Bedwars Bedwarsminigame Chestshop Economy Faction Pvp Factions Jobs Jobsreborn Mcmmo Mcmmofactions Mcmmopvp Minigames Pvp Rank Ranks Roman Rome Shop Shops Smp Survival

Looking for a small community of friends to join?
Welcome to Verona!
We are a BRAND NEW survival server with a small, welcoming, and growing community.

Set during the time of Ancient Rome, we currently offer a wide selection of fun (40+ plugins) ranging from player chestshops, an economy, jobs, McMMO, plots, lootcrates, factions, PvP, a welcoming community, tons of minigames, and more!

Earn money to rank up and dominate Roman society!


BedWars, Halo (paintball), TnT Run, Spleef, Parkour, Casino, and more to come!

Server IP:

NoCheatPlus, WorldGuard, CoreProtect, AntiXray, WorldEdit/FAWE & more!

Come join our small and growing community today!


Where does the name “Verona” come from?
Verona was a city in ancient Rome, and exists as a city today. Verona became a Roman colonia in 89 BCE. The city became a bustling Roman city because it was at the intersection of several trade roads; Verona quickly became an important part of the Roman economy through its trade connections and bustling shop center. Fun fact: two of William Shakespeare’s plays are set in Verona: Romeo and Juliet and The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

Amplified Ashes Capital Cities Completed Greg Match Metro Notes Older Ruins Sponge Stupid Survival Tekxit

Fractured Raelms

Quick note about the image: On tuesday (Australian time) I will be replacing the name image with the official logo for the server, as well as putting up an image of a build on the server.

Greetings, Travellers!

My name is Kael’Alanai Revy’Ru’un (Or jsut “Kael” for short). Currently I’m working on making a rather unique server; if you played on the pack “Metrobuild” back in the 1.7.10 Era, you will understand immediately when I say this: Fractured Raelms (Not a typo, it is actually meant to be “ae”) is like Metrobuild+. For those who didn’t get to play on Metrobuild, it was a metropolitan spawn city map server, with a single city which served as the spawn area, and the rest was pure wilderness.

The idea with Fractured Raelms (FR from now on) is that the map is a “region” of a world, and the intent is for people to congregate into cities. First will come the capital city of Wolfreach, though I might rename it later, which will be the capital of the region. As players, you can explore out into the wilderness, and literally found your own cities. The only real constraint is that it has to be a fair distance out (say 5k+ blocks from another city preferably), and have at least one train line on the outskirts OR in the center of the city, so a regional line can be built to connect all cities.

I have also made the server map unique in that the actual world is on the Amplified world type to increase the amount of materials that can be extracted from the world.

Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Modpack: Tekxit 3.14 (Pi) version 1.0.1b (Important!) [​Technic Launcher modpack]
Changes to modpack:
– Removed Ruins mod serverside due to causing crashes with cascading lag
– Temporarily added Ore Excavation version x.150 for 1.12.2 (Latest 1.12.2 version)

– The server will also have a fully fleshed out economy, so you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’re getting a good deal on anything because all items are priced together.
– As of the original date of this post, the server is currently considered to be in Alpha. That means that very little is currently in place, but we are slowly working on it. This note will be updated as the status changes, until we reach “Release”. The server is live however, but think of it as like working in an office building while only the bottom most levels are completed, and the upper levels are still being built.

> Important note: When you first join you may need to clear your config folder, as for some stupid reason the server mismatches with the client configs even though it shouldn’t.

If you have any suggestions for things we can try to add to the server while you’re here/there, feel free to mention them, as this is the first time I’ve made a sponge server.

Active Activecommunity Dumb Hard Mature Mesa Mob Farm Newserver Nolag Notes Public Smp Survival Teaming Vanilla Vanillasurvival

Raw Vanilla | 1.17.1 | Public SMP | No Hacking | No X-Ray | Active Players | No Limits | TTAC Raw!

Welcome – TwoTimesACharm Minecraft Server!

