Ass Bored Class Com Community Cool Craft Dutch Eng English Eth Follow Ftc Game Games Going Ill Interesting Mmu Noop Ommunity Open Ored Play Pvp Red Rvival Sky Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Way

SkyCraft 2.0


Build Cat Class Color Community Craft Discord End Features Fly Friends Inecraft Join Magic Mine Minecraft Multiplayer Noop Open Play Player Players Pro Protected Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Spawn Spawner Spawners Spells Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Trade World

Ice Blox Minecraft

[center][size=200][color=#1e84cc]Ice[/color] [color=#38761D]Blox[/color] [color=#5B0F00]Minecraft

[color=#000000][size=100]We are a survival multiplayer Minecraft Server [/size][/color][/color][/size]that offer a place to build your base in relative saftey.
Here is a list of the features our server offer:

Protected bases
Magic Spells
Keep Inventory in overworld
Player and server shops
Trade with players
Win Prizes
Teleport to friends and random locations
Fly around
Collect and place monster spawners
Player ranks and titles
Discord community

[/b]Come join us at[/b][b]



Active Bedwars Better Block Class Craft Economy Emo Enjoy Enjoyable Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Gamemode Help Ill Mod New Open Opfactions Play Player Players Pvp Raiding Server Shop Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Tea Team War Wars


IP adress:
ExcellentCraft is a new server with a committed team of staff willing to help players and make their experience more enjoyable. Due to the openning of the factions server there are massive discounts in the shop right, so you better hurry up!

Action Ask Block Class Craft Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Growing Help Ill King Lit Make Ming Mini Mini Games Mod Modded Noop Open Play Prison Prisons Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Style Survival This Vanilla


This is a growing server with many possibilities coming, theres Skyblock, Factions, Prisons, Mini-Games, Modded Survival, Vanilla Survival and MUCH more coming.

We are quickly trying to make a fun experience and try to get you guys to help with it in ways such as asking for ideas or having you choose between some decisions.


Active Cat Class Craft Creative Dedicated Discord Economy End Enjoy Features Friends Fun Game Games Hard Hub Ill Inecraft Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Network New Play Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Roleplay Server Servers Store Survival Towny War

Mine Hub Games

Welcome to Minehub Games!

From the creators of The Crafters Network and MegaMinecraft, join our totally new network with dedicated hardware and lots of fun plugins for you and your friends to enjoy.

Starting off with Creative and Survival many more servers will be added in time.

New features and servers will be added when we can as time passes, so come and join the start of a brand new network!

IP: Play.Minehub.Games

Auction Claim Claims Craft Crates Create Discord Donor Elytra Enchants End Essentials Event Fly Grief Griefprevention Job Jobs Kit Kits Mcmmo Mmo Mob New Open Play Player Prevention Pvp Rank Rankup Server Ships Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Vote War Wars

My Happy Place (OP Survival)

My Happy Place is an OP Survival server with PvP enabled. Create friendships that last a lifetime, make enemies and wars that never cease.

Server Highlights
– v1.15.2
– OP Enchanted Books. Some up to level 10. 190+ New Enchants.
– Craft Armored Elytra
– Auction House
– BattlePass
– Better End
– Crates
– Donor Kits
– Fly in claims/trusted
– Essentials
– GriefPrevention
– Jobs
– Kits
– mcMMO
– mcMMO point system (MorphRedeem)
– Mob Arena
– Mob/Item Stacking
– Player Warps
– RankUp
– Sort Inv/Chest with middle mouse button.
– Silk Spawners
– Votes


Action Active Bee Best Beta Better Class Craft Donor Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Good Inecraft Kit Kits Mine Minecraft Parkour Play Playing Pvp Rank Ranks Ring Server Stable Survival Tea Team Time

Lard Lads Fat Factions

Yeah, its just factions. BUT BETTER CUZ ITS BY THE LARDLADS BABY. All the members of the LardLads have been playing since the minecraft beta and we have all teamed up to bring the best overall factions server, with no OP Kits or Donor ranks, and a stable economy anyone can grasp. LardLads Fat Factions is sure to give you a good time. Connect Now!

