Action Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Anti Block Build Bukkit Class Crack Cracked Craft Crafting Creative Ddos Donation Donations Dutch Experience Fac Faction Factions FTB Ice Kit Mcmmo Mmo Nation Nations Nice Ops Play Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Time Town Uptime

DutchTownCraft | Cracked |

|Cracked|MCMMO|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS|Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience|Craftbukkit|
|98+% Uptime.|You can build anywhere you like| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops| |Cracked|Creative|SkyBlock|MCMMO|100%Uptime|24/7|Survival|Factions|AntiDDOS |Donations|Nice Staff|Lots of Experience |Craftbukkit|Shops|


Action Actions Active Age Ages Ass Ava Class Com Fac Faction Factions Hardcore Lmao Op Factions Play Prison Pvp Raiding Savage See


Rhythm OP factions the pvp playground for all savages come and see what were all about!

Action Actions Ander Ass Chill Clan Clans Class Com Compete Die End Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Gaming Hill Ill Join Ken Make Ming Mini Minigame Minigames Mpet Nen Pet Plugin Plugins Ran Server Style Ten Zen


Ook zijn er verschillende minigames waar prijzen mee te verdienen vallen.


Active Cat Class Community Craft End Enjoy Enjoyable Experience Friendly Grief Hack Ill Inecraft Land Lands Mean Mine Minecraft Mod Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Pvp Riendly Server Sign Simp Simple Survival Vanilla


Craftedlands is a simple server with friendly players that is community driven. We stick to the “vanilla feel” of what Minecraft was meant to be before all the modifications. Craftedlands was designed and built to deliver the true experience of vanilla minecraft providing an enjoyable experience for the players. Crafteslands uses only a few plugins that do not, we feel, take away from the vanilla feel while protecting the players from hackers and griefers.

Action Active Anti Cheat Chest Class Com Craft End Erver Fac Faction Factions Friends Gaming Grief Has Heat Home Homes Host Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Ming Mmo Need New Plugin Pro Server Survival Multiplayer This

Next Generation Gaming

This minecraft server is hosted by the Next Generation Gaming, LLC. This server has factions and a anti grief system. You can share you chest with your friends and live together as a faction! This is a new server right now that is a work in progress but it come’s with all the plugin’s you need! It come’s with anti cheat and homes and coming soon is MCMMO. More info coming soon.

Age Ass Class Com Content Craft Erver Follow Forum Inecraft List Mage Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Raft Rvival Server Servers Sit Site Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Tps Website

AuraCraft | Survival | Choose

Server IP:


Active Admin Admins Adult Block Bukkit Claim Class Economy Enjoy Enjoyable Event Experience Fun Grief Ill Join King Kit Non Open Play Player Playtime Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Rank Ranking Semi Semi Vanilla Server Shop Shops Slimefun Spawn Survival Vanilla



Vice is a semi vanilla survival server. We use slimefun and many bukkit plugins for a more enjoyable experience. We recently re launched and would love for you to join us! Join anytime.

-Grief Prevention – claim blocks are earned with playtime
-Open non-linear spawn
-Adult admins
-Built in ranking system
-Optional PvP
-Player owned shops available

Arena Ass Capture Class Death Death match Eam Eat Flag Follow Lag Match Mob Mob Arena Noop Open Pvp Rvival Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tea Team


Mob Arena || Capture the Flag || Team Death Match ||Survival || PVP


Active Ats Ball Chat Class Community Creative End Epic Features Forums Friendly Fun Good Has Hats Ill Join Mall Map Maps Old Play Player Players Pvp Riendly Rol Role Roleplay Sell Server Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Website World


The server is up and running well over two years! The server has A survival world and a creative world!We have a player owned mall to sell your own goods and a /pvp command to toggle your pvp! The server holds 100 people and an epic website/forums and on there you find server maps and more epic server features.We also have two chats ,One for roleplayers and one for players.So i hope you join our server and have good fun!When / if you join you will always be welcomed by our friendly community and staff:D

Action Actions Active Asia Ass Ball Blo Block Chest Chestshop Class Com Eco Econ Econom Economia End Ender Fac Faction Factions Has Mine Ores Pain Paint Paintball Plus Pvp Servidor Servidores Shop Sky Skyblock Sts Survival Multiplayer


Este es Uno de los mejores servidores de todo el mundo, tiene demasiadas cosas como: skyblock, drogas, pvp, factions, chestshop, economia, PaintBall, y muchas cosas mas que te sorprenderán.


Ass Blo Block Class Com Craft End Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Friend Friends Fun Funny Game Join Mini Minigame Raft Real Riends Server Sky Skyblock Style

Sun Craft

Skyblock n Minigame only server.
Really enjoyable and funny.
Come and join with ya friends, now.


