Häuserbau und Inneneinrichtungen.

Unser Server zeichnet sich aus durch einzigartige Bauweisen in alle möglichen Stilen.
extrem schöne, hoch komplexe bauten und Inneneinrichtungen, zur Inspiration der Minecraft-spieler.

Als Guest kannst Du in aller ruhe durch die Welt fliegen, kannst ganz normal Chatten und dir Inspirationen holen.

Als Member kannst Du in einer extra angelegten Welt auf maximal 3 Grundstücke bauen, wenn uns Deine bauten gefallen (mindestens 2/3), hast Du sogar eine Chance bei uns als Builder angenommen zu werden.

als Builder kannst Du auf der Welt bauen, in von uns gesicherten Bereichen.

Weitere Ränge sind momentan nicht vorhanden bzw. für die “Öffentlichkeit” nicht verfügbar.
Kommt ruhig vorbei und erstaune was in Minecraft alles möglich ist!

Active Ass Class Craft Diamond Elf Erver Extra Forge Fun Game Ill Maybe Mon Port Raft Rule Rules Server Survival Multiplayer Vote You

Optic Craft


When you Diamond our server, you will receive a Diamond in-game!
You also get an extra Diamond if you Vote for the server!
Spread the word, and maybe even earn yourself a third Diamond!

Don’t forget to read the Rules, more importantly, have Fun!


Active Ass Class Craft Esp Extra Has Immersion Lmao Nick Otros Pro Problema Raft Register Survival Multiplayer Ter Tir Tren


Ven a divertirte con nosotros a Immersion-Craft, Cuando entren pongan /register su clave repítanla, cualquier problema o extraña cosa acudan a mi Nick: ChasaSpherex
¡Los Espero!

Active Age Ark Ass Aus Bal Build Chat Class Craft Die Event Events Extra Free Freebuild Global Inecraft Lima Mine Minecraft Ntg Park Parkour People Pie Play Pvp Raft Ree Survival Multiplayer Tag Ten Usw War Zen


Warum auf PeopleCraft?

PeopleCraft bietet eine große auswahl an möglichkeiten z.b. eine Freebuild welt, eine PvP welt oder den Parkour. Die größeren Events werden 2 Tage voher angekündigt. Vielen Minecraft spielern ist es wichtig das durch die ganzen Extras der Bauspaß erhalten bleibt und dieses haben wir nicht vergessen! In der Freebuildwelt herscht ein Ruhiges klima. Wer keine Lust darauf hat das der Globale chat immer so voll ist der hatt mehere Möglichkeiten dem zu entgehen.

Active Ass Build Class Craft Die Economy End Erver Extra Free Freebuild Fun Gens Has Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nen Nur One Pie Plugin Plugins Pve Ree Run Server Site Survival Swe Ter Ultimate Version Website Zen

Ultimate Minecraft


Schön, dass du zu unserem kleinen Server gefunden hast!

Ultimate Minecraft ist ein gemütlicher kleiner Freebuild-Server für Jederman, der bereits seit 2010 existiert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Servern, setzen wir nicht auf möglichst viele und eindrucksvolle Plugins. Wir wollen das eigentliche, ursprüngliche Minecraftgefühl, in das wir uns vor Jahren verliebt haben, bewahren und nur durch ein paar kleine Extras ein wenig aufpeppen. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass wir so vergleichsweise schnell auf neue Spielversionen umsteigen können.

Nach kurzer Registrierung, die bei uns zwingend erforderlich ist, kannst du sofort loslegen und dir auch selber ein Grundstück sichern. Auf unserer Website, findest du zu allem genaue Anleitungen.

Active Ass Blo Block Blocks Class Com Conomy Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Extra Grid Gui Guild Hub Mcm Mcmmo Mini Games Mmo Multi Multiworld Server Sky Skyblock Skyblocks Skygrid Tom War Warhub World


Economy server with multiworld, ECO. Skygrid, skyblocks, warhub, MCMMO and lots of extras including a custom guild system.