100 Block Spawn Protection!
Daily Backups!
Server Features

Friendly Staff, World Backups, 24/7, Support, No Lag, Dedicated Server, No Limits

Server Rules (Permanent Ban)

No Hacking, No Cheating, No Exploiting, No Racisms, No Lag Machines, No Threating, No X-Raying, No Bullying, Keep Chat Clean, Don’t Be Dumb.

Server Rules (Allowed)

PVP, Teaming, Unlimited Farming, Griefing, Mob Farming, Redstone Machines, Building, New Chunk Loading

Server Discord:

Co-op Dumb Hardcore Maturestaff Mesa Mob Farm Newworld Nolag Notes Pvp Small Survival Teaming Vanilla Wot

Vanilla | 1.17.1 | Active Community | Anti-Cheat | Custom Plugins | No Limits! | TTAC – Plus

Welcome – TwoTimesACharm Minecraft Server!

TTAC is a basic vanilla server with a few added touches to help with hackers, cheaters, and x-ray. We have an active community, filled with nice players and amazing builders. We encourage co-op on the server and players are rewarded for bringing a friend(s) on. We also have a voting system and rewards which help the server grow across serval websites. TTAC is becoming bigger and better everyday! Are you the next leader? The Journey begins here.

Vanilla | 1.17.1 | Active Community | Anti-Cheat | Custom Plugins | No Limits! | TTAC - Plus Minecraft Server


Spawn Protection! Walk!
Overworld and Nether: backed up daily
End resets every 30 – 60 days (Nothing Is Safe!!)

Server Rules (Permanent Ban)

No Hacking, No Cheating, No Exploiting, No Racisms, No Lag Machines, No Threating, No X-Raying, No Bullying, Keep Chat Clean, Don’t Be Dumb.

Server Rules (Allowed)

PVP, Teaming, Unlimited Farming, Greifing, Mob Farming, Redstone Machines, Building, New Chunk Loading

Server Features

Friendly Staff, World Backups, 24/7, Support, No Lag, Dedicated Server, No Limits

Antigrief Buying Craftmc Extra Haven Landclaim Lose Rtp Sell Selling Semivanilla Survival Teleport Wildernes Wilderness

HavenCraft -> Semi-Vanilla Survival

Semi-Vanilla Survival” title=”HavenCraft -> Semi-Vanilla Survival”>

Havencraft is a survival community with a strong focus. We are a family-friendly community with friendly staff.

We offer ranks and extra rewards for voting. Each vote gets you closer to the next rank.

All shops are build by players. Which means you will be buying and selling from one another. You can trade your items as well.

When you join in, you can get started by /rtp to teleport into the wilderness. There are resource worlds that allow you to collect extra items.

We do not allow griefing or raiding, which means your builds will be completely safe. Our community has a strong focus to deliver you a semi-vanilla survival experience. If you like pure survival, come check us out!

Admins Annoying Claim Claiming Elytra Elytras Laim Mcmmo Noi Playereconomy Shops Smp Survival Title Vanilla






620 Companies Experiment Experimental Iece Luffy Nature Nick One Piece Onepiece Piece Pirate Pirates Roleplay Virus

One Piece Nation

Brand New One Piece Server 1.7.10 !
Check out our Modpack or Launcher to play!
RPG style with amazing Quests and Systems!

All welcome!


Link1 do Launcher 64 Bits:
Link2 do Launcher 64 Bits:

Link do Launcher 32 Bits (experimental):

Note: Your Windows or Antivirus may complain with this file, it is completely normal, as the Launcher does not have a signature recognized by companies. If you have any fears, just scan with your favorite antivirus before opening. OK?
Note2: Works normally for Pirates and Originals. To log in Pirate, just enter Nick and leave the password blank. Original, login normally with email and password.

Adventure Anime Art Awesome Ball Block Dragon Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Epic Fighting Mapa Pixel Pvp Roleplay

DBNation – Dragon Ball Z Adventure Server

Recendly re Opened. Still lot to do! But completely playable!

