580 Cool Disco Ever Every Everything Fly Gift Gifts Nfl Ore Sco Survival Multiplayer Tak Wit

f lForenflZer fd fFly to us with us coolf Take your agiftsf Discounts on everything f server Minecraft

Server owner “f lForenflZer fd fFly to us coolf Get your agiftsf Discounts on everything f” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Building Buildings Buildingserver Competition Competitions Creative Dawn Minecraft Mpet Paperspigot Server Structure Structures Survival Tda


Welcome to TeyvatDawn! Where you play and build! Play with your friends as you build structures and buildings! In the server we also host some events like PvP, Parkour, Building Competitions, and more. Play now!

2.11 Brand New Factions Server Cratekeys Crates Factions Factionspvp Guis Guishop Hiring Pets Post Pva Spawner Spawners Survival


Want to have fun with your friends? Economy, Crates, Spawners, GuiShop,Pets, and more! Brand new Factions server. Join now and have fun! ( Hiring all postions for staff!)

Data Pack Data Packs Guy Hermit Hermitcraft Hermitcraftstyle Miner Miners Ortal Pretty Show Survival Tweak Tweaks Weak

Immortal Miners Hermitcraft Style!

Hey guys, I’m starting late to the show as far as 1.18 goes. this server is hermitcraft style and other than a few data packs from vanilla tweaks is pretty much vanilla.

Hop in the discord and post your IGN, age and a picture of a build you have done!

discord link:: [

this server is a whitelist only

Server Starting at 10PM CST 4/24

Afterlife Afterlife Smp Corn Deo Hardcore Ideo Lives Minecraft Java Originsmod Random Record Roll Stream Video Videos


I am trying to make my own Afterlife SMP Called NextLife. It is a public version of AfterLife. If you do not know what Afterlife is, it’s a server where you have 10 lives, each time you die you get a random origin. You can reroll if you get a really bad origin but you can only reroll a certain amount of time. Another thing, it is Minecraft java ONLY. You may stream or Record videos, just make sure it has the Next Life logo ( not chosen yet ) in the corner.

2022 Capture Fans Hobbit Lord Lord of The Rings Lordoftherings Lotr Minecraft World Mmorpg Modded Server Moddedserver Movie Silmarillion Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings MMORPG Modded Server

The Lord of the Rings MMORPG Modded Server Minecraft Server
The Lord of the Rings MMORPG Modded Server Minecraft Server

The Lord of the Rings MMORPG Modded Server Minecraft Server

The Lord of The Rings MMORPG Server/Modpack is a Minecraft server modpack based on The Lord of The Rings novel by J. R. R. Tolkien. It is packed with mods for players who wish the Minecraft world was more like that of Middle-earth. Fans of the book or movie will really love how this server captures the essence of the LoTR and really brings it to life. Join now and see what its like to live in Middle-earth!

Asa Car Companions Creativity Dev Elo Find Fort Griefing Griefing Minecraft Server Lea Survival Table Wait Who

Icarus Play | SURVIVAL + Griefing Minecraft server

A server for a comfortable and pleasant game, on it you can find many adequate and pleasant companions with whom you can play and develop. Donat without creativity. We are waiting for you on our server =)


Allies Create Island Lag Mcserver Oce Ocean Pvp Raid Rank Reviv Steal Tea Team Top

Ozonecraft OceanPvP

This game mode is very fun and allows every player to create an island, raid, steal and pillage others to be NUMBER ONE in the server! Can you rank your way up to the top? Do you wanna mess with friends?! Team up? Make Allies? The choice is yours to make!

Colour Colours Display Enderman Euro Europe Hulk Nvme Shockbyte Shulk Shulker Tweak Tweaks Vanilla Vanillatweaks

Flip SMP [Vanilla] [SMP] {Community Oriented} {22w16b}{17+} {Hermitcraft-like} {Whitelist}

About: Flip is a new vanilla Minecraft server with an small community of people who love building, exploring, and mining, automating and playing all styles of Minecraft.

Flip is a non-profit, free to play world where you can play and easily get help from our friendly admin team and other players from all over the world.

Flip is currently in its 1st Season, 25.04.2022 world generated.

Community: We have an Discord server with folks from all over the world discussing all things Minecraft, server events, and sharing humor. Use the link below to join the Discord and request to be whitelisted (added to the list of people allowed to connect).



  • VanillaTweaks Crafting
  • NameColours: Player name color indicates their current dimension and AFK status
  • Anti Enderman Grief: Stops endermen picking up / placing blocks
  • Coordinates Hud: Provides command to display coordinates on your screen above the inventory. Enabled by typing /coordinateshud toggle in game.
  • Double Shulker Shells: Shulkers will always drop 2 shells
  • More Mob Heads: Adds a chance for all mobs to drop a head
  • Player Head Drops: Players drop heads when killed
  • Hosting: Server is on “ShockByte Hosting”, server Location: Europe.


  • Intel Xeon E-2236 @ Max 4.80GHz
  • 6 vCores | NVMe SSDs | 8GB DDR4 RAMM

  • Categories
    Eco Information Jobs Reborn Maps Mcmmo Mcmmotowny Mcserver Para Peace Peaceful Survival Towny Townysurvival Townywar Worlds

    Cascade Craft

    Cascade Craft is a Towny Survival Server with a friendly community! Separate worlds for Towny War and Towny Peaceful. 2 Earth Maps! Plugins Include mcMMO, Towny, Jobs Reborn, and many more! Join our Discord for the most up-to-date information!

