Balanced Balancedeconomy Brandnew Building Community Discord Eco Economy Economysmp Economytowny Ecosmp Fly Flyforfree Freefly Growing Growingcommunity Growingfast Growingserver Guishop Jobs Medieval New Newserver Nogrief Nolag Nop2w Playerddriveneconomy Playerdriven Playershop Playershops Ranks Shopgui Shops Smp Survival Towny Townyeconomy Townysmp Townysurvival Townysurvivaleconomy

EcoSMP –


• Experience that classic SMP feel while taking part in one of the most balanced and intuitive player-driven economies ever made. Built by real economy experts and Minecraft veterans

• Search all player shops to find exactly what you’re looking for or manage your own shop all from one visual GUI accessible from anywhere on the server. Built to eliminate inflation and provide a realistic experience

• Make money automatically doing things you enjoy in the game. This includes hundreds of actions from mining, building, hunting, farming, chopping wood, smelting items, fishing, and running your shop. All jobs pay out a balanced amount of money factoring in time and difficulty for each action

• Climb your way up the in-game ranks with your earnings or use it to grow your town/nation into a glistening empire. We could go on for days about the features and little details we have spent endless hours perfecting but instead we’d like to invite you to come experience it for yourself at:


Semi-Vanilla | Realistic Economy | Advanced Playershops | Towns/Nations | Free Fly | Ranks

Airdrops Customenchants Customitems Custommap Custommodels Customresourcepack Customtexturepack Customworld Economy Economysurvial Geyser Glows Ingameranks Playershops Pvp Quests Serverresourcepack Servertexturepack Survival Towny Townyeconomy Townyserver

Freedom Survival [1.18.2] Java + Bedrock

Hello Player. If you are on the search for a friendly survival Towny server on 1.18.2, then look no further!

We are a PvP server, so don’t be caught out in the wild! However you may disable PvP in your town to be safe from any raiders.
There are airdrops every hour which can drop high tier items, but beware as it is announced in chat so there may be a fight!
On joining you have 1 hour of PvP protection so get your towns startup money fast!

Our server has Custom Enchants, Custom Items with Customized Textures, as well as a Custom Generated World for you to build in (that can be seen from our Dynmap), and much more.
(Mcmmo, ranks, quests, safarinets, Jobs, Crates, Custom tags, Parkour warps, Pwarps, Playershops, Auction house, Airdrops)

With Exclusive Monthly Items and Weekly Events, you wont run out of things to do.

Java IP:
Bedrock IP: Port: 2463
Server Map:

Liberte: This world is the main world that is used for building your town.
Resource: This world resets once a month and is used to gather resources to help you make money and make your town.
Nether: Standard Nether world although the world is reset monthly
End: Standard End world although the world is reset monthly

– No scamming.
– Don’t build within 5 chunks of another town without consent of the mayor.
– Don’t spam chats, use excessive caps, beg or harass people.
– Don’t share links or advertise.
– Use English in the global chat.
– No x-ray or hacked clients.
– Don’t talk about politics or religion.
– Don’t abuse any kind of bug, report them.
– No avoiding afk kicks.
– No alt accounts.
– No camping within 2 chunks of a town.
– No griefing of any kind in the main world.(lava/water cast etc) (This does not include stealing. Though town ranks shouldn’t be abused to steal from player plots.)
– Dont Tp kill.(don’t engage in combat before 2 minutes have passed from the tp unless agreed upon).

We look forward to seeing you!

1.18.2 Jobs Landclaiming Overview Playereco Playereconomy Playershops Playerwarps Pve Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Silk Silktouch Survival Survivalmultiplayer

ChillaxCraft – 1.18.2 Survival | JOBS | PLAYER SHOPS | PLAYER WARPS | CLAIMS | AND SO MUCH MORE.

ChillaxCraft is a 1.18.2 Survival multiplayer server.

What we offer:
Friendly Community
Jobs System
Player Economy [Player Shops, Player Warps]
Silktouch Spawners
Vote Rank System
Land Claiming to prevent grief and theft.
And so much more.

This overview message will be revamped soon.

Airdrops Customenchats Customitems Custommap Custommodels Customresourcepack Customtexturepack Customworld Economy Geyser Glows Ingameranks Playershops Pvp Quests Servertexturepack Survival Towny Townyeconomy Townyserver

Free Survival [1.18.2] Java + bedrock

Hello Player. If you are on the search for a survival Towny server on 1.18.2, then look no further!

We are a PvP server, so don’t be caught out in the wild! However you may disable PvP in your town to be safe from any raiders.
There are airdrops every hour which can drop high tier items, but beware as it is announced in chat so there may be a fight!
On joining you have 1 hour of PvP protection so get your towns startup money fast!