Active Battle Cash Class Custom Different Eco Econ Economy Extra Fac Faction Factions Fun Growing Ill Island Item Items Kill Killing Land Map Mcmmo Mmo Network Plugin Plugins Pvp Semi Server Servers Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla Website

MC Mania

MC Mania
MC Mania is an ever growing network of servers with currently 4, being:

Vanilla – A semi-vanilla survival with extra custom commands, an economy, and a booming custom map for more fun!
Factions – Factions with custom plugins and mcMMO to add to the everlasting fun!
BattleGrounds – Our own spin on a PvP Server where killing earns you cash to buy better items and do even more!

Abilities Arena Arenas Art Ass Class Custom Erver Extra Ffa Free Ill Item Items Kill Kit Kitpvp Kits Lit Live Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Special Stand Star Start Style Ves

MCFFA – KitPvP [40 Arenas]

mcFFA is a free-for-all kit pvp server with 40 custom arenas and a custom plugin. Start with 3 lives, and be the last man standing. Kill other players to get extra lives. There are 11 kits to choose from, each with their own special abilities and items.


Action Actions Active Ass Auction Cat Class Com Commands Donate Everyone Extra Fac Faction Factions Fun Hey Join Kit Kits Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobcatcher One Perk Perks Please Plus Pvp Spawn Spawner Spawners Stuff Survival Multiplayer Welcome

Fusion PvP!

Hey everyone welcome to Fusion PvP! We have tons of stuff to offer!!!!! Just like MobCatcher, McMMo, Factions, Auction plus much more! Come on and join to have fun! Also please donate for extra perks like kits, spawners, and extra commands!

Age Atlauncher Ban Claim Claiming Class Crack Craft Download End Erver Extra Inecraft Item Items Laim Make Mine Minecraft Ming Mod Mods Noop Old Open Play Please Raid Ram Server Ssd Style Survival Multiplayer This Time Uptime Welcome

BWMinecraft Crackpack



Welcome to BWMinecraft.
Our Crackpack server is running all addons that you can choose to install. We also have no banned items so you can play the way Crackpack was intended.

The server runs on “The Golden Shovel” claiming system, so the more you play, the more you can claim.
Make sure you do claim so you dont get raided.

Server Specs –
Intel Xeon E5-1650 v2
64GB Ram
2x 120 GB SSDs

Average TPS – 20.00*
Average Uptime – 99.8
(as of 16/3/15)


Aus Builder Builders Building Call Chill Chillcraft Drama Escape Hill Mature Ram Shops Survival Survival World

Chillcraft (BRAND NEW)

In need of a escape from life? Come join us, brand new server. We will have a survival world, and a creative world. possibly more, and minigames. But for now just Survival and a Creative world. Its called Chillcraft because we plan to just chill, no drama, just a nice community. Preferably 18+ but if you’re younger and mature/cool then its okay.

We also will need builders, for shops, minigames, etc. If you’re good at building let the owner know 🙂

Come and join !

Bran Brand Custom Item Custom Items Follow Fun Item Items Mc Server New Smp Port Ross Slime Smp Survival


Survival Cross platform MC Server



Bedrock: (PORT 19132)

JOIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Creative Crossover Equestrian Equine Greek Greekmythology Horse Horses Horseserver Industry Mythology Playerbase Roleplay Survival Themed

Mount Olympia Equine

Welcome to Mount Olympia Equine, the first crossover between Horses and Greek Mythology!
Looking for a new spin on the equine world? Are you ready for brand new ideas and kind staff? MOE is the place for you! Here at MOE we offer friendly staff, a kind playerbase, and lots of activites to do. We are greek mythology themed- something thats never been seen before in the minecraft equine industry! Take a ride down to MOE at, can’t wait to see you there!

