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Aether II Smulbeana SMP LIVE

Smulbeana Aether II Multiplayer Server!
PORT: 25565 (default)

Made by the creators of Smulbeana SMP (our vanilla server) is our brand new Aether II SMP! This is a friendly server so NO GRIEFING, STEALING, HACKING, OR BE RUDE – Every action is logged so we will find out, ban, and easily reverse your actions – report rule breaking in our discord!

How to install/join:
1. Open Minecraft Launcher and create a 1.12.2 profile, launch it fully, close it
2. Download and run the Forge 1.12.2 Recommended Installer
3. Download Aether II – Highlands Update – 0.3.0
4. Put the Aether jar file in your .minecraft/mods/ folder (create a mods folder if ones not in there)
5. Not required, but recommended: Download optifine and insert it in the mods folder as well for shaders + better performance
6. Open the Minecraft launcher, click the profiles on the bottom left, select the forge profile the installer created in step 1
7. Play the game, go to add server and enter our server address:

Need more help?

LOOKING FOR A VANILLA SMP? Try our other server! (java + bedrock compatible)

Smulbeana’s Minecraft server is hosted by DedicatedMC – Get your server at for 15% OFF using code “Smulbeana”

Aetherii Aetherlegacy Aethermod Bungeecord Creative Creativeplots Ducks Economy Fun Griefing Lobby Modded Moddedserver Network New Newserver Paperspigot Plotme Plotssquared Plugins Pvp Quack Quacks Raid Raiding Raidserver Spigot Survival Updated » Aether Servers and Spigot Servers! [1.7.x – 1.15.x]

Modding Legacy’s Minecraft Server “” Quacks!
This is a small community network server with various things to do. The server always have room to expand as its my personal hobby and project. My goal is to build a nice and friendly community and give those a place to have fun, and meet people and make friends. New players on join will be asked to choose their favorite color that will affect the color of their prefix. You can customize your rank with the /tags command.

Clients from 1.7.x through 1.15.x Latest being 1.15.x are able to join and play.

⛏️ PaperSpigot: Open Survival
An interesting server with ProtocolSupport to allow multiple client versions into a survival world. Griefing is allowed in the main worlds. Players can also build in a safe area called “instances”, a seperate dimension outside of the world that will protected your goods. There is also a market that players can create their owns shops and sell whatever they want for whatever prices.
⚔️ Kit PvP

A unique Kit PvP server taking advantage of the 1.9 combat update, as well as items like the crossbow, and elytra. Each kit has been carefully balanced, each bringing something different to the table. Every kit is available right from the start, no annoying unlocking.

🎨 PaperSpigot: Creative Plots
Running PlotsSquared. Players can claim up to 20 plots with plot claim expansions soon and will eventually be able use WorldEdit in their plots. Players can also merge their plots together if claimed next to each other to make one big plot!

☁️ Forge: Aether Legacy
A modded survival server running the classic port of The Aether mod on 1.12.2-v1.4.4 and one of the most popular addons Aether: Lost Content. The Aether is a dimension high in the sky comprised of floating islands! Ascend through a Glowstone portal and begin a new survival adventure packed with new ores, mythical creatures and perilous Dungeons!

You need this modpack to play:
[ t=_blank][/url]

More Information:
Website: [ t=_blank][/url]
Discord: [ t=_blank][/url]

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Boat Casual Challenge Custom Customfeatures Customgames Customplugins Hypixel Iconomy Legit Minigames Replay Rides Uniquefeatures Uniqueplugins

PlayCY – MiniGames & Custom Plugins

Welcome to [PlayCY]
What we Have to Offer:

90% of how this Server runs itself is through our Custom-Coded Plugins! No “Essentials”, “iConomy”, “Group Manager” nonsense. PlayCY Prides ourselves on standing out as aspiring to be the next best thing.