Our server has Custom Enchants, Custom Items with Customized Textures, as well as a Custom Generated World for you to build in (that can be seen from our Dynmap), and much more.
(Mcmmo, ranks, quests, safarinets, Jobs, Crates, Custom tags, Parkour warps, Pwarps, Playershops, Auction house, Airdrops)

With Exclusive Monthly Items and Weekly Events, you wont run out of things to do.

Java IP:
Bedrock IP: Port: 2463
Server Map:

Liberte: This world is the main world that is used for building your town.
Resource: This world resets once a month and is used to gather resources to help you make money and make your town.
Nether: Standard Nether world although the world is reset monthly
End: Standard End world although the world is reset monthly

– No scamming.
– Don’t build within 5 chunks of another town without consent of the mayor.
– Don’t spam chats, use excessive caps, beg or harass people.
– Don’t share links or advertise.
– Use English in the global chat.
– No x-ray or hacked clients.
– Don’t talk about politics or religion.
– Don’t abuse any kind of bug, report them.
– No avoiding afk kicks.
– No alt accounts.
– No camping within 2 chunks of a town.
– No griefing of any kind in the main world.(lava/water cast etc) (This does not include stealing. Though town ranks shouldn’t be abused to steal from player plots.)
– Dont Tp kill.(don’t engage in combat before 2 minutes have passed from the tp unless agreed upon).

We look forward to seeing you!

Black Blacksmith Diamond Diamonds Dun Dungeon Dungeons Gamble Kills Level Levels Playershop Playershops Skills Survival

Banana Survival

So Many Features
Daily Rewards
No Free Diamonds!
So Many Features
Daily Rewards
No Free Diamonds!

1181server 1181survival 118cave 118server 118survival 118vanilla 118x Cities Discord Dynmap End Homes Landclaim Landclaiming Landclaims Playershop Playershops Ranks Smp Survival Timber Tpa Vannila Vienminer War Wars

Corruption SMP {1.18.1} {Player Shops} {Player Warps} {Dynmap} {Vienminer/Timber} {Custom generation} {Extreme difficulty}

Friendly survival server
Chest claim
Magic Wands
Player Warps
Player Shops
Land Claim
Drop Heads
Player Warps
Come join Corruption SMP, A modified survival server for just about anyone.
We have plugins that make the survival experience simple and fun for everyone!
Come join us at
Thanks!- Abom

Corruption V2:
  The growing of the corruption ceased due to the limited energy in the area. In search of said power, the islands have floated towards a new area. The world here is much different than Machadva, with new biomes and structures for people to find. The islands seem to be linked to this place, like it lived here long long ago. The settlers of Machadva followed the islands for unknown reasons. Explore the new region of Dorlandsvis in Corruption V2.

– Fixed multiple issues with plugins.
– Moved the server to a new area.
– Brand new non-vanilla structures and biomes.
– Insanely high difficulty (Harder mobs, bosses, new bosses/loot, pretty much for the worthy in Minecraft. [~6 hits to kill a normal zombie with a sharpness 10 netherite sword.])
– Shrank borders.
– 1.18.1
– Bedrock crossplay
– Realistic item dropping
– Hundreds of new advancements
– Fortune on diamonds nerf (at most get 2 diamonds per block)
– Netherite dungeons to make netherite mining harder and more interesting.
– Bundles can be crafted
– Nether portals can be any shape
– More statistics
– Wandering traders have a use now
– Blood moon (Makes mobs more dangerous)
– Festival night (Makes crops grow faster, axolotls and glow squids spawn on the surface.)
– Nether moon (Nether mobs invade the overworld.)
– Zombie horses can spawn.
– Glow berries make you glow
– Mark enemies with spyglasses.

tutorial on how to survive Corruption V2:
1. Don’t fight mobs. They will kill you.
2. Don’t let your ego take you over. That mob will kill you no matter what you do.
3. Don’t fight bosses with low gear, for example, the ender dragon can not be killed with stone equipment like it can in normal Minecraft.
4. Always overprepare.
5. Keep away from glowing mobs unless you 100% know what you’re doing.
6. Build a house as soon as possible. Make it strong. Blood moons can and will happen and you will not be able to sleep through the night.
7. Stick to large caves. Fortune isn’t as powerful so make sure to go for areas with multiple veins over strip mining.
8. End cities are nearly impossible without good tools. Be careful.
9. Team up, its the only way to survive.
10. Build walls, big walls around any cities or bases you have to protect yourself from blood moons.
11. Absolutely avoid any mobs possible early game. They are fast and strong and will kill you.
12. Try to get advancements, they usually come with rewards that will aid you during your survival.
13. Stay away from fortresses and large scary castles.
14. Netherite is both harder to find and comes with a surprise every time you find it. Get good gear before you go out.
15. Take a spyglass with you. They give you temporary night vision and can outline mobs for you and your teammates.
16. Stay safe and have fun.