Arena Auction Bending Claim Crates Economy Faction Pvp Factions Jobs Land Mcmmo Nogrief Peaceful Prison Pve Pvp Rankup Roleplay Roleplaying Shops Skyblock Survival

★ ★ ★ ♛ Royal Legacy ♛ ★ ★ ★

Royal Legacy is dedicated to providing the best content for free. We have weekly updates that bring you custom updates. Together you will build, mine, and rule the servers.

Survival – Rule the Economy with custom claiming!
★ Skyblock – Upgrade to the Biggest Island!
★ Prison – Upgrade your pickaxe to become FREE!

10.1 Days Dead Hate Laugh Minecraft Servers Murder Quests Rps Suck Survival These Towns Towny Wns

Iguana SMP (Towns, Quests, Vehicular Manslaughter)

Have you ever thought. Man. All the Minecraft servers these days SUCK. Well… this server will make you feel the same way.

Iguana SMP is a Minecraft server alright….. You can uhh…. you can make a town and stuff… you can hold grudges against the people you HATE in life. murder people and stuff and steal from their DEAD corpse.


Bedrock Edition Builds Discord Edition Generation Mci Most Popular News Popular Prison Quit Stable Strat Swe Table

MCIZRPG – Game servers Minecraft server

Hello! Do you want some RPG? And the prison? I think it’s all worthy of your attention.

But you probably ask: “Where can I get all this?” The answer is quite simple, on the MCIZRPG server!

We have a very friendly community, adequate administration, stable tps, quality builds, and what’s more, a new generation of RPGs will start soon! You can log in from all the most popular versions, namely from 1.12.2 to 1.19, which is good news!! There will even be a bedrock edition of this server soon, and it will be available to everyone!

We also have a high-quality discord server, in which all the main news related to the server will appear.

Come on in soon!! We are waiting for you!

Base Earth Earth Mc Geopol île Looking Member Origin Original Playerbase Roleplay Stellar Survival Towny War

StellarEarth MC

StellarEarth MC is a Discord and Minecraft-Network looking to provide an open playerbase with a variety of fun and original ways to enjoy the game, while having fun with other members of the community.

Customised Drama Gyms Hungergames Legendaries Neu Neutral Parkour Pixelmon Pixelmonmod Pixelmonreforged Relaxing Survival Trades Vibe

VillaCraft Network

Come vibe with us!
VillaCraft Pixelmon aims to be a neutral and friendly place to relax and vibe. We aim to provide a relaxing gameplay experience, one thats free from stress and drama.
Our features? Lets see:- Player run gyms and Elite 4 with true competitive experience- Pixelmon integrated shops, for all your item needs- Customised Spawn Rates for Legendaries, Shinies and More!- Discord to chat and organise trades with bridge chat, talk to the players online even if you aren’t!- Discord Market Place for easy buying, selling and trading.- Grief Defender Claims- Teams/Clans- Always on the latest Pixelmon version once stable.- No P2W, anything on the donation store can be bought using in-game currency too!
If this interests you, come check us out! We’d be honored to be your new home.

Antixray Crawling Custom Customenchants Hologram Holograms Papermc Pvp Scoreboard Sitting Smp Survival Triple Veinmine Veinminer

OwnMC Network

New Minecraft Server OwnMC With New Uptades Every Month
+ ———————————– OwnMC Network —————————— +

IP JAVA Pre-release :
Port BEDROCK pre-release : Not avaliable
Bedrock compatibility is gonna be in within 6 months
or if we get more money from our store then faster
its your choice
1. Jobs
2. Keep Inventory
3. 24/7
4. No Lag
5. New Hosting
6. Graves
7. Chest Shops
8. Sitting crawling Spinning and more…
9. Crates
10. Farm Protecting – No More Jumping On The Crops
11. Holograms
12. Item Stacker
13. Player Kits
14. RTP Gui
15.Sell Gui
16. New MOTD
17. Server NPC’S
18. Villager Shops
19. New Scoreboard
20. VeinMiner
21. Voting
22. Custom Items
23. All of the versions support (java)
Anti Hack Uptades
1. Anti Xray –
our antixray got uptade
and its now triple the power
made in the paper config
1. Voting –
the voting crate was created to be reward for voting
but it didnt work on our hosting so we got a new one
2. Server Crashing Every 30 Minutes –
Fixed becuase most poeple leave because of it
and we couldnt work like that
social media’s :
Twitter : ownmc
Store/Website :
survival SMP :
a ownmc join now!

