Active Amazing Build Builds Community Discord Eco Europe Faction Factions Farm Hub Kit Kits Mcmmo Mcmmotowny Mmo Mob Mobs New Play Plugin Plugins Quest Rank Ranks Redstone Reset Rol Server Shop Skills Small Smp Survival Title Town Towny Townysurvival Vanilla

WKZ Community [SMP] {Towny}{Kits}{MCMMO}{Ranks}{Discord}{Elite Mobs}

HUB for Survival towny server that recently reset with many plugins to enhance the experience.
USA AND Europe locations!

* [MCMMO to train different skills and unlock new features

* Towny to group together and help protect your builds

* A dynamic shop that adjusts prices based on supply and demand

* A pet system where you can train any mob you want

* Elite Mobs adds a progression system that sees you fighting challenging mobs to obtain
increasingly powerful loot

And plenty more

Due to the wide array of plugins, the server supports any playstyle, whether you just want to make massive detailed builds, or complex redstone farms. Or maybe you want to just slay mobs and become stronger than you ever imagined in vanilla.

Server has amazing uptime and performance, and the owner has direct control over the server hosting itself so any issues that arise can be quickly solved. Since the community is small and the server is growing, any feedback or suggestions will be paid great attention to.

I am personally active on the server and can answer any questions you may have

Callmecarson Chill Community Discord Discordsrv Gamergirls Hard Hardmode Hermitcraft Legit Meme Mindcrack Plugins Smp Survival Survivalmode Survivalmultiplayer Survivalserver Vanilla Vanillasmp Vanillatweaks

NotSoBad Vanilla Survival (17+)

NotSoBad is a vanilla, PvE survival server set on hard mode. We strive to keep a clean and fun community for everyone to enjoy. Only the best membership applications get accepted by us. We pride ourselves on remaining as vanilla as possible. No teleportation, no commands, no game changing additions to the game play. Just a simple, raw Minecraft experience on a highly active server who’s map has been carefully chosen.

Working together as a community, making towns and helping one another is something we cherish. If you’re looking for an attempt to mimic Hermitcraft or Mindcrack this isn’t it. We are bigger and better than those servers and have a large mature, grief free player base that is active at all hours of the day. Our players login from across the world to join in our community.

We are professionally maintained, and we’re constantly making improvements to the infrastructure of the server so that the only thing you have to do is enjoy the game like it was meant to be played. To ensure this our professional and friendly staff utilize a robust set of tools to ensure that no one steals, no one cheats. Our robust block logging allows us to make sure that grief will not ruin your time on our server.

NotSoBad uses a greylist which means that anyone can login, but only those that have had their application accepted may build!

Aus Block Chest Class Features Fun Going Grief Griefing Hack Home Ill Kill Noop Open Play Player Players Pro Protection Pvp Raid Raiding Rewards Rules Semivanilla Server Sethome Simple Smp Title Top Tpa Vanilla Voting War

AztecMC – vanilla raiding and griefing

Server address: – no port.

Rules: 3 simple ones: Keep it PG-13, don’t hack, and don’t spam. more details

We’re vanilla SMP with some features:

  • Set a home with /sethome
  • Use /tpahere to have someone teleport out to you
  • Voting rewards – 3 rewards every 24 hours
  • We support raiding and griefing because that’s half the fun:

  • No chest protections
  • No player block protections
  • Have you stumbled on someone’s base? Grief it.
  • Are they still home? Kill them and take their stuff. Nobody’s going to stop you.
  • PvP not for you? Many of our players feel the same way, and can give you tips on how to stay out of danger.
  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    115new 115server 115survival 115vanilla 16plus 18plus Community Communitysurvival Events Familyfriendly Funserver Hardmode Lookingforstaff Mature Medieval Minecraft115 Minecraftserver115 New New115 Newserver Nogrief Roleplay Roleplayingserver Roleplaysurvival Smp Survival Vanilla Whitelisted Whitelistedserver

    🥩 BeefMC 🥩 [1.15.2 – Small Community | 16+ Server] [Semi-Vanilla] [Whitelisted]

    Here is some information on our server:

  • Canadian Host Flag: Canada on Twitter Twemoji 13.0
  • Primarily American Playerbase Flag: United States on Twitter Twemoji 1.0
  • 24/7 Hosting (Yes that’s right all the way past your bedtime!) ⏰
  • Massive diverse community and players from all ages and across the world 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽
  • Dedicated staff team and constantly updating with new content 👷
  • Hub server, room to expand.
  • Survival:

    – 1.15.2 java edition (Soon to be 1.16)

    – Player shops / Player run economy with diamond shops at spawn (Start your monopoly)

    – GriefPrevention

    – Pets & Trails

    – Server dynmap

    – 30k by 30k map

    – Ranks with very unique rewards

    – Timed rank system.

    – Hard Mode (For real gamers only!)

    – Massive server and community projects

    – Active and kind playerbase


    – 1.15.2 java edition (Soon to be 1.16)

    – 1.8 PvP Mechanics

    – Gapple & EPearl Cooldowns

    – 1.7 Cannon Mechanics

    – Revamped Crates

    – New Spawn

    – New Ranks and Perks

    – Improved performance

    – supply and Loot drops

    – Risk = Reward

    :o How to join:

    Discord -> 🔗

    Server IP:

    Server IP:

    Server IP:


    Small History – ForgeMC was named due to two separate communities uniting together and forging. So we thought ForgeMC was a fitting name. We believe that everyone has a place on our server since we have so much diversity!

    Like our server, leave a nice comment and or share it with your friends! :D

    Antigrief Best Claim Community Crates Events Friendly Fun Land Pve Ranks Semivanilla Smp Spigot Survival Vanilla

    SwanCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP

    Version 1.15.2

    Who We Are
    In a world full of soulless Minecraft Networks and one-size-fits-all hub
    servers, SwanCraft aims to give you something different: a place to
    call home. Our close-knit and vibrant community is ready to welcome you into our

    We aim to keep gameplay itself as vanilla as possible, while providing access to some commands that make Minecraft life a little less mundane. For example, we have /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn.

    Grief Prevention
    We utilize a plugin that allows you to claim your land and only give access to people that you trust!
    This prevents griefing and raiding, which gives you peace of mind and gives staff more free time to help players, and plan features and events!

    Rank up by votes!
    There are 7 voting sites, so you can gain as many as 7 votes per 24 hours.
    As you rank higher, you gain access to additional features and some custom named items!
    Some additional features include extra homes, /workbench, /nick, /enderchest, and kits.

    For every vote that you cast, you receive one SwanCrate Key.
    These may be used at spawn to open the SwanCrate.
    There are numerous rewards available in the crate. It is a gamble though!
    Sometimes you may win amazing prizes, other times…not so much. 😛 But that’s the luck of the game!
    We also have a DonationCrate that has higher chances of getting OP items and heads with no “gag” items at all.

    Community Love
    Start a town! Meet new people! Chat with friends! Join in on a community project!
    We want everyone to enjoy their time on SwanCraft. We try to promote a friendly environment free from toxic energies. Players are encouraged to voice any suggestions or concerns they may have for the community.

    More than one event will be held monthly. Ideally, we like to hold events at different times of day to try to cover all of the time zones. Although sometimes that isn’t possible, we certainly do try our best!

    Falling CrateKeys
    Blocks of diamonds fall from the sky! Be the first to punch them and win prizes.

    Themed Months
    Huge events that include Treasure Hunts with hundreds of chests, special crates, special themed items, games, and more!

    Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, we have them all!

    Pop-Up Events
    Smaller events that may or may not be planned in advanced. Hosted by Players & Staff. Hide & Seek (not plugin related,) Trivia, Mini-Build Contests, PvP, and more

    Map Art Competitions
    Show off your art skills!

    Build Contests
    Month long themed contests, Ugly House contests, Quick Builds

    Movie Nights
    Watch movies together! Hosted by Players and Staff.

    Player Shops
    Come browse our Player Market!!
    We do not have a virtual currency plugin, instead we use in-game items as currency.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Best Build Building Class Community Coreprotect Craft Eco Econ Economy Edit End Essentials Essentialsx Friends Fun Lwc Mine Minecraft New Play Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Rtp Semivanilla Server Servers Simple Small Smp Spigot Survival Title Vault World Worldedit Worldguard


    Welcome to Aegea!