Special thanks to:

Auction Aureliumskills Community Customenchants Customweapons Discord Economy Friendly Laim Land Magic Mmoitems Pets Playershops Pve Ranks Rpg Semivanilla Silkspawner Smp Spells Survival Titles Voicechat

Endless Realm | 1.18.X | SMP | 150+ Custom Weapons | Custom Biomes | Free Pet | Land Claim | Discord | Voice Chat | Custom Food |

Endless Realm

Hi there!

Welcome to Endless Realms! Our server is ultimately centered on community and activity. As the owner of this server, I strive for a great SMP and Discord community, where we all are active as if we are all long-time friends. We also voice chat for games outside of Minecraft, whether to talk or play drawing games like Gartic phone. As long as you’re friendly, mature, and interesting; come and join! We’ll love to see you!

With that aside, in our Minecraft server, we have the following:

  • 200+ Custom Weapons and Food: Every weapon and food have a unique texture, with varying abilities and skills!
  • A Custom Magic Wand: Craft a wand that follows survival progression, unlocking new skills and powers!
  • Custom Terrain Generator: Bored of Vanilla? Join a vast custom world, filled with colorful forests and giant forests!
  • A Customizable Pet: A Petblock for all players! Customize their skin with over 1000s to choose from and remember to name!
  • Land Claims: Claim land and be able to buy, sell and rent them!
  • Custom Titles: Show off your Custom Rank!
  • Discord: Our Minecraft and Discord chat and voice chat are connected, so there’s never a moment of silence.
  • Silkspawner: Be able to mine Spawners!
  • Custom Mobs: Found in our Custom Terrain for those we want to test their powers!
  • Graves: Died? No worries, having a craftable grave token will save your items!
  • Economy: Auctions, Admin Shops, Player Shops, Lotteries!
  • Magic Compass: Hate memorizing commands? Now with this magic compass, access all commands you need without memorizing them! Click and done.
  • Why all these features? Because vanilla eventually becomes stale after a while, these features help allow the server to add some additional gameplay and grind. Ultimately, most of these are not necessary as we have 2 worlds. One for those who enjoy an untouched vanilla world for casual players. And another, made for Custom terrain, inhabited by Custom Mobs for those who want the grind. But these worlds have cross-play; accessible and habitable by any players.

    I hope those who read this far join our community, because you already seem like a wonderful individual if you did. If I still didn’t convince, regardless, I hope you have a great day!

    Community Competitive Custombiomes Customenchants Discord Economy Events Fishingevent Leaderboards Playershops Pvp Raid Semianarchy Semivanilla Shops Smp Survival



    Is our New semi-anarchy world with a bundlw of cool , fun and competitive features to keep the server fun and engaging.
    AnarchyValley will be anarchy however we do not allow a few things which we feel ruin anarchyservers. These are hacking. Bed trapping duping, book banning and any kind of lag machines these following thinga can result in temp bans. Apart from that anything else goes

    Our server will never have any kind of anti griefing or pay to win. Our server is 100% free to play and Players can grief however much they want.

    Custom biomes- Up to 12 custom biomes across the overworld to explore and discover. a totally unique experience !

    Custom enchants- players can obtain new and fun enchants to create a more enjoyable survival world only obtainable in end cities.

    Leaderboards- mutilple leaderboards for different aspects of the survival world so players can become the best in the server 🙂 to create a fun and competitive server.

    Economy- a economy for players to buy and sell to become the richest and strongest out of everyone else 🙂

    Player shops- players can purchase/rent their own player shops in spawn to buy and sell items.

    Auction items- used for players to buy and sell to trade their way to the top.

    Fishing event- an hourly event where all players can come together to compete in fishing event to earn rewards.

    Teams- players can create teams, invite ur friends and team up to become the strongest team there is.

    118server 24x7 Bedwars Bungeecord Chill Community Economy Event Eventful Events Fun Griefprevention Jobs Laidback Network Playershops Playerwarps Relaxed Rtp Survival

    🌟 Eventful 🌟 | Survival | Laid back fun |

    It’s Playtime!

    Eventful is a Survival Minecraft server dedicated to hosting a welcoming player experience.
    Courteous staff and friendly players provide laid back gaming sessions that reminisce of simpler times. Event is in our name as holiday celebrations, Festivals, and weekend parties are happening all the time!
    Come experience playtime!