    1.12 Faction Fol Follow Growing Jay Link Making Noop Open Star Start Target Use Win

    Jays Factions

    Welcome User to this new server start making faction or join a growing faction
    all info is in this discord link:

    Control Cosmetics Delight Glitch Increased Lumi Markets Osmetics Pixelmon Problems Pve Surprise Survival Teleporting Testing

    PokeLumia Pixelmon

    We’re delighted to be releasing PokeLumia to the public as a beta release! This means that anyone, including you can join our server and play on it – alone or with friends!

    We have many different features for the server itself, such as our own world generation – making our server a unique to most other Pixelmon survival servers, a crates system that surprises you with rewards, player markets where the community can control the economy, increased inventory spaces, random teleporting within our world, cosmetics and more!

    Please be aware that we’re in the beta phase, this means that we as a community may experience problems such as bugs, glitches or other consistent issues, and with help from yourselves and the community, we will be able to remedy most issues.

    As a disclaimer – after our beta release, we will be resetting the server when it was before the beta release. This will reset player’s data and new changes to the world. We hope our beta testing phase will last for a week – then another half a week for us to fix most things that you have helped find through the server.

    We will also be taking staff applications very soon, if anyone is interested to being a bigger part within our community.




    Client Drop Drops Glitch Hacked Hacking Java And Bedrock Level Leveling Medieval Mining No hacking Skills Smp Survival

    Medieval Smp

    The Medieval Smp is an SMP with few rules The only rules are no Hacking/Hacked clients and Lagging the SMP. Griefing Is allowed along with glitches This Smp Just started Today. There is a Leveling System for skills just by doing it. Mining increases mining skills increases ore drops etc. best part it is java and bedrock are Compatible JOIN today.

    Auto Ect Eth Lec Mini Minigame Minigame Server Nam Name Power Put Read Rmc Title Type


    this is a minigame server this is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame servethis is a minigame serve

    Aco April Claims Classic Minecraft Design Economy Insta Join A Server Macon Minecraft Vanilla Quick Rich Rod Survival Tall

    SamaCon Survival Server

    A survival server for your classic multiplayer survival experience. The server has only a few plugins installed to introduce economy, claims and player shop but besides that it attempts to resemble a classic minecraft vanilla server. If you’re looking to join a server for a longer time with a strong community then this server is designed for you. There’s no “get rich quick” as we want players to build the server from the ground up. The server started the 22nd of April so it’s brand new.

    Cked Crack Cracké Cracked Imple Ked Mods Newest News Newsmp Quest Release Smps Survival Vanilla


    An simple SMP server, it is not always online.
    And it needs more players.
    It is Vannilla, Survival, Without mods, usually has a small player-base.
    It is also on the newest Java release
    Hope you have fun!

    Discord if you need and help or got any questions:

    Community Coreprotect Dynmap Economy Friendly Friendlycommumity Griefrollback Horsestats Longterm Semivanilla Smallscale Smp Survival Towns Towny Vanilla


    Welcome to Townscraft SMP!

    Townscraft is a whitelisted semi-vanilla SMP server with a towny twist that launched in April 2020. As the name implies, the server has an emphasis on towns. Each town contains houses, shops, and farms. You can join an already existing town, create new towns with three or more members, or choose to be a nomad, but it’s strongly advised to live in a town to get the best experience.
      The server does not use the towny plugin, it runs purely on a vanilla player-made system. This is to give it a more organic feel and not have to deal with the hassle of landclaims.

      All types of players are welcome, as long as you don’t plan on breaking the rules. We don’t care if you are a builder, redstoner, veteran, or noob, there will always be a town that accepts you.

      There are no major gameplay altering plugins like /warp or /tpa. The four exceptions are one person sleep, the ender dragon being unable to destroy blocks, fire spread being off, and the ability to see a horse’s stats
      The server has Coreprotect, so if something is stolen or griefed, the culprit can be identified and the action can be rolled back in just a few minutes.

      The server is over 2 years old so you can be sure it’s here to stay, and that it has a long history, which goes all the way back to 2016.

      Resets are spaced very far apart. Our first season ran for 20 months, with our second season starting with the launch of 1.18 and all its changes to the world generation. So you can rest assured that your projects won’t be wiped every few months by constant resets.

    If you’re interested in applying and learning more about the server, the join the discord server:

    Battlepass Biomesoplenty Economy Friendlycommunity Gts Gyms Keepinventory Miningworld Nop2w Pixelmon Pixelmonmod Pixelmonreforged Playtimerewards Pokemon Projectshiba Quests Resourcepack Safari Shops Skills Sts Survival

    Project: Shiba Pixelmon Reforged 1.12.2




    Project: Shiba provides a unique Pixelmon experience! Our server features raids, a massive safari, pokemon invasions, battletower, gyms, pokestops, crates, and poketokens! We also feature chat games! Earn poketokens by answering GEN. 1 trivia or winning a chat typing challenge.

    Other features:
    – Starter Kit with Shiny Item
    – Keep inventory
    – Daily Quests
    – Playtime contests
    – Mining world
    – MMO-type Skills
    – GTS & STS
    – Admin Shop
    – Materials Shop
    – Time/Weather Menu
    – Biomes ‘o Plenty Overworld
    – custom textures
    – EV training
    …and more!

    If you need help, join our Discord!

    Pixelmon: Reforged brought to you by the reforged team:

    Ali Art Auto Earth Ect Hycraft Jus Lec Nam Name Normal Put Survival Survival Server Title


    This is just a normal survival server

    Account Add Ate Aternos Cent Emo Enter Like Mod Mods Mods Minecraft Mods. Script Survival Multiplayer Your

    MineLikeMods Minecraft server

    MineLikeMods server owner hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Pvp Survival Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!