1161server 1161survival 1162server 1163server 1164server 116server Creative Creativeplots Creativeserver Hardcore Hardmode Kitpvp Minigames Pvp Skyblock Skywars Survival Survivalserver Uhc


Jsme začínající CZ/SK server.
Nabízíme toho spoustu jako například KitPvP, SkyWars, UHC, SkyBock, Hardcore, Survival a Creative
Také vám můžeme nabídnou kvalitní admin team, eventy, discord server a úžasnou komunitu.
Máme odměny za hlasování, levné VIP a sponzorské ranky které vám dají spousty výhod a vlastní stavby od našich builderů.

Náš discord server:

Building Buying Commands Coreprotect Economy Faction Factions Griefprevenetion Griefprevention Griefproof Griefprotection Minecraft Mining Sell Selling Spigot Vanilla

Simple Minecraft/ Factions/ Grief Protection

Simple vanilla like minecraft with factions as the main goal

California Disney Disneyland Disneylandmc Disneylandminecraft Disneyparks Disneyworld Dlr Kbf Knottsberryfarm Minecraftdisneyland Roleplay Universalstudios Ush Wcp Wcparks Westcoastparks



1:1 Minecraft Disneyland

Frontierland: Finished
Adventureland: 95% Done
Tommarowland: 30% Done
Mainstreet: Finished
Toon Town: Not Started
Galaxys Edge: Not Started
New Orleans Square: 15% Finished


Knott’s Berry Farm

5% Finished


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Ash Awa Away Beast Cash Castr East Faction Pvp Giveaway Giveaways Non Nonop Prize Tmc Trump


Trump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreTrump Factions is a NonOP PVP server join today for CASH prize GIVEAWAYs and moreH prize GIVEAWAYs and more

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

1.16.4 Classic Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Pvp Russia Russian Russian Minecraft

CHUPACRAFT | 1.16.4 | The latest version of the game! Minecraft server

Server DescriptionWelcome!
Our project uses only the latest version of the minecraft game
We have a responsive administration,
If you are an adequate player, come to us!
No privileges that ruin the economy.
Real economy! (as in RF)
The server is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the ping is minimal.
Our discord channel “”
Our VK group “”
Server classic version 1.16.4
Vanilla Server, no plugins!
Good luck everyone!

Adult Architecture Awesome Build Building Creative Custom Fantasy Mature Medieval Nya Pvp Quality Survival Wirtschaft

Block Empirium

Wir begrüßen euch im offiziellen Block Empirium Vorstellungsthread!

Wir auf Block Empirium bieten euch einen kleinen Minecraft Multiplayer Server mit Fokus auf klassischem Survival Gameplay mit besonderem Augenmerk auf eine ausgefallene und ästhetische Architektur. Ergänzt wird unser Spielkonzept durch ein exklusives Aufgebot selbstgeschriebenen Plugins für mehr Spielspaß und einer Auswahl von handelsüblichen Plugins, wie beispielsweise Shopkeeper, die zu unserem goldbasierten Wirtschaftssystem passen.

Block Empirium in Stichpunkten

– reife Community ab 18 Jahren mit einer kompetenten Administration
– Multiplayer Survival Server mit besonderem Fokus auf Bauprojekten
– Communitybestimmte Events
– hausgemachte Plugins

Minecraft Server 18+

Wir sind ein kleines Team regelmäßiger Minecraft Spieler in den besten 20/30ern. Neben unserer Studien-/Arbeitstätigkeiten leiten und finanzieren wir den Server und suchen nach gleichgesinnten Mitspielern, die mit uns zusammen dem Server Leben einhauchen.

Um die Spielerfahrung auf Block Empirium stetig zu verbessern streben wir eine harmonische und reife Community ab 18 Jahren aufwärts an welche Survival Minecraft ebenso schätzt wie gute Architektur und gemeinsame Projekte. Um eine stete Verbesserung der Bauqualität zu gewährleisten, gibt es einen ausgedehnten Konzept Bereich – die Creative Cubes – in denen vielversprechende
Gebäude vorgeplant, besprochen und umgesetzt werden können.

Als Dreh und Angelpunkt der Block Empirium Community dient unser eigener TeamSpeak 3 Server und unser Discord-Server. Wenn ihr euch selbst ein Bild machen wollt findet ihr alle Daten und Bilder auf unserer Homepage

Unsere Custom-Plugins

Wir streben stets danach den Server immer weiter nach unseren eigenen Vorstellungen und Wünschen zu formen, um diversen Spielaspekten noch mehr Tiefe zu verleihen.

Unser hausgemachtes Flugmeisterplugin ermöglicht eine vollkommen neue Art zu reisen. Anstatt zu reiten oder durch Portale zu gehen ermöglichendie Flugmeister einen eindrucksvollen Flug durch unsere Welt, während man zwischen den Städten hin und her reist. Als Flugtier dient die komplette Fauna von Minecraft, darunter auch das legendäre Nyan-Schaf!

