Ban Children Class Craft Crates Create Discord End Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Free Freedom Home Inecraft Join Lag Map Mine Minecraft Play Player Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Reset Rewards Semianarchy Server Sethome Survival Title Tpa Voting War World


Axebane is a nostalgic faction server that has no /tpa and never wipes to create the ultimate chaos!

Our goal is to keep the server alive until the end of minecraft AKA a never ending world that changes with player interaction same with the border it expands with player size, lastly the reason for no tpa is for raiders too work for there raids not just tpa 25 people from there faction across the map to a 2 player made base But there is /sethome (1 max per player) and /f home (1 max per factions)

— Crates —
— No Map Resets —
— Expanding Border —
–Voting Rewards —

Since Axebane has freedom of speech Please be aware that upon joining the server, you will likely witness vulgar language as well as content not suited for children. This is because the system only filters spam.You have been warned.

Discord: Coming Soon

116server Ass Block Class Com Craft Ect Erver Features Hot Ill Inecraft Latest Lms Mine Minecraft New Please Real Realm Realms Rvival Server Shot Snap Snapshot Sol Style Surviva Survival Ter This Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival Welcome

1.16 Snapshot Survival | Solar Realms

Solar Realms
1.16 Snapshot
Welcome to the Solar Realms 1.16 Snapshot server, try out all the new features in the latest snapshot!
This server is 100% Vanilla Minecraft.

If you want to try out 1.9-1.15.2 Survival server Please connect to!

Bungeecord Custom Custombuilds Customplugins Customterrain Discordsrv Farming Hub Minigames Music Network New Newserver Oitc Oneinthechamber Skyblock Survival Tycoon

FarmTycoon | Minecraft Tycoon [1.9 – 1.15.2]

1.15.x is supported but is not recommended!

Welcome to Slampvp. A minecraft server that features a custom gamemode called farmtycoon

Server ip:

Farmtycoon was created as a multiplayer tycoon type game on minecraft which is easy to play,
understand and master.
The point of the game is to get as much money as you can,
you can earn money by farming and selling crops.
If you have enough money you can get better crops that give more money and get more plots so that you can get more crops to get more money and so on.

In skyblock we just wanted a basic and simple skyblock where you can get money easy and expand quickly.
We have a shop system in place and some other plugins to reduce lag but don’t affect gameplay.

We hope to see you soon.

Best Build Builds Claim Clan Clans Class Community Craft Custom Discord Eco Economy Empire Fun Gods Ill Inecraft Join Land Landclaim Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mpet Open Pets Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Quests Server Survival Title Vanilla Who World

MC Sanctuary | Quests | mcMMO | LandClaim | PvP | Pets | Community | Custom Plugins

Join today!

We are a survival minecraft vanilla server with the sole purpose to have fun!

Work your way up the rich list and hierarchy of society, who knows perhaps you will even become a God!
Community and competition builds are regular!
Clans, Empires and light RP can be found throughout the world!
So why are you still reading? Join us now and have fun!

Join us on discord –

Server Owner

Allowed Anarchy Anarchy Server Anarchyminecraft Anarchyserver Block Class Craft Hack Hacking Hacksallowed Head Home Hot Ill Inecraft King Latest Mean Mine Minecraft Nation New Norules Rules Server Sethome Shot Snapshot Star Title Tpa Vanilla War World

Camelot – 24/7 Anarchy Server – NO RULES

What is this server?

Camelot is a NEW Minecraft anarchy server that is currently running the latest snapshot! Since this is true anarchy, there are no rules and no busted commands like /tpa and /sethome. Hacking is of course allowed and will not be punished.

A new server means a head start towards world domination!

Aetherii Aetherlegacy Aethermod Bungeecord Creative Creativeplots Ducks Economy Fun Griefing Lobby Modded Moddedserver Network New Newserver Paperspigot Plotme Plotssquared Plugins Pvp Quack Quacks Raid Raiding Raidserver Spigot Survival Updated » Aether Servers and Spigot Servers! [1.7.x – 1.15.x]

Modding Legacy’s Minecraft Server “” Quacks!
This is a small community network server with various things to do. The server always have room to expand as its my personal hobby and project. My goal is to build a nice and friendly community and give those a place to have fun, and meet people and make friends. New players on join will be asked to choose their favorite color that will affect the color of their prefix. You can customize your rank with the /tags command.

Clients from 1.7.x through 1.15.x Latest being 1.15.x are able to join and play.

⛏️ PaperSpigot: Open Survival
An interesting server with ProtocolSupport to allow multiple client versions into a survival world. Griefing is allowed in the main worlds. Players can also build in a safe area called “instances”, a seperate dimension outside of the world that will protected your goods. There is also a market that players can create their owns shops and sell whatever they want for whatever prices.
⚔️ Kit PvP

A unique Kit PvP server taking advantage of the 1.9 combat update, as well as items like the crossbow, and elytra. Each kit has been carefully balanced, each bringing something different to the table. Every kit is available right from the start, no annoying unlocking.

🎨 PaperSpigot: Creative Plots
Running PlotsSquared. Players can claim up to 20 plots with plot claim expansions soon and will eventually be able use WorldEdit in their plots. Players can also merge their plots together if claimed next to each other to make one big plot!

☁️ Forge: Aether Legacy
A modded survival server running the classic port of The Aether mod on 1.12.2-v1.4.4 and one of the most popular addons Aether: Lost Content. The Aether is a dimension high in the sky comprised of floating islands! Ascend through a Glowstone portal and begin a new survival adventure packed with new ores, mythical creatures and perilous Dungeons!