    We are a new Spigot SMP server with a few plugins for fun gameplay, simple economy and ranks.

    “My best memories of Minecraft are of servers with close-knit communities. Meeting friends from all over the world and building something over time… I think its what the Internet is all about. Lets build something.”
    – ArrowJ123


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    1152server 115server 115servers 115survival 115x Community Creative Creativeplots Discord Events Minechat Minecraft New Newserver Polls Reddit Skyblock Smp Survival Unitedstates Voting Zuligen

    Zuligen [1.15.2] – Survival | Skyblock | Creative | Events

    it’s hard to make an accurate description of what a player will experience on a Minecraft server, because everyone experiences things differently. So why don’t you come join us and stay a while (don’t just join for a few minutes) and see what happens. I’m sure you will like the Zuligen experience on Survival, Creative, Skyblock, or our Events / Minigames server!
    Zuligen is a friendly Minecraft server, with fun community driven ideas where anyone can suggest new features and ideas. We are updated to 1.15.2

    Here is some initial information about us:

  • Chat is linked between all game modes for easy communication and /msg’s
  • The tablist is linked across all game modes so you know who is online
  • Ranks sync across all game modes
  • All game modes are all using 1.15.2
  • Chat is linked to a discord channel so you can talk to people while out on the go
  • Custom server builds (we don’t download builds or worlds from the internet and make everything custom)
  • Of course this post does not list a full list of our features, there are too many to list in a single post
  • Important Zuligen links:

  • Website:
  • Sub-Reddit:
  • Discord:
  • IP:
  • Our statistics:
  • Staff application:
  • Details about each gamemode:

    The reason we have all of these gamemodes is that our players requested them. We have chat and the tablist connected between all game modes to keep the community together.


  • Easy and / or Hard difficulties for you to choose to play on
  • Shops at the spawn of each difficulty
  • Limited homes so you can teleport, just not everywhere
  • Land protection so you don’t need to deal with annoying griefers
  • McMMO so you can hone your skills and get rewarded
  • Money can be earned from many sources
  • Creative

  • Massive 150 x 150 plots
  • Limited WorldEdit access for all members (donors get more access because WorldEdit stresses the server)
  • Custom heads that can be used to decorate any build
  • Custom armor stands
  • Some awesome builds made by other players that you can explore
  • Skyblock

  • 3 types of islands to choose from (2 are custom and one is the original L shaped Skyblock island)
  • Shops at the spawn for common items like cobblestone and various foods
  • Custom cobblestone generator so you at least have the slight possibility to get ores (most blocks are still cobblestone)
  • Quick leaf breaking so you don’t need to wait a year to get your first saplings
    Phantoms are disabled for this gamemode but membranes can be bought in the shop
  • Events / Minigames

  • Current event: Build Competition 2
  • Theme: Something from your favorite video game
  • Time to create: 2 weeks
  • There will be other events and minigames hosted in the future
  • All official server builds are custom built by members of our community:
    (we don’t download cookie cutter builds from external websites)

  • Creative Spawn: Esper_Osis
  • Hub spawn: stw222, kaasudo, ruinstar, UpstartN00b13
  • Easy Survival Spawn: Inkwork, stw222, Kaasudo, kasigi
  • Hard Survival Spawn: stw222, kaasudo, LadyEllesmere, KnightWalker49 (MIA)
  • Skyblock Spawn: Ruinstar, stw222, LadyEllesmere, Kaasudo

  • Categories
    Active Admin Adventure Block Class Community Craft End Friendly Grief Griefing Hub Ill Inecraft Join Keepinv Keepinventory Mine Minecraft Nogrief Nogriefing Noop Notp Open Server Servers Silver Silvermc Small Smp Staff Stealing Survival Tea Title Town Vanilla Venture

    SilverMC 1.15 Vanilla Suvival | SMP

    We are a small friendly community.
    We are a Pure vanilla server with only some minor QOF fixes and admin tools.
    Join a town or go out and adventure on your own, You decide!