Check the Dynmap Here:


Check the Dynmap Here:

Advertising Duping Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifestealsmp Permanent Proper Racism Season 2 Survival Thatsmyname Thatsmynameyoutube Traps

Thatsmyname smp lifesteal season 2 better

1. No hacking this includes X-ray and such things (1 week ban) unless proper hacking which is permanent ban
2. No disrespecting admins (warn)
3. No racism (warn)
4. No killing new players for 1 hour (Unless they steal or grief , warn / 1 week ban if fully killed)
5. No spamming (warn)
6. No duping (warn and duped items destroyed)
7. No irl threats (warn)
8. Keep cursing to a minimum
9. No waging war on someone for no reason (must have a reason)
10. No advertising (warn) 11. no tpa traps (warn)
3 warns will result in a 1 week back,after a one week ban if you get banned again you will get a month’s ban and after that is a permanent ban (These are the official rules approved by thatsmynaame and will still be enforced by me) @everyone

Candy Dark Darkness Halloween Halloweenserver Haunted Horror Host Movie Smallcommunity Smallserver Smallsurvivalserver Smp Spooky Survival

🎃 🎃 [1.17.1] 24/7 Darkness Survival

We encourage all players to use the recommended resource/texture pack!

Halloween.GG Features:
– No day/night cycle, set to 13000 permanently
– GriefPrevention, claim your own protected land!
Survival with a few twists
– Spooky hub area
– Haunted House (coming soon)
– Corn Maze (coming soon)
– Unique candy and textures
– Coming Soon: builds based on famous horror movies and locations!

While the server is in beta and still being built, only basic survival with GriefPrevention will be offered at launch.

Broke Carrot Economy Eggs Faction Pvp Factions Harvest Mcmmo Overworld Pvp Sale Score Stats Survival Villager

CarrotCraft ~ 1.17.1 ~ Factions ~ mcMMO ~ PVP ~ Carrot Economy

– CarrotCraft –
$1 Each!

Welcome to CarrotCraft! We are a factions / raiding PVP server with an emphasis on carrots. Our entire economy and ranks system revolves around carrots.

How does it work?

  • Harvest fully grown carrot blocks to gain carrot score. 1 broken carrot block = 1 carrot score. At certain carrot scores you will automatically advance carrot rank and gain the associated rewards that come with it!
  • 1 carrot sells for $1. Buy an extensive variety of items and blocks from our shop, but you can only sell carrots to get money!
  • Build the biggest farm you can, harvest it, then harvest it again! Do you have what it takes to become one of the top 3 carrot crafters?
  • Features:

  • Track yours and others carrot stats with our custom carrot plugin! /carrots
  • mcMMO double carrot drops are DISABLED, all other mcMMO features are enabled.
  • Nether and End are enabled!
  • Overworld and Nether have a world border radius of 10,000 blocks. The End has a border radius of 20,000 blocks!
  • Factions, PVP, and raiding are all allowed and encouraged. Protect your farm!
  • Redstone enabled
  • Villager eggs for sale, auto farms allowed!
  • IP:

    Adult Anticheat Bloofmc Bloofxyz Builds Claims Community Create Creative Creativemode Creativeplots Custom Donators Dynmap Edit Flatroom Gamemode Gamemodecreative Largeplots Mature Nolag Online Paid Paidserver Plot Plotclaim Plotme Plots Plotsquared Plotworld Premium Premiumplugins Private Rules Server Showcase Specialperks Whitelist Worldedit Worldediting

    BloofMC – Adult Creative – Creative.Bloof.XYZ


    This server is supervised and has build guidelines in order to preserve it’s integrity.

    See our Discord for more info!