Anarchy Aureliumskills Cratekeys Crates Customterrain Griefprevention Homes Kits Landclaim Luckperms Oraxen Pvp Realisticseasons Rpg Survival Voting Wild Worldedit Worldguard

Forward Community

A survival Minecraft server with plugins, custom items, custom generation, crates, kits, landclaim and homes which an exciting and challenging experience for players who want to test their skills in a harsh environment. The server provides a unique experience that differs from the regular vanilla Minecraft gameplay, with custom features that add a new level of complexity and excitement.

One of the most significant features of this server is its custom generation. The terrain is filled with perilous biomes, dangerous creatures, and caves that players must navigate through to survive.

In addition to the custom generation, the server also features custom items that can be obtained through various means, such as crates and kits. These items can range from powerful weapons to rare resources that can give players an edge in survival.

Another essential feature of this server is its landclaim and homes system. Players can claim land to protect their creations from other players and build their own homes. This system also allows for a more organized community where players can collaborate and work together to build massive structures.

Com Come Survival Multiplayer Welcome

Welcome to Minfi Server Minecraft

Welcome to Minfi server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

24x7 300 Coins Crate Ifesteal Keys Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifestealserver Nline Oins Reward Rewards Survival


Best Lifesteal Server Ever 24/7 Online With All Things That MAke Any LifeSteal Server Good Vote On This Site For Get Rewards In Server Like Crate Keys, Lifesteal XP< Coins and More

2023server Customechantments Customitems Customterrain Faction Factions Guilds Needplayers New Pvp Ranged Roleplay Shards Smp Survival


When you join, you spawn in with a random amount of hearts
ranged from 8-17 and disc shards to start!
When you die, you lose a heart!
You can craft a reroll item which will let you reroll your hearts!
You can gain a heart by using a Heart Item dropped by a warden or gain them general gameplay!
Create Factions & Guilds at the same time! /f create as well as /guild create earn kingdoms “/k” at 120hrs playtime! Earn new perks with more time played! Vote for rewards daily,
Full player immersed economy, auctions Weapon Upgrades / Custom Items / Custom Biomes / Custom Currency, Mounts, Donor Cosmetics, Leveled Mobs / Dungeons (WIP), Discord Proximity Voice Chat

Innovative Next Level Oneblock Oneblockmc Oneblocksky Oneblockskyblock Oneblocksmp Opskyblock Sky Skyblock Skyblocks Skyblockservers Skygrid Survival Treasures


OneBlocky is an exciting and innovative network that takes the OneBlock game mode to the next level. Players start their journey on a single block, where they can mine, craft, and build their way through an ever-evolving world. Unleash your creativity as you expand your island and discover the plethora of hidden treasures and surprises. Engage in thrilling quest, make friends, and conquer the leaderboards. Join OneBlocky today at

🌴 Oneblock Skyblock
❤️ Friendly Community
🏆 Community Events
💸 Balanced Economy

Cheap Developed Free Market Marketing Mca Minecraft Game Near News Plugins Price Prices Rich Shard Useful

SideGrief MineSide server Minecraft

> Greetings! You’ve landed on the official SideGrief server group!

SideGrief is a unique project with lots of useful features!


• ? > IP address » –

• ? > Donation site »


√ SIDEGRIEF is a unique and high-quality project that differs from other servers in honesty and responsiveness, in a number of ways:

✈ > Responsive administration.