    – No Griefing / Stealing
    – No TP
    – No keepinventory
    – Active staff

    See you soon!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    18to114 Creative Farnetworks Fiendv Hardcoresmp Megacreative Modded Nonpay2win Opskyblock Pixelmon Pixelmonreforged Roleplay Silentroses Skyfactory Skyfactory4 Smp Stoneblock Stoneblock2 Stoneblockserver Towny Vanilla Viabackwards Viarewind Viaversion

    [HIRING] [1.7.0-1.15.2] [Custom Content] [Modded & Vanilla Servers] [Store] [Free Time Ranks]

    || Store || Website || Forum || Discord || Vote || Staff List || Bans ||

    On behalf of the administration team of FarNetworks we welcome you to the community!

    Report Bugs by clicking HERE!

    Now hiring! Please join the discord for more info!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Amazing Bedrock Boss Build Class Coded Craft Create Custom Eco Econ Edit End Event Faction Friends Games Item Land Lit Mine Minecraft Network Original Play Plugin Rules Server Sky Skyblock Small Smp Survival Title Trees Unique World Youtube

    30 Second Network

    Minecraft, but you get a random item every 30 seconds.

    The classic SMP experience with the twist of the Item Dropper thrown into the mix. Hang out with friends, build amazing structures, conquer the world, whatever you want.


    A classic Skyblock experience with a unique twist – you start with a single bedrock slab. No trees, no chest, no cobble generator. You progress by receiving a random item every 30 seconds. This can be literally any item except command blocks. You use these items to progress and you will eventually be able to make cobble generators, trees with saplings, and conquer your island.

    Featuring a custom-coded plugin that allows you to up the difficulty to 60 seconds, or even disable it entirely if it’s getting annoying, as well as a bossbar to tell you when the next item is and a scoreboard telling you your previous item. This plugin also adds exciting Ultra Rules that change up the gameplay for a small amount of time.

    This server supports Vivecraft.

    Server inspired by Wilbur Soot’s YouTube series – go watch the videos if you havent already.
    Original datapack created by Phoenix SC – not used on the server, but credit is due anyway for the idea.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Creative Parkour Prison Pvp Skyblock Survival Towny

    KriptonPVP Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5 – KriptonPVP offers a creative twist on traditional Minecraft servers with unique plugins and features that keep gameplay fresh and exciting. The attention to detail and constant updates show dedication to providing players with a truly immersive experience.

    – Challenge: 3.5 – While the server offers a good balance of difficulty, some players may find the challenges a bit lacking or repetitive. More variety in gameplay objectives and events could enhance the overall level of challenge and engagement.

    – Community: 4.0 – The friendly and approachable staff, combined with a welcoming player base, create a positive community atmosphere on KriptonPVP. However, there is room for improvement in fostering deeper player interactions and relationships.

    – Overall Experience: 4.0 – KriptonPVP is a well-rounded Minecraft server that excels in creativity and community engagement. With a few tweaks to enhance challenge levels and community building efforts, this server has the potential to become a top choice for Minecrafters seeking a fun and inclusive gaming experience.

    Anarchy Skyblock Survival


    On this server you can play anarchy, survival and skyblock and prison (soon). This server a lot of unique features.



    Welcome to MindPalace, a Minecraft Forge server where creativity meets boundless possibilities!

    Dive into an expansive world that transcends the ordinary, crafted meticulously for adventurers, builders, and dreamers alike. MindPalace is more than just a server; it’s a community-driven haven brimming with magic, mysteries, and untold stories waiting to be discovered.

    Innovative Mods: With a carefully curated selection of mods, experience enhanced gameplay that adds new dimensions, creatures, and technologies. From novice players to mod aficionados, there’s something for everyone.
    Vibrant Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of like-minded players. Collaborate on grand projects, participate in thrilling events, or just hang out and chat. Your next great friendship awaits!
    Engaging Events: Take part in regular server-wide events, from build competitions to epic boss battles. Showcase your skills, earn unique rewards, and make your mark in the MindPalace legends.
    Safe & Supportive: We prioritize a respectful and inclusive environment. Our dedicated staff ensures a safe space for all, where creativity and fun reign supreme.