    Server Location: Ashburn VA, USA
    99.9% Up-Time – Online 24/7
    Official Contact: Discord



    BloofMC SkyBlock Server

    BloofMC Creative Server

    Dreamsmpprison Dreamsp Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Prison Racism Season 2 Survival Thatsmyname Traps Wheelzrealzmcfonzall4btw Zeal

    Thatsmynames lifesteal smp season 2

    join the discord for the rules or better rules xd

    1. No hacking this includes X-ray and such things (1 week ban) unless proper hacking which is permanent ban
    2. No disrespecting admins (warn)
    3. No racism (warn)
    4. No killing new players for 1 hour (Unless they steal or grief , warn / 1 week ban if fully killed)
    5. No spamming (warn)
    6. No duping (warn and duped items destroyed)
    7. No irl threats (warn)
    8. Keep cursing to a minimum
    9. No waging war on someone for no reason (must have a reason)
    10. No advertising (warn) 11. no tpa traps (warn)
    3 warns will result in a 1 week back,after a one week ban if you get banned again you will get a month’s ban and after that is a permanent ban (These are the official rules approved by thatsmynaame and will still be enforced by me) @everyone

    plus onwer of this server isnt mcfonz and wheelzealz there 4 years old and they abuse

    Active Activecommunity Activeplayers Activestaff Fun Kindstaff Mcmmo Mcserver Minecraftservers Network Plugins Skyblock Skyblockpvp Skyblockserver Survival

    Savercraft, bringing new experiences to Minecraft





    In Skyblock, you spawn on an island, and you have to expand and grow it to gain a higher island level. A higher island level will allow you to get better minerals from a regular cobblestone generator. Eventually, a cobblestone generator can get you iron, gold, emeralds, and diamonds. Skyblock offers a fun PvP experience with custom enchants and economy. Bosses will appear for you and your friends to beat, and you can even do island challenges that give you really useful rewards. The challenges will take a while to complete, but the rewards they give you make them worth completing. A pinata spawns here too! Staff will also be active on Skyblock to make sure people are non-toxic and to make sure the community is perfect and safe.

    If you want to connect with the current community that we have, our discord is the perfect way to do so. Once you log into the server, you can find our discord link pretty much everywhere and you can join and see what we’re about. Our discord also offers support tickets that only you and the staff have access to. This way, you can express any issues, concerns, or even suggestions you might have about the server. We’re all ears to new ideas.

    Anticheat Building Calm Casual Chill Economy Landclaim Money Shop Smp Survival Tpa Vanilla Vote Votecrates Voterewards

    Azalea Kingdom | 1.17.1 | Custom World Generation | Land Claiming | Mature & Friendly Community |

    Welcome to Azalea Kingdom! We’re a revolutionary small SMP with custom terrain generation, quality of life plugins, and a mature, friendly community! We’re a pretty casual server with an emphasis on building, not fighting or becoming the richest player.
    We use William Wythers Overhauled Overworld to create custom terrain generation that looks truly incredible. Along with classic quality of life plugins such as /tpa, /rtp, /back, land claiming, and vote crates.

    If you have any questions please don’t be hesitant to ask in the comments and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

    Join our discord server here:

    Donate to our patreon here:

    Advancedenchantments Advancedenchants Balloon Bedrock Cosmetics Customenchants Economy Griefprevention Itemsadder Java Jobs Mcmmo Silkspawners Starlite Survival

    Starlite Semi-Vanilla Survival (1.7-1.17)

    Welcome to Starlite Survival!
    Starlite is a semi-vanilla survival server with a growing community, and a safe space for all players. It’s a nice place to relax and enjoy Minecraft, while making a few friends. This server is a welcoming space for everyone, including LGBT and POC. We don’t tolerate toxic players in our community. There are rules against griefing, and a good anticheat plugin setup. We also have a regex chat filter to help prevent certain kinds of players from joining. Our server is also Bedrock compatible!
    Server Info:
    Click here for Discord!
    Click here for our website!

    Plugins and Features:
  • Hundreds of custom AdvancedEnchants
  • Bosses with special abilities that can spawn randomly or be summoned (/bosses for more info)
  • Stardust (currency with 15% drop chance from monsters)
  • Auction House
  • Bluemap (
  • Chest Shops
  • Custom death messages
  • Player warps
  • Quality of life (/home, /tpa, /spawn etc)
  • Grief Defender, to protect your builds!
  • An economy, including a bank
  • Many cosmetics, including trails, miniatures, balloons, mounts, disguises, and more!
  • Jobs
  • Playtime levels
  • Much more!
  • Owner’s Note: I am a college student that works full time and I’ve been playing Minecraft since 2012. Running this server has been a long term passion project for me, even if I have to make time for it. If you have any suggestions, need support, or just want to chat with other players, please join our Discord where I will try to get back to you within 24 hours. Hopefully you check out my server, see you soon! – xIdentified

    Armes Championship Claims Community Economy Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Manga Mojang Philippines Pine Pvp Survival Titles


    Welcome to AquilaCraft! Players have the outmost and the warmest welcome here!

