Factions Pvp Survival


NeonCPvP is a crystal pvp server featuring grindy SMP mechanics, hardcore ranked cpvp duels, and cpvp tournaments!

Skyblock Towny

Ankalar Network

There is both air (PC) and bedrock (mobile) access to our Minecraft server. Towny and a few more games will be added to our server, which is currently SKY Block. There is also a football and PVP area on our server. Plus, events, daily gifts, Wheel of Fortune are available on the website. The credits you earn from the Wheel of Fortune are available on the Web. You can get safe spawner VIP from the site. In total, we have only 9 Officials in SKY Block, our guides and officials on our server.



~Java or Bedrock (include version):~ • [ Java 1.20.2 – 1.20.4 ] ~Realm/Server/World (specify which, not a name):~ • [ Server ] ~Number of players (if applicable):~ • [ 90+] ~Length of Play Session (MUST be actively playing):~ • [ 1hr+ ] ~Gametype (specify if bedwars, survival, creative, etc):~ • Plugins • Skills points • Teams • Dungeons
• Auction shop

• Custom armor/weapons

• Giveaways

• Mini-games

• Survival

• PvP

• More ores

Language : English —————————————————————-

We offer you!

• 90+ members •

• Professional moderators •

• Active owner •

• New updates •

• Friendly players •

• Events every day •

• promotions •

• ranks •

and more JOIN HERE:

Mcmmo Pve Pvp Survival

Spirit of ECB

This is a Vanilla SMP server with very little plugins and an unmoderated raw community. We do not moderate the chat and leave most players alone. Chat and work together with others to become the most powerful player, or work with others and build something magnificant! If you want no moderation, and build protection this is the right server for you. Proximity chat enabled through the Simple Voice Chat mod

Economy Hardcore Mcmmo Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla

PurplePalace | Cracked | Survival

A community run for the people, by the people!

Creative Economy Oneblock Pvp Skyblock Survival

GamerpalsYT Official

This is a server that we really need help with building.

Simply type in the server address in the ‘add server’ option in the ‘multiplayer’ option, after you have done this, join the server, and wait for about 7 – 8 minutes for the server to start up.


PS: If you would like to speak to the owner, please email: [email protected]

or text me on discord: developer#1105

Version: 1.19.2 (will be updated soon but join on 1.19.2)



A new Minecraft server is born! At have:

A custom souls plugin!

/dupe, letting players get powerful very quickly to keep grinding low and pvp high, while also allowing for a more peaceful playstyles.

A lifesteal plugin that keeps stakes high!

Our server has 0 players right now, and me and a few other admins mostly just add features and get things working. We would love for just a few people to join the server and play for a bit, maybe tell a handful of others to really get it going! We use EST (eastern standard time) and are usually on from 5-10pm. The idea behind this server is to pick any playstyle you like, and run with it! Building? Sure! PvP? Great!

The rules are: Try to keep it semi-SFW (obviously not muting people for saying ass or whatever)

No hacking

No ads/spam

Hope you join and have fun!

Economy Survival Vanilla


SR-CRAFT is a nicely made Minecraft server from Indonesia. Its an survival server with Economy, Land Claims, Ranks, Battlepass and, of course, Custom Enchant Connect now and have the best time as you experience everything the SR-Craft server has to offer!




Server Location: Sydney, Australia

Discord invite link:

Apply here:


The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is a whitelisted application-based server, if you would like to join you will need to use the link above. This is put in place so that players feel safe that their builds will remain intact and that we don’t have anyone who won’t fit in to the culture on the server. That being said we are always looking for new members and you are welcome to apply at any time!

The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports, features that promote player trading and methods to protect from griefing.

If you are wanting to have a ‘pure vanilla’ experience, this server probably won’t be for you as it has some teleport commands and an economy backed by diamonds, but if you’re interested in that, then this server might be a good choice for you (and your friends!).

The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia, meaning if you are in Australia or New Zealand you’ll have a low latency to the server. If you are from somewhere else in the world you are also welcome to join us, just keep in mind that your latency might be a bit higher than the rest of the people on the server and players might not be active while you are on because of timezone differences.


  • The server is running the latest version so you can enjoy all the new features of the most recent update of Minecraft.

  • Many other survival servers modify various game mechanics, one of the main aims of this server is to not change too much of the Vanilla mechanics such as how entities act, villagers, terrain generation etc.