    Whether you’re looking to conquer unknown lands, master arcane arts, or engineer wonders, MindPalace offers a canvas for your imagination. Forge your destiny, build your dream, and become part of a story where your mind’s creations become a reality.

    Step into MindPalace – Where Your Minecraft Dreams Come Alive!



    Do you want anarchy? And want to play on a SMP that is safe with no griefing, stealing and pvp?

    Then join us at Yarrin MC. We have made a solution to make everyone have an amazing time.
    How did we do this? We made 2 zones. A safe zone and a danger zone.

    The safe zone works as follow:

    The safe zone prevents PvP and explosives, there is no griefing or stealing allowed here. So you are able to protect your area with /claim. If however you have not done this and your base have been stealed from or griefed we are able to restore it back. You can also make a claimed shop that will work as intended. The safe zone will increase with 1 k every week. The safe zone only exists in the overworld. It does not exist in The Nether, The End or other dimensions. The barrier between the safe zone and the danger zone is shown with green particals.

    Keep inventory is on in the safezone. In the safezone you are able to use a set list of commands that will be up for change in the future. The list is:













    /help (gonna add that soon) (aight)




    The danger zone works as follow:

    Here there are no rules or stuff preventing you from doing anything. This area is dangerous and makes it possible for players to raid you if they find your base out here. Here you can steal, grief and kill other players. If you are in combat and try to escape by using the safezone then you have to stay out of combat for 10 sec before the safezone starts protecting you.

    In the danger zone you are not able to use a set list of commands that will be up for change in the future. The list is:












    Now with all this said. Be careful of who you share your cords with, who you look at as a friend and who you call an enemy.

    If this is for you then join us on:


    Pve Pvp Survival


    Classic Vanilla Server.
    Opened 24/7; unless a maintenance is going on, you’re always free to connect and play.

    Cross-Play Economy Roleplay Towny Vanilla


    Minasty is a Towny-style server with land claims, a dynamic economy, intense war system, religion, and more. The options are limitless in how you contribute to this server. Rather you enjoy PvP, building, roleplay, or worldbuilding, this server has a place for you! Contribute to this world’s history in any way you like today.



    SpectreSMP is a server that aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to ensure an exciting Survival experience.
    Java server IP:
    Minecraft version:1.16.5
    Players can join this server on versions 1.8-1.20.
    There are two gamemodes: Survival and Towny.
    KeepInventory is set to true.
    Join our Discord server and enter giveaways:

    If you have any questions please open a ticket on our Discord server.

    Bedwars Creative Kitpvp Pvp Skyblock Skywars Survival

    ComuGamers Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – ComuGamers definitely puts the “fun” in “functional”, with a wide range of unique mini-games that keep things interesting and engaging for players. From intense PvP battles to brain-bending puzzles, there’s never a dull moment on this server.

    – Challenge: 4.0/5.0 – The challenges on ComuGamers are no joke! Whether you’re facing off against skilled players or trying to beat the clock in a time trial, there’s always something to keep you on your toes. Be prepared to bring your A-game if you want to come out on top.

    – Community: 5.0/5.0 – The community on ComuGamers is top-notch, with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that makes you feel right at home. Whether you’re chatting with fellow gamers or teaming up for some epic quests, you’ll always find support and camaraderie here.

    – Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0 – ComuGamers offers a fantastic gaming experience that is sure to keep you coming back for more. With its creative mini-games, challenging gameplay, and awesome community, this server is a must-visit for any Minecraft lover looking for fun and excitement.

    Economy Prison Raiding Survival


    With our open world prison playstyle, we stand out from most survival or prison servers.

    Wander off into the wild, while completing tasks and setting up money generating resources, to ultimately become the wealthiest player on the server. You can rank up from A, all the way to Z, before you can prestige to start over again with some extra boosts! (Prestige has no max level).



    🌟 Welcome to InstaCraft – Your Ultimate Survival PvE Adventure in Minecraft! 🌟

    Embark on an incredible journey at InstaCraft, a survival PvE server designed to provide a nostalgic yet enhanced vanilla Minecraft experience. Whether you're a lone explorer or prefer teaming up with friends, the choice is entirely yours on InstaCraft!