Für die Raufbolde unter euch bieten wir ein eigenes BlockEmp-PvP-Plugin,mit dessen Hilfe Arenen erstellt werden können in denen ihr endlos Deathmatch mit beliebig vielen Usern spielen könnt. Ein Scoreboard an der rechten Seite zeigt währenddessen stets wer der größte Schlächter der Arena ist. Und mit dem neuen Enterharken könnt ihr euch wie ein echter Assassine durch die Arena bewegen. Für dieses Plugin gibt es bereits riesige Schlachtfelder – darunter die legendäre Grenzfeste.

Ihr habt zu viel Gold übrig? Probiert doch mal unsere einarmigen Banditen aus in denen ihr mit etwas Glück epische Ausrüstung abstauben könnt, die euch das Leben im PvE erheblich erleichtern! Aber Vorsicht, diese Automaten haben schon viele in den Ruin getrieben.

Auch in Zukunft werden wir immer weiter an unseren serverspezifischen Plugins arbeiten und neue erstellen, darunter in Zukunft ein sehr umfangreiches Angelplugin. Man darf gespannt sein.

Habt ihr Interesse an Block Empirium gefunden? Besucht uns als Gast auf unserem Server, schaut euch um und bewerbt euch für eine Freischaltung in unserem Forum. Der Aufwand wird für euch mit einem tollen Communityerlebnis und endlosen Spielstunden auf unserem Server wieder beglichen. Also besucht uns noch heute auf unserem Server und werdet einTeil vom Block Empirium!

~ Euer Block Empirium Team

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

1.9 Bedrock Creates Head Heads Java Job Jobs Mods No Mods Rock Trade Traders Vanila Vanilla


vanilla xl

cross platform
java log in
bedrock log in port 25565

is all vanilla no mods but has

shop ,jobs, quest,heads,custom traders,creates much more

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

1.16.4 Attack Chatting Chemistry Dtr Farming Farming Simulator Guide Machines Seed Simulator Song Trap Traps Ville

FarmCraft {1.16.4}

Farmcraftis a server about building a farm and chatting with other players.
Inspired by FarmVille, FarmCraft is a time-based farming simulator,
where you are given a plot of land and some seeds that take 5 minutes to
grow. FarmCraft also has some other minigames such as a chemistry
system that adds more depth to the gameplay.

The IP is:

  • Farming and Crafting!
  • A Guide book is given on joining.
  • Chemistry System
  • Midi Song System
  • Dynmap Access
  • Started 11/6/2020
  • Rules:

  • Be mature and civil
  • No offensive language
  • No harassment or bigotry
  • No spamming chat.
  • No harassment or attacks of any kind.
  • No traps on farms
  • No lag machines
  • If you would like to join our discord to keep up to date, click the link below:

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Anti-grief Camp Coreprotect Damage Established Griefprevention Immersive Login Pal Respect Rich Roll Rollback Survival Tool

    Paleocraft, a community for builders!

    Paleocraft is currently white-listed at

    If you have been invited and cannot login, please leave a message.

    Paleocraft is a non-pvp, non-griefing, non-raiding survival server.

    Our Goals:
    To provide a pleasant place to build and experience an immersive environment.
    We have a premium account on an established host and are running 10Gb RAM.
    It is our hope that the in-game experience will become feature rich as we add plugins, but remain fast and lag free.

    Our Rules:
    Be nice, be reasonable. Respect your neighbor’s vistas.

    Current Plugins:

    Prevents all forms of grief – build/break, theft, spam, spawn camping, and more without a database.

    A fast, efficient, data logging and anti-griefing tool. Rollback and restore any amount of damage.

    600 Comingsoon Creative Dungeons Events Guard Kyn Land Claims Minecraft Server Ip Networkserver News Risk Skyblock Sprisky Survival

    =Sprisky Network=

    Sprisky Network

    Hello, Welcome to Sprisky Network!

    Sprisky Network is a Survival focused server that uses a multitude of plugins to give the best possible Minecraft Experience.

    Here are some plugins we use to benefit our players

    – Land claims (To protect your build)
    World Guard
    – Player Logging
    – Shop
    – Pets
    – Jobs

    Come and join our friendly active staff on Minecraft and Discord!

    We aim to create a peaceful and friendly atomosphere for all players.

    Current active Gamemodes


    Coming soon


    Join Sprisky Discord for all the latest news and to connect with other players!
    Minecraft Server Ip: or

    Bendingarena Bungeecord Citizens Creative Discord Eula Factions Jobsreborn Kitpvp Kor Korra Minigames Playershops Projectkorra Rpg

    Opheon Bending Network

    Bungee Support
    Our server has full bungee support with 5 different servers connected to
    it being: Factions, Skykits, Minigames, RPG, and our Hub/Creative
    server! Everything for the server works off of GUI as well!

    We use project korra with our config being updated weekly based off of
    players feedback on moves. Everyone on the server has the ability to
    change elements at will between fire, air, water, and earth!

    We have unique role for VIP members who are willing to donate to keep
    the server running! Everything our VIPs receive are purely cosmetic to
    keep with EULA rules. These include exclusive trails, pets, and much
    more. All of these perks can also be bought through other servers such
    as minigames or skykits with in game money!