    This is a SMP Server located in the Philippines. A server where players can play with friends and they can also meet new ones. We call the citizens of the world of AquilaCraft as “Agila” for the it symbolizes hope and a new beginning.

    Afraid of Server Resets? Don’t ya worry! We don’t do that here. If ever or only necessary, everyone will be informed before it may happen. 🙅🏼‍♂️🙅🏼‍♀️

    AquilaCraft is a Survival Multiplayer Server with Quest to be unfolded about its history and a mix of story mode role play. This server is where players can play with friends and they can also meet new ones as well, a place where they can call home.

    〔⊕〕ᗩᑕ丅Iᐯᗴ ᗰᗝᗪᗴᖇᗩ丅Iᗝᑎ〔⊕〕
    |𒆜 The Server Staffs are Active in-game and also on Discord for players concerns immediately taken action as soon as possible.
    [⊕]ᖴᖇ IᗴᑎᗪᒪƳ ᑕᗝᗰᗰᑌᑎ I 丅 Ƴ[⊕]
    |𒆜 Players will welcome you and guide you thru on how to start, if lucky enough they will provide you things as well for you to have a boost up.
    |𒆜 The Staffs and Owners randomly starts an event for the players so that they can start off with their in-game money enough to rank up or buy items needed.
    |𒆜 Want to feel special? Try checking out our perks! Note: These Ranks are only Perks meaning you can’t fly or have kits following Mojang’s Policy and Guidelines, you can still rank up.
    〔⊕〕ᑕᕼᗩᗰᑭIᗝᑎᔕᕼIᑭ 丅ᗝᑌᖇᑎᗩᗰᗴᑎ丅ᔕ〔⊕〕
    |𒆜There are 4 Championship Titles Exist in the Server, each one has their own uniqueness. If players have reach the rank of Dumangan, they can challenge for a title match.
    〔⊕〕ᔕ丅ᗝᖇƳ ᗰᗝᗪᗴ / Ɋᑌᗴᔕ丅〔⊕〕
    |𒆜 The Story of Aquila from its founding roots. Unfold its history.

    Discord :>>
    Website :>>
    FB Group Page :>>
    FB Page :>>

    Auras Broke Clicker Elytra Hulk Lgbt Lgbtq Lunar Optifine Proximity Racism Shulker Supportive Survival Trusted

    🔆 SolisSMP 🔆 | 1.17.1 Survival SMP | 500+ Joins! Active Community! | Application Server! | HermitCraft Style! | Minimal Plugins! |

    Welcome To The SolisSMP! 🔆

    By the way! Our server rarely resets so your builds will never be lost! Why would we destroy your hard work?
    (We are however planning on resetting when 1.18 comes out! Come join us now to make some new friends before then! 🙂
    About Us: SolisSMP is one of our three amazing servers, LunarMC, SolisSMP, and PrimaStella (Our creative server!). The way our servers work is LunarMC is our close community server where only certain chosen members are allowed to play on it. LunarMC resembles nearly identical to HermitCraft (just with more members). SolisSMP is what we call our application server! Basically, well it does follow the same format as HermitCraft, it is open to the public for anyone to join! If we see that you put in time and effort on the application server, follow the rules, and are active in our community, we may ask you to come play on our main server! But that does not mean you will be alone on SolisSMP, we already have 200+ members on the server as we speak! Below you can find more information about the rules, our community, how to join, important links, LunarMC, and our plugins and features!