    🔌 Server Details:

    📆 What's New:

    🌐 Brand-New Market Unveiled: Unleash your trading skills at our newly launched player market! Buy, sell, and thrive in this bustling new economy. Check out the attached photos for a sneak peek!

    ℹ️ About Us:

    • 🚀 Established and Going Strong: With over two years in the game, InstaCraft ensures longevity and stability for your gameplay experience.
    • 💡 Our Vision: Launched on 3/3/2020, InstaCraft was born with the aim of fostering a fun, community-based public server with minimal restrictions in a non-toxic environment.


    • Active Economy: Engage in creating player shops and utilizing the Auction House worry-free from theft or griefing.
    • Quality of Life Enhancements: Elevate your vanilla gameplay with features like /dback, Multiplayer sleep, Silk Spawners, and more!
    • Minimal Plugins: Keep it simple with a quick check of our plugins (/plugins).
    • Vibrant Community: Join our active Discord community and be a part of the conversation.
    • Non-restrictive Gameplay: We encourage free gameplay while prohibiting unproductive actions such as cheating or griefing. Report any incidents, and our vigilant staff will handle them promptly.

    🎮 Who We Are: Whether you're a casual Minecrafter or an enthusiast exploring the technical limits of the game, InstaCraft caters to you! We welcome players who contribute positively to our vibrant community. If you have any queries or wish to dive right in, ask below or join our Discord server!

    Creative Cross-Play Economy Pve Survival

    Nomad Nation Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5 – Nomad Nation really brings some fresh ideas to the table with their new survival server. The addition of custom fishing plugins and quests in the future is super exciting, adding an extra layer of fun to the gameplay.

    – Challenge: 3.5 – While the server offers a good level of challenge for survival gameplay, it could benefit from some additional difficulty options to cater to more experienced players looking for a tougher challenge.

    – Community: 4.0 – The community on Nomad Nation is friendly and welcoming, making it a great place to hang out with other players and form new friendships. Plus, the server’s dedicated machines ensure a smooth and lag-free experience for all.

    – Overall Experience: 4.0 – Overall, Nomad Nation offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience with plenty of room for growth and development. With a creative approach to server features and a strong community, this server is definitely worth checking out for any Minecraft enthusiast.

    Cross-Play Economy Mcmmo Roleplay Survival Towny Vanilla

    Cybers Super Server

    About the Server:
    This server is a always up to data server (currently 1.20.2) that supports all variations of bedrock and all version of java from 1.8+. Its had cross platform support since 2018 so the cross compatibility is almost 100% seems for bedrock and java players. There is also a live map for each server that can be accessed though the discord as well as server support in discord. There is absolutely no restriction on this server besides the one rule.

    Server Modes:
    You get to play on a pure vanilla survival world or a semi vanilla survival world with hardcore coming up in the future.
    Pure-survival is 100% vanilla Minecraft so you can get the OG experience without any additional addons excluding a live map.
    Semi-survival uses plugins which make the serer more user friendly especially to new player when you can run shop and an economical eco system with other players.

    The one rule:

    Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla Whitelist

    CosmoView Outpost

    CosmoView outpost aims to be a player driven minecraft survival server, where players decide what features they want to see ingame. Currently just starting out we are very open to suggestions from players. We aim to keep a single world for a long time, unless majority of playerbase feels like there is a need for a reset.