>> Unique MiniGames <<
“Custom-Made”, “100% Legit”, “Replay Value”, “The next Hypixel”.
If those words sound like something you want, believe us, we’re in the Same Boat! We aspire to be as Creative, Unique and Offer MiniGames that we KNOW our Players will like. Custom Maps, Custom MiniGames, Custom Rules. You name it, we’ll Make it. (probably 😛 )

>> Open Community <<
We are Currently looking for Staff who are willing to Commit, casual or dedicated, alongside other ways to Contribute to the Server, we aspire to be an Open Community that Communicates well and we Welcome all!

>> Recruitment <<
Looking to become part of our Staff? Join the Server Forums and request today! We’re always looking for Motivated Players who believe in this Server, Casual or non-casual!
Click to Apply for Staff!

Bug Creative Customize Customized Forge Kitmap Kitpvp Lsc New Minecraft New Minecraft Server People Port Skyblock Survival Talk


play creative kitpvp/kitmap survival and skyblock in our new minecraft server join the discord for people to play with and talk to also to report bugs so dont forget to join us we have customized plugins for your pleasure and bal top and /is top

Creative Cru Day Economy Ein Kitpv Kitpvp Parkour Run See Survival Unch Unchy Upcoming Wait


CrunchyMC is a new and upcoming 1.16 server with Survival, KitPvp and much more being added everyday! We can’t wait to see you there!

Cosmetic Cosmetics Economy Farming Jobs Jobsreborn Mcmmo Osmetics Peace Peaceful Potato Pve Economy Rankup Shop Silkspawners

Poisonous Potato : SMP

PoisonousPotato is a brand new survival server with an integrated ranking system based on in-game cash! Each rank offers different rewards and permissions, are you the first to reach level 100?

– Ranking system based on In-Game Cash
– Farming-Based Economy
– Peaceful Playing Experience
– Friendly Community
– MCMMO, Jobs, Crates, Custom Items, Cosmetics and More!

SERVER VERSION: 1.15.2-1.16.1


/l/ Advertising Caps CTF Duping Glitch Greif Greifing Jail Minecraftserver Minecraftservers No hacking Respectful Survival Toxic


Welcome to AZOREMC!

We are an SMP server that recently started a few days ago, it was not public but it was for me and my friends, but we decided to open the server up for more people to join, we have currently closed the server for 3 days, This is were you come in, you can go to our website and complete the whitelist application and if you are accepted you will be added to our server, we will reopen on 13th August 2020 THURSDAY. this is when we will open the server to all whitelisted people and we will start the survival!

But before you apply read the rules below,

– No greifing unless you are in some sort of war
– No being toxic this will result in being teleported to our jail
– No hacking, glitching, duping this will result in ban
– No spamming, or excessive use of caps
– No advertising
– Do not argue with staff if you would like to report something email [email protected]

– Be respectful to each other

Aternos Boy Competition Competitions Creative Economy Kitpvp Mini Games Mpet Parkour Paw Pet Pvp Arena Survival Towny


This is a very purified server with the best pvp arena spawn map and with many more plugins.
Best PvP Arena.
Best spawn Map.
Best Plugins.
Best kits on start.

Ability Counter Economy Factions History Problems Pvp Raiding Relaxing Reliable Roble Smo Smooth Story Tekkit

Ratchet Reborn

Experienced staff that has an outstanding history working with players to better their game play! We have returned after a long break to bring you the best network experience to our ability with custom plugins to exciting or relaxing game play we have something for everyone!
Our Mission:
To build the best experience for our player base, We strive to bring a premium server at no cost to the player and strive to run head on into any problems we may encounter to maintain a smooth and reliable server.

Battles Bedwars Economy Floating Kingdoms Mini Games Mini-game Points Pvp Rce Resource Resources Survival Theme Vanilla


TimeToBattle Network!
A land claim based survival server, with a theme of kingdoms. Also features Sphere Battles: a special mini-game based on Bedwars, but with movable spawn points and resources are collected from floating spheres!