1.14 Ass Class Com Daily Eee Erver Follow Noop Open Play Pve Rvival Server Sit Site Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tps Website You Youtube

DailySurvival [1.14.x]



Active Ass Balance Balanced Base Based Bee Best Class Conomy Crate Crates Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Everyone Has King Looking Multi One Pve Rat Rates Reward Rewards Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla Voting War

Epoch Survival

The Best Economy based survival server that everyone’s been looking for! The server has a well balanced economy, voting rewards, multiple crates, …

Active Amazing Arena Build Community Craft Discord Event Events Forge Forums Free Freebuild Fun Games Good Hard Market Mature Maze Mazes Mine Minecraft Mob Online Open Parkour Pirate Play Player Playing Protection Pvp Rol Role Server Staff Survival Website


Utopia is a server that will give you an amazing experience in Minecraft – that you will never forget.

We provide a range of cool features for our players to encourage players to choose us.

We are a survival server, but we are also so much more.

Server Information:




Server Features:

– Online 24/7
– Survival and Freebuild
– In-game market system
– Tutorial area
– Different build areas
– In-game build protection
– Kind staff
– Active forums


– Mob Arena
– PVP Areas
– Mazes
– Parkour

Most importantly of all:

We have a great mature community that are fun to be around.

We care for our players a lot and work very hard to ensure they have fun on our server.

We dont see the server as complete, but something that we can improve together with the community.

We listen to the community and implement good ideas.

We also aim to host a lot of amazing in-game events for our players and we make sure that they are fun for everyone.

The themes could be something like: Pirate event, Castle takeovers and general Role-playing.

Minecraft is not simply Minecraft any more, it is like Utopia (the ideal community)

Are you feeling in the mood for an amazing experience?

Then see you inside the game, and thanks for choosing us.

Additional Notes
Utopia is a server that will give you an amazing experience in Minecraft – one that you will never forget.


Active Ass Class Erver Game Games Lit Mod Network Rvival Sea Server Stray Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Ter This Two Work You


Hi! You search a server with survival modality? This is the right server! Enter now!
This server is a most server with survival games.

Adventure Allowed Best Boss Build Challenge Claim Combat Custom Discord Dungeons End English Farm Free Keys Kit Kits Lands Market Mob Mobs Open Play Player Plugin Pvp Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Unique Vote Voting War Wars Website Who


Greetings lads, welcome to SalvosCraft . You will be able to enjoy a unique survival experience with a custom blood plugin (with a damage system), custom mobs that will increase the difficulty, you will be able to claim land, be in the lands top owners, and take part in battles against other territories to show them your strengh . When you first start, make sure to build a shelter before dawn otherwise your chances of making it alive till sunrise are none.

Additionally, we have player market where you can buy or sell items to other players as well as automated shops with villager merchants at spawn who can provide you with OP enchanted items.

Moreover, we do have a battlepass systematization with seasons, custom challenges and weeklty mission .

Furthermore, to make it even more challenging we added huge dungeons that you can farm or adventure through, with loots you can get for slayings mobs, a final boss will be waiting for you at the end of each and one of them.

However if land wars is to slow for you and you seek for a fast paste pvp, you can duel your enemies or foes in a 1 versus 1 combat with custom kits, custom arenas with strategy points, to prove who is the best of the best .

On top of that, If you are looking for a more discret approach, you are allowed to place bounties on other players, so you can hunt them down, find their base and steal their treasures .

Also, we love to reward the players that vote for and support us in our project, with FREE crate keys that can be earned while voting for the server .

People have been asking for a more challenging experiment ? What are you waiting for ?
Join us .