  • A decently sized shopping area that is filled with player created shops that promotes a feeling of community and helps players easily trade between each other. Players use diamonds as currency within these shops to trade for other items/blocks.

  • Getting out of spawn and into new lands is easy with the use of a random teleport command which can be accessed by right-clicking the NPC at spawn or by typing /rtp. There are also various other teleports that are made available on the server so that you can quickly get back to your base or check up on what your mates are doing.

  • The server has a land-claiming system that uses a golden shovel. Over time you’ll gain claim blocks that can be used in whichever server you play in, and when you’re ready you can claim your chests and builds to keep them safe from other players. This is purely an optional safeguard, many players don’t claim their land as the community doesn’t appreciate griefing so players who participate in that are very quickly filtered out of the server.

  • The survival server consists of multiple worlds which have plenty of new 1.20 chunks in them. If you like long-term survival worlds, the AussieSMP is for you! There are no plans to do a full reset of the main worlds ever.

  • The server is part of a growing network, so not only are there multiple survival worlds, there is a creative server where players can build without limits or just test their redstone contraptions.

  • Various external community resources such as, Automated Spectator Livestreams on the weekends, a Discord where players can find out future plans for the server or chat with other players, A wiki that has information and guides on how to use features specific to AussieSMP.


If you’d like to apply to the server you need to understand these rules. Not following them may result in a swift removal from our community.

  1. Don’t be a dick

  2. Absolutely no griefing

  3. No spamming

  4. Be respectful

  5. Don’t swear excessively

  6. No hacking or exploits (this includes xray!)

  7. No ban evasion

  8. Don’t be the reason rules need to be expanded or added

  9. Please use common sense!

At the end of the day if you just wanna play some Minecraft with some friends or even by yourself, this server will be a great choice for you.

Economy Pve Pvp


│ Welcome to the exciting world of techno-magic Minecraft server! Our server combines the best aspects of technology and magic to create an exciting gaming environment for all players.

│ With IndustrialCraft mods Avaritia, Botania, EnderIO, GalacticCraft, BloodMagic and Draconic Evolution, you will get many opportunities for development and creativity. IndustrialCraft allows you to build complex industrial systems, automate resource extraction and improve your economy. Avaritia brings elements of infinite wealth and extremely powerful equipment, allowing you to become the ultimate master.



Chestnut mackerel! is a server located in Japan!
There are various elements such as athletic, PvP, PvE, etc.!
Please join us if you like! !



Hey all,

Some friends and I have recently started a new server (about a week ago). The server has been fun an active; So far there's several community farms and a lush cave where people are building together, tho we do not ask for or expect you to do the same!

We value respect and kindness so hope anyone who does as well will consider joining the community.

-The server is 18+

-no griefing/stealing

-vtweaks and QOL

-proximity voice chat support

Feel free to comment or PM me your discord name if interested!

Economy Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Towny

Mine Towny

After several months of work, my server has just opened its doors. This is a “Towny” server which allows you to create and manage your towns. My server brings a lot of new stuff with a worked aesthetic and unique survival gameplay like new mobs, a season system or even furniture etc… In short, you shouldn't get bored! The server is 1.19.4, a simple vanilla version is enough for you, no need for a launcher.



🌟 Welcome to our BonelessCraft! 🌿 🌟

Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of crowded servers? Seeking a serene escape where creativity knows no bounds? Look no further!

🌳 Experience Tranquility: Enjoy a vanilla experience with QoL plugins, optional mods like proxy voicechat, and a relaxing community with active members!

🤝 Cross-Platform Harmony: Java or Bedrock Edition? It doesn't matter! Our server bridges the gap, allowing players from all platforms to unite in harmony and build together.

🌺 Laid-Back Vibes:Say goodbye to strict regulations and stifling limitations. Our server fosters a laid-back atmosphere where the only rule is to have fun! No pressure, just pure enjoyment.

🏡 Build Your Dreams: From quaint cottages to towering castles, the only limit is your imagination. Let your creativity run wild as you carve out your own slice of paradise in our expansive world.

🌟 Join Our Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Minecraft. Whether you prefer solo adventures or collaborative builds, there's a place for everyone in our friendly community.