    Our Community: Our community so far has had 500+ people join and is getting new members everyday! If you’re looking for a place to make friends, have fun playing Minecraft, and actually feel wanted… This is the place for you! Our server is more than a community, we are a family! We are a safe place to escape from the real world, to let your imagination run free with like-minded people. We accept NO forms of racism, sexism, blackmail, or real life threats! We are here for fun! We are also LGBTQ supportive! Our community definitely has had its ups and downs as every server has, but we have also made some very close friends here who talk to each other everyday and enjoy playing the game together! Yeah that’s right, we aren’t just like HermitCraft plugin wise, but friend wise too! And one thing is for sure, we can’t wait to play with you! 🙂 (IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU JOIN OUR DISCORD TO GET TO KNOW YOUR FELLOW PLAYERS!)

    -No Racism, Sexism, Real Life Threats, Or Blackmail!
    -No Hacking (X-ray, auto clickers, auras, or anything like that)
    -Respect Your Fellow Players!
    -No Sheriffing (Don’t walk around like you’re above everyone else)
    -No Stealing or Greifing!
    -We are a mature server so we do allow cussing.
    -We do allow performance mods like optifine and badlion.
    (All broken rules are enforced by permanent bans! Don’t care how long you’ve been on our server!)

    Plugins and Features:
    -Betterheads (A heads shop that lets you buy any heads with xp levels)
    -Invisible Item Frames (Able to craft invisible item frames)
    -One Person Sleep (Only need one person to skip the night)
    -Claims (On LunarMC, we don’t have a claim plugin, but here we do because not everyone here is trusted)
    -Core Inspect (You can see who breaks stuff or steals stuff!
    -Dynmap (Get an aerial view of the entire map!)
    -2x Shulker Shells (Shulkers always drop 2 shells!)
    -Dragon Drop Elytra (The Ender Dragon drops an elytra!)
    -Armor Stand Edit! (Super simple armor stand edit plugin!)
    -Proximity Chat (Coming Soon!)

    How To Join!
    To join, simply use the IP and start playing! LunarMC is whitelisted, so you’ll only be allowed on there after playing here for awhile! Our creative server is only for those who ask to be on it! 🙂

    Important Links!
    Our Discord:
    About LunarMC:

    500x 500x500 Bronze Cary Colour Enderchest Netherite One Life Sanctuary Shulk Shulker Silver Survival Unforgiving Unregulated

    Hard Home Games

    The Hardhome Games is now officially an ongoing original smp game experiment I am happy to be hosing on my server network sanctuary as a welcome addition to our lineup of servers, this Anarchy-themed Limited Resource Hardcore smp game mode is built to challenge players with a need for more high stakes and unforgiving multiplayer experience. With a small 500×500 map and three lives that reset once a week players are forced to survive in a dangerous and ever changing environment that forces those that return to the games every week to use their ender chest and player backpack as a bank to bring items with them across games giving them powerful advantages over new players in order to survive. like any game it is played for points and at the end of every week the three players with the highest Kill counts (aka lives earned) will be rewarded and added to the leader-boards. Aside from the rules below and general TOS of all platforms and upholding general decency this is intended to be an almost player run game with little input and rules from the outside moderators as possible and there will intentionally never be a pay to win feature for lives, once you are dead for the week you are dead and must wait until the next week to hop back in, the economy along with the bounty system, jobs, and trading that exists within the game is intended to be entirely freeform and player run so there will never be a given value for any item in the game. Have fun and enjoy the games.

    The first Official iteration of the game begins 10/15/2021 00:00est, join now for the open beta.

    Server Ip:


    Official Rules And Premise (10/14/21)

    -500×500 world borders on overworld and nether with a map that resets every Friday morning at 12am est. Your ender chest and backpack are your only safe space for your items and will cary over with you between games as a bank.

    -Once the game starts at 12:00am est every Friday the server is now reset in hardcore with your standard 3 lives, if you kill another player you gain one life point that you can exchange for an additional life and when you loose all your lives you will have to wait till the next week to return to the game and play again.

    -At the end of the week the 3 players with the highest kill counts will be rewarded and all players with positive scores will be added to the high score boards.

    -The economy is to stay fully player run and will be unregulated with in game trading, jobs, quests, and bounties. The value of resources and services is entirely up to the players.