    + Land Claim
    + Jobs
    + Player Shops
    + Player Warps
    + 3 Set Homes
    + /back
    + Not P2W

    Join now –
    Version: 1.18.1

    Brewery Community Discord Dynmap Economy Jobs Landclaim Mcmmo New Playershops Playerwarps Pvp Roleplay Slimefun Statues Survival Towny

    Poop Dog

    Welcome to Poop Dog! We are a new 1.18.1 Towny server named after our favorite dog, poop dog. We have many plugins including Mcmmo, Brewery, Jobs Reborn, ChestShop, Player Warps, Slimefun 4, Dynmap, Duels, and many more! Come play with us for fun time building nations and developing large cities all while growing as a community! Lose track of time exploring the map for our fabled underwater fruit trees or buildings our 4 year old son makes.


    This server also allows people who use Bedrock Edition.

    100 100% Allowed Anarchy Anarchy Server Banned Epl Gameplay Hack Hacks Paw Survival Survival Game Survival Gameplay Warp

    Anarchy EU

    This is a Anarchy Server,
    So you can do what you want without getting banned.
    Hacks also are Allowed
    There are no Plugins like /spawn or /warp
    100% Survival gameplay
    Join us and have fun!

    Apply Artic City Equal Gameplay List Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Minecraft Vanilla Pat Simp Survival Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Whitelist

    Wondercraft SMP

    We are an active community of avid Minecraft players who enjoy the game in it’s vanilla state. We are looking for players who equally enjoy the simplicity of Minecraft vanilla gameplay as well as players who want to participate in an active community and economy. You can apply for our whitelist via our Discord server.

    Best Minecraft Custom Items Cut Economy Element Factions Guy Loaded Mcmmo Pvp Rading Raiding Skin Survival Trading


    FlyGuysMC is a loaded, Faction server focused around PVP with an RPG element.(Factions, McMMO, Econ, Trading) Some custom items in-game now, more to be added as we continue on!
    If you are looking for an enjoyable server, with clean cut staff, and want to start a fun community, this is the place for you! Enjoy your input being heard when asking for suggestions. But mostly the best Minecraft experiences you could ask for!

    Addon Addons Anarchy Economy Exploring FTB Hardcore Moddé Modded Perfect Pixelmon Pve Raided Structure Tekkit

    RL Craft Modded

    Hello RL Craft player!

    This newly made server will be perfect for the kind of people who like friendly, community-driven survival servers.

    Are you tired of exploring the world only to find every structure/dungeon has already been raided? WELL FEAR NOT my friend!
    This server is for you. The land is still fresh and ripe for the pickin, join in on the action before it becomes whitelisted!

    Feel free to suggest features or addons that you feel will improve your experience on the server

    Drug Drugs Economy Evolved Fit Lord Mafia Match Mcmmo Prod Root Selling Summer Survival Toxic


    ToxicUgandaMC was created as a side project for a friends only server, then had the idea to make it public for anyone to join the server. The reason it was called ToxicUgandaMC was to match the current name of Toxic Uganda project I had made on VRChat, which has been public since the Summer of 2018. The reasoning of making this server was mainly to go back to my old roots of maintaining a Minecraft Server, which I had owned for 3 years before dropping the server due to financial issues at the time and was more focused on VRChat at the time.

    The gameplay in the server is evolved around surviving and becoming a drug lord for the Ugandan Mafia and own more land. You will start out as a regular member of uganda and over time, after selling regular vanilla stuff, you will be able to produce drugs that you can sell for profit and basically take over the economy of Uganda.

    Access Bon Chest Chests Economy Enchanting Enchanting Table Gui Public Rading Skyblock Social Survival Trading Vanilla


    The Airborne Network


    Economy Based (The Skyblock server revolves upon earning money and trading with others)
    Shop GUI (You can access the server shop with /shop, which allows you to buy/sell items)
    Player Shops (Players can rent a plot for a certain amount of money to create their own chest shops for other players to use)
    Public Amenities (Public ender chests, enchanting tables, anvils, etc)
    Small Community – A small player base isn’t a bad thing! We absolutely cherish players forming strong social bonds with each other 🙂

    Anti Anticheat Beta Cheat Events Gen Heat Ked Match Practice Pvp Rac Ranked Triple Wip


    BETA Practice server! KB fix, anticheat, generous owner!
    Hard WIP! Many kits, events and ranked matches!