    New land

    Embark on a journey to Terra Nova 🏰, a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine (1.20.4). Though our gates opened less than a year ago, we've quickly become a haven for those 18+ seeking a community of mature, friendly souls, united by a love for the game and each other.
    In the heart of Terra Nova, the spirit of semi-vanilla Minecraft is kept alive, enhanced with quality-of-life features that respect the essence of the game while elevating your experience. Here, the challenge of hard difficulty isn't just a setting—it's a testament to the courage and determination of our players.
    🌍 Step into a Server Where:
    Diamonds 💎 not only glitter but drive an immersive, player-driven economy. With over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 and more emerging, commerce is a cornerstone of our community.
    Weekly events 🎉 beckon, from agility-testing parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️, creativity-unleashing building contests 🏗️, to adrenaline-pumping PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit.
    Our BlueMap 🗺️ (Discover Terra Nova) allows you to explore our world from afar, planning your next adventure or admiring the incredible creations of fellow adventurers. (
    🛡️ Terra Nova, a 18+ Community: A beacon of kindness and maturity, where laughter and tales of valor are shared freely. Whether you're engaging in our economy, competing for glory, or simply exploring, you'll find companions who share your passion for the medieval mystique and the boundless possibilities of Minecraft.
    💎 Strictly no P2W: Terra Nova does not sell ranks, creates or perks, we believe progression should come from perseverance and hard work!
    🚀 Embark With Us 🚀
    Visit us at Terra Nova SMP 🌐 (
    Join our ranks on Discord: Become a Part of Our Chronicle 💬 (
    Terra Nova is more than a server; it's a community where legends take root, adventures abound, and friendships are forged for a lifetime. Amidst a backdrop of history and fantasy, your epic tale is waiting to be told. Will you join us in crafting the next chapter?

    Parkour Pvp

    Matrix PVP Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5 – Matrix PVP definitely gets points for creativity with their unique monetary system that rewards players with real USD for their in-game achievements. The concept of betting on 1v1 matchups adds an exciting twist to the usual PVP experience in Minecraft.

    – Challenge: 3.5 – The challenge level on Matrix PVP varies depending on the player’s skill level and how much they are willing to bet on their abilities. The absence of cooldowns definitely keeps the adrenaline pumping and the competition fierce.

    – Community: 4.0 – The community on Matrix PVP is active and competitive, with players constantly striving to improve their skills and earn rewards. The easy withdrawal options via Discord also ensure a seamless and supportive environment for all participants.

    – Overall Experience: 4.0 – Matrix PVP offers a thrilling and unique gaming experience for Minecrafters looking to test their skills and potentially earn real rewards. The combination of PVP battles, parkour challenges, and a competitive community makes for an exciting adventure worth diving into.

    “Who needs diamonds when you can earn real cash for your Minecraft skills? Matrix PVP delivers a high-stakes gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to battle, bet, and bank some serious cash in the world of Minecraft PVP!”

    Mcmmo Survival

    Builders survival

    Minecraft server with multiple worlds focusing on building and trading.
    it is survival only as of now tho sometime in future it might be a creative world where u can experiment.

    Economy Pvp Survival


    Hello all Minecraft players, I want to inform you that the WOW CRAFT survival server is now available

    On this server you can play survival with your friends from various countries and states, now the server has been released, if there are any problems immediately report to the staff

    And thank you to OVS HOSTING who has helped us to build this server.






    I just recently launched my SMP server Turmoil SMP! I'm looking to build a community of Minecraft players! It is a vanilla smp with a couple of tweaks. SEE YOU THERE ;)!

    Economy Pve Survival Vanilla

    NostalgiaCraft Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    Creativity: 4.5 – NostalgiaCraft truly stands out with its unique combination of vanilla gameplay and enhanced features like sitting on stairs and fast leaf decay. The server’s focus on community collaboration and showcasing player skills adds a creative twist to the typical Minecraft experience.

    Challenge: 3.5 – While the server offers wild PvP and daring thievery opportunities, some players may find the challenges a bit lacking compared to more hardcore survival servers. However, forging alliances and conquering challenges can still provide an engaging experience for those looking for a mix of adventure and creativity.

    Community: 5.0 – The community on NostalgiaCraft is incredibly welcoming and active, with players eager to collaborate and support each other in their building endeavors. The staff is quick to provide support through discord tickets, ensuring that players always feel supported and engaged in the server.

    Overall Experience: 4.5 – NostalgiaCraft offers a truly unique and engaging Minecraft experience for players looking for a blend of creativity, community, and adventure. With its active player-driven marketplace and dedicated staff, this server is sure to provide endless hours of fun and memorable moments for players of all ages.

    Cross-Play Pvp


    Unhack – A Gen-PvP server, which includes server-side hacks, Gen-PvP, and more!
    To play, simply join Unhack, and run the /tutorial command in-game for a tutorial.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!