Here at Hotspot
gaming you’ll find a nice small growing community all wanting to have fun we run
Pixelmon Reforged 8.0.2 on
minecraft version 1.12.2 using the Technic launcher looking for more people to join our server but thats not all we do =]
for those just wanting a good nosy we have a page setup on facebook peek your curiosity the facebook page
we’ll keep any updates on there for anything we do and any updates we make to the server
to get onto this you need the Techniclauncher which you can grab over
look for Pixelmon Reforged 8.0.2 boot up and join as normal 🙂
For those interested we run a Discord server although this is still new the invite link
all welcome to come join us on there you will find somebody on most times that includes members and admins
day and also night =] as we play a variety of games not just one.
like most servers we have a few basic rules don’t worry
(pick outs the encyclopedia j/ks)
These are the rules for the server please follow these. by logging into and staying on our server you agree to follow them.
– Rule 1: NO GRIEFING goes without saying anybody caught greifing will bypass the 3 stage system and get banned
– Rule 2: I’d like to keep chat as clean as you can, that doesn’t rule out swearing sometimes that just happens but i mean excessive swearing you will get warned for
– Rule 3: please don’t ask for members of staff to spawn items they’re not going to and begging will get you a warning
– Rule 4: please respect other players everyone come to the server to have fun
so be nice it helps 
– Rule 5: PVP is allowed but no over kill dudes that’s just not fun
– Rule 6: NO STEALING its just wrong i will temp ban if i catch you
– Rule 7: PLEASE don’t beg for higher ranks ill just ignore you and if you irritate with it i will kick and that’s a warning
these are the rules as they stand, if they get updated as the server progresses i will update them here and give updates on the server
Additional NotesPixelmon Reforged 8.0.2 – Minecraft 1.12.2 – 50 Slots – Greifprevention – Technic – Fun – Friendly – Community – Facebook – Discord