    Economy Farm Farms Kens Mcmmo Minehut Mob Farm Payout Payouts Pvp Skyblock Tok Token Tokens Weekly

    SkyHaze Minehut

    > Classic Skyblock,
    > Mob Tokens,
    > Weekly Payouts,
    > PvP, Crates,
    > Mob farms,
    > Hosted by Minehut!

    We’ve got it all!

    Connect with the IP:
    > <

    Awesome Day Epl Eso Factions Kitpv Kitpvp Large Man Mini Games Mmu Ommunity Pvp Rounds Soon

    The Playground Network

    A new and awesome network server with KitPvP, Factions, and many more soon. The community is getting larger EVERYDAY.

    Ares Cannon Cannons Drinks Economy Mcmmo Merchant Pve Pvp Selling Ships Tau Towny Vanilla Warfare

    Tau MC

    Tau MC is an up-and-coming Towny server with a unique gameplay style. Brew drinks, build cannons and movable ships or make it big as a merchant selling your wares. PvP and warfare between towns are enabled. We are currently looking for Builders and Moderators. If interested, please join the Discord link!

    Box Economy Geo Geopol Geopolitical Global Maintained Mcmmo Politic Political Sand Sandbox Short Survival Towny

    Minecraft Global

    Minecraft: Global – or MC:G in short – is just a small but well-maintained real-world-like geopolitical sandbox with a really cool domain name.

    See for all info.

    Air Ask Base Economy Ein Everyone Forward Mcmmo Miner Pvp See Story Survival Unique Who


    Welcome to Bam’s World! This server is a unique survival experience all based on the story of Bair. Who is Bair you may ask? I suggest you come and find out. We welcome anyone and everyone to our server, and look forward to seeing you.

    1x1 Duping Floating Flying France No hacking North Pve Pvp Racism Survival Tower Towers Trees Vanilla


    Just a friendly Vanilla server, looking for more people to have a more active community. The server is hosted from a datacenter in Northern France.

    You can join, and apply to the server via discord where you can also check out the community and the screenshots other members have taken.

    We have some very basic rules:

    #1: No hacking, x-ray, flying, duping or simillar
    #2: No griefing
    #3: Don’t be a *******
    #4: No racism, hate speech or unwanted remarks

    #5: Try to make the server look good, as in no floating trees and 1×1 towers all over

    Ars Aternos Best Dev Mini Games Pvp Rail Ram Skywar Skywars Trail Trailer Tram Ultra Wars

    UltraMC NetWork

    Check out our server trailer and more at

    The Server In Developing and we will be best than the past
    We have SkyWars For Now

    000 Battle Royal Battle Royale Beginner Beginners Creative In Minecraft Jump Minecraft Server Network Parkour Professional Royale Skyblock Travel Website


    Maficraft is a Minecraft server network that has existed since 2010 and was able to welcome over 50,000 players in its time.
    We currently offer:

    Jumpworld: Over 1,500 jump and runs for beginners and professionals!
    Cheat: Build everything you want!
    Royal: Battle Royale in Minecraft!
    Skyblock: survive on a small island!
    Time travel: jump through time!


    Ava City Econ Economy Mcmmo Myst Parkour Puzzle Puzzles Pve Roleplay Secret Sol Survival Towny

    Nava Land

    Survival server and puzzles.
    Solve all the mysteries of Nava Land and find them all
    the secret econdites of this wonderful city

    1.8 Elf Enjoy Factions Golem Help Iron Kind Kitpvp Mini Games See Skyblock Staff Survival Taff


    Hi there do you want a most empty server?
    here it is! come and enjoy.
    We have: Kind staff. 24/7 help and much more!
    come see for yourself!

    Claims Etho Homes Idea Ideas Land Claim Land Claims Pve Roleplay Semi Vanilla Sethome Sethomes Survival Tpa Vanilla

    Lost Eden

    Lost Eden is a semi vanilla survival server with,
    TPA, PVE, PVP, Raid, Grief, Sethomes, and NO Land Claims!

    We are constantly striving to improve are server and we welcome new ideas.

    Anti Claims Essential Essentials Gameplay Grief Prevention Hey Homes Laim Minimal Prevention Survival Survival Minecraft Teleport Teleportation


    Welcome to Cwing50gaming Survival server! The purpose of this server is to provide a fun gameplay experience for those who are wanting to play survival Minecraft with a minimal amount of plugins! Two of our plugins are Claims and Essentials ,and they allow for homes, teleportation to friends, and grief prevention!

    App Happy Has Help Helpful Hut Ill Join Make Minehut Need Need Staff Prison Staff Taff


    DuhMine a Prison server. A server that has helpful staff and will make you happy. Join Now. NEED STAFF

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!