    Rewards: Tier rewards are as follows (These will 100%change with time)


    -Golden Champion role on discord and server for the week following game you won and spot on the golden leaderboard. Free promotion of your projects in the discord server.

    -Former Gold Champion role on discord and server forever, access to the winners circle.

    -One additional Row of storage added to your ender chest and Backpack respectivly, two shulkerboxes of your chosen colour and name, and a Custom Soulbound Netherite tool of your choice with lore about your win.


    -Silver Champion role on discord and server for the week following game you won and spot on the Silver leaderboard.

    -Former Silver Champion role on discord and server forever, access to the winners circle.

    -One row added to either your backpack or enderchest Perminantly, one shulkerbox of the chosen colour and name.


    -Bronze Champion role on discord and server for the week following game you won and spot on the Bronze leaderboard.

    -Former Bronze Champion role on discord and server forever, access to the winners circle.

    -One shulkerbox of the chosen colour and name.

    Aesthetics Bettersleep Customworldgenerator Discordsrv Friends Gravestones Leveledmobs Leveledtools Moreenchantments Playervaults Rewardedachievements Salvagesmelter Seasons Slimefun4 Survival Twerkingcrops

    Starch Survival { 1.17.1 } Looking for New Friends | Aesthetics ★ Diverse Custom Biomes ★ Seasons & Weather ★ RPG Elements ★ Whitelist

    Who Are We?

    Our story begins with you, the adventurer, beginning the first chapter named Soul. Starting the lore anew from one server to the next to eventually us, and awakening to a fresh scent of features possibly never seen before. We want to share what was meant to be a community for friends is now a community for the public. For now we grow with you to be limited and starting a meager introduction to this competitive environment but we’d hope for your understanding that features will not be fully polished and complete. If you’d like to grow with us, then by all means please give us a visit and let us know what you think.

    Note that we force Discord verification to join the server is as a form of whitelisting. This is for mitigating bots and nurturing true stories from the members joining (possibly) each day, but that’s not the only reasons either. The creativity and explosive ideas we once had from playing together on other SMP plugin-modified servers were crazy to have nearly manifest them into a living Minecraft server project with high goals and dreams of venturing with you personally in-game because we want more friends to share these ideas and simply enjoy them. Eventually the server will be fully open-open, no Discord verification but still be there if players desire it, but a basic process of click to join and you resume where you left your pen at.

    Age or gender does not matter. What matters to us is that you really feel like you’re enjoying our presence, feeling true to yourself, giving the feedback you need, and also replying in return what could be fixed or thought about to improve ourselves as a server, community, and person.

    How the Real Story Begins…

    As the realm grows, adventurers survive in the desolate worlds, learning new advancements in skills and technology to endure their surroundings and adapt. Furthermore, NPCs attempts to prosper are futile by the aggression near them, and the land’s soulless empathy ravages the plane to only unleash fury upon its inhabitants…

    Survivors who experience defeat and share stories of their journey with fellow kin are candidates to be entrusted with a grand title. A title bestowed only on those who have toiled endlessly and devoted their lifetimes to grasping the stars. These traits are found to gain wealth in the shape of a divine, drifting estate and fame from the mystical lore of books.

    Our Server Features

    ★ Beautiful, Diverse Custom Biomes w/ Seasons and Weather.
    ★ RPG elements such as Leveled Mobs based on Player power, Tools, Damage Indicators, Duel Wielding, and more unique Enchantments.
    ★ Quality of Life plugins that enhance Visual Mechanics.
    ★ Slime4fun, but imo, any server could host SF and be called “unique”.
    ★ Join the server from any version on 1.14.4+ but we recommend 1.16.1 at least.
    ★ Other plugins like GriefPrevention claims, PlayerVaults, crates (not p2w), Jobs, or Graves.
    ★ And even more features that I can’t think of right now!

    * Showcase screenshots are from all in-game with shaders pack “BSL” and definitely more biomes than those.

    Our Discord | Add me on Discord Spud#0222

    * Spawn (first image) built by Xayden @ *

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Free Minecraft ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!