So why wait? Embark on a journey to our Vanilla Minecraft Oasis today and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Your adventure awaits! 🚀

Discord Community:

Discord User: juberoni

*Note: Please adhere to basic etiquette and respect fellow players. Let's keep our oasis a welcoming space for all!*

Economy Roleplay Survival Towny


SistemPro is a friendly server where you can find friends and live with them, build a house and enter the world of SistemPro. SistemPro is a friendly server where you can find friends and live with them, build a house and enter the world of SistemPro.



A new survival server. A server you can enjoy. Authorized recruitment is open. Farmer site, merchant site, events and more.


Stack of Grass

In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2, is a smallish server hosted in Australia with intent to have a close knit community with a focus on socialising and world building!

So, in short, what makes us different?

Player Base:

Whitelisted. Preferably 18+, we are looking for a chill ambiance on the server. This is the ideal server if you are looking for something calm with mature people.

The Gameplay:

Stack of Grass is trying to offer a "Vanilla+++" feeling to the world of Minecraft by adding Mods that enhance the building and adventuring world with several ways to progress through the game! The main feature mods on the server are “Ars Nouveau”, “The Graveyard”, “Chipped”, and “Mystical Agriculture”. There are a few QoL mods such as “Sophisticated Backpacks”, “Sophisticated Storage”, “Farmer’s Delight”, and “Waystones”. You can, therefore, expect A LOT more food, and A LOT of decorative items to make your area as attractive as possible!

The Commands:

Player have access to /home /sethome and other teleporting commands. Waystones are also available.

The In-Game Social:

We have integrated a proximity voice chat to the game for ease of communication, so a mic is a plus! Stack of Grass is trying to create a heavy emphasis toward community building in the sense of town building. Players are rewarded for establishing towns and creating "town building".

The Server Life:

Admins on Stack of Grass are adding scripted Dungeons. Rewards upon completion will be newly available after a few minutes. Gather your friends and take on the challenge we are creating to open various treasure chests and get that sweet, sweet loot! We are also making little events for everyone to enjoy and get the community together.

Sounds like a server you’d like to join? For application and more information please check out the discord!

Cross-Play Economy Mini Games Skyblock

CrazyOre-Comming Soon

CrazyOre is a German Minecraft network.
What do we offer?
– Java and Bedrock support
– injury Economy
– friendly and courteous team
– tolle Community

– Citybuild minigames (in progress)

Take a look. We look forward to seeing you 🙂
Mail: [email protected]

Abilities Customitems Freetoplay Kitpvp Pvp

MoltenKit Custom KitPVP Server [1.20+]

MoltenKit is a spin-off of a traditional KitPVP server!
We offer unique custom items, perks, kit upgrades, and item customization that a normal KitPVP server wouldn’t have.

Jump into a custom-built map, kill players, participate in fun events, and most importantly uncover rare artifact items to help defeat your friends.

Customize your experience by selecting from a wide variety of upgrades. Like a kit? spend hours fighting with it to unlock upgrades and make it stronger. Play around with perks and kill-streak upgrades to find the setup that best suits you, and go test it out on some players!

MoltenKit was built by a small team of friends. _Molten (me), ExsitingEevee (Co-Owner), and Jackson_57 (Admin but another co-owner at this point). I originally built a small KitPVP server for me and my friends to play on years ago, but recently I came back to it and completely revamped it. This eventually spiraled into me releasing my own first public Minecraft server for everyone to enjoy playing on.

Join our community and say hi!

Server IP:



MoltenKit is a spin-off of a traditional KitPVP server!

We offer unique custom items, perks, kit upgrades, and item customization that a normal KitPVP server wouldn't have.

Jump into a custom-built map, kill players, participate in fun events, and most importantly uncover rare artifact items to help defeat your friends.

Customize your experience by selecting from a wide variety of upgrades. Like a kit? spend hours fighting with it to unlock upgrades and make it stronger. Play around with perks and kill-streak upgrades to find the setup that best suits you, and go test it out on some players!

MoltenKit was built by a small team of friends. _Molten (me), ExsitingEevee (Co-Owner), and Jackson_57 (Admin but another co-owner at this point). I originally built a small KitPVP server for me and my friends to play on years ago, but recently I came back to it and completely revamped it. This eventually spiraled into me releasing my own first public Minecraft server for everyone to enjoy playing on.

Join our community and say hi!

Server IP:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!