    We have a unique factions plugin that goes well beyond the normal
    factions. In ours it is economy based where you will be able to buy
    things such as upgrades for your factions, more land, and much more!
    There are 10 unique jobs to choose from to gain money and move up in
    baltop ranks. There are also admin shops with dynamic pricing and player
    shops used through a GUI to keep everyone safe when buying and selling
    items from anywhere. There is also a bending arena where you can go and
    fight to the death and 5 unique training arenas one for each element and
    then one for all elements.

    Our skykits server is one of a kind with maps changing on it every 2-3
    months. There are over 60 unique kits to buy and play with. With these
    kits there are 5 original ones then each original kit will be enhanced
    depending on the sub element you choose for it! You will also be able to
    buy in game perks with money received from skykits and there are item
    drops on the server!

    Our Creative server is part of our hub where you can go and build whatever you’d like. Once done you can submit your plot to be judged and either considered for build team or receive money to spend in the server shop to buy things like world edit!

    Work in progress!

    Work in progress!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Beer Brewery Crates Economy Guide Haven Interactive Journey Meet Mythicdrops Npc Pve Economy Quests Shop Towny

    New Haven

    Welcome to New Haven!

    This server is full of features including:

    * Quests
    * Interactive NPC’s
    * Story
    * Towny
    * Brewery
    * Jobs
    * McMMO
    * Crates

    So many more features for you to explore. We are a very friendly community that will help guide you through our journey within New Haven. Our goal is to meet your expectations and hopefully you will have fun within our slice of home!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Civ Cosmetic Custom Armor Elytra Goodtimes Heads Hulk Launched Modifications Shulk Shulker Sleep Stands Survival Multiplayer Unfair

    GoodTimesMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Java} {1.16.3} {18+}

    About us

    We are a newly launched server with the focus of creating a community wherein everyone can flourish together. In this server, we offer:

  • A vanilla experience
  • A small but active player base
  • Features

    Although we are a vanilla server, we have implemented some quality of life and cosmetic features such as:

  • Core Protect
  • Custom armor stands
  • Double shulker drops
  • Dragon drops elytra
  • 1 Player sleep
  • Mob heads
  • Hud coordinates
  • Rules

  • No Griefing or hacking
  • Keep chat civil
  • No unfair game modifications
  • Have fun 🙂
  • Join us!

    Apply here:

    Application Applications Ations Cat Current Diablo Factions Open Pvp Raiding Sale Sales Stad Win Winter


    Welcome to stadiablock factions! New revamp!

    We are currently having 70 off winter sales!
    Join us today! We have staff applications open also!

    Aves Caves Caves And Cliffs Caves And Cliffs Update Cliffs Exploit Iffs Isle New Snapshot Shot Snap Snapshot Snapshots Technical Vanilla

    Wafflez Snapshot Caves and Cliffs

    New Caves and Cliffs Update Snapshot Server Period
    – Just like last snapshot period for 1.16, I will be hosting a server that will be regularly updates as new snapshots are released every week or so.
    Snapshot Server Rules
    Basic rules for a basic server, Any exploit found in the snapshot versions of the game are technically allowed since its such an early version of the update, but anything that causes lag or disruption on the server is bannable.

    Ars Bed Bedwar Bedwars Factions Games Kywars Mini Games Minigame Minigames Pvp Skyblock Skywar Skywars Wait


    Neweko – A Fun Minecraft Server, we got a lot of MiniGames! Skyblock, Factions, Bedwars, Skywars And More! So what are you waiting for? Join NOW!


    1.16.4 8.2 Ban Banner Better Cool Great Make People Plugin Plugins Survival Survival World Welcome Yes


    welcome to my server this server have great plugins and cool survival world by other people so why don’t you join us and make our net work better

    1.8.8 to 1.16.4
    and yes i have a bad banner i will fix this later

    Anarchy Angle Ask Ats Bedwars Freinds Hats Kitpvp Kywars Mini Games Pvp Raiding Skywar Skywars Survival

    3bf3 minigames

    3bf3 minigames server

    1000 лвл Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp Russian Minecraft Transform Transformation

    StoneLord server Minecraft

    Server Description

    You will find a lot of interesting things on our server.

    We have weddings, transformations into mobs, quests, bosses, super-weapons, clan wars, etc. We have done everything so that you do not get bored!

    Donate with the lowest prices! That is, the biggest privilege OWNER costs only 200 rubles, although she has everything including *

    Best regards, StoneLord =)

    Cheater Cheats Allowed Free To Play Minecraft Griefers Minecraft Survival Mom No Anti Cheat No Donations No Dupes No Protection No Resets Para Paradise Russian Minecraft Spawn

    SwabbyMine is a paradise for cheaters and griefers! Minecraft server

    Server Description

    SwabbyMine Griefers’ Paradise! There is no anti-cheat here, so you can easily cheat, grief, dup. The only rule is not to offend moms or kill on the spawn!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Prison Server ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!