Language spoken on the server : English
(If you wish to communicate with your friends in another language, feel free to use the following commands : /msg (player), /tell (player) or use your Lands chat : /lands chat)

Visit our Website :
Join our discord for more infos :


Beta Boss Challenge Claim Class Cool Cosmetics Craft Experience Fun Gadgets Game Games Grief Griefing Inecraft Join Lit Loot Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Money Noop Online Open Pet Pets Play Pvp Rank Rules Server Survival Unique World

lepelcraft 1.14.4

Like Minecraft? Want a fun online experience? Come join lepelcraft. We dont do all the fancy minigames and cumbersome rules. Just have fun, in survival, with griefing disabled and a way to claim your personal little place in the world.

Theres cosmetics, pets, mounts and cool gadgets to unlock with loot chests (this server has no real money purchases.) and automatic VIP rank after 2 days of playtime. The outer 3000 blocks of the world also have PvP enabled, if you want a bigger challenge.

There are also boss mobs to find in the world, make sure to be prepared to take one on. However they do give powerful and unique loot.


Active Apply Ass Call Chat Class Com Ect End Erver Friendly Grief Griefing Ill Join List Mature Ming Mod Modpack No Griefing One Pack Please Pve Riendly Rules Server Stealing Survival Tea Tekkit This Universe Vis Whitelist Whitelisted


** Modpack: The 1.12.2 Pack **
> This is a Whitelisted server to CobrasUniverse if you would like to join please visit , When applying please give an honest response or you will be automatically declined.
How will I know? You will receive an email on acceptance or rejection depending on if you qualify to be able to join the server.

Be Mature
No Griefing
No Stealing
Be Friendly
No Spamming chat

Active Amazing Apex Ass Class Com Community Craft Economy Emo Factions Game Gamemode Gamemodes Great Greatwar Item Items Join Kit Kitpvp Ming Mod Nks One Pvp Raiding Soon Survival Tanks Theme Themed Towny Unique War World

Join our amazing community
With many unique gamemodes
KitPvP with war themed items
World of tanks coming soon
And the one and only TheGreatWar

Awesome Ban Build Community Crates Create Donor Eco End Event Events Good Hack Hard Head Heads Kit Kits Minecraft Mmo Mob New Open Pets Play Plugin Plugins Ranks Rewards Server Silkspawners Spawner Spawners Store Survival Town Towny Vault Wars


The server ip is:

Hi, Ive recently just created a server and opened it for business a few hours ago and are looking to build a community. Id like to meet some new Minecraft people to help this community grow and thrive as I believe this server could take off. The only thing missing is a good amount of players.

You start with $10k and a starter kit 🙂

Its called Valhalla and its a towny server which boasts some good features to make the game more entertaining such as:

– Blood Moon which means every 5 in game days mobs will become harder to kill but will drop special loot such as minerals or mineral blocks and general items.

-Crazycrates which is a crate plugin has 3 different crates available at spawn which are Rare, Epic and Legendary which are filled with a ton of cool items such as mob spawners, minerals, money etc…and special tools.

-5 donator ranks filled with pets, player trails, decorative heads, awesome bonuses such as money and commands.

– AgressiveMobs which means that if you attack any type of passive mob they will attack you back. If they see any kind of threat they will attack. So be warned.

There are plenty of other plugins installed to make your experience better and will be adding some more over the next few days aswell to keep everyone entertained.

Some plugins included are
– Silkspawners which means you will have the ability to silk mine any spawners you place down which prevents them from being destroyed however it does require the first donator rank which is relatively cheap.

-In game ranking system which lets you level up through in game play time. Each rank brings you different rewards.

-Playervaults is another fantastic plugin which allows you to essentially have a backpack to store your items if your ever full while mining or need a place to store things.

– Pets which is a plugin that enables all donors to get access to pets, whether its using your pet as. A hat or mounting them, its yours.

– Town wars, have you ever fancied kicking the cr*p out of your rivals. Well now you can.

-Player trails and block trails, ever fancies watching the block below you change colour as you walk? Now you can.