8.2 Active America Ass Class Com Craft Erver Join Lmao Pvp Raft Semi Server Survival Multiplayer This Town


This is a semi pvp server. there is pvp and a town (america) Come join!!!1

Active Awesome Bar Best Big Buycraft Class Craft Donate Donation Eco Fac Faction Fast Growing Ill Kit Kits Lag Metro Nation Pro Protect Protection Pvp Rank Ranks Rewards Ring Server Store Survival Multiplayer Tournaments Voting War Website Youtube

[Metro PvP]

IP – 32 slots (for now)
This will be big !
Very fast growing!
Best faction server, Fact.
There is PvP 24/7.
We do regular PvP Tournaments.
Over 4 Starting kits, Donate at and many more to buy !
Awesome Voting rewards
Opportunities to become ranks such as Sponsor and YouTube by creating a video on the server
Barly any Lag -Dos Protection
Our main Aim is to Maximize PvP and limit the Boring stuff.
Website – (work in progress)
Donation Page -
IP –
IP –
IP –

Admin Ass Ball Bov Class Craft Dom Erver Event Help Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mob Noop Open Pain Paint Paintball Pit Plane Planet Plugin Pot Pro Pvp Quest Raven Rvival Server Sponge Style Super Surviva Survival Tech Vip


Jsme CZ/SK Minecraft server. Máme tu několik různých světů a speciálně upravené pluginy. Př.: PVP | Creativ | Pltome | Survival | Planetky | VIP | Sponge | Questy | Schovka | Mob-Aréna | Paintball | Podkopávačka | Skákačka | Bludiště | Skok smrti | Hledání pokladů | Miny | OX a mnoho dalšího. Speciální eventy dělá jednou za den k večeru nebo vícekrát admin, který si hráči přejou. Je tu možnost zakoupit si VIP, akce aspoň 5x do roka a soutěže o VIP. Kdyby si něco potřeboval napiš nám na webu. Lze se připojit do Admin týmu serveru, na webu vyplníte a odešlete přihlášku na Helpra nebo po domluvě s Akenem si koupíš B-Helpra. Neváhej se připojit a získej co jevíce věcí hned na začátku a vybuduj si ducha bojovníka 🙂
Občas tu jsou soutěže v eventech, kde můžeš vyhrát jakékoliv VIP. Pomocí hlasování pro tento server lze také získat VIP až trvalé Super-VIP.
Každy si u nás, najde to co ho baví )
Příjemnou hru a krásný zážitky přeje Admin tým.


Action Actions Active Ass Class Fac Fact Faction Factions Lmao Pvp Survival Multiplayer Sword Werewolf Werewolfs Wolf


Werewolfs factions and pvp

Active Arena Arenas Ass Bro Class Com Conomy Core Creative Different Eat Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Hard Hardcore Mine Miner Miners Mob Mob Arena Normal Server Style Sur Survival Multiplayer Theme Themed World Worlds


We are Magmasurge. A Brony / Pony and Bionicle Themed server. We also have worlds for normal miners, Hardcore worlds, a few differently styled creative worlds, a Mata-nui, mob arenas, Economy, and more! Come check us out!

Allowed Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Bar Beast Class Crate Crates Dark Fac Faction Factions Head Heads King Map Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena New Obsidian Play Player Playerheads Players Pro Raid Raiding Server Silk Spawn Spawner Spawners Vote Whitelist Whitelisted

Total Darkness

TotalDarkness is a brand new Factions, McMMO, PlayerHeads, and MobArena server. We have a brand new map with no border limit. We are looking for new players to populate our server. We also have Vote Crates, Silk Spawners, and ObsidianBreaker. Raiding is allowed and even encouraged. Come check us out we promise you wont be disappointed. Now Un-Whitelisted.


8.3 Active Ass Class Creeper Erver Join Lmao Ree Server Sit Site Survival Multiplayer Valley Website


24/7 creepervalley server
join us on our website

Active Admin Age Allowed Ask Ass Aus Class Com Courage Craft Enjin Erver Game Great Grief Griefing Hank Ill Lin Ming One Points Pve Pvp Pvping Register Run Rvival Server Stealing Survival Tea This Time Welcome


Welcome to the efCraft Survival server.

Griefing, stealing, PVPing is not allowed.

We will have a Points system, which is run by enjin. Because of this we encourage everyone to register for our enjin site at

If you cannot register, then ask an admin to add you.

Thank you for coming and have a great time in game!

Active Ash Ass Aus Cash City Class Erver Everything Free Ill Iron Jail Join Ken Kill Killing Lin One Prison Ran Rank Ree Safe Server Way Who Work

Coin city Jail


Join our prison server where you have to work your way up from the lowest rank [Iron-Prisoner to being [Free]. But watch out because the prison isn’t safe. Everything you work for can be taken because you could be killed on your way to cash-in. Or you could be the one who’s doing all the killing.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Sky Block Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!