Advertising Caps CTF Duping Glitch Greif Greifing Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftlikeserver Hermitcraftserver Jail No hacking Planetminecraft Survival Whitelisted


Welcome to AZOREMC!

We are an SMP server that recently started a few days ago, it was not public but it was for me and my friends, but we decided to open the server up for more people to join, we have currently closed the server for 3 days, This is were you come in, you can go to our website and complete the whitelist application and if you are accepted you will be added to our server, we will reopen on 13th August 2020 THURSDAY. this is when we will open the server to all whitelisted people and we will start the survival!

But before you apply read the rules below,

– No greifing unless you are in some sort of war
– No being toxic this will result in being teleported to our jail
– No hacking, glitching, duping this will result in ban
– No spamming, or excessive use of caps
– No advertising
– Do not argue with staff if you would like to report something email [email protected]
– Be respectful to each other

Adminshop Bank Bauen Chestshops Chestshopsystem Farmwelt Handelsserver Krieg Male Minecraftserver Neu Projekt Spielerhandel Survival Usw

MineTopia | Survival Server 1.16

✘ Hallo liebe Spieler und Spielerinnen ✘
Hallo, wir sind, eine hilfsbereite Community die immer neue Spieler sucht! Das (manchmal nicht-ganz-so-) normale Survival steht bei uns im Vordergrund. Durch die vielen kleinen und großen Anpassungen versuchen wir dir das echte Minecraft-Gefühl mit der richtigen Würze an Extras und einem dicken Topping der Gemeinschaft zu bieten. Unsere Community ist perfekt für Anfänger geeignet. Uns ist es egal ob du zum ersten Mal Minecraft gestartet hast, oder schon viele Jahre Minecraft spielst.

✘ Was wir euch bieten ✘ ➸ Survival.➸ AdminShop.➸ Farmwelt. (Reset alle 2 Wochen.)➸ Bau Nether.➸ Farm Nether. (Reset alle 2 Wochen.)➸ End. (Reset alle 2 Wochen)➸ Ingame Bank.➸ Uvm.✘ Allgemeine Funktionen ✘➸ Freies bauen in der Wildnis Welt.
➸ Sicherung per Plugin der Grundstücke.
➸ Sicherungen der Kisten, Türen, Usw.
➸ Den Befehl /back um zurück zu kommen.
➸ Erstelle dir ein Bank Konto um Zinsen zu kriegen.
➸ ChestshopSystem
➸ Einen Adminshop
➸ Und viele weitere Extras.

✘ Unsere Community ✘Doch was wäre ein Server, ohne seine Community? Und genau darauf legen wir einen großen Wert! Bei uns das Zusammenspielen und damit steht die Community bei uns im Vordergrund. Wir bieten euch den Discord Server um mit der Community im Gespräch zu bleiben. Bei fragen oder sonstigem hilft euch das Server Team und somit wird der Einstieg auf den Server leicht ermöglicht✘Die Wildnis ✘

Dir stehen verschiedene Welten offen, um dich auszuleben. Den Kern des Servers bei uns ist die Wildnis Welt, welche dir Platz zum freien Bauen jeglicher Art bietet. Egal ob du gerade anfängst und eine kleine Hütte als Unterschlupf brauchst, hier findest du für alle deiner Projekte eine Ecke. Unsere Wildnis Welt ist auf der 1.16, wodurch das Spiel auf dem neusten Stand ist.

Komm auf unseren Server!
➸ Server IP ➸➸ Discord IP ➸➸ Webseite ➸➸ Viel Spaß beim Spielen auf dem Server.➸ LG Das Server Team von MineTopiaEU

Bit Creator Creators Customize Customized Development Direct Exception Mana Manage Management Mission Orb Pit Prison


OrbitPrison is a fully customized server with exceptional management, new content being added by the staff team and content creators who help bring our mission and drive to others.

We hope you join our community today and stay up-to-date on the development of the server. Pitch in your suggestions and opinions on our direction and shape the future of the server!