? > Constant server updates.

? > Cheap donation.

❤ > Every player is welcome!

To play on our server you will need a regular Minecraft game client version 1.8-1.17

Our project is planned to create new plugins and modes, and also, we have developed a new approach to the marketing part of the project and work with the audience in general.

We recommend visiting the group as often as possible to stay up to date with the latest news and updates.

On our server you can: upgrade your skills, build a house near the spawn, get a free donation by a team, get rich and appear in the top in terms of money, buy donations at the lowest prices and much more!

Bully Cities Crafter Crafters Eret Hacks Lang Maj Minecrafter Minecrafters No Griefing No Mods Survival Unfair Walk


Welcome to DeseretCraft
This is a fun Family-Friendly Minecraft server for anyone to join. The server currently has 2 major cities and many more to come. Our mission is to build a community of Minecrafters from all walks of life.

No hacks
No Griefing
No mods that make gameplay unfair to others
No Bullying/Harassing others
Try to keep the language clean

1.19.4 Bed Bedwar Bedwars Endless Fol Follow Minecraft Version Noop Open Stan Survival Target Version Wars

HOODMC || BedWars || Factions || Skyblock || 1.8 – 1.19.4

Welcome to HOODMC! We offer Factions, Skyblock, BedWars and more!

Join now on any Minecraft version with IP: [] for endless fun!

If you’re having any issues, hop into our Discord for assistance:

1.19.4 Anarchy Contraption Coop Creative Mode Creativity Minecraft Anarchy Monsters Pickaxe Survival Tower Trap Unlimited Version 1.19 Veterans

NEW! 1.19.4 anarchy server!

Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft anarchy experience! Join our free cracked 1.19.4 server and unleash your creativity without any restrictions. With no rules, no plugins, and no limitations, this server is the wild west of Minecraft, where you can build, mine, and explore to your heart’s content.

Gather your friends or make new ones as you dive into a world where anything goes. From building towering structures to creating intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Whether you want to cooperate with others or engage in epic PvP battles, our cracked server provides a platform for you to express yourself freely.

With the latest version 1.19.4 of Minecraft, you can enjoy all the features and improvements that the game has to offer. Experience the thrill of survival mode, where you’ll need to gather resources, craft tools, and defend against monsters. Or, let your imagination run wild in creative mode, where you have unlimited resources and can build to your heart’s desire.

Our server is open to players of all skill levels, from Minecraft veterans to new players looking for an adventure. Join our community of like-minded players and create memories that will last a lifetime. So grab your pickaxe, strap on your armor, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in our free cracked 1.19.4 Minecraft server, where the only limit is your imagination!

2023 Contests Crawl Engaging Furniture Griefdefender Gsit Minecraft Chat Oraxen Plant Pvptoggle Role Play Rollback Survival Toast

Toasted Eggplantia Community SMP

Toasted Eggplantia Community SMP

This server exists with the goal of making towns as a community and engaging in light role play. We have features in place to prevent griefing and rollback any damages caused by it. You can join our discord here

We opened on 4/22/2023

Plugins that add vanilla+ features:
Even More Fish – Adds custom fish and fishing contests!
GSit – Allows players to sit, crawl, etc, at will!
HeadsPlus – All mobs in the game have a chance to drop their heads!
EssentialsDiscord – Talk in Minecraft chat and it appears in Discord as well as the reverse!
Oraxen – Allows us to create custom 3D items through a datapack! Furniture, Weapons, etc!
GriefDefender – Allows you to claim land with a golden shovel
PvPToggle – Toggle your PvP with /pvp !

Box Boxpvp Brewery Economy Eventos Jobs Mcmmo Oli Parkour Pvp Ranks Residence Survival Towny Week


Server 1.17-1.19 with Survival-towny and BoxPvP mods (coming soon) we try to add more mods as time goes by. We do events every week!!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!