You need this modpack to play:
[ t=_blank][/url]

More Information:
Website: [ t=_blank][/url]
Discord: [ t=_blank][/url]

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Admin Antigrief Build Building Builds Chill Craft Creative Currency Friendly Fun Good Grief Griefing Join Lag Lgbt Magic Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Need New Old Online Peace Peaceful Plugin Plugins Safe Server Servers Shop Survival Title Town Towny World

The Fox Box: Reborn

TFB Logo
Welcome to The Fox Box: Reborn!
We are a hybrid survival and creative server that has been around for a while now.
We first launched back in 2012 under the name The Fox Box and we stayed online for a bit until we decided to change our name to Feral Falls. We continued on like that for a couple years til recently, we’ve decided to change our name back to our good old original name and give it a sort of rebirth!
We have a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere you can hang out and be yourself in.
We have strict rules against griefing and harmful conduct so you and your builds will always be safe.
We have both a survival world and a creative world.
We have fun plugins like McMMO and we also have magic!
We have Towny for all your village building needs.
We have an admin shop where you can buy things with your in-game currency.
We have a random teleporter so you can find an ideal location to settle down.
We are always looking for new things to add and new ways to make the Minecraft experience more fun!
Come and join us today at

Adventure Anti Art Ass Aus Australia Australian Blo Block Class Craft Creative Discord Ect Erver Established Friendly Host Hosted Inecraft Join Medieval Medium Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Server Small Smp Star Start Survival Sydney Title Underground

Underground Antics

Underground Antics

An established Australian-hosted Minecraft Server, started in 2012.

Join our discord!

Admin Build Claim Class Community Create Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Friends Fun Hard Help Houses Join King Land Landclaim Mcmmo Mmo Need Network New Newserver Normal Online Play Player Players Rankup Server Ships Staffwanted Survival Team Title Town

The Builder’s Community! {MCMMO} {LANDCLAIM} {ECONOMY}

Welcome to The Builder’s Community! | IP:

We have worked hard on creating an enjoyable Survival Economy server for all to experience. This has taken a long time to build and with your support we can keep the server running strong!

It is just like a normal survival server but with the advantage of being able to buy/rent houses or land in the town

We are looking to build an extremely strong, friendly community and with your help we can achieve that!

As this server is brand new, there are still a few things that need polishing, as well as a need in the future for a few players to join the TBC management team

Our goal by the end of this month is to have about 20 players online at a time. At that point we will be looking for people to help us out as there are only 2 people in our Admin team!

TBC is a growing community with lots of opportunity for people to create new friendships and have fun (Especially while we are stuck in quarantine!)

We hope to see you online soon! Thank you for reading

Active Admin Build Building Community Create Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Farm Friendly Grind Hermitcraft Hub Irl Minecraft Mob Mods Multiplayer Nether Open Pay Play Plugin Plugins Semivanilla Server Servers Shop Staff Survival Tech Title Vanilla Voting Whitelist Whitelisted

🐐 G.O.A.T.S 🐐 [1.15.2 – Whitelisted ] [Semi-Vanilla] [Community Survival]


Tired of joining half-baked vanilla or semi-vanilla servers that had no thought or planning put into them? Feel like no one else can keep up with your play-style? Tired of putting hours into a server only for it to die after a few months? Fear no more! G.O.A.T.S is the server for the dedicated Minecraft player, the players who like to grind, optimize, automate, and maximize their play-time.

G.O.A.T.S Is a community run/driven server, meaning there is no “owner”, the players have input on everything that happens, and staff are their for administrative and technical purposes, not to decide how its run. Although the server is hosted in Sweden, our community is made up of boys and girls of all ages from all around the world. We average about 20-30 players daily and because of the different time-zones there is always people on to play with!

  • Frequent building competitions and community voting for public designs, this will ensure the community is the voice for the aesthetic of the server, not some silly pre-determined theme that boxes your creativity in. On top of this 2 players are selected as an NA/EU mayor each month, these players have a heavy influence on the layout of spawn during their time.
  • Dedicated Machine – Why play on some rinky dinky apex server that hosts 2000 other servers off the same machine? (shots fired) G.O.A.T.S runs a dedicated machine located in Sweden, which drastically improves the play-ability of multiplayer, no optimization tweaks to screw with render distance/mob caps/etc. We are also constantly upgrading the machine as needed.
  • On top of being the voice for the look of the server it is key to G.O.A.T.S that the players have a voice in everything, from the layout of the spawn and nether hub, to what mods and clients we allow, what plugins/datapacks we use, even what world seed we used, the community should have just as much of a say in the inner-working of the server as the staff, how can you call yourself a “hermitcraft” style community, or “hermitcraft like server” if the players don’t have just as much a voice as any of the players of hermitcraft do in their server.
  • Renting a piece of land in the shop district costs a weekly “tax” of 5 diamonds, this isn’t much considering endgame  loot, but it will ensure that if a player neglects their shop, the land doesn’t sit vacant, this will create an incentive for shop owners to have sufficient stock, and to play consistently. Furthermore friendly competition is encouraged, it shouldn’t be fair for any one player to monopolize the market and a little competition will help keep the economy balanced.
  • The shopping district “taxes” will are used to pay players who help with community projects like farms/nether hub/spawn buildings/etc, whether that be in the form of building, resource gathering, Terra-forming, etc this will ensure big projects have big teams of people to get big projects done fast!
  • If this sounds like something you are interested in please apply on our discord server, the application process is there!

    Discord: <— NOTE: We get 5-10 applications a day and already have an active community of 200 people, with 30 people on consistently. So please be understanding if you do not get accepted on the first go. We tend to be pretty picky with our applications so a little effort goes a long way 🙂

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!