260 Ash Goal Hack Hank Hanks Mad Mini Games Nks Playing Please Pool Thanks Time Yes


A Minecraft server made for anyone to play on.
I am the owner, EnergizedAB, I hope you have a fun time playing on my server, as that is SlashpoolMC’s main goal.

Thanks for playing!
(Note this server is for 1.8.8)
oh yes..please dont hack.

Adventure Aventure Cinema Craft Deo Economie Francais Francophone Grand Ideo Mmorpg Quetes Rpg Server Serveur


Le plus grand serveur MMORPG francophone créé en 6 ans par Jajamic. Ce serveur acceuil une aventure unique: Quêtes, Donjon, économie, Cinématiques, boss uniques.
Si vous pensiez que vous aviez tout vu dans minecraft, que le serveur MMO ne vous surprenne plus, venez découvrir ce qu’il se fait de mieux en serveur français.

À bientôt !


//////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////

Le plus grand serveur MMORPG francophone créé en 6 ans par Jajamic. Ce serveur héberge une aventure unique: quêtes, donjon, économie, cinématiques, boss uniques.
Si vous pensiez avoir tout vu dans minecraft, que les serveurs MMO ne vous surprennent plus, venez découvrir ce qu’il y a de mieux sur les serveurs français.

À bientôt !


1.14 1.14.4 Free To Play Hack Hacks Kitpvp Man Optifine Performance Port Rise Rot Survival Trans Universe

Jakobs KitPvP

An new kitpvp is on the rise! No microtransactons , no ranks , free to play and no hacks! Looking for staff. 1.14.4 Use optifine for best performance. And most important of all….. Have fun!!

Builder Builders Creative Economy Edit Edition High Java Java Edition Love Pvp Suggestions Survival Testing Vanilla


Brand New Server! We are still testing things and would love testers, great builders, and suggestions are welcome! If you help, you could be an admin or get one of our new highest ranks. Java edition 1.16.1

Alone Cosmos Lone Lud Mcmmo Para Paradise Pvp Smo Survival Towny Venture Wild Wildernes Wilderness


A survival server where you can venture with friends or face the wilderness alone.

Plugins include Towny and MCMMO.

Across Creative Faction Pvp Factions Globe Kitpvp Lux Minigames Multiplay Multiplayer Opfactions Opprison Pat Prison Skyblock

Flux Gaming 1.8 – 1.16.1

Amazing content, thrilling multiplayer and loads of new experiences, all for free! Join hundreds across the globe today, on the most anticipated Minecraft Server, Flux Gaming! We’ve spent a lot of time developing Flux Gaming! We have custom gamemodes like Skyblock OP-Factions OP-Prison Creative KitPvP and Loads More! come join and Enjoy!

Admin Apply Ask Aternos Creative Eam Ign Maybe Please Quest Sign Signs Silly Survival Vanilla


Silly-Craft Is A Community Server! When You Join Please Read The Signs! Follow The Signs Around The Beam To The Right!

Also We Are Applying For Admin!
To Apply, If I Am In The Game (Crystle01) Just Ask Me! And I Will Ask
Some Questions! Then MAYBE You Will Be An Admin.

Boom Danish Faction Global Going Hosted Hubserver Mom Prison Rangers Sea Server Skyblock Survival Survivalgames

Boomcraft DK

BoomcraftDK is a newly reopened danish Homehosted Hub server that doesn’t search for staff members at the moment and doesn’t give out free ranks to people, ops Strangers or give them creative game mode, now you know. So if it’s that you are going for, please don’t join the server and find someone else’s server to ask for that, other rules are written at the Hub of the server as global rules

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Cool Ert Friends Hole Lin Minecraft Online Nline Online Pvp Riends Sit Survival Vanilla Vis Who

GMqwerty Survival

In GMqwerty Survival you are able to play with your friends minecraft online! Come to visit and experience Minecraft at its whole.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Servers ip Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!