-Ultimate fishing is a plugin which allows you when fishing to find rare enchanted books or items which you wouldnt find else where. You will need to buy worms of the fisherman at /warp fisherman

– Ultimate kits, theres kits for every rank and every rank the kit becomes even better do /kits to preview the kits.

Rules are:

-Be ethical,

-Be respectful if not complying will result in a ban
-No swearing,

-Use common sense,

-No hacked clients such as x-ray,

Feel free to message me on here.
If theres anything else I could add that you guys want please let me know.


Active Class Craft Creative Custom Economy Event Experience Fun Game Grief Inecraft Item Items Join Mcmmo Mechanics Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Mod New Play Plot Plugin Plugins Prevention React Server Servers Slimefun Standard Survival Tpa Unique War World


MoonShireMC –

MoonShireMC is a new and unique Gamemode servers around! The main focus of the server is to offer a varied experience for each user, To achieve this MoonShireMC offers a large range of custom game worlds including Grief prevention survival, Plot world creative and Minigame.

In addition to custom mechanics we also use plugins such as Slimefun and TinkerTools to add over 1000 items and blocks into the game. These plugins add stuff that vary from new tools, jetpacks to nuclear reactors to power all the new machines and systems found on the server, and unlike most servers that offer similar mechanics you can join MoonShireMC and access all of this with your standard Minecraft client!

So whether you want to come and just play regular Minecraft or dabble in all our extra features, we look forward to seeing you on!

Active Anticheat Awesome Ban Build Building Coreprotect Craft Donation Donations Dynmap Essentials Essentialsx Faction Factions Farm Fun Lands Map Minecraft Mod Moderator Nations Nether New Open Permanent Play Player Plugin Plugins Server Spigot Store Swearing Who World Worldguard Youtube Official Minecraft

About us

MadDubz started out on YouTube with a 24/7 Gaming radio, since then we kept doing more and more. We are glad to announce that we now have a Minecraft server. We do not accept donations, we do this for fun.

Since weve got a new beefy server doing mostly nothing, we decided to launch a Minecraft server. We try to keep the amount of plugins to a minimum.

This server is made to have fun on, just build your own farms, houses etc.

What were looking for

Were looking for new players who are interested in building an awesome map, if youre active a lot we will consider making you a moderator as well. Anyone can join, but you will have to behave yourself. No swearing etc.

Server information:
Location: Netherlands (IP Proxy for DDoS protection via OVH France, which adds 4ms)
Version: Spigot 1.14.4

Server specs (brand new server):
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 (6
Storage: 2x520GB SSD

Backups (yes, we keep backups.):
A backup of the map is being made every 2 hours and uploaded to a NAS and an external backup service. Backups are stored for 30 days.

– WorldGuard
– Dynmap
– EssentialsX
– Matrix Anticheat (You never know..)
– CoreProtect
– Factions


– Dont cheat
– No swearing, this server is for all ages

Not following the rules will result in a permanent ban, forever.


Active Build Class Craft Crate Crates Custom Discord End Event Events Fac Faction Factions Features Friends Grind Help Ill Join Lit Mcmmo Mine Mmo Play Player Players Pvp Raid Raiding Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Top Vanilla Voting Website


Welcome to Obliviouscraft Factions!

Obliviouscraft is a Factions PVP MCMMO server which allows all players to build, fight, raid and grind their way to the top!
We have also a few little surprises which will help you along your way, including Mineable Spawners, Voting, Crates, Custom events and many more hidden features made for you!

Do you love PVP, Raiding and Factions? Then this is the server for you!

Jump onto today with your friends and faction!
Or check out our website on
Or you can join our disord here:

Active Ass Class Com Craft Discord Economy Erver Hard Ill Inecraft Job Lin Milk Milky Mine Minecraft Norsk Power Raft Rvival Server Sit Site Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Swe Tps


En norsk survival Minecraft server. Vi jobber hardt for at dette skal bli en populær server, og få mange spillere.
Vår discord:
Vår nettside:


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Kit Pvp Minecraft ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!